
Burdock root: medicinal properties


Why is burdock so useful to people? The leaves and roots of burdock contain vitamins A, groups B, C, D, E, essential oils, protein and starch.

At the root of the plant - polysaccharide inulin, protein, fatty oil, stearic and palmintovoy acids, stigmasterol, sitosterol, bitter and tannins.

Inulin, which is contained in burdock roots, does not digest human digestive enzymes, so it is used as a sugar substitute and starch in diabetes mellitus. In addition, scientists have found that the extract from burdock seeds can reduce blood sugar levels.

Burdock seeds are also useful - they contain glycosides that break down into glucose and artichelin.

Preparations from the roots of leaves and burdock seeds are used as a choleretic, bactericidal, antidiabetic agent. They stimulate tissue repair, improve the blood formula, activate the activity of the digestive tract, normalize metabolism.

Burdock roots can be used as a diuretic for edema and bladder stones, as a diaphoretic and antipyretic for colds, as an anesthetic for rheumatism, gout, hemorrhoids, sciatica, radiculitis.

According to some data, burdock preparations give a positive result in the treatment of malignant tumors - Lignan aglycon of arctigenin has an antitumor activity - a substance contained in the roots and leaves of the plant.

Outwardly preparations of burdock can be used to treat wounds, burns, boils and some skin diseases.

In folk and official medicine, burdock roots produce burdock oil, useful for rheumatism and gout, as well as decoctions, tinctures and alcohol tinctures, which are used to treat internal diseases.

Fresh juice from the leaves of burdock can remove warts, used for wound healing with scabies.

A decoction of burdock root wash the head to strengthen the hair roots and enhance their growth.

Burdock oil obtained from burdock roots is rubbed into the hair roots, hair is smeared with it, used to lubricate acne, boils and eczema. Oil can be used alone, or in mixtures with other essential oils.

We harvest raw materials

It is better to collect medicinal raw materials in places located far from busy motorways, industrial and agricultural enterprises, and large settlements.

The greatest amount of nutrients found in the roots of plants older than three years, they are collected in the period from late summer to late autumn. The leaves can be collected at the beginning or in the middle of summer before flowering, and the seeds at the time or at the end of flowering.

Leaves and roots are collected in the morning, they are washed, the roots are cut into small pieces and dried under a canopy or in an oven at 50 degrees.

Dried raw materials are stored in a dry warm place, the shelf life is 1-2 years.

For the preparation of infusions, tinctures and decoctions of the house, you can buy raw materials and phytoapps, it is not expensive, while its quality is checked in laboratories.

We offer you several recipes for making preparations of burdock for the treatment of internal and external diseases, as well as for the preparation of hair care products.

Remedy for baldness and dandruff, to enhance hair growth. First make a mixture of 0.5 tsp. basil, lavender and rosemary oil.

Take 1 tbsp. burdock oil and 1 tbsp. aloe vera gel, mix them, add 5 drops of a mixture of rosemary, basil and lavender - mix the ingredients again. Rub the mixture into the scalp, spread the hair over the entire length, wrap the head with a film and a towel, leave for 2-3 hours, then rinse. This hair mask will strengthen the hair roots, give them shine and volume, nourish with vitamins and minerals, help get rid of dandruff.

Mask to strengthen hair. Mix burdock oil and red pepper powder in a ratio of 10x1, rub into the hair roots, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with shampoo and warm water. To rinse hair, you can make a decoction of burdock leaves.

Mask for brittle hair. Take 3 tbsp. burdock oil, 1 tsp natural cocoa, 2 egg yolks, 1 tsp. oils with vitamins A and E. Make a homogeneous mass, apply it on the head and on the hair, wrap it with a film and a towel, wash it off after two hours. To enhance the effect, make a rinse of burdock roots or leaves - after 2-3 months of such treatment, a luxuriant head of hair can appear at the place of miserable vegetation. But, it must be remembered that internal diseases and the general condition of the body are reflected in the condition of the hair, so if there are serious problems with hair, look for the cause inside.

Decoction of burdock root for hair. 2 tbsp. dry pieces of burdock root pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes, let it brew for 3 hours, strain. Use the decoction to rinse after washing. The procedure for the treatment of hair and getting rid of dandruff should be carried out 2 times a week.

