Dandruff treatment

What plants are used for dandruff?


The experience of many women and men has shown that dandruff can be cured at home. Folk remedies for dandruff not only get rid of the problem, but also improve the condition of the hair in general. Also, these tools are natural and readily available. There are a lot of recipes for today and everyone will be able to find something suitable for themselves.

What plants are used against dandruff

Chamomile. "Romanov grass" is used for oily dandruff.

  1. From it is prepared infusion, medical composition. To prepare the broth, you will need chamomile, 1 part of which must be poured with 10 parts of boiling water and left to infuse. Rinse hair 2 times a week.
  2. For the treatment mixture, raw chicken yolk is ground with 0.5 tsp. olive oil and add a few drops of chamomile essential oil.
  3. There is another effective tool. Chamomile, lavender, calendula are taken in equal proportions. All this is poured boiling water. When the infusion has cooled, then rub it with a cotton disc into the skin of the head. Do not wash or rinse.

Calendula relieves dandruff with greasy seborrhea. It is used as an independent means, and in the collection.

  1. To do this, take the roots of calamus (20 g) and burdock (50 g), calendula (20 g), hop cones (10 g). All mix and prepare the infusion of 3 spoons of herbs and 1 liter of boiling water. Infusion languishes in a water bath or in the oven for 2 hours. Cool to a warm state and rub into the scalp every other day. Treatment takes 2 months.
  2. Tincture of calendula dandruff known since antiquity. For its preparation you will need vodka and medicinal marigolds. 2 tbsp. l pound inflorescences to the state of crumbs, pour into a jar and pour a glass of vodka. Tightly seal the can and hide in a dark place for 10 days. After the allotted time strain the tincture. Use, rubbing the scalp with a cotton pad. Next, wrap your head with a towel and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water and shampoo.

With a strong burning sensation is necessary to wash off the tincture.

Folk recipes from plants

  1. Birch tar has been used against dandruff for a long time. It contains a lot of useful substances that are in the birch bark. In the fight against seborrhea, pure tar and diluted as well as a mask are used. In pure form, birch tar is rubbed into the scalp, removing excess cotton pad. Leave for 3 hours and rinse with water. This procedure must be done every other day. Divorced tar is left on the head for 40 minutes, then washed off with shampoo. Birch tar can be added to any mask and use. From the application of tar hair becomes dark.
  2. Dandruff onions. In the fight against dandruff has well established onion. The application of this plant is prepared as follows. 1 onion peel and chop to a pasty state. Rub the whole mass with the juice into the scalp, put on a special cap and warm over it. Do not rinse for 2 hours. Onions can leave an unpleasant smell on the hair, but it will quickly disappear.
  3. Aloe against dandruff. Aloe dandruff is indispensable. Shampoo, prepared with the addition of aloe juice, gives a positive result from all types of seborrhea. The ingredients consist of water, can be distilled, shavings of soap, essential oils and aloe juice. Dissolve chips, add butter and juice.
  4. Hair rinse with agar juice removes dandruff permanently. To prepare it, cut a few leaves of a three-year-old aloe and put in the cold for a day. Then squeeze the juice and add to the water, at the rate of 4 spoons of plant juice per 1 liter of water. Rinse after washing hair.
  5. Burdock against dandruff. In the pharmacy you can buy ready burdock oil, which is used for hair, but in recipes for dandruff it is better to use fresh burdock and its roots. From it prepare broths, infusions and masks. An oil-based mask is used to treat dandruff. Burdock and any butter — linseed or sea buckthorn — are taken to make it. Grind the root in a meat grinder and add to the butter 1: 3. Insist the mask for about an hour, use 1 time in 7 days. Rub an hour before washing your head. Burdock with seborrhea is not only used externally. They make tea from it and drink it for 2 months. It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive therapy - tea and hair mask.
  6. Celandine dandruff. To combat dandruff used celandine. He, like other herbs, suitable for use in decoctions and masks. For decoction with seborrhea, you will need 2 tsp. plants and a glass of boiled water. Mixture insist 2-3 hours. Rub into the head and tie a kerchief. Put on a swimming cap. This will help create a greenhouse effect. Wash off after 20 minutes. For bold type of dandruff, do this procedure daily, with dry seborrhea once a week. For the mask of celandine will need 1 tbsp. l herbs, 100 ml of water and 300 g of pulp of rye bread. Dry celandine pour boiling water and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Strain and pour in the crumbled bread. Leave to swell for 10 minutes. Mass mix and apply on the skin and hair. Wrap cellophane, tie a towel and leave for half an hour. Wash off without using shampoo.

With the correct and constant use of all these funds, dandruff will no longer inconvenience, the hair will become silky and shiny. If the result of herbal treatment is not achieved, then you should seek the help of a doctor - trichologist.

Herbal decoctions - an effective tool in the fight against dandruff

Nettle significantly improves the blood circulation of the skin, therefore it is excellent for dandruff and many other problems. With regular use, you will notice that the hair began to grow faster and gained shine.

Burdock disinfects the scalp, promotes healing of damage and eliminate dandruff. A decoction of the roots of the most effective than the infusion of leaves. It is worth noting the directional effect of burdock on the hair roots, which helps reduce hair loss.

Chamomile can not only get rid of dandruff, but also disinfect the scalp, which is especially important if you have oily hair. Due to the active work of the sebaceous glands, oily dandruff appears, which can be handled with the help of a decoction in literally a month.

Calendula soothes the skin, eliminates itching, disinfects. The decoction is recommended for oily dandruff, but the oil infusion when dry. You can make it at home by adding 50 g of dry raw materials per 200 ml of oil heated to 60 degrees. Insist should be about 3 days, then filter and rub into the scalp.

Lavender normalizes the sebaceous glands, soothes and relieves itching. With regular use of broth dandruff disappears, and the condition of the hair is greatly improved. You can add lavender essential oil to the balsam-rinse, in this case it is not necessary to brew anything.

To prepare a decoction of any herb, you need a tablespoon of raw materials and 500 ml of boiling water. Insist about 30-60 minutes, flow and use. To make a more concentrated decoction should not be - there will be no more use. If you wish, you can mix all the herbs listed in equal proportions and make an infusion from the collection.

Consider that boiling medicinal herbs is undesirable - in this case, some of the nutrients will collapse, respectively, the benefits will be several times less. It is quite enough steep boiling water that the raw material is infused.

A visit to the trichologist will solve the problem

If dandruff bothers you long enough, and herbs do not help to cope with the problem, consult a specialist. An experienced trichologist will quickly find the cause, by eliminating which, visible manifestations can be conquered.

In some cases, dandruff occurs due to the use of poor-quality care products, lack of vitamins and minerals, hormonal imbalance, diabetes and other deviations. Sometimes it takes not only a visit to the trichologist, but also a therapist who will help you find the true cause of dandruff.

The main causes of dandruff on the head

Having identified the cause of the disease, it is easier to choose the appropriate tool for the course of therapy. Dandruff appears with constant nervous tension, the occurrence of stressful situations. If a person has dramatically lost weight, a metabolic disorder occurs, which leads to a lack of vitamins. The appearance of this problem may be associated with frequent use of foams, hair spray.

Dandruff under the microscope

The cause of the disease is also the appearance of a fungus that is present on the skin of any person. As long as the body is healthy, the fungus is not dangerous. If there are failures in the body, it begins its activity, which leads to the appearance of the disease. There are people more prone to this ailment.

