Work with hair

Mesotherapy of hair at home mesoscaler


Mesotherapy for hair is a course of injections of therapeutic and stimulating "cocktails" under the scalp, consisting mainly of vitamins, nutrients and natural ingredients. Carrying out this procedure promises an increase in volume, acceleration of hair growth and the prevention of their early gray hair and loss. If you want to improve the condition of the curls, but do not want to spend a lot of money on this pleasure, you should try to conduct mesotherapy for hair at home.

Indications and contraindications for the stimulating procedure

Mesotherapy can help with such unpleasant phenomena as:

  • baldness,
  • hair loss,
  • split ends,
  • brittle and dry hair,
  • dandruff,
  • itchy scalp
  • seborrhea.

After the course of injections, the hair becomes thicker, gaining a healthy shine, smoothness and silkiness. The fact is that the usual means can not penetrate deep into the epidermis, and thanks to the finest needles, the preparations fall directly into the hair follicles, contributing to a quick positive effect.

To determine how often to do mesotherapy for hair in each case, it is best to contact a specialist. The length of the course depends on the state of the locks, the patient's age and other individual characteristics. For example, for the treatment of ordinary dandruff, you can get 4-6 sessions, and androgenic alopecia requires more procedures.

With all the usefulness and effectiveness of mesotherapy is characterized by a number of contraindications:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • wounds on the scalp,
  • age less than 18 years
  • viral disease
  • menstruation.

Technique of mesotherapy head at home

If you decide to conduct this fashionable procedure on your own, you first need to purchase a mezoroller. It looks like a roller with a handle, covered with the finest small needles of steel. Choosing a mezoroller, pay attention to the following features:

  • manufacturer,
  • strength and quality of materials (well, if the needles are made from an alloy of surgical steel with gold or silver),
  • needle sizes (if you are going to carry out the mesotherapy procedure for the first time, use needles no larger than 0.3 mm).
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Principle and procedure

The principle of action of the mezoroller is quite simple: microneedles briefly pierce the skin, thereby helping to improve the blood supply to the hairline, as well as allowing the therapeutic “cocktail” to penetrate deep into the epidermis. Vitamins and nutrients can be applied directly to the device, and you can treat the scalp.

Choosing a medical complex, consider the features of your hair. If you do not know where to start, or are afraid to use unknown drugs, you will not go wrong if you use the complex of vitamins A and E and burdock oil.

  1. To start, the mezoroller needs to be sterilized: dip the device in an alcohol solution or 3% hydrogen peroxide for 10–15 minutes. Let it dry.
  2. At this time, wash and dry your hair.
  3. Treat your scalp with an antiseptic, such as alcohol or chlorhexidine.
  4. Apply healing "cocktail" on a scooter.
  5. Gently move the device from the occipital region upward, swiping them along each line once. Remember that after only a few sessions you can begin to move the mezoroller in different directions and a couple of times in one place.
  6. Treat the skin with an external agent, depending on the problem. For example, with alopecia, you can apply minoxidil.
  7. Wash the scooter with hot water and dry.

The benefits of mesotherapy at home

Scalp mesotherapy at home has several advantages over salon procedures:

  1. Price - you will spend money only on the purchase of a mezoroller and a medical complex.
  2. Save time - you will not spend it on the road and waiting in line at the salon.
  3. Confidence and security - you will not be afraid that you have chosen an insufficiently qualified specialist or a not very prestigious clinic.

In order to find out how often you can do mesotherapy for hair at home, be sure to consult with a beautician or doctor. Most often, the course of such a procedure is designed for one month, during which it is necessary to undergo 8 sessions (2 times a week). After the session, you can not wash your hair for a day, as well as swim in the pool and sunbathe.

If you are not sure that you can master the procedure on your own without the help of specialists, watch a video about mesotherapy for hair at home and make sure that the procedure is simple.

Remember! If you suffer from serious diseases of the hair or scalp, such as androgenic alopecia or alopecia (pathological hair loss), be sure to consult a specialist. Indeed, it often happens that problems with hair arise as a result of a disease of internal organs. In this case, mesotherapy will be meaningless, treatment will be required from the inside.

