Dandruff treatment

Dandruff castor oil


Almost every person at least once in his life faced with dandruff. In the people there are a number of recipes that help to deal with this problem, but dandruff castor oil is the most affordable and effective remedy. It is obtained from a plant called castor bean, which grows on almost all continents. He found application in cosmetology and medicine, thanks to the unique composition.

Should I use castor oil to treat hair?

Useful properties of this substance are known to mankind since the time of the Egyptian pharaohs, as evidenced by jars with castor-bean seeds, which were found in Egyptian burials. For centuries, castor oil has been used against dandruff, to improve the appearance and health of hair, as well as to restore and soften the skin.

The use of castorca for hair is strengthening and nourishing effect. This substance protects hair from the effects of harmful factors, filling the pores of hairs and lubricating their surface. Castor oil can be used as an additional component in a drug or as the main active ingredient. But before using castor oil, you need to make sure that it does not bring any harm.

Castor oil is the leader in density among all vegetable oils. Therefore, it will not form a film on the hair or overdry the hair. Castor oil is not oxidized in air; it has a very long shelf life.

The main component of castor oil ricinoleic acid, which determines the properties of this substance and makes it valuable for physicians, cosmetologists and even employees of the chemical industry. The only harmful ingredient is ricin, which by its toxicity makes it difficult to collect castor seeds. But this substance is eliminated by the release of oil, so castor oil can be considered completely safe.

Recipes dandruff masks with castor oil

Dandruff treatment with castor oil usually brings the desired results. The easiest way is to apply the extract without treatment in a slightly heated form, rubbing it into the scalp 1 hour before washing. This can be done not over the entire surface, but pointwise, concentrating on problem areas. After the procedure, you need to wrap your head in a towel or cellophane. The only drawback of this method is that such a remedy is very difficult to wash off. This may require washing the hair several times.

To enhance the effect, you can use castor oil in combination with other substances. Treat dandruff will help recipe from the following list:

  1. Castor oil with calendula tincture. For its preparation, you need to buy in the pharmacy an infusion of this plant and an extract of castor bean seeds, and then mix these components. This mixture should be rubbed into the scalp 1 hour before washing the hair. If you add a little shampoo to this tool, you can wash it off with simple warm water.
  2. Another recipe is the oil mixture. The best results are shown by the combination of castorca with olive oil and juice from half a lemon. It is recommended to apply this mixture on hair for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Such a tool will effectively remove dandruff and make hair more shiny and silky.
  3. Nourishing dandruff mask. Great for the prevention of this unpleasant phenomenon. Need to mix 1 tsp. sour cream, honey and castor oil. 2 medium cloves of garlic are added to this mixture. This tool should be rubbed into the scalp and left on it for 15-20 minutes. The procedure is performed 1 time in 7 days.

If you have dandruff, treatment with castor oil can not only save you from this problem, but also bring a lot of “bonuses”. The hair will become fresher and healthier to look at, and the scalp will be protected from external exposure.

It is also possible to treat diseases of the epidermis with castor oil, therefore in the first-aid kit it is necessary to keep a bottle with this remedy.

The benefits of castor oil in the fight against dandruff

Inexpensive pharmacy "castor" is an extract from the seeds and fruits of castor bean. Previously, oil was used mainly inside for treating problems with the digestive system, but now it is deservedly used in cosmetology, because it contains a huge amount of vitamins, trace elements and fatty acids.

How does castor oil help with dandruff?

  • ricinoleic acid is present in the composition (about 90%), which is an excellent antiseptic and prevents the development and spread of fungal bacteria,
  • Vitamin E significantly reduces unpleasant itching, making the patient feel better,
  • oil enhances the regeneration of sensitive and damaged tissues, heals microtrauma from scratching,
  • is an additional source of nutrition and moisturizing hair prone to dryness and loss in the presence of dandruff,
  • normalizes the process of desquamation of the epidermis and regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, working excessively actively.

  1. has high efficiency
  2. can be used for sensitive skin and in the presence of allergies to drugs,
  3. is inexpensive
  4. Compatible with other base and essential oils.