Most often, dandruff appears in adults, for children and the elderly, this disease is uncharacteristic. More often suffer from the disease of men. Dandruff can signal other diseases. It appears in psoriasis, some types of lichen, seborrhea. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately address this problem.

Dandruff remedies depending on skin type

Such a chronic disease is widespread, it is not dangerous to human health, but can significantly reduce the quality of life. The condition of the scalp affects the hair. Dandruff is divided into dry and oily. Dry dandruff is fine, located mostly evenly over the surface of the head. Oily dandruff is large particles that stick to the hair.

To get rid of the disease, it is important to correctly determine the type of dandruff in order to select effective methods of control and achieve the desired result. It is better to begin treatment immediately after the appearance of white scales on the human head. At the initial stage it is much easier to eradicate dandruff.

Dandruff on the scalp

Dry dandruff

To eliminate dandruff you do not need to use many ways, just select one recipe of the nutrient mixture. With its regular use, you can get rid of the disease and improve the scalp and hair.

This problem can be solved with the help of such tools:

  • moisturizing masks,
  • oil wrap,
  • special decoctions.

An effective method is the use of a mask consisting of good honey, sunflower oil, mayonnaise, juice of the medicinal plant aloe, egg yolk. All components are carefully ground and mixed, after which the resulting mass is applied to the head and covered with polyethylene. After 20 minutes, rinse off the mixture. Burdock oil is used in the treatment of dry skin, it is used independently or sunflower oil is added to the composition. Such oil wrap, periodically repeated, will get rid of the disease.

Broths from a variety of herbs according to popular recipes will help to heal. Prepare a special broth for which acquire oak bark, onions. Only onion shells are added to the composition. Soak the liquid for half an hour on the fire, and then it is applied gently to the hair roots. It is important to warmly wrap your head, you can take a scarf or a woolen scarf. It must be removed after half an hour and wash your hair. Dairy products have long been used in the treatment of this disease. Sour cream and kefir are applied on the head in a uniform layer, and after 30 minutes it is removed.

How to deal with oily dandruff?

The use of natural products will help stabilize the glands, which will contribute to the disappearance of dandruff.

Before water treatment, you can use the following compositions:

  1. Acetic compress will provide smooth and silky curls. Take 8 tablespoons of nettle and cook, then add 1 spoon of table vinegar. This mixture is carefully rubbed, the head is wrapped with a scarf for several hours.
  2. Effective remedy is garlic, which is rubbed into the skin. Garlic gives a steady smell for several days, this time will have to spend at home.
  3. The use of beet masks is not recommended for people with blond hair. Beetroot cleans skin well, eliminates itching.

After treatment, the hair should be rinsed. Many medicinal herbs are suitable for this procedure. You can get rid of the problem with masks of cucumbers, zucchini, currants. They nourish the skin, treat it. It should not be used to treat fatty foods, which only exacerbate the disease.

What tools are best suited for rubbing into the skin?

The choice of how to deal with the disease depends on the desired result. When rubbed into the skin, effective formulations help eliminate the cause of the disease. Castor oil is used as a preventive measure against hair loss. It helps to soften tissues, strengthens the bulbs. The hairstyle will look great after the treatment. Get rid of the itch will allow a special mask. To prepare take alcohol, birch tar, castor. Carefully rub the composition before taking a bath. To achieve the result, there are several courses of treatment.

Whatever method is chosen for treatment, you need to take care of restoring the health of the whole organism. It is important to eat right, often spend time in the fresh air, not overwork. Lack of sleep, stressful situations, unbalanced nutrition lead to problems with hair. Harm curls cause paint, daily blow-dry. By eliminating these causes, you can restore the beauty of the hair and the health of the scalp.

Anti Dandruff Masks

There are many recipes, among which it is easy to find the most suitable. Traditional methods allow you to create a remedy from the available herbs available at home. Healing masks will easily help get rid of unpleasant itching, make the scalp clean, and curls healthy and beautiful.

Oatmeal today can be found in almost every home. They are brewed with a decoction of herbs, which is obtained from the plantain, medicinal chamomile, oregano, sage, nettle leaves, chamomile. These herbs can be easily purchased at your local pharmacy. Keep the therapeutic composition for at least 2 hours on the head, and then wash off. Dandruff will disappear in a month, subject to the regular use of such a mask.

The gruel of onions not one generation rescued a man from the disease. It is applied for several hours, a layer of gauze is put on top and wrapped with a scarf. Effective are also masks of their hazelnuts. Excellent mustard in the fight against oily dandruff. It is diluted with water, and then rubbed into the head. It is necessary to wash off the mass after 3 minutes.

Essential oils are needed for relaxation, but they will help with dandruff. Tea tree oil should be warmed and rubbed into the skin thoroughly. After applying the composition of the hair becomes clean and healthy.

Dandruff Compresses

If the composition is applied overnight, the treatment process is faster, it is possible to achieve the goal easier. A powerful compress from castor oil for oily hair is recommended to be done no more than twice a week. The ingredients, taken in equal shares, mixed, applied to the hair. Polyethylene is placed on the head and covered with a warm scarf or scarf.

Yarrow decoction is universal, it is suitable for the destruction of dandruff of any type. The liquid is boiled, after which it must be insisted, filtered. It is recommended to apply the resulting composition, rubbing into the scalp. In the morning, wash your hair with regular shampoo, corresponding to the type of hair. The treatment course should last two weeks.

Compress of burdock, calendula, calamus and hop cones applied to the scalp in the evening. You can not wash or rinse your hair in the morning. At night, the healing and recovery processes take place faster than during the daytime. Therefore, the application of certain compounds at night helps to cure the disease.

What decoctions are best taken by mouth?

Strengthen hair, get rid of the disease can not only using masks and compresses, but also taking medicinal infusions inside.

Popular remedies for the treatment of dandruff:

  1. A decoction of burdock is cooked over low heat for 30 minutes, leave for 15 minutes, and then strain. It is recommended to drink it an hour before meals three times a day.
  2. Red wine, aloe juice, honey should be taken with a large spoon.
  3. Brew and drink before meals gathering various medicinal herbs.

With improper hair care, a person often encounters dandruff. If the applied folk remedy does not give a result, then its use should be stopped and the approach to the treatment of the ailment should be revised.

Enhance the effect of external funds will help useful compositions for oral administration. They are also recommended for prophylaxis. Mix in an enamel container such herbs 1 tablespoon: mint, St. John's wort, string, burdock, corn silk. Fill the ingredients with 1 cup of boiling water, steam for 15 minutes and insist for an hour. Take three times a day before meals for the fourth part of a glass.

Hair rinsing

After washing, the hair can be rinsed with special formulations to improve their appearance and get rid of dandruff. Lemon water will reduce white flakes. It will take 4 lemons for cooking, which are cooked for 20 minutes. Cornflower lotion with vinegar and water is infused and rinsed for a month. It eliminates oily dandruff, has a beneficial effect on the scalp.

Chamomile, sage and some lemon juice are part of a folk remedy for oily dandruff. Effective is the use of infusion of birch leaves. For treatment, fresh aloe juice or tincture of alcohol from this plant is used. To completely eliminate dandruff, rinse with masks or balms for rubbing should be used.