After the birth, I generally had trouble with my hair, dry, brittle, like some kind of tow. I asked around with my girlfriends who treats and restores hair, many advised to contact a professional. According to reviews, the beauty salon Ottenki Beauty Room, everyone praised the master Jan very much, and went to her. Very pleased with the friendly and positive atmosphere in the cabin. Well, my hair now looks gorgeous, shine unreal. Now I go to girls more often for a manicure and a beautician.

Who needs hair mesotherapy

This procedure allows you to get rid of a large number of problems with hair. The fact is that ordinary masks and balms can not penetrate deep into the epidermis, and the thinnest needles solve this problem. Thanks to this procedure, nutrients are absorbed better by 5 times, which allows you to quickly see a positive effect.

Indications for the procedure:

  • pathological hair loss,
  • androgenic alopecia
  • fragility, weakness of hair,
  • split ends of hair
  • seborrhea of ​​any genesis,
  • itchy scalp
  • dandruff.

After the course of procedures, natural hair growth returns, the sebaceous glands function is normalized, the healthy structure of the hair is restored. Due to the active make-up, the hair becomes thicker, stronger, more elastic, slowly muddy and delightfully shine.

How to choose a mezoroller

On average, any mezoroller costs around $ 50, and will last up to 3-4 months. Only one person can use one clip, but they are allowed to carry out procedures for different zones. The main difference is the size of the needles, it is this indicator that affects the characteristics of the device and the method of its use.

Mezoroller with needles up to 0.3 mm can be used at home, even for beginners, because it is the most safe and does not cause pain. Only after using such a roller, or after a course of salon procedures, it is possible to switch to the option with 0.5 mm needles. Both of these options can be used several times a week.

Many women use mezorollers with needles up to 1 mm, but experts do not recommend carrying out such deep procedures at home. If you still decide on this option, you should not carry out the procedure more often than 1 time in 7 days.

How to choose a nutritional composition for mesotherapy

In the salons, “cocktails” are selected individually, based on what substances the scalp needs. The composition usually includes vitamins, drugs and natural ingredients.

The easiest and most reliable way to avoid mistakes is to purchase professional products of the following brands: Dietbel, ID Farma, Revitacare, Skinasil or Hyaloform Mesolift. They have long been used salons and have proven their effectiveness.

If you want to make a cocktail yourself, which will allow you to save a lot, you can experiment by mixing vitamins A, E with fish oil and burdock oil. In addition, an excellent effect is provided by decoctions of herbs - calendula, chamomile, burdock root or nettle.

Contraindications for mesotherapy

Such a procedure, for all its benefits, is not without contraindications:

  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases,
  • period of use of blood thinners,
  • the period of viral disease,
  • damaged skin and open wounds,
  • allergic to "cocktail",
  • menstruation period in women
  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • age under 18 years old.

During the period of taking any medications, it is recommended to consult a doctor, since some of the drugs are incompatible with the course of mesotherapy.

How to conduct hair mesotherapy at home

The whole procedure will take no more than 40-60 minutes. Be prepared for the fact that after it weak bruises remain on the skin, which disappear within 4-6 days.

  • Wash your hair with shampoo and dry your hair,
  • Sterilize the mezoroller, wait for it to dry,
  • At this time, treat your scalp with any antiseptic - alcohol, chlorhexidine or betadine will do,
  • Put a cocktail on the mezoroller,
  • Carefully attach the roller to the back of the head and slowly move upwards. Swipe through each area only once. Only after several procedures can you try to drive the mezoroller in different directions or carry out twice in one area. Each “line” should go 0.5-1.5 minutes.
  • After the procedure, apply on the scalp external drug like Minoxidil,
  • Rinse the mesoscaler with hot running water and dry it.