  1. has a high viscosity, it is difficult to apply and wash off when used in its pure form,
  2. can not be used in the presence of purulent rashes on the skin, as well as in advanced cases of oily seborrhea.

How to use castor oil to treat dandruff

Even homemade natural remedies need to be used correctly in order to achieve the desired effect and not aggravate the problem. Castor is no exception. Below are a few tips on the wise use of oil in the fight against dandruff and flaking of the scalp:

  1. Use oil as a basis for making dandruff masks. Mix it with base (coconut, olive, burdock) and essential (tea tree, eucalyptus) oils. Pure castor oil is very thick, in trying to wash it off you risk increasing irritation of the affected skin and physically provoking loss of weakened hair.
  2. Apply the mask to your hair 45-60 minutes before washing. But do not leave for the night.
  3. Before applying the mask, heat it in the microwave or on the stove, and after applying wrap the hair with a warm towel. So the active ingredients penetrate deeper into the skin.
  4. Rinse the mask with anti-dandruff shampoo under warm water. Do not rub your head with force, it can injure your hair.
  5. After washing, rinse your hair with cool boiled water and apple cider vinegar - this will normalize the balance of the scalp and will make the curls shine.
  6. Apply the mask once a week for at least a month and a half in a row, then you can really see the effect.

Rinse off the oil masks is hard enough. It is usually necessary to wash the hair 2-3 times. In order not to dry out the already sensitive skin, use only specialized pharmaceutical anti-dandruff and itching shampoos. For example, you can try a professional line of tools ALERANA. ALERANA dandruff shampoo blocks the reproduction of fungal bacteria and facilitates the access of oxygen to the hair roots. Regular use of shampoo can reduce skin irritation, eliminate dandruff and accelerate the growth of curls.

Castor oil based anti-dandruff mask recipes

Butter + lemon. Mix in equal proportions of olive and castor oil, add the juice of half a middle lemon. Heat the mixture slightly and massage it into the scalp with massage movements, spread it over the entire length. The mask removes excess fat and allows you to extend the purity of the hair.

Oil + kefir. A very popular recipe. Heat half a cup of kefir to 40-45 degrees (warm but not hot), add 2 tablespoons of “castorca”, mix well and apply the mixture on the skin and hair. Put on a plastic cap, wrap a towel and leave for 40 minutes. For the mask you need to choose a good quality fresh kefir.

A mixture of oils. Mix castor, olive and linseed oils in equal quantities in glassware, add 4-6 drops of essential oils of tea tree and eucalyptus. Mix the oils well and heat the mixture. Apply the mask first on the roots with massage movements, and then spread over the entire length. Wrap your head with a warm towel and wash off the mask after 1 hour with dandruff shampoo. Stir the mask regularly during application so that the mixture is homogeneous.

Castor oil really helps dandruff if used regularly. Do not forget that any disease, including skin, must be treated under the supervision of a specialist.

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Castor oil treatment

The product is widely used in trichology. The oil is recommended to improve the general condition of the hair, soften the scalp, prevent cross-section. It is used either alone or as part of multi-component masks. Folk remedies for dandruff also imply the use of castorca for medicinal purposes. This is an effective and safe tool that has practically no contraindications and is suitable for any type of hair.

Beneficial features

The main component of the tool is ricinoleic acid. It is not found in other oils or has a low concentration, insufficient to provide tangible results. This is a higher fatty acid that has an anti-inflammatory effect and boosts regeneration.

Castor contains vitamin E, which is characterized by healing, antioxidant and anti-aging properties. If we talk about the benefits of the product for hair and scalp, it is as follows:

  • prevents alopecia,
  • has antimicrobial and antifungal effects,
  • eliminates itching and peeling,
  • strengthens hair follicles.

With regular use of castor oil, hair becomes silky and shiny. The product can replace expensive hair care products. But noticeable improvements will not appear immediately. It is possible to get rid of dandruff using castorcone no sooner than a month after the start of treatment.

