
How to choose a hair color? Selection of hair color in appearance, color type


Posted by: admin in Hair Care 04/25/2018 0 69 Views

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Paint selection

When choosing a dye, you should be guided not only by the desired result, but also by causing the least damage to your hair. Despite the fact that they are devoid of nerve endings, hair is as alive as our entire body. If the hair section is examined under a microscope, you can see 3 layers, the top of which is a scaly coating. Scales that fit tightly say that the hair is healthy. Otherwise, the strands look dim, the ends are split. This often happens after bleaching. Paints of the new generation will help to cope with these and other problems. They do not contain ammonia and do not cause allergies, that is, they are practically harmless to hair.

Hair color by color type

Today, almost every girl passed the test for determining the color type. If not - do not hesitate! Today there are a great many! And many women still care about the question: “What hair color will suit me?” If your color type is “Spring” or “Autumn” (warm skin color), then choose the shade “Bronze” or “Caramel” - they are a little darker than your skin. But if you want to have a golden tint, do not take too light, because your hair may turn orange.

Cold color type, "Summer" or "Winter", you should avoid shades that give red your skin: golden chestnut, gold and copper. The selection of hair color in this case is best for you to limit the light brown shades and tone "Ash Blonde."

Gentlemen choose blondes?

Oddly enough, but all the most famous blondes in the world are ladies with dark blond hair! Among them, Madonna, Marilyn Monroe, Jessica Lange, Sharon Stone, Kim Basinger and so on. These actresses have a light shade of hair - artificial, but it is he who makes their appearance very bright. Now many will be puzzled to ask: "And what hair color will suit me?" Surprisingly, the darker a person's hair, the brighter his face features. It turns out that changing a blond shade of hair to a lighter one, does a woman make her look less catchy? But at the same time natural blondes (Scandinavian type - girls with pale skin and very bright eyes and hair) have a soft beauty that does not throw eyes. In this case, the meaning can be light toning to give the hair a more saturated color. In addition, it makes sense to adjust the shade of eyebrows, which should be a tone darker than the hair, otherwise the integrity of the image will be broken.

Red beast

Bright, fiery mane is a way of life, and not just the selection of hair color. Women with natural red hair color are extremely rare. Celebrities include Amalia Mordvinova, Nicole Kidman and Julian Moore. Juicy shades attract the attention of confident, boldly going to the experiments and ready for the actions of women. They do not go unnoticed! Changing your color to red, you go on an adventure, and this again characterizes your nature as strong and confident. The only exceptions are cases when a stylist or hairdresser took the decision for you. In this case, thank him and go ahead to conquer the opening horizons! If red is your natural color, but you are trying to get rid of it, it may mean that you do not accept your natural brightness and try to change your character through an artificial hue.

Brown-haired - who are they?

Several years ago, stylists, choosing models for photography and fashion shows, preferred girls with dark and medium-colored hair, although shortly before this page of glossy magazines and catwalks were filled with blondes. Such a trend could be noticed by tracking the change of the image of famous representatives of show business, cinema and regulars of secular parties. Dark fashionable hair color appeared in Elena Ischeeva, Svetlana Bondarchuk, Cameron Diaz. But it is worth noting that not all such changes to face. Cameron Diaz is just an unfortunate example: women with very light eyes and fair skin should be categorically contraindicated to be brown-haired. The face of the actress began to look tired, the features sharpened, with the new color added to her visually eight years. Agree that, changing the image, the girls are unlikely to seek a similar result. Despite the fashion trends do not forget about the features of their appearance.

Age and hair color

It is believed that the dark color is very old. In older women, facial features are no longer the same as in young divas: wrinkles, uneven skin tone, etc. Against the background of rich black hair, your face becomes dull, and with bright make-up it looks at all vulgar. The exception in this case can only be women born brunettes. How to choose hair color in this case?

Light shades are suitable for women of all ages, you just need to choose them correctly. Blond hair face “refresh”, while in the post-balzakovskom age, it is desirable to use tones that are close to natural. At the same time, bright colors should not be ruled out, although they should be carefully selected with makeup and constantly monitor the rapidly growing roots. In this case, gray hair becomes noticeable and creates a sense of disharmony in the whole image.

Hair length and color

Hair dyes are a convenient way to change your own appearance beyond recognition. So far as the use of the dye will be appropriate, depends only on us. When thinking about how to choose a hair color that will later become yours, you need to take into account your own type of appearance - the black color of your girlfriend can give charm, he will make you older by a few years, or, becoming a blonde, you will not look sexy and flirty, but vulgarly.

To avoid an undesirable "effect", you can do a "fitting" of various shades on the computer, or go to the salon where high-quality wigs are sold, and measure them. For yourself, you can make unexpected discoveries: for example, it turns out that copper is suitable for you, although you never thought about changing the hair color in this direction. Maybe your long strands will suit the honey shade, but if you suddenly want to make a straight short square, then your color can be a dark chestnut.