For more understanding, I recommend to watch the video:

The full course is designed for a month for which you need to do 8 procedures (2 per week). After the procedure, it is forbidden to wash your hair and swim in the pool for 2 days. It is best to carry out the procedure before bedtime - this allows nutrients to be absorbed and absorbed the most well.

The principle of action of mesotherapy and features of the procedure at home: drugs and cocktails

Mesotherapy is one of the most popular and effective salon procedures. Its essence lies in the delivery of nutrients to the deep layers of the epidermis and the activation of the internal processes of the studied area. Thus, the home mezoroller for the head also acts. It activates hair growth and stimulates the follicles, a positive effect on the skin.

This unit is a small roller with a comfortable handle. On the roller there are thin short needles that pierce the treated area and open access to the used cosmetics.

Prevention of the skin of the head with a mezoroller

For independent use, the optimal needle length is 0.3–0.5 mm.

The mezoroller for the scalp is characterized by a small width of the roller and short needles, so that the strands do not tangle.

With regular procedures, the following results are achieved:

  • blood circulation is activated, which promotes skin cell renewal and hair growth,
  • nutrients and oxygen more quickly reach the follicles and dermis,
  • external cosmetic preparations penetrate deeper into the skin and increase their effectiveness several times,
  • cell regeneration processes are launched,
  • new hair follicles are awakening,

View mezorollera with needles 0.3 - 0.5 mm

  • nerve endings are gently stimulated,
  • hair shaft thickens, volume and density appear.

Home mesotherapy can be done daily, with natural and salon preparations. In order not to provoke the development of allergy, it is recommended to use special cosmetics without aggressive chemical components. Such drugs are sold in pharmacies and specialty stores.

Scope and possible contraindications

The procedure is prescribed for the general maintenance of beauty, with the aim of healing and solving complex problems. Indications for its conduct are:

  • alopecia and intense hair loss
  • violation of the sebaceous glands,
  • split ends

Progressive hair loss

  • fragility and thinness of strands,
  • scars after hair transplantation or other surgeries
  • general deterioration of hair.

Also, mezoroller therapy has a positive effect on the skin of the face and body. For convenience, it is better to buy a device with interchangeable nozzles of different width of the roller and the length of the needles.

After an intensive course, the hair is noticeably transformed. When processing the skin of the face, wrinkles, pigment spots, scars are eliminated, its tone, color and elasticity are improved.

Contraindications for mesotherapy are:

  • bleeding disorder,
  • diabetes,
  • birthmarks,
  • skin damage
  • keloid scars

Examples of male pattern baldness

  • ulcers and rashes,
  • pregnancy,
  • violation of the nervous system,
  • acute infectious diseases
  • herpes,
  • autoimmune disorders
  • oncology,
  • couperose,
  • taking certain medication groups
  • intolerance to the materials used roller or cosmetic products.

Method of treatment for strengthening and against hair loss (alopecia)

To achieve maximum effect, it is important to use the mezoroller correctly. First you need to prepare your head for a cosmetic procedure. The skin is cleared of all types of pollution: fat, dandruff, dust and dirt.

You can carry out intensive cleaning with a special shampoo or add a little baking soda to your usual one.

You should use special tools to restore curls.

Mesoscooter for hair growth

Be sure to wash the entire shampoo so that its remnants do not fall under the skin during mesotherapy. After a light dry hair, you can proceed to the procedure:

  • Disinfect the roller carefully with alcohol or an antiseptic solution.
  • Divide the hair into separate strands to avoid tangling.
  • Process each zone with a mezoroller. You need to move from the top to the edge of the hair growth zone.
  • Apply a cosmetic. Massage your head with your fingers for 2-3 minutes.
  • Re-run the mezoroller hair. If you are experiencing discomfort, one approach is enough before or after applying the drug.

Mesoscaler should be used along with special preparations.

  • Disinfect the roller and put in a special case.

During the course of mesotherapy it is not recommended to wear tight hats, to go to the sauna and pool, to be in the sun for a long time.

Technique of mesotherapy for face and body

It is possible to use a scooter to work on the skin of the face and body. Home conditions are associated with a variety of risks, so observe the conditions of sterility and do not give your device to other people.