How to get the product

The product is the result of the processing of castor bean seeds. It has a yellowish color, a viscous consistency and a characteristic odor. During the processing of castor seeds, the substance ricin is eliminated from the composition of the raw material - it is poisonous and can cause poisoning if ingested.

For medical purposes, use cold pressed oil. It contains the maximum concentration of useful substances, but its shelf life is lower than that of oils obtained by the method of extraction or hot pressing.

Castor oil, regardless of its method of obtaining, has the most valuable properties and is absolutely safe for humans. Proper application of the product for cosmetic purposes will not only cure dermatological diseases, but also improve the condition of the skin and hair.

The product is not subject to fraud. It is a base oil with characteristic features that cannot be forged. Low-quality castorca can become only if improper storage or after the expiration date.

How it affects the scalp and hair

The product increases the softness of the skin, blocks the excessive activity of the cells of the epidermis, prevents the growth of yeast fungi. It is possible to use castor oil against dandruff at any stage of the disease. The product eliminates excessive peeling, prevents cell dehydration and improves hair structure.

Women willingly use castorca after curing seborrheic dermatitis. The drug makes the strands obedient, shiny, improves their growth. Use the product is recommended for hair loss during pregnancy, as well as after illness.


Oil is universal, safe and suitable for use at any age and for any type of hair. Individual intolerance to the product - an extremely rare phenomenon. Use of the drug is allowed in early childhood (oil is often prescribed for poor healing of the umbilical cord), during pregnancy, with severe dermatological problems. But this does not apply to taking the drug inside. In this case, side effects are not excluded, and the list of contraindications is much larger.

With increased dryness of the scalp will benefit mask of castor oil and mayonnaise. Castor and mayonnaise take a tablespoon, add a few drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of aloe juice. Stir until smooth. Apply a thick layer on clean scalp, hold for 40 minutes, wash off with shampoo. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week for 1.5-2 months.

Dandruff treatment with castor oil involves the following recipes:

  • kefir mask - moisturizes, nourishes, restores the microflora of the scalp. For half a cup of warm kefir take 2 tbsp. l oils, mixed and evenly applied on the head, wrapped with plastic and a towel. Rinse with a mild shampoo
  • alcohol-based mask - the best result can be achieved if you use the alcohol tincture of calendula. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, applied evenly, rubbing into the scalp, left for half an hour. The procedure is carried out before each wash. The mask is useful for hair prone to fat,
  • Mask with green tea - 200 ml of strong tea take 2 tbsp. l vodka and the same amount of kastorki, mix well and rub warm in the scalp. The procedure is carried out twice a week. The recipe allows for one month you can get rid of dandruff.


To facilitate the rinsing process, it is recommended to add egg yolk to any of the masks. If the hair is prone to fat, then a pinch of salt and soda is added to the shampoo before rinsing. If you rinse with a weak acetic solution after the procedure, the oily shine will disappear, and the hair will become soft and silky.

Excessively oily hair is treated with castor oil with the addition of lemon juice, honey or alcohol. Mixes with mayonnaise, sour cream and other oils are undesirable.


It was possible to try castor oil with the addition of burdock and peach. Used not from dandruff, but for hair growth, but the condition of the scalp also improved. If before in the occipital part and at the temples there was desquamation, now it is not.


My hair is dry, so the benefits of castor oil are double. And dandruff cleans and nourishes well.I mix butter with egg yolk or kefir. After this procedure, even hair balm does not have to use. The main thing is to wash the hair well and dry it naturally.

Pros and cons of castorca

According to user feedback Among the advantages of using castor oil for dandruff can be identified:

  • softening of stratum corneum, which contributes to a better combing hairbrush with a thin comb,
  • fast hair growth
  • elimination of excessive gloss and acquisition of natural shine by curls,
  • the ends of the hair stop splitting, the scalp is moisturized,
  • it is as if a protective film is created around each curl, which reduces the aggressive impact of the environment to nothing,
  • inflammatory reactions on the scalp, which manifest themselves in the form of itching and redness, disappear,
  • castor oil extractor is inexpensive, unlike other anti-dandruff products,
  • processes of regeneration of the skin are improved (the skin is renewed faster),
  • the drug is inexpensive and has practically no contraindications.