If you can handle photos in Photoshop or other editors, you can “try on” an unlimited number of shades! You will understand how to choose a hair color. But do not despair if you do not own these programs. Today, in some beauty salons installed "Photoshop" - hair color and hair you will pick up the masters themselves.

Hair color and face shape

Everyone knows that light-colored clothing visually gives centimeters, and dark slim. About the same happens with hair color. So which hair color to choose? If the shape of your face is round, then blond hair will visually make it even more, blurring the contours. In this case, dark hair will play the opposite role and skillfully emphasize the boundaries of the face.

To correct the shape, the correct choice of styling or cutting is even more important. So, people with a broad face will not fit the square - it will make the face visually wider. If you have a narrow forehead, then avoid bangs, otherwise you will look gloomy and inhospitable.

In addition, there are several ways to choose a hair color - a test for color type, for example, one of them. You can easily cope with this task and find out what shade suits you.

Coloring and highlighting: cons and pros

Many girls like coloring (simultaneous coloring of hair in several tones) or highlighting (lightening of individual strands). As for the latter, this method of painting can help women with gray hair. Bleached strands blend harmoniously with gray hairs, so no one would think that you are no longer 25.

Lightened strands will look great on girls who were white in childhood, but with age, the color of the strands changed to blond. The image will be natural, fresh, because it creates the effect of sun-bleached hair.

Coloring does not need to be done too contrasting and bright, remember that you go to work and wear different clothes, so the combination of multi-colored hair and office suit can hardly be called successful.

Henna for any time

Choosing paint, you need to consider whether you want to change the color for a long period or just want to give a shade of two weeks. Starting from this, you should buy paint the necessary degree of resistance. Paints less resistant cause a small blow to the health of the hair, because they contain sparing dyes.

But still there is a durable paint that is useful for hair. Older and middle-aged women have probably already guessed that this is about henna. It makes hair roots stronger and more shiny. At the same time it gives shade from red to chestnut, it all depends on the original shade. To avoid excessively saturated color, henna can be mixed in various proportions with basma, the addition of which makes the color darker. Remember that these dyes can be used only if there is a uniform shade of hair, otherwise the effect will be far from necessary. In addition, chemical dyes can be used only after a long time - the henna is practically impossible to kill.

To change or not?

This question is often asked tender half of humanity. It is customary to think that nature in colors and proportions does not err in creating us, but we constantly want to bring ourselves to the ideal. And what do we take for the ideal? Model conditional standards, someone's opinion, descriptions in gloss? The motives are also different for everyone: some need to be like a star, others need a neighbor because the husband sometimes looks at her, and the third is influenced by spring. Or autumn ...

Dear ladies! Reasonable reason to change the appearance can only be your personal idea of ​​real beauty. Who sees you most often? Of course, you yourself, when you admire the reflection in the mirror. Seeing your harmonious image, each time you will be charged with the energy of confidence, which will be transmitted to everyone you meet on the way. You have many opportunities to change your own appearance, but you should not abuse them - nature almost never makes mistakes!

Black fits:

  • women with dark or very fair skin. It should be noted that brunettes with milky-white skin look very extravagant, and the blue-black tint gives them a resemblance to Snow White,
  • holders of brown, green and greenish-brown eyes.

Brown-eyed brown-haired women and natural blondes black color can give a gloomy and tired look.

Blue-eyed and gray-eyed women stylists do not recommend dyeing the curls in the dark, because the eyes at the same time lose their expressiveness (hair color for blue eyes). Despite the recommendations of stylists, many light-eyed beauties, repainted in the pitch color, are very pleased with the result. Women like women summer and winter women (European type of face, bright eyes and cool natural shades of hair) can allow themselves such experiments.

It can help to determine if black-colored hair is suitable for you with photos of famous actresses and models with light eyes. Among the famous light-eyed actresses and models, at least sometimes brunettes, can be noted:

  • Liv Tyler (natural - dark blond, eyes - blue) №1,
  • Emily DiDonato (eyes - blue, hair - brown) №2,
  • Isabelle Ajani (blue eyes, natural brunette) №3,
  • Vivien Leigh (eyes are gray, curls are chestnut) No. 4, etc.

Although black hair color looks very impressive, it can visually make the face more thin and tired, emphasize skin imperfections (acne, irritation, wrinkles, etc.) and gray hair, therefore it is not recommended for aged women (except for natural brunettes), owners freckles and women with skin problems.

It is also recommended to paint curls in the dark with thin and damaged strands - black hair visually looks more voluminous and thick.

The palette of black colors

Shades of black hair color from almost all well-known manufacturers of dyes are represented by black, bluish-black and plum-black.

  • The blue black hair color is a deep black color that acquires a light blue shade and beautiful shine in the sun. The ideal color for women with dark skin - it turns out Asian type of appearance.
  • Black tulip hair color is a dark color with a slight reddish or eggplant tint, which is suitable for women with a winter type of appearance (contrast and bright appearance, cold natural tone).