The procedure for working out the skin is as follows:

Feeding the scalp with a special tool

  1. Make a soft peeling, remove cosmetics and dirt.
  2. Disinfect the mezoroller and treat the skin with an antiseptic. If necessary, apply an anesthetic spray and wait for it to work.
  3. Apply a cosmetic. You can carry out the procedure "on dry".
  4. Work through each area of ​​the skin in several directions. Movement should be slow and neat.
  5. If there is a reaction, stop the session and apply a soothing cream.
  6. Treat the mesoscaler with an antiseptic solution.

It is strictly forbidden to use any traumatic procedures in the presence of skin diseases, especially fungal nature.

With proper use of the device you will achieve positive changes in just a few procedures.To serve the scooter, choose titanium models for as long as possible and store it in your own case.

Price of mesotherapy for hair

The cost of the mesotherapy procedure for hair depends on many factors, namely:

  • type of injection, its composition, brand,
  • course duration.

Prices for mesotherapy may vary depending on the clinic or cosmetology center, the city, the qualifications of the doctor and other conditions. Influences the cost of services specific period of the year. If you rely on statistics, the average cost in Moscow is from 3,000 rubles per procedure, in Russia - from 2,500 rubles, in Ukraine the price is 500 UAH. for the procedure. Moscow has the highest prices for mesotherapy, which is primarily due to the high level of prices for all types of hairdressing and beauty services, as well as the latest expensive developments that are actively used in the leading centers of the capital of Russia.

The duration of the course depends on the specific case and is determined at the initial consultation with a specialist. On average, one session per week is recommended. A full course can be from 8 to 13 sessions. The average duration of one procedure is about 15–20 minutes. After completing the full course, you should periodically perform maintenance procedures (1–2 times a month). To consolidate the effect, doctors-trichologists recommend taking several courses of mesotherapy, the interval between them should be from three to nine months. It should be noted that the duration of treatment, the number of courses and procedures is determined individually and depends on the degree of manifestation of problems with hair and their genesis.

Phased mesotherapy process at home

The process of home mesotherapy is reduced to the following steps:

  1. Shampooing head.
  2. Thorough hair drying.
  3. Mesoscaler preparation - sterilization, device drying.
  4. Treatment of the scalp with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or chlorhexidine (antiseptic).
  5. Applying a professional or homemade solution to the device roller.
  6. Direct processing of the surface of the head: it should be moved to the back of the head, processing each section once during the primary procedure, at subsequent stages it is possible to carry out one section twice. On average, each section of the head should take about one minute, that is, movements are carried out slowly.
  7. Application of minoxidil.

After carrying out the procedure, the mesololler should be thoroughly washed with hot water, after which it should be well dried. After the first procedure, small bruises may appear on the scalp - this is not a bad thing and quickly passes.

With the passage of the home course of mesotherapy with all the rules, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in the condition of the hair - they will become more elastic, healthy and thick.

Watch the video on how to do mesotherapy mesoscaler yourself at home:

Summing up

The undoubted advantage of home hair mesotherapy is saving money and time to visit the salon. However, experts still recommend contacting highly qualified doctors and hairdressers.

  • First, professional formulations for mesotherapy can be obtained only by prescription, which will have to be obtained from a doctor.
  • Secondly, the initial professional consultation will provide an opportunity to determine the number of necessary procedures, the duration of the course, to correctly and most effectively select the desired composition.
  • Thirdly, self-conducting mesotherapy does not guarantee success, unlike salon procedures.
  • Fourthly, in the absence of experience, it is very difficult to translate this idea into reality.
  • And, finally, salon procedures, based on statistics, are always much more effective than home ones.

Video on how the procedure of mesotherapy:

What is mesotherapy for hair

Conducting mesotherapy allows you to saturate the hair follicles with nutrients and easily solve such problems:

  • stop the hair loss process
  • accelerate the growth of healthy curls,
  • improve the condition of the hair after a perm, extension or dyeing,
  • eliminate bald spots that have arisen prematurely
  • solve the problem with the advent of early gray hair,
  • Give your hair a natural shine, brightness and strength.