A decoction of burdock for hair. Take 2-3 fresh leaves or 5 tbsp. dry raw materials and pour 1.5 liters of water. Put on the fire, bring to a boil, remove from the heat and leave for 1 hour. Then strain and use for rinsing after washing. In the treatment of hair decoction of burdock leaves can be used in combination with burdock oil masks and other essential oils suitable for this purpose.

Infusion of burdock leaves. Rinse hair does not necessarily boil, it is enough to make an infusion. Take the raw materials in the amount indicated in the previous recipe and fill it with 2 liters of hot water. Insist 5 hours, then strain and use as directed.

Burdock juice for hair. Juice is squeezed from fresh leaves and roots, diluted with water in a 1x2 ratio and rubbed into the scalp 2 times a week after washing. Flush the juice is not necessary.

Burdock root cream for thin, dry and damaged hair. Pass the burdock root through a meat grinder, take 3 tbsp, pour a glass of water, and boil on low heat for 15 minutes. Then remove from heat, cool, strain, add 5 tbsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil. Rub the mixture into the hair roots, wrap the head with a wrap and a towel, wash off after 15 minutes with regular shampoo. Treatment should be carried out 2 times a week.

Hair Mask. Take 2 tbsp. pieces or powder of burdock root, brew a glass of hot water, boil for 10 minutes on low heat, cool and strain. Grate 1 onion, squeeze the juice, add broth. Add 1 tsp. alcohol or vodka, mix, apply to hair, rub into the scalp. Wash off with shampoo after 30 minutes.

A decoction of the leaves of the thistle and burdock against dandruff and for washing boils and purulent wounds. 1 tbsp the leaves of each plant need to pour 200 ml of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes, then cool, strain, use as intended.

Radiculitis is treated with fresh burdock leaves, scalded with boiling water. They are applied to sore spots in the form of heat, making a layer of 5-6 leaves. Top wrapped with paper for compresses or film, wrapped with a warm, preferably wool, cloth.

Mask for weak, thinning hair. Make a mixture of 1 tbsp. burdock oil, 1 raw yolk, 2 tsp. juice of onion, 2 tsp liquid soap, 1 tsp honey Rub the mixture into the hair roots, wrap with a film and a towel. Wash off after 1.5-2 hours with shampoo.

Massage with burdock juice for hair growth. Squeeze the juice from fresh root or fresh burdock leaves, mix it with castor, burdock, almond oil or jojoba oil. Moisten fingertips with oil and massage the scalp. The procedure will strengthen the hair roots, improve blood circulation in the scalp, and also eliminate dandruff.

Mask with lard. Take 3 tbsp. pieces of burdock root, pour 100 ml of water, put on low heat. Boil until the liquid has evaporated to half. Remove from heat, strain, add 5 tbsp. Smaltsa and warm in a water bath for 2 hours. Then cool and use the mixture to rub into the scalp.


As for the contraindications to the use of drugs from burdock for hair - there are not so many of them. It is believed that burdock can not be used for allergies and idiosyncrasies, as well as for the treatment of oily hair. However, preparations of burdock can normalize the fat metabolism of the scalp and the sebaceous glands of the hair. When oily hair beauticians recommend making decoctions of the roots or leaves of burdock and calendula flowers. Raw materials are taken in the ratio of 1x2 (1 part burdock, 2 parts of calendula), the broth is made in the same way as other broths.

Even if you notice that burdock is not suitable for your hair, 1-2 procedures will not bring much harm, and it is never too late to refuse them and find a more suitable means for yourself.

What is burdock useful for?

Many consider burdock a weed, not even knowing about its healing properties. But the root of this plant was successfully used by our great-grandmothers. Today is the 21st century, but burdock recipes are still relevant.

And, the truth, the chemical composition of burdock makes it possible to widely apply it both in therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Root extract, juice-based ointment, leafy decoction - all this can often be found in the composition of modern cosmetic preparations. And home remedies (ointments, decoctions, rinses and masks) are in no way inferior to brand names. With their help, you can strengthen the hair root, saturate the strands with life force and give them elasticity and shine. Regular use of funds from burdock root will strengthen the hair structure, stop their loss and prevent dissection of the ends.