In order to get a rich color, the curls sometimes have to be discolored, so it is better to paint the hair in the salon, where a good hairdresser can mix several tones if necessary, which will give the curls a natural look.

If you like to experiment, then there are a large number of options for ombring and highlighting for dark hair.

The effect of black hair on character

Modern studies of psychologists confirm the long-established view that the color of the hair has an impact on a person’s character and, consequently, on his lifestyle. It is believed that the owners of dark curls - people confidently moving towards their goal, prudent and fairly tough. Women have male traits in character, but this does not prevent them from being mysterious and mysterious.

Brunettes are prone to loneliness, prefer to communicate with a limited circle of close friends, and in husbands choose, as a rule, men with a soft character.

Sociological studies confirm popular wisdom, which says that men love blondes and marry brunettes, as they consider them more reliable, and therefore more suitable for family life.

In addition, when applying for a job and with new social contacts, the stereotype about the natural nearness of blondes often works, so the brunettes have clear advantages in this regard.

Makeup and style suitable for brunettes

There is no one piece of advice for all brunettes, without exception, since every woman is individual. However, there are general recommendations of stylists and makeup artists, allowing to emphasize the individual beauty of the owners of tar strands. So, dark-skinned and dark-eyed women with black hair may not resort to bright makeup, but with light skin and bright eyes, bright makeup is necessary.

To make your eyes look expressive, we recommend:

  • to draw eyes with a pencil (coal-black color is still in the lead),
  • use golden and bronze shades of eyeshadow (look great with sparkles),
  • use cool shades of eye shadow (pink, blue, white, etc.).

Brunettes lips should be bright and appetizing. Can be used:

  • bright red lipstick shades
  • all shades of pink.

For brunettes fit almost all the colors of clothing, although the most spectacular will be clothes of red, white and dark shades.

In addition, the top five popular colors of clothes for brunettes included:

  • Gray. Looks great with metal accessories.
  • lavender,
  • aquamarine, giving brunettes romance and femininity,
  • fuchsia color
  • citrus shade, suitable as a romantic and eccentric black-haired beauty.

Hair care, dyed in black

Straightening with the help of an ironing curls, painted in resin color, is not recommended, as this can provoke hair loss.Since dark curls like volume, making tight hair is also not desirable. For washing it is better to use shampoos for colored hair. Black hair color requires careful care, so you should tint the roots in time and make sure that the curls look healthy and shiny.

Who would be black hair?

A huge number of women dream of becoming brunettes, thinking that this hair color will make them more beautiful and fatal. But they don’t think about such important issues as: black hair color to whom does black hair color age or not? In this article we will look at the pros and cons of dyeing in black, shades of black hair, how this color affects your character, how to care for it and what to wear with this hair color.

Women most often dye their hair in order to paint over gray hair. And also due to the fact that they like to experiment on their appearance and change their image.
Many women with light brown hair prefer to repaint it more saturated and bright, as it is believed that this is a “mouse” color. But for the European (or Central Russian) appearance is the most common hair color. And due to the fact that so many repaint their hair color, they even forget how their natural looks.

Cons when dyeing hair black:

So, the most unpleasant surprise that can occur with the wrong selection of shades is that black hair color can age you, and how this is reflected:

1. All the flaws in your skin show up. Pigmentation and wrinkles, even if they were barely noticeable, black hair will accentuate and make them more pronounced. If you have small dark circles or swelling under the eyes - then you will emphasize them even more. Face contours blur, eyes and nose become less clear.
2. Your face may become painful, it will become more pale, sluggish and shapeless. Lips will become more pale, even acquire a shade of blue. And his eyes will be tired and extinct.
3. If there is a blush on the cheeks, after dyeing black, the cheeks can glow with a more saturated color. Olive skin color is inherent to European appearance, and when dyed, the skin becomes earthy and even becomes painful.

If suddenly you have a standard European appearance: natural light brown hair color, gray or blue eyes and light skin, then you shouldn’t even think about changing your face to a brunette. Because this hair color will not make you a “fatal beauty”, but on the contrary you will lose your individuality and brightness and get a tired and painful look. It is in vain to hope, at the same time, that it will be possible to put a brighter make-up, still your eyes and skin will remain as bright. In this case, makeup will not help, but only aggravate and emphasize disharmony in your appearance.

Brunettes by nature look different, they have from birth in appearance there are bright colors: their skin is either darker or almost white. White skin color looks very contrast compared to other colors of the external appearance. The eyes have cool shades, either brown or blue, and the eyebrows and eyelashes are dark in color.

With proper selection of hair color, the effect is absolutely opposite - the skin takes on a fresh look, the eyes become clearer, the lips look more juicy, small skin imperfections appear less noticeable. And, in general, your whole appearance takes on a healthier appearance, and sometimes even younger!
Before you decide on what color to repaint, look in the mirror, preferably in front of the window in daylight and without a tonal basis on the face. Look at your eyes, eyebrows and eyelashes. And only after that proceed to the choice of the color in which you want to repaint. Or it may be worth asking for advice from stylists. As a new hair color, you can emphasize your individuality and make your appearance brighter, but only if you choose the right shade for your type of appearance.