Hair mesotherapy is the introduction of special formulations into the scalp, which helps nourish the hair and its active growth. Minerals and vitamins are introduced through the finest needles. Each vitamin cocktail has a special composition, it is selected in accordance with the condition of the client's hair and his preferences.

Hair mesotherapy is a modern cosmetological procedure.

As a rule, the following elements are included in such cocktails:

  • vitamins
  • minerals,
  • macronutrients,
  • trace elements.

After the introduction of drugs, blood circulation is stimulated in the area of ​​the hair follicles, due to which their nutrition improves. A feature of the process is the point of introduction of useful substances exactly where they are needed, due to which their action begins instantly.

Indications for the procedure

Mesotherapy is performed on the hair according to the following indications:

  • hair loss,
  • different degrees of baldness, including those due to the imbalance of hormones,
  • hair breakage,
  • dry strands
  • presence of twisted tips
  • dandruff,
  • itchy skin
  • slowing down or cessation of hair growth due to medication, ultraviolet irradiation, perming with the use of chemicals,
  • seborrhea,
  • ringworm,
  • hormonal changes in the hair structure after pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • early appearance of gray hair,
  • preparatory process for the transplantation procedure.

Are there any contraindications?

Hair mesotherapy may not be used in all people without exception. there is a clear list of restrictions that make it impossible to conduct:

  • the presence of allergies, sensitivity or intolerance to one or more of the components that make up the drugs administered,
  • pregnancy,
  • breastfeeding period
  • the presence of any tumors
  • endocrine disruption,
  • immunity reduction period,
  • any circulatory system diseases (especially: clotting problems),
  • mental illness
  • epilepsy,
  • gallstones,
  • any inflammatory diseases of the skin,
  • medication that changes or slows down blood clotting,
  • period of menstrual bleeding.

Types of mesotherapy for hair

In cosmetology, 2 types of mesotherapy are actively used, affecting the hair follicles:

  1. Allopathic: used to treat diseases associated with baldness and hair follicle ordering. Cocktails for this type of mesotherapy include:
  • lipolytics,
  • vasodilators
  • amino acids
  • antioxidants
  • vitamins, both natural and synthesized species,
  • hyaluronic acid.

Such cocktails are created directly under the existing problem, acting at the cellular level, they allow you to achieve these goals:

  • hair restoration
  • nutrition and hydration of curls,
  • elimination of toxins
  • strengthening the root system
  • stimulation of the growth of existing follicles and the development of new ones.
  1. Homeopathic: used to normalize the function of the sebaceous glands and improve the normal appearance of the hair. For injections in this form of mesotherapy, small concentrations of vitamin formulations are used. The substances themselves are homeopathic, which makes it impossible to get used to them and guarantees a long-lasting positive effect.

An important advantage of this type of mesotherapy: the complete absence of side effects and any allergic manifestations.

The effectiveness of the procedure

The effectiveness of mesotherapy, carried out according to all the rules, for the hair, becomes possible due to the introduction of healing compositions into the scalp and additional stimulation of biologically active points.

In combination, this allows us to stimulate the work of such mechanisms:

You can see improvements after the course of mesotherapy without special devices, hair will shine again, acquire beauty and well-groomedness, dandruff will disappear and the work of sebaceous glands will decrease.

Side effects from this procedure are extremely rare. If it is carried out by a professional, in proper conditions, in compliance with all the rules, you can not even expect them to occur.

Preparation for mesotherapy

To correctly prepare for this medical procedure, you must first do the following:

  • visit a beautician (or trichologist), who will be able to examine the condition of the hair and identify existing problems,
  • One week before the planned mesotherapy, you cannot take drugs containing ibuprofen, aspirin, and antibacterial drugs (because of their peculiarities, they affect the blood clotting rate),
  • for several days not to apply hair styling products,
  • not to visit the sauna, bath, solarium,
  • not to be exposed to sunlight
  • do not take alcohol
  • one day prior to the day of the procedure, it is imperative that you make an allergy test using a drug that will be administered during mesotherapy
  • On the day of the procedure, you need to clean and dry your hair.