The uniqueness of this tool is due to its composition:

  • Inulin - is responsible for the shine and smoothness of the hair,
  • Essential oils - treat seborrhea, stimulate growth,
  • Fatty oils - hairs envelop with a special film that protects them from aggressive environmental influences and prevents the rapid pollution of the hair,
  • Tannins - strengthen the hair follicle, which prevents the strands from falling out,
  • Stigmasterin and sitosterol - active substances that restore frozen or damaged cells,
  • Bitterness - have a disinfecting, nourishing and anti-inflammatory effect,
  • Protein - a substance that is part of the hair and helps them recover,
  • Palmitic and stearic fatty acids - moisturize dry strands,
  • Vitamins P, A, C, E and B, as well as a number of mineral substances - stimulate the metabolism and blood circulation in the scalp.

You still do not know why your hair falls out? 5 major mistakes:

Burdock-based homemade recipes

Burdock root from hair loss is present in many popular recipes. Choose any of them and take care of your hair.

  • Burdock root (crushed) - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Water - 1 l,
  • Calendula inflorescences or nettle - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Calamus root (optional) - 1 tbsp. spoon.

  1. Grind the washed root.
  2. Fill it with boiling water.
  3. Cook a quarter of an hour.
  4. We filter broth through a sieve.
  5. Use for rinsing the strands, and also rubbed into the epidermis.
  6. Repeat no more than 2 times a week.

  • Burdock root (crushed) - 4 parts,
  • Cognac - 1 part,
  • Onion juice - 1 part,
  • Water - 1 l.

  1. Grind the washed root.
  2. Fill it with boiling water.
  3. Cook a quarter of an hour.
  4. We filter broth through a sieve.
  5. Pour brandy and onion juice.
  6. Use for rinsing strands.

Some more helpful tips:

  • Burdock root -1 part,
  • Yarrow - 1 part,
  • Water - 1 l,
  • Nettle - 1 part,
  • Hop - 1 part.

  1. Grind the washed root.
  2. We connect it with hop, nettle and yarrow.
  3. Boil for 10 minutes on water steam.
  4. Cool the broth to an acceptable temperature.
  5. Rinse the hair at the end of the shampoo.

  • Burdock roots - 2-3 pcs.,
  • Alcohol (for preservation),
  • Water.

  1. We wash the roots of burdock with water.
  2. Rub them on a fine grater.
  3. Squeeze the juice through a sieve or cheesecloth. This should be done very quickly to prevent oxidation of the rubbed mass.
  4. If you are going to preserve the resulting juice, mix it with alcohol (1: 1).
  5. If you are preparing a solution for one use, dilute it with the same amount of clean water.
  6. Rub into the skin 2-3 times in 7 days.

  • Burdock oil - 3 tbsp. l.,
  • Cognac - 1 tsp,
  • Yolks - 2 pcs.,
  • Liquid honey - 2 tsp.

  1. Mix everything in a bowl.
  2. Mask wet wisps.
  3. We rub it in a root zone.
  4. Wrap your head in cellophane and a scarf.
  5. After 3 hours my head with shampoo.
  6. Use a mask before each wash.

You will be interested in:

  • Burdock root (dry and crushed) - 75 gr.,
  • Olive or sunflower oil - 200 ml.

  1. Fill chopped burdock root with oil.
  2. We put the container with the liquid in a dark closet exactly for a day.
  3. We warm up the mixture for 20 minutes on a quiet fire.
  4. We filter hot broth.
  5. Oil rubbed into the scalp 2-3 times a week.
  6. Wash off with shampoo.
  7. We rinse locks with vinegar solution, it will save them from greasiness.

  • White willow bark - 1 part,
  • Burdock root - 1 part,
  • Water - 1 l.

  1. We wash the roots of burdock with water.
  2. Grate them grated.
  3. Mix with chopped willow bark.
  4. Fill with boiling water.
  5. Cook on low heat for 15 minutes.
  6. Cool the broth and use as a conditioner.

Rules for collecting burdock roots

To make homemade rinses and masks you will need a young burdock root (1-2 years). According to experts, it is necessary to dig it in late autumn or early spring. In the first case, the leaves begin to wither, allowing all the beneficial substances to concentrate in the root. In the second, the leaves simply do not have time to blossom and take all the life force for themselves. If the plant has already bloomed, there will not be much use from it.

Before making cosmetics, the root must be rinsed under running water (cold), without scrubbing the top layer. If your skin does not tolerate any components, discard this plant in favor of another.