If you still decide to become a brunette, then let's consider who goes black hair:

1. Women with dark skin and dark eyes (brown, black),
2. Women with snow-white skin and with cold eyes (blue, green).
But there are, of course, exceptions to the rule, when girls, despite the recommendations of stylists, are repainted black and are very pleased with the result.
However, it should be remembered that if suddenly you are not satisfied with the hair color, then the black color is not so easily washed off. Better go first and try on a black wig.

As a rule, all well-known manufacturers of hair-dye produce three shades of black color:,
2. Missin black
3. sugar black.

The blue-black hair color has a deeper shade; under the influence of the sun's rays this black color gets a little blue and glitters very beautifully. This shade is ideal for girls with dark skin, while getting the appearance of the Asian type.

A creamy black shade is suitable for girls with a winter-type appearance, when the skin is more pale. It turns out a very contrasting combination: white skin and black hair color.
It is better to do the coloring of the professionals in the cabin. An experienced hairdresser can mix several shades of black in order to get the perfect tone that suits your type of appearance. Also, if you like experiments, but you do not want to completely dye your hair black, then there is an alternative to full hair dyeing - this is coloring.

Character brunettes

Now, many psychologists have proven that the color of your hair depends not only on your character, but also on your entire lifestyle. As a rule, people with dark hair are more confident in life towards their goal, they can make tough decisions, and are always more calculating. Brunettes tend to have male traits, but they can also have such traits as mystery and mystery. Owners of black hair, most often love loneliness and communicate mainly with a narrow circle of people. And when choosing a husband most often rely on the weaker men who have a gentle nature.

Popular wisdom says: "Men prefer blondes, and in marriage take brunettes". Sociologists, having conducted a large number of surveys, came to the conclusion that this is indeed the case. Because men consider girls with dark hair to be more reliable, well, therefore they are more suitable for the role of wife. And besides, when a new acquaintance with a blonde girl, stereotypical thinking most often works, and she is associated with a windy and not very smart person. In this brunettes have a distinct advantage.

Recommendations how to wear and what to wear brunettes

It is impossible to give the same advice to each owner of black hair, because they are all individual. But still, stylists and makeup artists have developed general rules that will help to highlight each individual’s personality.

If you are a brunette with black hair and brown eyes, then you are not recommended to use bright colors when applying makeup. And on the contrary, if you are the owner of snow-white skin and you have bright eyes, then you cannot do without bright accents on your face.

How to emphasize the eyes and make them more expressive and bright:

1. it is advisable to use eyeliner (liquid or eyeliner),
2. to color the eyelids with golden and bronze shades,
3. Try to apply only shades of cold shades.

If you are a stinging brunette, then you will definitely come up with a bright accent made on the lips. This will help you a bright red lipstick and any pink shades.

As for clothes, the owners of black hair can in no way restrict themselves, because they are suitable for almost all colors. But the most advantageous of them look red, white and any dark shades. Now stylists have developed a top list of five colors that look best on brunette girls:

1. Gray shades. They can be perfectly complemented with metal ornaments.
2. Lavender color.
3. Green blue shade or color aquamarine.
4. Purple color or as it is called fuchsia.
5. Citrus shades.

Caring for black curls

1. It is not recommended to use tongs-straighteners frequently, because this can lead to hair loss.
2. It is not advisable to tighten your hair in a tight hairstyle, because black strands look better in voluminous hairstyles.
3. Shampoo is best used for colored hair.
4. Well, and most importantly, do not forget to tint the roots and make sure that your hair always has a healthy and shiny look.

Test. Hair color and character

Please note - all of the following applies to the natural hair color. If you dye your hair, you are most likely dissatisfied with your natural data, and strive to correct not only the image, but also some character traits.

Blonde (all shades of blond hair - from blond to blond)

“The beauty of what a fool” is a sexy and at the same time naive pacifier, which only cares about its own appearance. This standard portrait of the heroine jokes with these blondes has little in common. Is that the statement about sexuality is true. Natural blondes are the kind disappearing from the face of the Earth, there are few of them left - about 16% of the population of the Earth, but more than half of men (about 70%) dream about them. In this case, men, as a rule, deceive themselves, believing that such a wife "by default" will be docile and tender. Perhaps the reason for such ideas is that many blondes have several childish features of the face (the “fault” to that genes) that are associated with the qualities described above. But how wrong are men!

Girls with blond hair - not stupid, not naive and not soft. They know better than others in ... math and science. And, like no one else, they can trust their intuition. Behind their composure and endurance is hidden a lot of strong emotions, but blondes prefer to keep them in themselves, not showing to others. No girl with this hair color trusts another person so strongly as to allow him to look into his soul and see what is really going on there. Because of the discrepancy between men's expectations and reality - instead of an obedient and gentle woman, they "suddenly" get a calculating clever girl who does not miss her advantage, a misunderstanding arises, which usually ends in divorce. By the way, public “opinion” and stamps put pressure on blond hairs with such force that their first (last) date with a man is likely to end up in bed.