Preparations for the procedure and their active ingredients

For the introduction into the scalp during mesotherapy, use different types of vitamin cocktails for hair. Their composition depends on what substances the scalp and hair follicles of each individual need.

Some of them nourish the hair roots, others activate the growth of follicles, and others - relieve inflammation. Illiterately selected substances can not only benefit but also harm the hair.

The most popular are such compositions:

  • Hairloss (biotin, minoxidil, pyridoxine, panthenol, gingko, azelain): helps to eliminate the problem of hair loss and acts as a stimulator of their growth,
  • Mesopecia (pyridoxine, finasteride, panthenol and biotin): improves the condition of the scalp. Helps in the fight against hereditary alopecia. The follicles, after the obtained vitamin exposure, pass into the stage of active growth,
  • Andropecia (zinc, biotin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid): stimulates the growth of new bulbs, improves the condition of the scalp,
  • Keractive: restores blood circulation in the scalp vessels, the complex is rich in nutrients and vitamins. It works well in the fight against many types of alopecia (besides its hereditary variety), it feeds the follicle root zone with oxygen. Hair becomes noticeably longer in a short amount of time
  • F-HAIR (zinc, hyaluron, magnesium and copper): acts in a strengthening way on the hair follicles and accelerates their maturation and development,
  • Meso Hair System (hyaluron, coenzyme and peptides of copper): affects the acceleration of hair growth, which have an excellent appearance and strength,
  • Dermaheal hl: It contains about 56 substances, amino acids and multivitamins, which actively contribute to the growth of healthy and strong hair. This drug makes it possible to restore the health of hair as soon as possible: hair follicles come to life, full of nutrients, and the hair itself becomes elastic and healthy looking.

In general, all cocktails for mesotherapy contain the following substances:

  1. Anesthetics (xylocain, procaine).
  2. Vascular substances (ginkgo biloba, minoxidil).
  3. Follicle growth stimulants (amino acids, organic silicon).
  4. Antiandrogenic substances (herbal formulations, finasteride).
  5. Anti-inflammatory substances (selenium, zinc, biotin and keratin).
  6. Other vitamins and amino acids.

Mesotherapy needles

For the conduct of mesotherapy, special needles are used, which differ from ordinary needles in their size and diameter. The scalp is a zone of hypersensitivity, so the masters use the smallest needles to reduce patient discomfort.

Most often, masters use these sizes:

  • 32 G - 0.26 mm,
  • 27 G - 0.4 mm,
  • 30 G - 0.3 mm.

The variety of needle sizes is due to the fact that not every cocktail, you can enter a device with a small diameter. Therefore, the master independently assesses the condition and characteristics of the patient’s scalp and makes a decision on how large the needle should be.

All needles that are used in the procedure of mesotherapy, are treated with diamond, which allows you to sharpen them as accurately and sharply as possible.

In addition, they are still at the manufacturing stage, undergo a sterilization procedure using oxygen and ethylene. All this is a guarantee of achieving maximum painlessness of the procedure, as well as ease and speed of administration of the drug, without leaving any traces.

Non-Injection Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy without the use of an injection method of administration, is often used for hair. Specially selected drugs actively affect the scalp and help solve many hair problems.

Nutrients, in this case, penetrate the skin not through needles, but with the help of microcurrent therapy, ultrasound, gas jet and electromagnetic impulses. Quite often, the BTL No-Needle Mesoterapy apparatus is used for this type of exposure. This procedure is quite comfortable, does not cause pain.

As a rule, experts recommend competent combination of 2 types of mesotherapy, because non-injection therapy does not always give a good effect.