Chamomile and sage decoction

Rinse of vinegar for several weeks will provide an excellent effect. This substance maintains the necessary acid-base balance of the skin and helps to cope with the disease. For the preparation of the liquid make a decoction of nettle with 1 teaspoon of vinegar. Ready to rinse hair. Vinegar is also used to make a mask.

What means for washing hair to use for dandruff?

To obtain an excellent result, it is recommended to wash your hair not with shampoo from the store, but with your own hand-made means. A suitable tool is rye bread, which will help get rid of oily dandruff. Apply also egg yolk, kefir to restore the scalp. Take two yolks, 2 tablespoons of flax oil, rum.

As an excellent substitute for soap take a tansy tincture, she can wash her hair. Shampoo from hop cones will strengthen the hair, help to heal the skin. Herbal shampoos are always done at home to remove dandruff, improve hair growth, cleanse the skin. Standard products used for washing the head, replace the healing broth.

Replace usual shampoos with homemade products, they will easily cope with the task. The gifts of nature allow a person to cope with any ailment quickly and efficiently, without resorting to the services of a modern chemical industry. Proper care of hair and scalp, timely treatment will forget about the problems with dandruff for a long time.

Types of dandruff

The first step is to figure out what kind of dandruff to fight. Dandruff is dry and oily, they have different methods of treatment.

  1. Oily dandruff is usually caused by excessively active sebaceous glands on the head. In this case, the hair quickly lose their appearance and become dirty. You can determine this type of dandruff by itching on the head and the appearance of the particles - they are large and sticky.
  2. Dry dandruff appears, on the contrary, from insufficient work of the sebaceous glands. Its particles are small, distributed throughout the scalp, while there is a very strong itching, as well as desquamation. It is dry type of dandruff that can be noticeable on clothing.

It must be remembered that ordinary shampoo can not eliminate dandruff, can only wash it.

After all, dandruff is a fungus, so that it can be cured with specialized antifungal agents. Everything else, dandruff is contagious, so you can not use someone else's combs or towels.

Plants with healing properties are often able to cure a whole range of diseases. It is noted that herbs save dandruff perfectly:

    Burdock can degrease hair, and in addition, strengthen and restore.

Chamomile will be an excellent treatment option if dandruff is accompanied by severe burning and itching. It soothes and also disinfects.

Nettles need to take only young, which literally just sprouted. It has the highest concentration of active substance that improves the blood circulation of the scalp. It not only helps to eliminate dandruff, but also enhances the growth and strengthens the hair.

Lavender. Means made from this herb not only suppress the sebaceous glands, but also help to exfoliate dead skin particles.

Sage, like rosemary, perfectly remove excess sebaceous secretions.

It should be remembered that the use of any means alone is not enough. Visible results will please only after a couple of weeks of regular use.

Broths and dandruff infusions

Below are a few options for effective infusions of herbs, but using them, you must abandon washing with other means of dandruff.

  1. Nettle decoction with apple cider vinegar. Take 500 milliliters of vinegar, the same amount of distilled water. Next, in this mixture you need a few minutes to cook 100 grams. nettle. After that, cool and strain the finished broth. It can be used instead of the usual shampoo. It perfectly removes excess greasy secretions and makes hair shiny.
  2. Chamomile decoction. Take a liter of water and 1 tbsp. l Chamomile, boil and strain. This broth is necessary to rinse your head after washing, but in any case not to wash it after that.
  3. A mixture of calendula for rubbing into the skin. Cook 1 tbsp. l oil of castor oil and 150 ml of calendula tincture. Stir and rub thoroughly into the skin at the roots of the hair. Then rinse with shampoo. The effect will be noticeable after 3-4 applications.
  4. A mixture of birch buds. To do this, you need tar from birch and a decoction of birch buds. This fluid should be lubricated with the skin at the roots of the hair, and then rinsed with shampoo.
  5. Egg-honey mask for dry dandruff. Beat one yolk with 1 tbsp. l mayonnaise, add one tsp. aloe juice and two - fresh high-quality honey. Mix the mixture thoroughly with the scalp, distribute the remnants of the hair, wrapped with film on top. Hold for half an hour, rinse.
  6. Mask with onions and vodka for dry dandruff. Stir 1 tbsp. l onion juice, the same amount of castor oil and two tablespoons of vodka. The mask should be applied for an hour, covered with foil, then wash your hair as usual.
  7. Oily dandruff mask from oak bark and onion peels. Half a cup of onion peel and half a cup of bark pour in an enamel saucepan and pour boiling water. Put the pot on a low fire. After boiling, boil for half an hour, cool. Strain and mix with 50 ml of salicylic alcohol. Apply the composition on the scalp, wrapped for 30 minutes with a film and a towel. Attention - this recipe should not be used by blondes, because the mixture can change hair color.

Dandruff treatment is extremely important, and not only for aesthetic reasons. First of all, it is a disease, and if it is started, then catastrophic hair loss will begin. So it is necessary to take action on time, and in this case, the hair will continue to delight their health and beauty.

Recipe number 1 Infusion of burdock roots

- burdock root (chopped) - 1 tablespoon,

- refined oil 1 cup.

Stir the ingredients and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place at room temperature. Strain and rub into the scalp 1 hour before washing, 2 times a week.

Burdock root is effective against dry dandruff, which is accompanied by hair loss and itching. Chop the young burdock root in a meat grinder or grated (fine), pour in vegetable oil (1: 3 ratio). Infuse for 1 hour in a glass jar. Strain, heat the solution and rub, repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week. For the treatment of dandruff course is 10 rubbing. If necessary, repeat the course after 20 days.

To prepare the broth, you must take 20 g of burdock root and pour 1 tbsp. hot water. Put on the fire and cook until the volume of liquid is reduced by half. Mix this broth in half with pork fat. It should dissolve in the burdock broth. Pour everything into the pot, close the lid, coat with dough and put in the oven for 2 hours. This thick mass helps to get rid of dandruff.

A simple way: fresh burdock juice, half diluted with water, rub into the scalp 2 times a week.

Recipe number 2 Burdock root and calendula flowers

- burdock root - 2 tablespoons

- Calendula flowers - 2 tablespoons.

To prepare the broth, take 1 tsp. mix and pour 1 liter of boiling water, simmer on low heat for 20 minutes. The decoction is used in the form of rinsing and rubbing into the scalp 2-3 times a week. It is necessary to apply on the head after washing, with massage movements, then put on a rubber cap or suitable package covering the applied decoction, and leave for 30-40 minutes.

Recipe number 4 Infusion of nettle leaves

Take 1 tablespoon of crushed nettle leaves and pour a glass of boiling water. Close the lid and cover for 1-1.5 hours, then strain the infusion. Apply the infusion after washing, then, should be covered with a bag and hold for 40 minutes, carry out the procedure 2 times a week. After the procedure, you can not wash the head.

Nettle leaves - 100 g,

Table vinegar - 0.5 l

Mix the ingredients put on the fire and boil for 30 minutes. After it has cooled, strain. Used in the form of rubbing the scalp every day. The course of treatment is 10 days. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe number 6 Chamomile Flowers

- Daisy flowers - 2 tbsp. l

Composition boil for 5 minutes. and after cooling, rubbed into the scalp. Attention! This infusion gives blond hair a golden hue. Infusion 1:10 is also recommended to wash your hair 3 times a week. The course is 15 procedures. You can repeat the course in 3 weeks.