The ash blondes are distinguished by a passionate desire to stand out from the crowd by any means, if in order to achieve the goal you need to go over the heads of others, they will do so without hesitation.

Brunette (black, bluish-black, very dark brown hair)

Girls with black or very dark hair are very often, as they say, "mind." There are a lot of melancholic people among them - thin-skinned, sensitive persons, prone to deep experiences of even minor failures and self-help. The fact that such self-doubt and a sudden lightning mood change from good to disgusting, brunettes know firsthand. “The thought spoken is a lie” - most of them agree with this passage of Tyutchev, that is why brunettes prefer not to talk about their feelings and problems. They instantly flare up like matches, and also instantly calm down.

One of the favorite ways of self-assertion of brunettes is breaking men's hearts. And the point here is not at all the fiery sexual temperament - in this way they get rid of the doubts tormenting them of their beauty and need for other people. Dark-haired more than others are interested in psychology in general and psychotherapy in particular, art and religion. The lighter the tone of the face, the more pronounced are the described qualities and the brighter is sentimentality. Brunettes are very goal-oriented persons: innate tactics and strategists - in most cases they achieve what they want.

Interestingly, men dream of blondes, and usually marry "fatal women" - brunettes - this rule applies to billionaires. In one study, data was collected on the color of their wives' hair. Almost 70% of the hundred billionaires surveyed had wives - brunettes. And only 22% were blondes.

Red (from orange to copper shades)

Redhead girls are nervous more than others and have an "explosive" temperament. The fact is that they produce less anti-stress hormones than women with different hair color. Such persons are emotional, impulsive and sometimes inconsistent. Redheads hate being pressured and difficult to put up with all sorts of conventions, preferring to be known as big originals than stepping on their own songs and behaving “as they should be”. They firmly believe that no one owes anything to anyone, and actively embody this principle in life. Redheads sneeze like on authorities, the opinion of a single person is important for them, and this person is themselves. They find it difficult to get along in a team, precisely because they prefer to “go out of step" and prefer the status of "individuals".

Redheads very rarely "filter" their statements, they do not hold spontaneity. By the way, this spontaneity, as a rule, extends to all spheres of life, including sexual. Redheads not only have sex more often than others, but also manage to do it with different partners. In addition, these girls know how to think in an unconventional way.

Brown-haired (brown hair of all shades, except very dark)

Gentle, “cozy”, as if radiating warmly, brown-haired women are often underestimated by men - and in vain! Most of the brown-haired women have a rather even, calm character. They are sociable and pleasant in communication - they make new acquaintances with pleasure, they don’t need long and painful to choose a suitable topic for a conversation, as a rule, spontaneous conversation takes place as if by itself. Their strengths also include balance and stress resistance. With a sweet smile on her face, a brown-haired woman is able to extinguish the “fire” in the office in a couple of minutes and find a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation, without giving in to panic. But in the "peaceful life", when there is no rush, and, as a result, unplanned adrenaline splashes into the blood, the monotonous, routine work is given to her extremely hard, casting anguish.

Often, brown-haired women, without even realizing it, rely not on their appearance, but on their mind, and then wonder why men perceive them as “guys in a skirt”, highly value their intellect, professional competence and ability to think logically, trust the juicy details of personal life and. have romance with other women.

Photos of brunettes from the back on avu in contact

Spectacular and bright brunette will always be the center of attention! If you are a happy owner of this particular hair color and do not want to change such a good image, then it's time to attract new friends, “play” with the image of a fatal beauty. Do not want to turn into a stylish predator? Then it's time to try on a sensual, romantic or, maybe, a little sad photo, appearing next time on VKontakte.

Beautiful brunette girls from the back on avu to classmates

A stylish and mysterious photo from the back is a great alternative to tons of banal selfies and photos like “me and a palm tree”.A suitable funny, intriguing or “thematic” photo, reflecting your hobbies, will surely attract the attention of old friends and, maybe, help you find new ones? Or maybe it will help to meet again in real life with that shy guy that you have not seen since high school?

Brunettes from the back on avu in vk at home

A cozy and beautiful photo of the house is a great idea when you don’t feel like drawing your own “creative chaos” at home. And in order not to lose anonymity, you should put a photo of a girl on your avatar, as if busy with your business or with your face covered with hair.

Photos of brunettes from the back without a face in winter

Winter turns dark-haired girls into real Snow Queens. A warm and gentle image or a romantic stranger among a sleeping city - who would you like to become today? A professional photo under the flying snowflakes will beautifully shade the bright hair color and give the image a bit of fragility and touchingness.

Photos of brunettes with long hair and flowers

A spectacular photo with flowers is simple and at the same time very cute! It is not necessary to demonstrate a luxurious bouquet from a loved one, though ... Why not brag? And having tried on the image of a girl-spring or summer beauty, you probably will not leave anyone indifferent.