How is the procedure

The procedure of mesotherapy is as follows:

  • the master conducts the treatment of the scalp with an antiseptic,
  • the drug is injected at pre-planned points on the scalp,
  • first injections are made on the hairline, then on the partings, which make a thin comb, all over the head,
  • If the injection causes severe discomfort, the specialist can add an extra dose of anesthetic agent to the cocktail.
  • at the time of the injection, the master slightly tightens the skin with his hands, and after it, he again treats the injection site with an antiseptic.

The duration of the mesotherapy session is from half an hour to 1 hour. If the procedure uses high-quality drugs that are administered by a qualified specialist, the risk of complications is minimized.

Rehabilitation period

By itself, there is no rehabilitation period after this procedure, but you should not neglect the following rules:

  • do not combine with medical procedures of a different kind,
  • hair washing and bathing for 12 hours after the injections is forbidden,
  • not to allow the sun to hit the body as a whole, and the head in particular, within 48 hours after the procedure,
  • a slight burning sensation and reddening of the skin can be observed for another 1-2 days, and small bruises at the injection site can remain in sight for up to 1 week.

How long is the course?

Hair mesotherapy is conducted by courses, the only way to achieve a high-quality result and change the appearance of the hair.

On average, the course lasts from 7 to 10 sessions, and each next session is required to be held no earlier than 10 days after the previous one.

After this, it is necessary to repeat the procedure once a month to consolidate the effect obtained. Fixing course can be repeated from 4 to 6 times.

Mesotherapy for home hair: is it possible and how is it done?

Mesotherapy can be carried out to strengthen the hair and at home, most importantly, follow the necessary recommendations and carefully follow the instructions.

Step by step instructions for the procedure:

  1. Wash hair and scalp thoroughly.
  2. Dry hair naturally.
  3. Prepare the mezoroller by sterilizing it, dry it.
  4. With the help of alcohol, chlorhexidine or another antiseptic, carefully treat the scalp.
  5. Apply the selected vitamin cocktail to the hair on the mezoroller.
  6. You need to start processing from the head:
  • putting the roller on the skin, slowly move it from the neck to the top of the head, without moving to the sides,
  • parallel movements to process the entire surface of the head,
  • the entire surface of the skin should be passed only once, the movements of the mezoroller should go strictly in one direction,
  • on 4 or 5 procedures, you can try the movements of the roller in different directions.

After the injections are made, you need to put on the skin a special drug that comes in the kit (usually minoxidil). The mezoroller should be thoroughly washed and completely dried. Wrap the scalp with a warm cloth and leave it for half an hour. After the procedure for 2 days you need to refrain from visiting the sauna, bath, taking a bath and washing your head.

It is best to conduct a session of mesotherapy before going to bed, nutrients during this period are absorbed much better and faster. In this case, the wounds from injections will be protected from the ingress of the smallest droplets of dirt and dust.

What complications may arise

It is best to carry out this procedure in a beauty salon with a specialist who has the appropriate qualifications and has disposable instruments on hand.

Otherwise, the risk of such complications is high:

  • the appearance of scratches and small scars, if the injection is carried out very quickly,
  • the development of infections if antiseptic measures are not respected,
  • the appearance of headaches, redness at the injection site, if the master uses needles for insulin, but not for mesoinjections,
  • in case of violation of the technology of injections, hematomas, granulomas and even the correct blood clotting process may occur.

Efficiency and feedback on the procedure

Mesotherapy for hair strengthening has its own positive sides, which are reflected in numerouscustomer reviews:

  • the disappearance of fragility and lifelessness of hair, they are perfectly styled,
  • the hair becomes soft, silky, moisturized,
  • the process of baldness stops in both men and women. Hair grows even where it’s already dropped out
  • the appearance of the hair is transformed - they become healthy and beautiful,
  • hair becomes noticeably thicker
  • the process of hair loss stops, their active growth begins,
  • the pain experienced during the procedure is worth the result, which is achieved after the active nourishment of the hair follicles with vitamin formulations.