Use the healing properties of burdock and enjoy the thick and strong hair.

Plant description

Burdock is a biennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Astrov family. Burdock has a thick branched fusiform root, which can reach a length of 60 cm. The plant has a powerful straight stem with longitudinal grooves, quite often it is reddish in color and with numerous ramifications.

The green leaves of burdock are very large, usually heart-shaped or heart-oval in shape, have a grid-like pattern. The upper side of the leaves may be covered with short hairs. A burdock has beautiful lilac-purple flowers of spherical shape with peculiar hooks, thanks to which the phrase “Hang on like a burdock” appeared among the people. Plant blooms from May to June. At this time, the pollen is collected by bees, and you can get very fragrant, tasty and healthy honey.

Collection and preparation of raw materials

Medicinal preparations can be made absolutely from any part of the burdock, but more often root medicine is used in folk medicine. It is harvested in the first months of autumn (with the plant must be the first year of life) or in April-May (if the plant is the second year of life). Before the beginning of the flowering period, burdock root is the most succulent and fleshy and contains the maximum supply of all nutrients. Leaves can be harvested from early summer to mid-September after the flowering period.

After the roots have been dug, they must be cleaned from the ground, cut off the aerial part of the plant, washed with water, peeled and cut into small pieces. Very thick coats can be cut lengthwise into two or three pieces. Then the prepared roots should be thoroughly dried in the open air, spreading them in a thin layer.If we use special drying, the temperature should reach 50 degrees Celsius. Harvested raw materials can be stored for up to 5 years and has a sweetish aftertaste.

When harvesting leaves, they need to be freed from the stalks and also dried thoroughly. Burdock fruits are harvested as they ripen in August-September. The shelf life of seeds is 3 years.

Substances that contain burdock

The healing root of burdock is a real source of useful substances for the human body: tannins, alkaloids, polysaccharides, essential oils, fatty oils, organic acids. The leaves, among other things, contain a large amount of vitamin C. Thanks to the nutrients, burdock is used in medicine, for home self-treatment, for cosmetic purposes: masks from leaf juice are for problem skin, burdock root is for hair. From time immemorial, this plant has been used to treat the gastrointestinal tract and skin diseases, as well as the general strengthening of the immune system.

Burdock root - healing properties

Among the many beneficial properties of this plant, the following should be noted:

- improves the function of the digestive tract, pancreas, liver, gallbladder and intestines,

- improves the general metabolism,

- promotes healing of wounds,

- has an anticarcinogenic effect, thereby slowing the growth of tumors,

- removes toxins from the body with the bites of poisonous snakes and insects, when poisoning with mercury-containing drugs.

People with diabetes also benefit from burdock root, whose healing properties contribute to insulin production. A decoction of burdock roots is also prescribed for gastritis and peptic ulcers, constipation, as well as for edema, helminthiasis, delayed menstruation. Burdock root is also used to treat acne, depriving, and furunculosis. The healing properties of this plant help in the healing of purulent wounds, bleeding, burns, ulcers, bedsores, tumors.

Dosage forms and dosage

1. Broth from the roots of burdock: 1 tbsp. l (10 grams) of dry crushed material pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes on low heat or 30 minutes in a water bath. Allow to cool, then strain and add boiled water to make 200 ml. Take warm 2-3 times a day for half a cup. Great for improving digestive system and blood purification.

2. When creating burdock oil, burdock root is also used, the healing properties of which help strengthen the hair and improve the complexion of the skin. Ground roots of burdock need to insist on olive oil for up to five days.

3. To make an ointment from burdock, you need to grate 50 grams of fresh roots on a fine grater and mix them with 50 grams of pork fat.

4. A decoction of the roots for external use is usually prepared as follows. Take half a liter of boiling water for 20 grams of raw materials. Put on the fire and boil for about 15 minutes, strain when cool. The burdock root prepared according to this recipe is from hair loss. This decoction is great for stimulating hair growth.

Burdock root for hair

About the healing properties of burdock known since ancient times. Even our grandmothers used burdock root to make their hair shine, strength and elasticity. After all, whatever you say, and beautiful and healthy hair always become the subject of general attention. How to apply this miracle plant to modern beauties?