Photo brunettes side

Tired of "silhouettes" from the back? So, it's time to change them to spectacular photos from the side view. Fallen hair will cover the face, leaving a magnificent figure. Such a spectacular profile photo will surely attract attention while maintaining the anonymity. And this perspective will help to demonstrate in all its glory graceful silhouette and slender legs.

Photos of brunettes with glasses

Stylish glasses, especially dark - a great way to "disguise", without closing the face and without resorting to such tricks as a photo from the back. And, of course, this is a great way to “try on” an image of not only beautiful women, but also clever ones, even if you don’t think of life without convenient and practical lenses.

You watched a selection of photos of brunettes on avu. More photos can be seen in the section.

For many beautiful ladies it is not a secret that men love with their eyes. If a girl is beautiful, her appearance is charming and attracts attention, he begins to do everything to draw her attention to himself. Naturally, good character and mental qualities are very important and a man will definitely pay attention to them. But it will be later, and at the beginning each representative of the stronger sex acts instinctively, if he is fascinated by the appearance of a beautiful girl.

Beauty is even mysterious in photo 1 and acts on men in a magical way.

Photo-1. Mysterious girl

The concept of beautiful appearance consists of many factors. This and the presence of a normal physique, clear skin, healthy teeth, thick shiny hair, a pleasant smell and of course, excellent health.

Actually, doctors and psychologists say that this is the whole secret of beauty. But there are situations when a girl is beautiful, as in photo 2 on the cover of a magazine, has perfect proportions, a blonde with well-groomed skin and hair, but does not enjoy success, does not attract attention. So, in order to be beautiful, this is not enough.

Photo-2. It’s not enough to be beautiful

There is one more thing that significantly affects the perception of men - this is a personal charm, a manifestation of a beautiful girl only her inherent unique expressions of feelings, turns of the head or gait. As well as her inner feelings of her own attractiveness, which perfectly conveys any photo 3.

Photo-3. Personal charm, the manifestation of a beautiful girl only her inherent unique expressions of feelings

Beauty Standards

It may seem that concern for their appearance is present only in modern beauties. But this is not the case. For many centuries, beautiful girls were also attracted by their forms and were peculiar standards of beauty. This is well seen in art and photo 4, where at different periods artists depicted beautiful girls with certain forms and looks. Each era had its own ideas about beauty.

Photo-4. Beauty standard

In the old days, it was believed that a beautiful girl is healthy, capable of surviving on her own and raising offspring under difficult conditions. Valued large forms, thick hair, blush. Also beautiful girls were considered complete, because it indicated a sign of prosperity.

However, it should be noted that the fashion for the trend of the Russian girl-beauty has remained popular for quite a long time.

Tall stature, density, and even body builds have been valued at all times. And now there are many connoisseurs of lush beautiful girls, because, judging from photo 5, they look quite attractive. Sometimes fullness is one of the important selection criteria for men who prefer such forms. The basis of choice here are only personal tastes, and not accepted ideals of beauty.

Photo-5. Completeness is one of the important criteria for the selection of men

The very first finds of the image of a primitive woman indicate that the cult of wide hips, large breasts and a full abdomen is quite tenacious in the subconscious of men. Today, such beautiful girls are no less successful than slender skinny girls. Even in photo 6, they are distinguished by their peculiar charm, grace, and generosity of forms, which nature has endowed them, which also testifies to the generosity of feelings and manifestations.

Photo-6. They are distinguished by their peculiar charm, grace, and generosity of form.

But the European canons of beauty dictate very different rules, as can be seen from photo 7. Pampered, she recognized a beautiful girl with a pale, emaciated face, thin, covered in a narrow dress.

Photo-7. Beautiful skinny girls

The thinness was considered a sign of aristocracy, refinement. Perhaps these trends have shifted to modern catwalks, where, until recently, we have seen very thin models that are considered to be stylish, beautiful girls. Yes, and recognized the beauties of the fashion industry are notable for their strong thinness and for many, especially young girls, have become the benchmark of a beautiful girl.

They are distinguished by tall stature and slender physique, and have a small chest. This image serves as the ideal of a modern beautiful girl who achieves success along with men.

However, research by psychologists confirms that men value something between a too full or too thin form.

This is a proportionally built figure of a beautiful girl, as in photo 8, which attracts with an ideal ratio of hips, waist and chest and, preferably, blonde.

Photo-8. Attracts the perfect ratio of hips, waist and chest

Fashion designers and stylists even brought some standards: 90x60x90 cm. As can be seen from photo 9, they are considered the ideal of a beautiful girl. The whole secret is in the ratio of thin waist with large chest size and hips.

At the subconscious level, it is perceived as harmonious and attractive. Beautiful blonde girls of model looks enjoy immense success, attracting attention proportional shapes and smooth curves of lines.

Beautiful blonde girls of model appearance are incredibly successful.