Mesotherapy, carried out on the scalp, provided that it is carried out by a specialist, with the necessary skills and compliance with all requirements, can have a tangible beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. After the course of vitamin therapy, you can expect accelerated growth of healthy, strong and beautiful hair, density and volume.

When is mesotherapy indicated?

Mesotherapy is a method of introducing active substances into the middle layer of the skin, where they are gradually consumed, which leads to improved blood microcirculation and cellular metabolism. Scalp mesotherapy stimulates cell regeneration and local metabolism.

First of all, one cannot do without this procedure if:

  • baldness
  • pathological hair loss (more than 200 hairs per day),
  • seborrhea (dandruff),
  • itchy scalp,
  • split ends of hair,
  • excessive brittle hair.

Along with these problems, scalp mesotherapy will help to cope with:

  • seasonal weakening of hair
  • the harmful effects of ecology,
  • adverse effects of stress and depression,
  • consequences of malnutrition and drug use,
  • hair loss after childbirth,
  • lack of vitamins
  • hormonal disorders
  • unfavorable heredity.

The organism of a modern person, especially living in a large city, is subjected to stress every day and the negative impact of the environment, which can not but affect the beauty and health of hair.

Mesotherapy is able to neutralize the harmful external effects by making the hair:

Mesotherapy at home

Despite the fact that mesotherapy for hair is carried out mainly in specialized clinics, beauty salons and even hairdressing salons, many people prefer home treatments.

Mesotherapy at home is possible subject to several simple rules and recommendations. But in order to avoid negative consequences, it is better to turn to specialists.

How is the procedure?

Mesotherapy at home - not too complicated procedure, which is carried out according to plan:

  1. Thorough shampooing and drying.
  2. Immersing a scooter in medical alcohol for disinfection and drying it.
  3. Treatment of the scalp with anesthetic and antiseptic.
  4. Applying the mezokokteyl on the mezoroller and massaging the scalp from the forehead to the base of the neck.
  5. Application to the scalp antiseptic.
  6. Immersion of the roller in medical alcohol for disinfection.

The procedure should take about 30-40 minutes in time. After the first mesotherapy at home, small wounds on the head may appear, but this is normal and quickly disappears.

Preparations for hair mesotherapy at home

The optimal choice of the drug for home mesotherapy can be done only after consulting with a specialist who will select the serum, based on the patient's individual characteristics and tasks that need to be solved with the help of the procedure.

The composition of the mezokokteyly hair often consists of

  • vitamins of the group, without which hair growth is impossible,
  • zinc and peptin copper, preventing the thinning of the hair follicles,
  • amino acids such as arginine, leucine, threonine, lysine, etc., which make up the hair,
  • hyaluronic acid, which serves as an activator of hair growth and moisturizes the scalp,
  • Coenzyme Q10, which simulates microcirculation and hair growth.

It is easiest and safest to buy ready-made mixtures of substances sold in pharmacies and cosmetology clinics.

The Spanish XL-Hair-Aesthetic-DermalMesoline from MD Skin Solutions will strengthen and grow hair, just like F-Hair from Fusion Mesotherapy or XL Hair from Aesthetic Dermal. All these funds from Spanish manufacturers will not be cheap, but their effectiveness is beyond doubt.

Those who are important to save, even to the detriment of efficiency, should take a closer look at the preparations of vitamins of group B with the addition of vasodilators. All this can be purchased at any pharmacy, but there are very few guarantees of a positive result.

Special recommendations

As such, there are few special recommendations for home-based mesotherapy for hair, but they should not be neglected.

Greater effect can be achieved if you do mesotherapy for hair before bedtime - overnight the scalp will recover, and the wounds that appear when using the mezoroller will heal. You can not wash or wet your head for 2-3 days after the procedure.

It is important to remember that mesotherapy is conducted in courses, and not skip the procedure. One course is calculated per month, during which time 2 procedures are done per week.

Video about mesotherapy for hair

Mesotherapy for hair in the salon:

Video review of mesotherapy for hair:


Watch the video: The Difference Between PRP Therapy and Stem Cell Treatment (July 2024).