You can use decoctions, ointments or masks, which are based on burdock root. For hair, this will be a real vitamin diet. Systematic rinsing of hair even with a weak decoction of burdock will give them vitality and improve their growth.

Burdock hair oil

Perhaps this is the only oil that contains all the necessary nutrients: vitamins A, C, E, PP, iron, manganese and zinc, as well as saturated fatty acids and proteins. This oil can be bought at the store or cooked at home. The main thing - to hand was burdock root. For hair (reviews of a wonderful tool - completely enthusiastic) the following recipe for burdock oil is great.

Grate 70 grams of crushed burdock roots. Add 200 g of any vegetable oil (almond or olive oil is best). The mixture should be left for a couple of days in a dark place, and then heated in a water bath for about 20 minutes. Allow to cool and strain. Oil must be rubbed into clean, damp hair.

Healing rinses

A decoction of burdock root for hair is one of the most popular ways of using this plant at home. Due to regular rinsing, weak hair will gain shine, strength and elasticity.

To prepare the broth, enough 1 tablespoon of chopped root of burdock, which is poured with a glass of boiling water. The resulting solution is put on a slow fire for 6-10 minutes. The cooled broth is filtered. After a month of regular use, you will see for yourself how useful burdock root is for hair. Reviews in various information sources also guarantee excellent results.

Burdock and onion juice for hair growth

Lovers of traditional medicine are well aware that you can use burdock root for hair growth. The juice of this plant also resists premature baldness. It is quite difficult to get purified burdock juice at home, but nevertheless you can use it to prepare an excellent healing agent.

For this, a tablespoon of crushed roots is poured with boiling water, put on the fire and boiled until half of the original volume of liquid remains. The remaining broth should be drained, and thoroughly squeeze the burdock gruel and mix with onion juice (2: 1). This decoction must be rubbed with massage movements into the scalp a couple of times a week for at least one and a half months.

Fat Control Expert

How else can you use burdock root for hair? The use of this plant will help to cope with the problem of hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands of the head, due to which hair grows too fast. Crushed roots are mixed with calendula flowers in combination 1: 2. The mixture is poured with a liter of water and brought to a boil, then immediately turned off and allowed to infuse. This tool is ideal for strengthening hair prone to fat.

Burdock root for hair loss

When hair falls out badly, burdock root will help to cope with the problem. To do this, use both fresh juice and a decoction of dry root. You can purchase raw materials at any pharmacy, but if you can, it is better to prepare it yourself. Regular use (2-3 times a week) of this medication stops the loss, strengthens the hair follicles and simultaneously eliminates the scalp from such problems as excessive dryness and dandruff, which are rapidly oily hair.

Burdock root for hair growth

When the hair looks faded, the braid, which had recently been proud, looked like a mouse's tail, it's time to start the treatment of hair with burdock root. To do this, in the summer, use the ground part of the plant, but the best result can be achieved if you use the rhizome. It can be either fresh or dried. Using regularly all sorts of masks, oils and rinsing, after a month you can see how the hair went into growth, became thicker and shine appeared. So acts on the keratin layer of hair substance inulin, which is part of therapeutic agents.

When to collect burdock root for hair?

Burdock root to strengthen the hair is used year-round, both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. To prepare raw materials for future use, you need to take care of this in advance. The best time for this is considered to be spring (April-May), when the plant has not yet thrown color and does not bloom, and autumn, when burdock goes into hibernation (September-October). At the same time you need to know that digging burdock root for hair, you need one that is not older than one year. Older plants do not have as many nutrients in their composition, as well as young ones.

The roots are dug, washed with water, finely chopped and dried in the open air until completely dry, and then stored in a canvas bag or glass container with a tight lid. If the rhizome is not dry, the mold will spoil all efforts. Dried root stored no more than 1 year. In summertime, you can use not only the root, but also the leaves with inflorescences. From them boil broth for rinsing and make an infusion.

How to use burdock root for hair?

It is very important that burdock root for hair, the use of which has a positive effect on their density and appearance, is used regularly. The course of treatment is not less than a month, and prophylaxis is carried out every two weeks with a week break all year round. If the need to use drugs from the root of the harvested burdock for the hair disappears, then you can take a monthly break, and then resume the procedure. To learn how to brew burdock root for hair rinsing, you can learn from the literature, or look at the recipes of tinctures and masks on the Internet.