Beauty and hair color: the attractiveness of blondes and brunettes

Science says that temperament does not depend on whether a woman was born as a brunette or blonde. However, studies of psychologists have shown that the beauty of a girl is often judged exactly according to him. And for some reason, men a priori consider brunettes affordable, blondes - in need of help or too cold, and red - arrogant.

Brunette you or blonde, your hair color plays an important role in life. He is a tool of attraction and determines the style of communication, feeling and feeling of a beautiful girl. In photo 10 it can be seen that the color and shape of hair can become a manifestation of the internal state, which in brunettes, brown-haired women and blondes can be different.

Photo 10. Brunette you or blonde, your hair color plays an important role in life

Since ancient times, it is believed that hair color determines the character, mood and attitude to life. In all ages, red-haired beautiful girls were considered witches. And this is not surprising, because the beauty of red hair is visible even in photo 11.

Photo 11. In all ages, red-haired beautiful girls were considered witches.

And in fairy tales brunettes and owners of dark hair were necessarily negative heroines. Although the brunettes have a peculiar charm, as can be seen from photo 12.

Photo-12. Owners of dark hair were necessarily negative heroines.

But all the princesses, girls beautiful and clever were always golden-haired blondes. Judging by the photo 13, so we imagine them now. Blondes are associated with real femininity.

Photo-13. The girls beautiful and clever were always golden-haired blondes.

Physiologists reveal the secret of blondes and brunettes, which is associated with endocrine features. If testosterone (male hubbub) dominates in the girl's body, she will be a brunette or a dark-haired one. Burning brunette, as a rule, different purposefulness, activity and courage. Photo 14 fully reflects the character of such a bright and beautiful brunette girl.

Photo-14. Burning brunette, as a rule, different purposefulness, activity and courage.

If estrogen (female hormone) predominates in the body, then the color of such hair will be luminous. Blondes have a more feminine character, softer and more compliant, photo 15 conveys a gentle, refined image.

Photo-15. Such girls convey a soft, elegant image.

Painted blondes can very well hide their feelings, and sometimes they simply do not have them, their tact is as cold as nature. A kind of image of the Snow Queen, as seen in photo 16.

Photo-16. Painted blondes can very well hide their feelings

From brunette to blonde and vice versa

Why do women change their hair color, seeking to become a brunette from a brunette and vice versa? This may be due to the desire to become a beautiful girl and find the most attractive image.

Fashion plays a significant role in choosing hair color. Although it may seem strange, but there is a fashion for blondes, brunettes and other actual colors. As a rule, it is cyclical and changing. The best confirmation of this is the photo of 17 beautiful girls, celebrities who every season turn into blondes, then brunettes.

Photo-17. Why do women change their hair color, seeking to become a brunette from a brunette and vice versa?

Another reason why even the most beautiful girls want to change their hair color is age. In their early years, many want to be a stylish blonde or an extravagant brunette, highlight bright strands with the help of the most incredible shades. That is to stand out, to become a beautiful girl with the help of hair color. As you can see in photo 18, young pretty girls want to look older. And more often they color their hair in dark, strong colors, turning into a brunette or a brown-haired woman.

Photo-18. Young beautiful girls want to look older

Stereotypes play a huge role in the choice of colors. It is believed that male brunettes prefer blondes. It is the idea that only a blonde can be a beautiful girl, a real gentleman will like it, makes a brunette or brown-haired girl radically change her hair color to blonde.

Brunettes and blondes: how color is associated with character

Data from the nature of color and preference for a particular tone when staining is closely related to the manifestations of nature. Brunette can be called more rigid and prudent. Brunettes know what they want from life, know how to set goals and go to them confidently. Brunettes are considered to be fatal and mysterious girls-beauties and photo 19 fully reflects their mysteriousness.

Photo 19. Brunettes are considered fatal and mysterious.

Very often in the nature of brunettes can be traced men's notes, they often become leaders. The mysterious, melancholic view on photo 20 reflects the desire of a brunette to remain alone, to reflect, meditate and listen to music more often.

Photo-20. The desire of the brunette more often to be alone, indulge in meditation, meditation and listening to music.

Brunettes have a narrow circle of friends who are interested in religion. Very often men choose men with less character. Subtle notice of the remark that men love blondes, and marry brunettes, confirm the study of sociologists.

Beautiful brunette girls for them - the embodiment of reliability, stability, and therefore next to such a woman they will feel more confident. Among the celebrities there are a lot of bright, successful, rich, brunettes, for example, in photo 21 Penelope Kruss, Audrey Hebpern, Elizabeth Taylor.

Photo 21. There are a lot of bright, prosperous, rich, brunettes among celebrities.

But blondes have long become the heroines of jokes and gossip, but despite this, in photo 22 they look more sweet and feminine, unlike brunettes. For some reason, there is a stereotype that blondes are busy only with their appearance, and intellectual and spiritual development for blondes is in the background.

Photo-22. For some reason, there is a stereotype that blondes are only busy with their appearance.