Recipe number 8 Tansy

- Powder of leaves and stems of tansy - 1 tbsp. l

Boil water and cover the tansy with a lid and insist 2 hours. This composition is applied to dry hair every other day. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

Mix 1 tbsp. l flowers of tansy and 2 cups of boiling water, muffle and infuse for 2 hours. Rub into the scalp.

Option 3 Rinse

- Tansy flowers - 100 g

Add tansy water and boil for 10 minutes. We muffle and leave for the night. Before using the rinse should be drained and heated. In order to use the hair sprayer you first need to wash it. We will wash as follows in 5 liters. Water mix 2 yolks and rinse hair for 5 minutes. When you are sure that your hair is clean, rinse with a heated solution. When the hair is dry, the dandruff will disappear, and the hair will be soft and clean.

Recipe number 9 Alcohol extract of calendula and castor oil

Perfectly helps to get rid of dry and oily dandruff.

With dry seborrhea - Mix calendula tincture 50 ml, castor oil 20 ml. Apply to the scalp with massage movements and hold on hair for 5-10 minutes, then rinse off.

With oily seborrhea - Mix the calendula tincture 50 ml, castor oil 10 ml and use the same as described above. You can apply only calendula alcohol infusion to your hair, roll it with a towel and leave for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Recipe number 10 Infusion of herbs for rubbing

Mix in equal proportions dried nettle leaves, yarrow grass, horsetail and burdock roots. To prepare the infusion, take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Cover and leave for 30 minutes. Apply the infusion on the scalp with massage movements 2-3 times a week.

Recipe number 11 Infusion of Althea seeds

Althea seeds mixed with vegetable oil in the ratio of 1:20 and put in a water bath for 1 hour, without waiting until it cools down. Apply to the scalp this infusion while warm, but not very hot 1 or, if possible, 2 times a day. In order to get rid of dandruff will need 12-15 procedures.

Recipe number 12 Sage grass from dry and oily dandruff

For the treatment of dry dandruff 1 tbsp. l Sage herbs add 1 cup boiling water. Infused mixture of the day. The infusion procedure is carried out every other day for 1 month.

For the treatment of oily dandruff 1 tbsp. l Sage herbs pour 1 glass of vodka, insist day. Apply as described above.

Recipe number 13 decoction of yarrow

Yarrow decoction helps with any form of dandruff. For preparation: take 4 yards of crushed yarrow herb. l., water 0.5 l. Boil water then pour grass over it. Put on the fire and cook for 5 minutes, after it has cooled, strain. Apply to the scalp with massage movements every day before bedtime. Course 2 weeks.

Recipe number 14 Lotion from the roots of nettle

For the preparation of the lotion you will need crushed dry rhizomes of nettle - 50 g and 1 cup of boiling water. Boil the mixture on low heat for 10-15 minutes. After cooling, strain and add ½ cup of vodka (diluted alcohol). Rub daily into the hair roots. Course 10 days. During the treatment, we recommend not to wash the head.

Recipe number 15 Infusion of a mixture of herbs for the prevention and treatment of dandruff

- Burdock roots - 1 tbsp. l

- nettle leaf - 1 tbsp. l

- hop cones - 1 tbsp. l

- grass of horsetail - 1 tbsp. l

- Yarrow herb - 1 tbsp. l

To prepare the ingredients mix, then you need 1 tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water and after infusion (30 minutes) apply on the scalp with massage movements daily.

Recipe number 17 Infusion of thyme, horsetail and rosemary.

Take 1 tsp. thyme, horsetail and rosemary. A mixture of herbs pour half a cup of boiling water. Stir and add ½ tsp. fruit vinegar. After insisting to rinse the hair after each wash, it is necessary to massage the head. After the procedure, do not wash the head. This method helps to reduce the formation of sebum.

Recipe number 19 Ointment from the herb Mary whole-leaf.

Dried and shredded grass, whole-leaved, mixed with melted butter to form an ointment. The ointment is applied to the scalp and tied with a scarf, no more than once a day. Every 2 days to wash your head with warm water. If the hair is long and thick for shampooing, you can use a small amount of shampoo.

What is dandruff?

There are two types of dandruff - dry, oily. If we talk about dry dandruff, it is formed due to excessive dryness of the skin. The scales begin to actively peel off the skin, an unpleasant itch occurs, the hair loses its usual luster, and starts to break down (see How to get rid of dry dandruff).

Dry dandruff can occur not only because of excessive dryness of the skin, it can be a peculiar manifestation of allergy. In this case, the person is disturbed by the same unpleasant sensations: itching, irritation.

Oily dandruff occurs due to excessive sebum secretion. The sebaceous glands are actively functioning, the curls quickly become fat, there is an unpleasant shine (see Fat seborrhea).

The fungus is not only an aesthetic problem. It affects the skin, violates the nutrition of hair follicles, can cause baldness. Such dandruff is contagious; it can occur after using someone else’s towel or comb.

What are the drugs for dandruff and folk remedies.

What to do if dandruff appears on the scalp: recommendations.

How to treat?

In addition to specialized shampoos and balms that are quite expensive, you can use decoctions, herbal extracts. Nonconventional means will help to cope with the fungus, to eliminate its main manifestation. So, what herbs help against dandruff:

  1. Nettle: has anti-inflammatory effect, helps in treating the problem. It is well combined with other herbs, has a complex effect on the skin.
  2. Chamomile: is considered a powerful antiseptic, helps in the treatment of skin diseases, normalizes blood flow, strengthens the skin nutrition.
  3. Sage (see Sage for hair): normalizes the sebaceous glands, helps to get rid of excess fat.
  4. Burdock root: has a firming effect, has a positive effect on the roots, strengthens the follicles, stimulates the growth of curls.
  5. Lavender: helps in the treatment of oily skin, it has a pleasant reserve, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminates fat.
  6. Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus oil eliminates the problem, because there is menthol. This component relieves irritation, eliminates itching.

Important! Dry scalp needs nourishment, moisturizing. For this reason, do not use aggressive detergents. Preference is better to give baby shampoo or hypoallergenic hair care products.

Features of therapy with the use of herbs are that for the period of treatment will have to abandon the balm, other hair care products. It is not recommended to use a hair dryer, you can only dry your head with a towel.

Folk recipes

Selecting herbs against dandruff, it should be borne in mind that the most effective is the combination therapy. For this reason, several components will be needed for the treatment to be effective and efficient.