An important point! No need to think that castorca once and for all relieve you from dandruff. If you do not eliminate the factors that provoke a malfunction of the sebaceous glands (dysbacteriosis, hormonal failure, stressful situations), the ill-starred white powder will reappear. Remember, castorca is intended for cosmetic dandruff removal.

Terms of use

Of course, castor oil can be immediately distributed in finished form on the scalp. But because of the excessively viscous consistency, the tool is best combined with other natural ingredients (oils, decoction of herbs).

For example, to combine castor oil with oils (olive, jojoba, burdock, almond, grape seed) should be in a ratio of 1: 2.

Features of application of castor oil against dandruff:

  1. The oil should always be heated in a water bath and applied warm. Such a simple technique will contribute to better absorption into the scalp and distribution on the surface. Gently massaging movements rub hair into the skin and thoroughly saturate the curls.
  2. If you make a mask, then you can safely leave it at night. The minimum exposure time masks - 20 minutes (it is best to hold for 1 hour). After the expiration date, wash off the castor oil with shampoo under a good stream of warm water.
  3. Cosmetologists recommend carefully combing the curls with a wooden or plastic comb in order to mechanically comb the softened flakes.
  4. After you have applied the product to your hair, do not forget to put on a plastic bag and wrap your head with a towel. The warming effect allows all useful extract components to penetrate deep into the skin.
  5. The course of treatment is at least 2 times a week for 1 month (after 5-6 applications the result will be noticeable).
  6. In order not to bother with the preparation of various masks, you can simply add a few drops of oil to your hair rinse conditioner. Be sure to shake the bottle well before use.
  7. To castor oil, except oils, it is recommended to add ethers. To eliminate dandruff suitable ether tea tree, mint, eucalyptus and menthol.

In order to better wash off the oily liquid from the scalp, first apply shampoo on the curls, and then add water. After washing, it is recommended to rinse your head with herbs (oak bark, chamomile, burdock root) or add a few drops of lemon juice and apple cider vinegar to the water.

Castor oil and calendula

This tool will do. for those who suffer from dry seborrhea. The course of treatment is 3 weeks with regular treatment every other day.

Cooking features:

  • Having bought castor oil and calendula tincture at the pharmacy, take a teaspoon of each preparation and put it together,
  • heat the product in a water bath,
  • The resulting mixture is gently rubbed into the dermis of the head, and then distributed with a comb to the curls,
  • stand for about 30 minutes under a towel,
  • wash your hair with shampoo in copious amounts of water.

After getting rid of dandruff, do not forget to use a similar remedy for the purpose of prophylaxis - 1 time in 10 days.

Garlic Mask

This recipe in the fight against dandruff used by our grandmothers. The prepared drug will not dandruff reappear, because it restores the sebaceous glands. Suitable for any type of scalp.

Take 2 cloves of garlic and rub it on a grater. In the resulting gruel add a few drops of castorca, a spoonful of sour cream and the same amount of natural honey.

This mixture is evenly distributed on the scalp and rubbed into it. The dwell time of the mask is 30-40 minutes.

Use once a week for 2 months.

Castor + lemon juice

This tool is intended exclusively for oily scalp.

Combine castor oil with olive oil in a ratio of 1: 2. Do not forget to preheat the ingredients. Add the juice of half a lemon. Distribute evenly over the surface of the hair, making massaging movements. Leave the mask on for 40 minutes.

Mask with the addition of black tea

For its preparation you need to brew black tea in the calculation of 1 tsp. on the glass. After the liquid has cooled, strain it through a sieve and add 2 tbsp. l vodka and the same amount of castorca. Spread the liquid on the scalp, and its remnants through the hair. Do not forget to rub the drug into the skin. Soak for about 40 minutes and rinse with warm running water.

Treatment course: 1 month every 3 days.

Castor oil and kefir

This tool is not only fights dry and greasy dandruff, but also perfectly feeds the curls.