Decoction of burdock root for hair

For those who do not know how to brew burdock root for hair, There are various instructions, following which it is easy to prepare at home a decoction for rinsing. You can use both dry cut roots and fresh raw materials - in both cases the effect will be equally positive. It is important to use the cooled broth immediately after preparation, without harvesting it for future use.

  • crushed root - 2-3 tbsp,
  • water - 1 cup.

Preparation and use:

  1. Pour water raw materials.
  2. Put on a slow fire, and boil for another 10 minutes after boiling.
  3. Let stand for 30 minutes, then strain.
  4. Rinse shampooed hair.

Burdock root - tincture for hair

There are special recipes with burdock root for hair loss., which imply self-cooking with minimal intervention. These are the so-called “for lazy” methods. The concentration of active nutrients in them is no less than in traditional broth. Apply tincture with the same regularity as always.

  • burdock root - 2-3 tbsp,
  • water - 1 liter.

Preparation and use:

  1. Pour boiling water over the raw material.
  2. Wrap a can of infusion in a towel for several hours.
  3. Strain.
  4. Rinse hair after washing over capacity for 5-10 minutes.

Burdock root oil for hair

Such a popular remedy as burdock root, the recipes for use of which are simple and affordable, can be prepared in the form of burdock oil, because burdock is the same burdock. This medicine significantly improves the hair structure over the entire length and has a positive effect on hair growth. Anyone who decides to prepare their own miraculous oil should be prepared for the fact that the process of washing the composition from the hair is laborious.

Burdock Recipe

  • fresh chopped burdock root - 3 tbsp,
  • water - 300 ml
  • Sea buckthorn oil - 5 tbsp,
  • butter - 1 tbsp.

Preparation and use:

  1. Boil water and burdock root for 15 minutes.
  2. Allow to cool and strain.
  3. Add sea buckthorn oil, and if the hair is very dry and brittle - also creamy.
  4. Rub into the hair roots, leaving 20 minutes.
  5. Wash off with shampoo.

Burdock root hair mask

Such a cheap remedy as burdock root for hair, the recipe of which is simple, can be successfully used with excessive oily hair. Fighting this problem in parallel, you can make sure that the burdock, as a natural healer, makes the hair not only healthy, but also obedient. Women suffering from too fluffy hair, at the same time receive health and beauty and obedience.

Recipe Mask of Burdock Mountain

  • burdock root - 2 tbsp,
  • water - 250 ml
  • serum - 1 cup.

Preparation and use:

  1. Put the burdock in water, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes over low heat.
  2. Infuse under closed lid until cool.
  3. Swollen roots squeeze and strain the broth.
  4. Add serum.
  5. Apply the mixture in a heated form on clean hair roots, while massaging the scalp.
  6. Mask left on the hair to dry, then rinse with water and shampoo.

Burdock for hair. What is useful?

Burdock has a rich chemical composition that has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, as well as helping to cure so many diseases of the scalp and hair. In addition to other components, the plant contains B vitamins, which are very important for healthy hair. Burdock is also widely used to treat various skin diseases, such as eczema, acne, lichen, boils, etc.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did not know all this wisdom, but this did not prevent them from making wide use of burdock and having gorgeous, healthy and thick hair to a very old age.

So why is burdock good for hair? Is he:

  • strengthens the hair structure
  • has a tonic and stimulating effect on the hair roots,
  • promotes hair growth
  • inhibits the process of falling out
  • struggling with baldness,
  • contributes to the cessation of brittle hair and the disappearance of split ends,
  • treats inflammation and irritation of the scalp,
  • renews and rejuvenates the skin cells of the head,
  • relieves itching
  • is a means to fight dandruff,
  • fights seborrhea,
  • normalizes the fat balance of the scalp,
  • helps with early graying,
  • gives vitality to hair.

Thanks to burdock, hair gets shine, elasticity, becomes thick, strong, smooth, silky, voluminous and more obedient, less confused and easier to comb. In addition, the hair becomes resistant to external adverse effects, for example, to low or high temperatures.

Solving problems with our hair with burdock

Burdock and burdock oil (burdock oil) is also used for the following hair problems:

  • weakened
  • fatty
  • dry
  • damaged,
  • naughty,
  • weak and thinned
  • slow growing hair, etc.