A few simple recipes:

  1. The simplest recipe that will help in treating the scalp of the fungus is a decoction of nettle. It is prepared in advance. After decoction just caress your head. It can be used instead of rinse after washing hair with shampoo.
  2. The recipe can be used as a prophylaxis and as a primary remedy for treating a problem. It is necessary to heat burdock oil in a bowl, mix it with castor oil, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the mixture. This mask is applied to the curls, evenly distributing it over the entire length. On the hair hold no more than 25 minutes, then wash off with warm water and shampoo.
  3. If the skin is not very dry, then you can prepare the following remedy: pour nettle, chamomile with boiling water. When the decoction is infused, cool, add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to it, and then caress the hair with the hair after using the shampoo or instead of it.
  4. If the scalp is dry, then a mixture of essential oils can be used to treat it: burdock oil, rosemary oil, avocado oil are mixed in equal proportions. The mixture is heated, applied to the curls. It is good if burdock oil is mixed with nettle extract. Such a tool is easy to find in a pharmacy, for the price it is no different from the usual burdock without additives. Strengthen the mixture can be with the help of castor oil. The tool is applied to the hair, evenly distributing it over the entire length of the curls. The mask is held for 30 minutes and then washed off with shampoo.
  5. For oily curls, you can use a mask with oils, but instead of rosemary oil, avocado, you should mix in equal proportions Sage oil, lavender oil (5-6 drops of each product), use a mixture of burdock oil and castor oil as a basis. The mask is heated on the stove, lightly rubbing it into the scalp, hair roots. Mask hold for about 15-20 minutes, then wash off with warm water and shampoo.
  6. You can use a decoction of calendula, chamomile, nettle. Herbs in a dry form are mixed in equal proportions, then poured boiling water. Broth insist for 20-30 minutes, and then rinsed.
  7. You can make a mask using eucalyptus oil, decoction of mother and stepmother, birch leaves. Prepare the broth in advance, it must be boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes. After the remedy is cooled, 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil are added to it. Broth caresses the hair after using shampoo.

Many herbs do an excellent job with their task, but if after prolonged treatment with herbs they failed to achieve the desired effect, you should consult a doctor for help.

Important! To treat a problem with cosmetics is a waste of time. Because cosmetics will not help get rid of the fungus.

How to strengthen the treatment?

If we approach the solution of the problem responsibly, it is possible to strengthen the therapy with the use of herbs with the help of rinses. What can be used as an air conditioner:

  1. Broth leaves or buds of birch.
  2. Strong infusion of tansy flowers.
  3. Decoction of rosemary leaves.
  4. Infusion of chamomile leaves and coltsfoot.

Find out what to do if dandruff appears, and itchy head.

Did you know that vitamins help to get rid of dandruff. What you need to include in your diet to get rid of the problem.

As a rinse, you can use a decoction of nettle and hops. The components are mixed in equal proportions, and then caress the obtained means curls. Such treatment will help get rid of the problem, make the hair soft and give it extra volume.

You can use several herbs against dandruff at the same time. If you initially apply a mask with eucalyptus and lavender on your head, and then use a decoction of nettle and chamomile instead of a conditioner, then the effectiveness of the treatment will be higher. Herbal tea and herbal extracts should be used regularly, otherwise this treatment will not bring any result. On average, therapy takes from several weeks to several months.

Operating principle

Natural raw materials growing in the fields, meadows, as weeds in the summer cottages - real storehouse of vitamins, essential oils, trace elements and other beneficial substances. This is due to their beneficial effects on the human body. Of course, the composition of all herbs is different.

Some have tannins, known for their anti-inflammatory effect. Others are richly endowed with polyphenols, which have among many advantages antibacterial properties (rosemary, sage).

Through trial, error, and experimentation, humanity has accumulated invaluable experience that allows the use of certain plants to combat problems of the scalp and hair. therefore from dandruff and seborrhea will not help all the herbs, but only well-defined.

The most useful raw materials collected in an ecologically clean place, away from businesses, highways. It is important that this is guaranteed by the manufacturer who packs dry leaves, flowers and roots in cardboard packaging. The maximum result should be expected from well-dried herbal ingredients with unexpired shelf life.

By the way. Herbs for dandruff have almost no contraindications. The main ban is an allergic reaction. But the list of medicinal plants used for seborrhea is extensive, so replacing one tool with another is not difficult.

List of medicinal plants

  • Aloe (Agave). It regenerates skin cells, improves blood circulation, strengthens the strands, and stimulates the growth of new hairs. Makes the hair soft, silky. Applying aloe, you will notice that the tips are not so much forked. Due to the bactericidal properties, agave struggles with the fungus that causes dandruff, normalizes the fatty balance of the head and thereby contributes to the disappearance of white flakes in the hair. Eliminates the itching of the skin.

  • Calendula. Soothes, soothes the inflamed derma, saturating it with vitamins and microelements. The beneficial effects of the herb are due to the fact that it contains ascorbic acid, salicylic acid, and other components necessary for the treatment of seborrhea. At the pharmacy, you can buy dried flowers or calendula tincture, or you can prepare these natural medicines yourself. This is recommended for those who suffer from oily seborrhea of ​​the head.

  • Nettle. One of the most useful plants that helps dandruff. It contains large amounts of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, as well as ethers, folic acid, and other components. It activates hair growth and strengthens them, makes them elastic and shiny. It improves skin blood circulation, relieves itching and eliminates white flakes. When used regularly, it gives the hair a rich shade. Reduces oily hair, but in combination with some other herbs and suitable for dry curls. Pay attention: old nettle leaves do not have such a healing effect as young ones.

  • Lavender. Its composition contains acetic and valeric acid esters. Lavender is a wonderful antiseptic. It helps to normalize the fat balance of the scalp. Removes white flakes, relieves itching. Prevents hair loss, condition them, making it smooth and shiny. In many masks there is an essential oil of this aromatic herb, but it can also be used in dried form.

  • Burdock. Known degreasing properties, due to which it is often used for seborrhea. Effective with hair loss, strengthens the follicles. Stimulates the roots, activates the growth of strands, restores their structure. It renews the skin cells, relieves itching. Hair ceases to be brittle, split, exude shine, acquire silkiness, volume, elasticity, comb well. Burdock root and butter from it (burdock) will suit owners of dry and fat, weakened, thin, damaged curls.

  • Coltsfoot. Natural anti-inflammatory and disinfectant. Positive effect on the skin, eliminating peeling. Prevents hair loss, alopecia. Stimulates the growth of new strands, making them soft, silky, shiny. It is optimal for the control of seborrhea, which is accompanied by increased body fat.

  • Tansy. Natural antiseptic, helps fight inflammatory processes. Makes stronger hair roots, strengthens them along the entire length. It prevents the development of seborrhea, is a good prevention of loss. Restores dry, brittle strands. However, remember that any type of tansy is more or less toxic. Use it very carefully.

  • Rosemary. This is a great seasoning, as well as a good remedy for curls. It improves blood microcirculation in the skin, nourishes the hair follicles and activates the growth of new strands. Cleans the dermis, eliminating fat and white flakes. Strengthens weakened hair, making it smooth and shiny. You can use rosemary oil or prepare masks based on vegetable raw materials.

  • Chamomile. It is difficult to imagine a person who has not heard about the benefits of this modest flower for hair. It effectively disinfects the inflamed, irritated scalp, soothes it and relieves itching. Prevents further dandruff. Chamomile improves blood circulation, strengthens the follicles and promotes active growth of the strands. Makes curls shiny and silky, and with regular use also gives them a golden hue (more important for fair-haired girls).

  • Celandine. Contains ascorbic acid, tannins, essential oils, which have antifungal effect. Makes clean not only the skin, but also hair. Relieves the dermis from various eruptions, eliminates itching, is actively used in the treatment of seborrhea. It gives the curls a natural shine, strengthens their roots. It is considered a poisonous plant, therefore it requires caution in use. The root of the grass is most harmful from this position.

  • Sage. Contains a natural antibiotic called salvin. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Suppresses the development of fungal infection, which provokes the appearance of dandruff. Eliminates excess greasy hair, fights irritation on the skin. Used to accelerate the growth of strands.