You will need to heat a glass of kefir to a temperature of 40 degrees and add 2 tbsp to it. l castor oil The resulting mixture is applied to the hair - from the roots to the tips. Stand 30-40 minutes.

Mask with aloe

This is a nourishing and moisturizing mask 2 in 1 suitable for dry skin type, because aloe juice perfectly moisturizes it. It is recommended for those who suffer from excessive hair loss and baldness.

You need to get the juice from several leaves of a houseplant: rub them on a grater, put in gauze and make a squeeze.

Mix 1 tbsp. l castor oil, the same amount of aloe and mayonnaise juice. Add honey and a few drops of lemon juice. Heat the mixture in a water bath. As soon as it cools down a little, apply it on your hair and begin to rub actively into the scalp for 2-3 minutes.

Leave the mask activated for 40 minutes by wrapping your hair with a towel. Wash your hair with shampoo and warm water.

In this way, if you have dandruff, be sure to try castor oil. It contains many useful substances, not synthesized by the chemical industry, but donated by nature itself. The components of the oil perfectly eliminate the fungus and inflammation on the scalp. In addition, they improve the appearance of the hair, feeding it from the inside.

The tool is absolutely not expensive and is sold in any pharmacy. Therefore, if you try castor oil for cosmetic removal of the problem, you will not regret it. The effect can be observed after passing a monthly course.

Composition and action

The main component of castor oil is ricinoleic acid, which is rarely found in other oils. Also, castorca contains only fatty acids and vitamin E, thanks to which it has many beneficial properties:

  • nourishes and softens, eliminates dryness and flaking
  • promotes skin regeneration and healing,
  • strengthens weak hair and prevents their loss,
  • has a rejuvenating effect,
  • reduces the multiplication of the fungus, providing antifungal and antimicrobial effect.
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General rules for applying

Castor oil is the main component of various cosmetic procedures. It is used as the main ingredient in creams, masks, homemade balms, to get rid of various problems of the skin, hair and improve the overall condition. In its pure form can be used for rubbing into problem areas. The main thing is not to use castor oil more than 2 times a week, and the course should last a month, then it is better to interrupt the procedure for a while.

Ways to use dandruff castor oil

Well helps dandruff mask with castor oil, especially in combination with other components, depending on what kind of dandruff bothers. This simple tool will not only get rid of problems, but also make the hair fluffy and strong in a short period of time. Here are some options for using ricin oil.

Calendula recipe

It will require equal amounts of calendula alcohol and caster oil. We mix these components and warm them a little, apply a warm composition to the head, gently rubbing it into the skin, leave it for 30 minutes and then wash our head. To facilitate flushing, you can add a little shampoo to the mixture. This recipe is good for dry dandruff. At the beginning of treatment, do the procedure every other day, and when the problem disappears for the purpose of prevention a couple of times a month.

Mask with tea

To start brew a glass of tea and insist. Strain from the tea leaves and add 2 tablespoons of vodka and castorca each. Massage the resulting mixture applied to the scalp, and the rest after rubbing evenly distribute the hair. Hold the mask for 40 minutes. If you want to permanently get rid of dandruff, repeat this procedure 8 times within a month.

With mayonnaise

For this recipe you need a spoonful of mayonnaise, lemon juice, castor oil, aloe juice and honey. All components are mixed and slightly heated to a warm state, put on the head and hair, wait 40 minutes and wash off. This composition is useful for both the scalp and hair, it will eliminate dry dandruff and severe hair loss.

Mask with kefir

Pour kefir into a glass and heat it up a little, then mix 2 tbsp with warm kefir. spoons of castor oil. This cocktail is distributed throughout the head - from the roots along the entire length of the hair. Withstand half an hour and wash off. To improve the result, the head can be covered with a cellophane cap. We take kefir for masks depending on the type of hair; the fatter the hair, the less kefir should be greasy.

With garlic

Effectively castor oil against dandruff is combined with honey, sour cream and chopped garlic. All the listed components are measured by a teaspoon and mix. The finished warm mixture with a light massage movement is distributed throughout the head and hair. After 20 minutes you need to wash your hair well. Use this mask once a week.