However, it is not. Although looking at the photo of 23 blondes, it is hard to believe in the research data that they understand the exact sciences better than others.

Photo-23. It is difficult to believe in the research data that they are better than others in the exact sciences.

As a rule, blondes have a calm and balanced character, are more restrained, they can even be cold. In photo 24, these differences of blondes are clearly visible. Most often, they prefer not to go into details and rely more on their intuition. The softness, femininity of blondes strongly attracts men.

Photo-24. The softness, femininity of blondes strongly attracts men

Gentle, pretty, beautiful blonde girls in photo 25 are hardly prone to manifestations of aggression. Blondes are often suspicious and may be too vulnerable.

Photo-25. Gentle, pretty, beautiful blonde girls in photo 25 are hardly prone to manifestations of aggression.

Remember the main thing! We are all beautiful in our own way. Beautiful appearance is only one side of the coin, so let's develop in both directions in order to harmoniously combine the rich inner world with the external image.

20 most beautiful girls on the version of google 2014

Thank you all who read the article to the end. Please tell us what you think about it!

Every year fashion lovers are eager to learn about new trends of the coming season. With a sinking heart, they watch, read and listen, what to wear, what accessories to choose, what should be the hairstyle and hair color. Of course, no one will constantly change the hair color. However, if you want to change, it makes sense to look at the photo of fashion trends of the new season and find out, for example, what will be the fashionable brunettes of 2017.

At all times, women have paid great attention to their hair. Beautiful, healthy, shiny, well-groomed hair is the business card of a woman. The condition of the hair, their coloring and hairstyle is always striking by others. Modern fashion also encourages us to be stylish from head to toe.

If the clothes in the new season are dominated by bright rich colors, then in the external look naturalness is appreciated. For those who like to stand out, it does not hurt to continue to do so. However, most women prefer to achieve saturated, but close to the natural hair color.

Brunettes never go out of fashion. Burning swarthy beauties or languid beauties with snow-white skin continue to captivate men's hearts. How should look fashionable brunette in the new season?

As for haircuts and hairstyles, the choice of fashionistas is practically unlimited. Those who do not want to part with long hair, you can not worry. It is not necessary to cut off hair, and styling and hair accessories will help to look stylish.

Beautiful, feminine Hollywood curls, curls, braids, voluminous styling and hair pulled back are still in vogue. The effect of wet hair is also popular. A special trend of 2017 are shaggy hairstyles in grunge style. The hair seemed to be disheveled in the wind and lay carelessly, although, in fact, this is the result of special styling.

Does not go out of fashion and favorite by many caret. A short square or a square of medium length, especially with bangs, looks elegant and stylish. This hairstyle of dark shiny hair looks particularly impressive. The trend of the season is a wavy square.

In the season 2016-2017 short haircuts will be relevant. This hairstyle is not suitable for all girls, but it looks very catchy and stylish. They can freely afford confident and shocking women. Short-haired brunettes look very attractive.

As for the hair color, in the new season all shades are allowed, except for blue-black. In a fashion saturated coal black color, juicy dark colors with different tones. Despite the fashion trends, you should remember about your color type and choose hair dye, based on the individual features of the appearance.

Recently, modern hair dyeing techniques that use a combination of different tones to individual strands of hair do not lose their relevance. Such coloring allows hair to look more voluminous, healthy and shining.

In trend in 2017, the Ombre dyeing technique. It is a combination of several contrasting shades. Ombre is characterized by a transition from dark roots to lighter tips. On dark hair, an ombra looks very beautiful, and the color transition itself begins approximately from the middle of the length of the hair.

Another popular staining technique is shatush. Its essence consists in applying lighter, more similar shades of tone to the strands to create the effect of sun-bleached hair. With such coloring hair looks naturally and more volumetric.

Balaig for dark hair will also be widely used in the new season. In fact, this is a kind of highlighting, when the ends of the hair are colored in several shades lighter. Hair color becomes richer and more interesting. You can make and contrasting strands, take unusual colors, but 2017 is in favor of naturalness and naturalness

Complicated dyeing allows women, without drastically changing their hair color, to stand out, to emphasize the individuality and healthy appearance of hair. It looks most advantageous on long hair. However, on hair of medium length and short haircuts, it can also be successfully applied.

Complete any image will help, of course, makeup. With dark hair it is especially important to look bright and not get lost against the background of a rich shade of hair. For girls with expressive eyes and naturally dark eyelashes, natural nude-style makeup in the new season will be suitable. This is an excellent choice for every day, especially in summer, when you do not really want to use a lot of cosmetics.

Smoky make-up does not lose its popularity. Smoky eyes on brunettes look extremely expressive, creating a languid, attractive look. No less relevant in the new season will be cat eyes. Graceful curved arrows will help to achieve a predatory gaze. Such eyes are especially good in combination with bright lipstick on the lips, which looks great on brunettes.


Watch the video: THE HAIR COLOR THAT WILL BEST SUIT YOU AND YOUR SKIN TONE! bradmondo (May 2024).