Application rules and features

  1. Natural raw materials can be used regularly for both treatment and prevention of seborrhea.
  2. Do not use herbal remedy for dandruff, if it causes you discomfort, redness, burning sensation.
  3. Remember that poisonous herbs (celandine, tansy) have more contraindications than all other wild crops. Carefully read the recommendations of manufacturers of dry fees.
  4. Using herbal hair products during pregnancy, let your doctor know. Even external use can harm an unborn baby. In particular, rosemary requires special treatment. Poisonous cultures for the treatment of curls during this period are prohibited!
  5. Start therapy with a one-component decoction or mask. Observe the reaction of the skin and hair. If everything went well, gradually add other herbs.
  6. Alternate with different ingredients, so as not to cause addiction.
  7. Strictly ensure that herbal preparations do not fall into the eyes, mouth, nose. Some cultures can cause mucosal burns.
  8. Do not put on the skin a large amount of juice of celandine, so as not to provoke a deterioration in health.
  9. Broths are used for washing the head or as rinses, thus enhancing the effect of a special shampoo.
  10. The frequency of application of masks is determined individually. You can practice rinsing 3-4 times a week.

An important point! After using herbs for dandruff by any method, it is not recommended to blow dry your hair.

Application Methods

To eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of seborrhea, any plant raw material is suitable: freshly harvested and dry, purchased or harvested by hand. If you buy herbal packaging at a pharmacy or phyto store, pay attention to shelf life.

If you dry the flowers and stems yourself, fold them in a shaded, ventilated place. To collect herbs for dandruff, choose a clear, fine day.

Tinctures and decoctions

1. Rosemary decoction:

  • chop 5 grams of herbs,
  • pour a glass of boiling water,
  • hold a quarter of an hour over medium heat
  • cool and apply after shampooing.

2. Burdock root medicine:

  • turn the raw material into a crushed mass,
  • connect with water whose temperature fluctuates at +20. +25 ° C. Proportion: 1 part burdock root and 10 fluid parts,
  • warm no more than 15 minutes on low heat
  • use as a hair rinse or distribute over the skin. Course duration - no more than 8 weeks.

3. Nettle infusion:

  • pour a glass of dried raw materials into a small container
  • fill with water (0.5 liters will be needed),
  • put in a water bath, hold for 20 minutes,
  • leave for 2 hours to infuse
  • filter out. If desired, sweeten with 1 teaspoon of honey. Spread over the entire length, from the roots to the ends of the hair.

Also, this tincture is washed with the head, mixing 100 milliliters with a few drops of shampoo. The tool is suitable for curls of any type.

4. Vinegar-nettle:

  • Pour 100 grams of dried nettle with boiling water and natural apple cider vinegar. Both liquids take exactly 0.5 liters,
  • leave for 30 minutes
  • filter, use after each shampooing.

5. Recipe with nettles and coltsfoot:

  • grind 50 grams of both types of herbs,
  • pour a liter of boiling water,
  • clean in a dark place for 3 hours,
  • strain. At least 3 times a week, use as a conditioner, rubbing the product along with the hair roots. It will help free the hair from white flakes and eliminate itching.

Council Instead of coltsfoot, you can take other herbs for dandruff: St. John's wort, burdock root, mint, and plantain.

6. Krapivno-alcoholic tincture exclusively for oily hair:

  • wash and chop fresh leaves of grass,
  • put them in a glass jar,
  • pour vodka. Its amount should be 10 times the amount of herbal raw materials,
  • leave in a dark, cool place for 10 days,
  • strain and rub into the roots without touching the hair. Do this no more than 2 times a week.Nettle from dandruff in the form of an alcoholic tincture improves blood supply to the follicles, cleanses the dermis from sebum, prevents hair loss.

7. Burdock root and seborrhea celandine:

  • chop 3 dried burdock roots and 2 tablespoons of the plant,
  • pour a liter of boiling water and hold for 30 minutes over low heat,
  • let cool and filter,
  • rinse hair after each hygienic procedure.

8. Chamomile decoction:

  • combine 4 tablespoons of dry dandruff herb with 2 liters of water,
  • boil 15 minutes
  • cool and rinse hair three times a week for no longer than 2 months. Then take a 12 week break.

9. Herbal infusion. It relieves itching and white flakes in 10–12 procedures. Improves blood circulation of the skin, helps with intensive hair loss:

  • Prepare a dry mix by combining 50 grams of burdock root, 20 grams each - calamus roots and calendula flowers, 10 grams of hop cones,
  • mix and measure 3 tablespoons, which is poured with a liter of boiling water,
  • let it brew for 2 hours in the oven or in a water bath,
  • Cool slightly and apply to the roots in a warm form every other day. The course of treatment is 2 months.

10. Tansy decoction:

  • 100 grams of raw materials pour 3 liters of water
  • boil for 10 minutes
  • warm with a towel and leave overnight
  • rinse hair at least 5 minutes after each use of shampoo.

Council Herbal decoction will act more efficiently if you wash your hair with raw egg yolk mixed with water.

1. Nettle oil with honey and yeast for any hair type:

  • pour 4 teaspoons of dried raw materials with a glass of boiled water,
  • leave for 30 minutes
  • filter, add 50 grams of dry yeast,
  • clean for half an hour,
  • Pour in 4 tablespoons of natural liquid honey. Thick can be slightly heated in a water bath,
  • add 3 tablespoons of olive oil and 5 drops of peach,
  • distribute the mask on the hair, rub into the roots,
  • warm your head, and after 20 minutes, rinse the mixture with warm water.

2. Remedy with aloe:

  • Squeeze the juice from 1 medium onion in a blender or meat grinder,
  • mix with natural honey, agave juice and burdock oil,
  • turn into a uniform consistency and apply on hair roots for 2 hours. Do not touch the tips. To improve efficiency, warm the head, and to get rid of the smell of onions, acidify the water to rinse with lemon or vinegar.

You can rub fresh clean agave juice in the skin at night and wash off in the morning. However, using aloe dandruff with onions, honey and burdock oil is much more effective. This tool eliminates white flakes and strengthens hair.

3. Chamomile mask:

  • pour 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water,
  • boil for no longer than 15 minutes, let it brew and cool,
  • add a tablespoon of burdock oil and half a cup of kefir,
  • rub the mixture 40-50 minutes before going to the shower and rinse with baby shampoo. This mask of chamomile helps from dandruff and itching, peeling.

4. Oatmeal and dandruff maskwith dry and fat types of seborrhea:

  • steam the flakes with a decoction of any medicinal plant. It can be chamomile, nettle or sage, as well as plantain and other herbs for dandruff,
  • keep on head for at least 2 hours.

Effect of use

An exemplary course of herbal treatment for dandruff is 1–1.5 months. During this time, you should notice improvements in hair condition. Thanks to herbal broths, they will become stronger, stronger, resilient, silky, they will fall out less, break and stratify at the tips.

Natural raw materials will adjust the fat balance of the scalp, relieve dandruff. Curls will shine in a natural, not greasy shine. From some herbs (chamomile, nettle, rosemary) strands will get a rich shade.