Other options

The use of castor oil with other oils is no less effective, thanks to this, the viscosity of castor oil is reduced, which facilitates its application. For example, you can take a spoonful of olive oil and the same amount of castor oil with lemon juice. Or make a lotion from the juice of onions, castor oil and vodka in the ratio of 1: 1: 2. Mixed ingredients hold on the hair for about an hour.

How to wash castor oil from hair?

Here are some guidelines for washing this remedy from the head:

  • Add egg yolk to castor oil, it facilitates the washing process.
  • Apply the mask to dry hair, and before rinsing, first add a little water to the shampoo and apply it on the head with massaging movements, wait five minutes, and then rinse with water.
  • Facilitates washing fresh milk mixed with shampoo in a 2: 1 ratio.
  • Salt with soda, added to shampoo, will help to neutralize hair oil after oil.

If from the first time the shampoo did not cope with the oily shine of the curls, repeat the procedure 2-3 times, you should especially soap the back of the head, as in this place the hair is washed harder. When the head is completely washed from the castor oil, it is advisable to rinse the curls with water and vinegar or lemon juice, and a herbal extract will do.

Pros and cons of use

On the beneficial properties of "castor" is known for a long time. In addition to being used as a laxative, it has proven itself as perfect cosmetic. With its help you can not only quickly get rid of dandruff, but also improve your hair, make it smooth, healthy and shiny.

Benefits of use:

  • absorbs quickly without film formation,
  • strengthens hair follicles
  • permanently relieves dandruff
  • makes hair docile, shiny and soft,
  • struggling with falling out
  • gives volume
  • restores the weak and splitting hair.

The disadvantages include the fact that it has a sharp not very pleasant smell and hard to wash off the skin.

In order not to have a feeling of stickiness and fat content, you will need to rinse your head at least 5-6 times. To enhance efficiency, dandruff castor oil before use, preferably heated in a water bath to t + 30ºC ... 40ºC.

It is not recommended for people who are prone to allergies, with purulent rashes on the scalp.

Therapeutic mask, which includes, in addition to the "castor", many other ingredients should not be applied overnight. Instead of the expected efficiency, you can get the opposite result.

What is included in the composition?

Castor oil - productreceived poisonous and dangerous castor bean. It is produced by hot pressing or cold pressing. In this case, all toxic substances remain in the waste, and the final product is obtained not only absolutely safe, but also extremely useful for the body. And the great benefit will bring exactly the "castor" cold pressed.

The main active ingredient is ricinoleic acid (about 90%), which has unique bactericidal, immunostimulating and antiviral properties. Due to the content of minerals, fatty acids and vitamin E, it penetrates deep into skin, quickly relieves irritation, itching and flaking.

The mask based on it perfectly moisturizes the scalp and strengthens the hair. Additional ingredients will be: palmitic, stearic, linoleic and oleic fatty acids. The percentage of their content is small - from 1 to 3%.

How to apply?

Castor oil for hair dandruff, can be used as an independent tool, but it is creates certain difficulties in drawing and its distribution over the skin. Yes, and it is washed off much worse. It is best to use it in combination with some other useful components. Depending on the type of dandruff (oily or dry), the composition of such masks will also be different.

To quickly get rid of oily dandruff (seborrhea), you can mix a spoonful of castor, with the same amount of olive, burdock or coconut oil, add a little lemon juice and mix. Preheat the mixture, apply on scalp and leave for about half an hour. It is better to wrap the head with a film and wrap up with a towel. After that, all thoroughly wash off.

A mask with the addition of alcoholic tincture of calendula helps very well against skin problems. In a spoonful of oil, add the same tincture, a little shampoo and carefully rubbed into the skin. An hour later, all this is simply washed off with warm water. This procedure is desirable do every other day for 2-3 weeks.

An excellent result in the fight against the disease brings a mixture of tea tree oil and "castor oil".

This means has a strong antifungal effect, and is able to cope with even the most severe skin diseases. Apply it better for an hour before washing your head.