Burdock, as a means for hair care, is necessary for everyone: both those who have problems with hair, and to preserve the beauty of healthy hair.

Burdock for hair. Application. Recipes

Burdock is widely used for hair care. Decoctions and infusions of burdock root, infusion of the leaves of a plant, tincture of burdock root on vodka, as well as juice of leaves or burdock root are used. These funds are used to rinse hair after mint, rubbed into the hair roots, make masks. Burdock is used both by itself and in combination with other components. In each case, its rules of procedure.

But what you should pay attention to is individual tolerance. Usually, burdock preparations are well tolerated, but still there are people who have allergic reactions to this plant. Also in the composition for the procedures may include other components that are allergens for you.

Therefore, in any case, before carrying out the procedure you like, you should conduct a tolerance test. To do this, prepare the compound that you are going to use, and apply it to the fold of the arm on the inside of the elbow. Leave for about 30-60 minutes, then rinse. Wait 24 hours: if there are no unpleasant manifestations on the application site, such as redness, itching, etc., then you can safely use this recipe.

Hair conditioners

The simplest use of a burdock for hair is to use its decoction or infusion as a conditioner after washing the hair. For these purposes, usually use the roots of plants, but you can use the leaves. And the roots are more correct, in my opinion, to use in the form of decoction, and the leaves to insist.

A decoction of the roots and the infusion of burdock leaves is used as a conditioner after washing the head after the hair has been washed well from the shampoo. Do not rinse broth or infusion.Allow hair to dry naturally.

Decoction of burdock leaves for hair

An interesting, in my opinion, is a recipe, where a decoction of burdock leaves, apple peel and birch leaves is used as a hair rinse.

Cleaning (peel) of three apples pour 1 liter. boiling water, bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. on a small fire. Add 2 crushed burdock leaves and 3-4 tablespoons. birch leaves. Bring to a boil and let it boil for another 10 minutes. Remove broth from heat, cover, wrap and let it brew until it cools. Strain, pour the liquid with boiled water to the original volume.

Burdock decoction for greasy hair

A good tool for the normalization of the sebaceous glands of the scalp is rinsing hair with a decoction of burdock and calendula.

The broth is prepared from the ratio of 1: 2 (1 tablespoon burdock roots and 2 tablespoons calendula flowers). First, prepare a decoction of burdock root at the rate of 1 tbsp. roots on 1 l. water, as I described above. Remove dishes from heat, add 2 tbsp. Calendula flowers, cover, insulate and leave to cool. To press a root and a grass, to bring liquid to initial volume with boiled water.

Rubbing the scalp with a decoction of burdock

Burdock decoctions are also good for rubbing the scalp. These procedures have a more pronounced therapeutic effect than simple rinsing.

For these purposes, use a more concentrated decoction than for rinsing. Hair should be clean and dry. The procedure is carried out using a piece of cotton wool, which is impregnated in a warm liquid and moisten the hair roots and scalp, massaging them. Do not rinse broth, let hair dry naturally. The procedure is carried out every day or every other day, the course of treatment is 2 weeks / month.

To strengthen and grow hair

Most recently, we talked about the benefits of kefir, yogurt and serum for hair in my article Kefir hair mask. I propose to combine the therapeutic properties of burdock root and ordinary serum. Prepare a hair mask of burdock to strengthen and grow hair.

2 tbsp. chopped burdock root pour 250 ml. cold water, bring to a boil and boil on a small fire for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, heat and insist until cool. Squeeze the roots. To the resulting broth add 1 tbsp. serum. Preheat before use.

The mixture is applied to the roots of clean, dry hair with massage movements. Allow hair to dry and then wash using shampoo.

For dry, splitting, damaged hair

2 tbsp. burdock root pour 250 ml. cold water, bring to a boil and boil on the smallest light for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, wrap and insist to cool. Squeeze the roots. To the resulting liquid add 5 tbsp. Sea buckthorn oil, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Mix everything well.

The mixture is applied to messy hair: first on the roots with massage movements, and then spread over the entire length of the hair. Cover the head with polyethylene. The duration of the procedure is 40-50 minutes. This mask is made 2-3 times a week.

For more information on hair care with burdock oil (burdock root oil) you can read in my article Burdock Hair Oil.


Watch the video: Healing Magic of Burdock - Health Benefits of the Incredible Burdock Root (July 2024).