To cure seborrhea only tinctures, decoctions and masks will not work if the cause of the disease is associated with dysfunction of organs and systems. Problems with hormones, nerves, gastrointestinal tract, and not only can cause the appearance of white flakes in the hair.

Herbs are effective as a natural alternative to purchased shampoos, conditioners, and balsam, and not at all as a substitute for a full-fledged treatment with medicines.

If you suffer from dandruff and oily hair due to unsuitable cosmetic products - recipes with natural ingredients will relieve you of these symptoms. In other cases, a full body examination is required to find the cause of the disease. Herbal remedies in such a situation will be a good help and addition to the main therapy.

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Folk remedies for dandruff.

Folk remedies for the treatment of dandruff: masks, tinctures, decoctions, herbs, oils.

Dandruff Infusions

Dandruff appears as a result of impaired metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, to normalize the metabolism and cleanse the body, it is recommended to take herbal extracts.

Take 4-5 leaves of aloe, put in the fridge for a day. After wash, chop and squeeze the juice. Aloe juice needs 150 g. Add natural juice of red grapes (350 g) and honey (250 g). Mix thoroughly and take on an empty stomach for 25-30 minutes. before meals 3 times a day and 1 tbsp. l Store the residue in the refrigerator.

- burdock root - 5 tsp,

- herb St. John's wort - 5 tsp.,

- succession grass - 5 tsp,

- Aralia root - 5 tsp,

- chamomile flowers - 1 tsp,

- flowers of tansy - 1 tsp.,

- corn silk - 1 tsp.

All herbs thoroughly mixed and 1 tbsp. mix pour 1 cup boiling water. Put on the fire, bring to a boil. Reduce the gas and simmer for 15 minutes. Insist for 45 minutes. Take 30 minutes before eating 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

Mix 1.5 parts of plantain leaves, burdock root, nettle leaves, St. John's wort herb and 1 part of mint leaves, calendula flowers, and corn silk. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and taken to prepare the infusion 1 tbsp. l mixes. Pour 1 cup boiling water and cook on low heat for 15 minutes. Insist for an hour. Take ¼ cup 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

To prepare the infusion, take 3 tbsp. burdock root, fill it with 2 ½ glasses of boiling water. We put on the stove and torment it on low heat for half an hour. After it cools, strain. Take ½ cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

Option 2. Lemon-almond mask.

To prepare the mask mix:

- juice of one lemon,

- two chicken yolks,

- 15 drops of almond oil.

Beat everything in a blender and heat in a water bath. Apply the mask to the scalp evenly distributing and massaging with your fingertips. Cover the head with a rubber cap or bag and wrap with a towel. Hold for 1 hour. Rinse with tar soap. After rinsing with water, rinse hair with lemon and water (2 tbsp. Of lemon juice for 2 l. Of water). The procedure is repeated daily. One piece is enough for 3 times. The residue can be stored in the refrigerator. The course of treatment is 10-15 days.

Option 3. Lemon-olive mask

- Olive oil 5 tbsp. l

Heat olive oil in a water bath, then add lemon juice. Mix thoroughly. Rub the mask into the scalp with massage movements for 15 minutes, then wrap the hair with a bag and towel and leave it overnight. In the morning, wash your hair with tar soap and rinse with lemon water as described above. Such a mask is recommended to do before each washing of the head.

Option 3. Lemon-brandy mask

- chicken eggs 2 pcs.

Whisk the eggs with a whisk until smooth. Add lemon juice and brandy, mix.

Apply a mask to the scalp and massage with your fingertips so that it is better absorbed. Cover your head with a towel and leave for 1 hour. After you wash off the mask, rinse hair with lemon water.

Option 5. Lemon and aloe

To prepare a mask for oily dandruff, you must take the ingredients in equal proportions and mix thoroughly. The mask is applied to the scalp and rubbed with massage movements for 5 minutes. Then put on the package and wrap a towel or a woolen scarf. Keep on the head for 30 minutes. Wash their hair with shampoo. It is necessary to make such masks 2 times a week. Perfectly helps from fat dandruff.

Option 6. Coconut oil and lemon juice.

Coconut oil is an excellent dry scalp moisturizer. And also has antifungal, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Lemon helps to remove dry dandruff flakes from the hair. Therefore, combining these two products we get a great tool. Mix 2 teaspoons of coconut oil with 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and apply on the scalp. Leave on for 20-30 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Recipe number 1 Rinsing decoction of onion peel.

Take 1 liter of boiling water and fill them with 50 grams of onion peel. Insist 25-30 minutes. Apply in the form of rinsing after each hair wash. This method is not suitable for fair-haired women, as onion peel can color them. But girls with brown and red hair can safely use this recipe.

- decoction of burdock root - 6 tbsp. l.,

- Onion juice - 4 tbsp.

Mix all the ingredients and rub into the scalp.

Recipe number 3 Lotion of onion peel

- a handful of onion peel

- crushed clove seeds - 7-8 pcs.

To prepare dandruff lotion, mix all ingredients and leave for 14 days in a dark place. If you have dry hair, add 3 tsp. castor oil. Used during the massage of the hair roots.

Take 1 large onion and rub on a fine grater. Rub the resulting gruel into the hair roots, put on a plastic bag and wrap in a towel for 2 hours. After remove and wash with shampoo.

- castor oil - 1 tbsp. l.,

- Onion gruel - 1 tbsp. l.,

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and rubbed into the scalp for 2 - 3 minutes. Cover the hair with a packet and wrap up with a towel or put on a warm hat. Keep the mask for 1 hour. After wash it with water and wash it with shampoo. Repeat the procedure 3 times a week.

Recipe number 1 Very good anti-dandruff

- strong tea tea leaves - 1 tbsp.,

- castor oil - 1 tbsp.,

- vodka (diluted alcohol) - Art. l.,

Mix all the components of the mask and massage the hair onto the hair. Put on the bag and wrap with a towel for 2 hours. After rinse hair with warm water. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week, until dandruff disappears.

- crushed bitter almond kernels 5 pcs.

- light grape juice (wine - 1 glass

Mix and insist 2 days in a dark place. The resulting infusion to lubricate the scalp at night, wash off in the morning. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

- castor oil - 20 g,

- birch tar - 10 g.

Mix all the ingredients and rub into the skin 2 hours before washing the hair.

Take 1 head of garlic, peel, rub on a fine grater before the formation of gruel. Squeeze juice out of a slurry. If you have dry hair, add vegetable oil to the juice, in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply on the scalp for 2 hours before washing the hair, once a week, without covering the package. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.

Recipe number 6 Infusion shell green walnut

Infusion of green walnut shell helps to cope with fungal microflora. To prepare the infusion, 100 g of crushed shell should be poured with 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist in a dark place for 14 days, drain. Massage using infusion every other day. The course of treatment is 10-20 days. Attention! If you have blond hair they will sneak up.

Take 300 grams of green leaves and walnut peel pulp, cover with 1 liter of water and put on a steam bath, bring to a boil. Insist 2 hours after strain. Rinse your hair with infusion after shampooing. Then put on the bag and wrap in a towel for 10 minutes or for as long as there is enough patience. We wash off. Already the first time noticeable result. Course 3-5 procedures.