Another indispensable tool is called a mask of chopped parsley and "castor oil". All this is mixed, thoroughly heated, filtered and rubbed. Duration of the procedure makes up 2 weeks, in one day.

Dandruff mask with castor oil

Effective multicomponent mask includes honey, sour cream, "castor oil" and chopped garlic.The recipe for dandruff, with the addition of castor oil, is the following: all the ingredients are taken in a teaspoon, and garlic - 2 large cloves. Keep it to no more than 20 minutesafter which the head is well rinsed.

A course of treatment

Here everything is extremely individual, and depends on the severity of the disease. But, on average, the treatment process takes about 30-40 days. If use complex compositionsit is better to apply them at least four times a month. The mixture of oils is used every 1-2 days, but not less than 4-5 weeks.

What can add treatment?

If the hair is oily, it is better to rinse them with slightly acidified water, adding acetic acid to it. For dry, washing with a decoction of chamomile or oak bark. A universal remedy for oily seborrhea is considered to be “castorca”, mixed with kefir (nonfat). If the hair is dry, then kefir is better to replace the egg and sour cream.

Do not immediately resort to expensive and ineffective professional shampoos and rinsing. First of all, you need to pay attention to inexpensive ones, but very effective folk remedies. They will not only save the budget, but also significantly improve the condition of the hair. Anti-dandruff castor oil, one of them. Try it, and the result will not take long.

Useful videos

How to get rid of dandruff.

5 ways to treat dandruff.

What is dandruff, the causes of

The most beautiful healthy and shiny hair may not look aesthetically pleasing if dandruff appears on the head.

Small white scales remain on the hair and fall on clothes, and this creates certain discomfort and even reduces a person’s self-esteem.

The high rate of exfoliation of the scales of the epidermis on the head and their sticking together (namely, dandruff appears) is explained by impaired metabolic processes, an increase in the number of fungus on the head and the adverse effect of external aggressive factors.

Dandruff is considered a mild manifestation of seborrheic dermatitis, and naturally for its complete elimination it is necessary to eliminate the internal causes of changes in the work of skin cells.

And with the external manifestation of this syndrome, folk methods will help to cope, and castor oil is one of them.

The effects of castor oil on dandruff

Dandruff is manifested not only by the formation of a large number of white scales on the skin of the head.

A similar problem is accompanied by uncomfortable sensations, itching, which can be so severe that scratching of the skin causes it to be damaged.

The use of castor oil will allow:

  • Moisturize the scalp,
  • Create a thin protective film on the head and around each hair, it will protect the curls from aggressive environmental factors,
  • Reduce the development of fungus. The composition of castor oil includes ricinoleic acid, which has antifungal and antimicrobial properties,
  • Eliminate itching of the head - this is actively promoted by the vitamin E that is part of castor oil,
  • Strengthen the processes of regeneration and restoration of the skin.

Under the influence of castor oil, the skin of the head is not only moistened and gets the nutrition it needs, but castor normalizes the processes of exfoliating the epidermis and stabilizes the functioning of the glands responsible for the production of sebum.

Simultaneous work of castorca in several directions at once and helps to get rid of dandruff.

Naturally, after the first procedure, you can hardly see that the amount of white scales on your hair has decreased.

It is necessary to conduct several sessions of masks, rubbing, compresses and other effects with castor oil on the scalp before the desired result appears.

But castor oil, like most folk methods of hair restoration and treatment, has many advantages. This tool is well tolerated, practically has no contraindications, and is quite inexpensive, which allows you to use it as much as necessary.

Castor oil is considered a universal remedy - it can be used both to combat dry dandruff and to eliminate oily seborrhea.

Castor oil and calendula tincture

Alcoholic tincture of calendula and castor oil should be taken in an equal volume, mix, slightly heated and applied to the scalp.

The mixture must be gently rubbed, and its remnants distributed over the entire length of the curls.

You need to wash your hair in about half an hour after this procedure. This recipe helps to cope with dandruff, which is formed due to excessive dryness of the hair.

A mixture of tincture of calendula and castor oil is desirable for the first time to use every other day. In order to facilitate the process of washing off the oily liquid from the hair, you can add a little shampoo to this mixture.

When the dandruff problem is resolved, it is recommended that such a rubbing be practiced for the purpose of prevention once every ten days.

Castor Oil Dandruff Masks

The prescription of masks from dandruff which is formed in a large amount is selected in accordance with the type of curls, it is necessary to take into account the presence of other negative changes on the hair.

Castor oil and additional ingredients, acting on the hair together, improve their softness, hydration, increase shine and perfectly strengthen hair follicles.

That is, carrying out the fight against dandruff, you will achieve complete recovery of the skin of the head and curls.

Mask with garlic.

  • Two cloves of garlic need to grate on a fine grater. Garlic gruel mixed with lean cream, liquefied honey and castor oil. All the additional ingredients are taken in one spoon. The prepared mixture in the form of heat is rubbed into the scalp and distributed through the hair, it should be washed off in half an hour. This mask, used once a week, will not form dandruff.

Mask with lemon juice.

  • Castor oil in the amount of one tablespoon is mixed with an equal amount of olive oil. This mixture is heated in a water bath and diluted with juice from half an average lemon. An oil-lemon mask is rubbed into the skin and distributed through the hair, the time of its exposure - 25-40 minutes. This mask well helps to cope with dandruff, which is formed on the scalp with high fat content.

Mask with black tea.

  • First, you need to brew tea at the rate of one spoonful of dry tea leaves per cup of boiling water. After infusion and straining the tea is combined with two tablespoons of vodka and the same amount of castor oil. The prepared mixture is massaged into the skin of the head with massage movements, all strands are moistened with its remnants. The mask is washed off after 40 minutes, in order to get rid of dandruff it is recommended to do it twice a week for at least one month.

Mask with kefir.

  • A glass of kefir is heated to about 40 degrees, then two spoons of castorca are poured into it. This composition is rubbed into the skin of the head and applied to all curls to the tips. Exposure time - 40 minutes.

Mask with mayonnaise.

  • Mayonnaise, lemon juice, castor oil, aloe leaf juice and honey should be mixed in an equal ratio with each other. After warming up the mask is distributed over the scalp and through the hair, it should be held for up to 40 minutes. This recipe is useful as a means to get rid of dry dandruff, from dry skin, it helps with excessive hair loss.

Natalia, 26 years old, Moscow.

“My dandruff began to appear in large numbers after I had been on antibiotics for a long time. Most likely the problem was caused by dysbiosis and increased reproduction of the fungus on the head.

I was looking for a simple and effective anti-dandruff remedy and came across a mask recipe with castor oil.

I am satisfied with the result - not only the dandruff disappeared, but the hair also became much softer and acquired the shine that probably was only in childhood.

The only thing that is bad is the difficult washing of the mask from the hair; you have to wash your head two or three times. ”

Annie, 22 years old, St. Petersburg.

“Castor oil combined with pepper tincture was advised to rub a girlfriend in the head to enhance hair growth. And this inexpensive recipe really turned out to be a wonderful salvation for my weak and slowly growing hair.

During the month of application of the mixture, I saw that the hair not only gained vitality and began to grow faster in length, but dandruff, which I had periodically appeared for the last couple of years, disappeared from my head. ”

Yana, 28 years old, Krasnoyarsk.

“I rubbed pure castor oil into the hair roots, wanting to get rid of dandruff. Two procedures were enough for me to understand that this tool does not suit me.

The oily liquid from my thin hair was very poorly washed off, and by the evening after washing my strands looked like icicles. But reading the reviews of others, I begin to understand that, probably, I didn’t do something. ”

Lyudmila, 27 years old, Omsk.

“Castor oil really helps to get rid of dandruff, but a lot of hassle delivers its washing out with strands. At first, I used castor oil in its pure form, and now I mix it with olive oil and a few drops of tea tree ether.

This composition has a more delicate texture, easier to apply to the strands and easier to wash off. And the result exceeds all expectations - not only dandruff is removed, but irritation on the skin also decreases, hair becomes much stronger and softer. ”


Watch the video: Treating scalp psoriasis (July 2024).