Recipe number 8 Kefir perfectly cope with dandruff

Dairy products, such as yogurt, kefir, whey can get rid of hair problems. To do this, apply them to the scalp and gently massage. Keep the mask on the hair for half an hour, then rinse with rinse. Prepare the conditioner as follows: for 1 l of warm water, add 1 tbsp. l mustard It is necessary to make such masks 7 days in a row, after for prophylaxis 1 time per month.

Recipe number 10

In a three-liter jar pour 1 ½ liters of cold water. Take the beets, peel them, cut them and put them in the jar until it is full. Put the bank on the window sill for 5-6 days, during which time a green mold should form on it (do not be afraid of it). Strain the contents of the jar, and use for rinsing after shampooing with boiling water. My head with rye bread: stale rye bread - 150 g to fill with boiling water, this pulp and wash your hair.

Recipe number 13

- cranberry juice - 3 tbsp. l.,

All mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture. The mask is applied to the hair roots, put on a plastic bag and a wool cap. Hold on hair for 2 hours and wash off with warm water. Shampoo wash your hair immediately. I use this method of treatment 3 times a week. For prophylaxis 1 time in 2-3 weeks or once a month.

Recipe number 15 Yogurt and black pepper.

Yogurt has beneficial antibacterial, antifungal and cleansing properties. And black pepper is rich in zinc and selenium. The combination of these products allows you to effectively fight dandruff. Take 1 cup of yogurt and add 2 teaspoons of ground black pepper, mix thoroughly. Apply the paste to the scalp and gently rub in a circular motion. Wait 1 hour and can wash your hair with shampoo.

Aroma oil anti dandruff

To date, cosmetologists and scientists have already proven the effectiveness of aroma oils in the fight against dandruff. But this applies only to real aroma oils that are extracted from seeds, grains and fruits of plants, and not mineral oils, which are the product of oil refining (capable of clogging the pores of the skin).

Essential oils are very useful for the scalp, as well as have antiseptic and antifungal effects. There are many such oils among them:

- tea tree oil,

- black poplar oil,

On the basis of essential oils, you can prepare dandruff masks or buy ready-made cosmetics. But it is better to prepare a mask at home. It is not so difficult to do. In 30 ml of the base (almond or olive oil), add 2-3 drops of aroma oil and rub into the scalp for 5 minutes or add 5 drops of essential oil to the shampoo.

Preparation of anti-dandruff remedies

If your problem is caused by dry scalp, the following formulations of aroma oils will help you.

1. To 10 ml of shampoo (any) add - 1 drop of tea tree oil, 3 drops of rosemary essential oil, 3 drops of geranium oil, 1 drop of lavender oil, 3 drops of bergamot essential oil.

2. To 10 ml of shampoo for dry hair, add - 4 drops of geranium essential oil, 4 drops of lemon oil

3. To 10 ml of shampoo (any) add - 2 drops of lemon oil, 2 drops of tea tree oil, 4 drops of lavender oil, 2 drops of geranium oil.

If you have oily dandruff, then the following formulations of oils will do.

1. To 10 ml of shampoo for oily hair, add - 5 drops of lemon and geranium oil.

2. To 10 ml of shampoo (any) add - 4 drops of thyme oil, eucalyptus, rosemary

3. To 10 ml of shampoo (any), add 2 drops of lemon oil, lavender, bergamot, geranium and 1 drop of tea tree oil.

Apply Aroma oil on the scalp and massage for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse the hair first with warm and then cool water.

In addition to shampoo oil can also be added to hair masks, balms and water for rinsing.

Masks with aroma oils for oily hair.

- lemon oil - 1 drop,

- Cypress oil - 3 drops,

- grapefruit oil - 3 drops,

- cedar oil - 1 drop.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply the mask on the scalp. Put on a plastic bag and wrap a towel. Hold for 1 hour. Wash off the mask with shampoo with 4 drops of thyme oil. After rinsing the hair with water (5 liters of water, you can add 6 drops of cypress oil).

In 5 ml of any hair balm, add 3 drops of lemon oil, 4 drops of bergamot, 1 drop of cedar oil.Apply the mask to the scalp, put on the bag and wrap with a towel. Hold - 40 min. Then wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with water with 5 drops of grapefruit or thyme oil (5-7 liters of water).

- vegetable oil - 120 ml,

- essence of ylang-ylang - 10-15 drops.

Apply the composition on the head and rub thoroughly. Cover with a bag and roll up with a towel. Hold 15 min. Then wash your hair. Be careful, ylang-ylang can cause headaches.

Take 2 tbsp. l tea tree oil. Apply to the scalp and massage for 5 minutes. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask normalizes fat balance and treats dandruff.

Masks with aromatic oils for dry hair

K 2 Art. spoonful of vegetable oil, add 4 drops of oil of sandalwood and orange. Apply the mixture after shampooing.

To 5 ml of vegetable oil, add 4 drops of chamomile and ylang-ylang oil, and 2 drops of incense. Apply the composition after shampooing.

To 10 ml of vegetable oil, add 3 drops of sandalwood oil, myrrh incense and 1 drop of orange. Apply the composition after shampooing.

- kefir - 1/3 cup,

- orange oil - 2 drops,

- Ylang-ylang oil - 3 drops,

- chamomile oil - 4 drops.

Kefir mix well with aroma oils and apply on the scalp and hair. Then put on the bag and cover with a towel. Hold 40 min. Then rinse with warm water and shampoo and rinse with 8 drops of chamomile oil (5 liters of water).

- vegetable oil - 5 ml,

- sandalwood oil - 4 drops,

- Mandarin oil - 3 drops.

Heat the mixture to 60 degrees in a water bath and apply on the scalp, massaging for 5 minutes. Cover with a packet and wrap with a towel. Hold for 1 hour. Then wash with shampoo, which you can add 5 drops of chamomile. And rinse with 6 drops of sandalwood oil (5-7 liters of water).

Scalp massage helps cure dandruff

Massage of the scalp can really help cope with dandruff, because it improves the nutrition and blood supply to the hair. Perform massage for 5-10 minutes. We recommend the following sequence:

1. Start with a massage of nerve endings between the eyebrows. To do this, press the index and middle fingers between the eyebrows and count to 5.

2. Repeat the action of the first item every half a centimeter gradually move to the temples.

3. For 20 seconds, massage the temples in a circular motion clockwise.

4. Vigorously massage the scalp with the tips of all fingers and count to 10: down, up, in a circle.

5. Grab small strands of hair at a distance of 3 cm from the root and vigorously twitch. So you need to go all over the head.

Massage can be carried out when the hair is dry and when you wash your hair. It is also very effective to massage with table salt (fine), for this, before washing your hair, rub 3 tablespoons of salt into dry or moist scalp for 2-3 minutes. This helps to exfoliate dead skin cells, improves hair growth and normalizes the sebaceous glands. After 2 weeks you will notice significant changes.

We recommend you massage with aroma oils, which we described above. You can also massage with infusions of herbs or before applying masks.

For example, for a massage, take nettle - 400 g (young) of marigold and chamomile - 50 g and pour 1/2 liter of boiling water. Tomite 10 min. over low heat. Cool and strain. If you have dry hair, add 1 tsp. olive, corn and castor oil.

Massage can be done using olive, corn and castor oils with the addition of ½ lemon juice. You can also rub the calendula alcohol infusion mixed with castor oil in equal proportions. In addition, you can do a massage with infusion of burdock root with burdock oil. After the massage, put the bag on your head and wrap a towel for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
