
What hair extensions to choose - 5 popular ways


Many modern girls dream of luxurious long hair. Looking through the pages of popular tabloids with awe, they each time admire the beauty of their hair.

Indeed, lately one can observe the tendency of long strands to return to fashion.

Today, young ladies prefer long, dramatic curls to short, rather tired haircuts.

However, alas, nature rewarded such wealth by no means everyone, therefore modern girls are forced to wait for the hair to grow back for months or even years.

But the benefit today is the beauty industry allows you to get the cherished long hair in a shorter period due to extension procedure, but you need to choose the safest hair extensions.

What is?

Hair extension is a hairdresser's procedure, the principle of which is to add additional curls to existing hair in order to make them longer.

Which hair extensions are safer? Capacity may have different technology depending on the method:

  • Hot a method that includes, for example, Italian and English extension technologies.
  • Cold method to which such types as tape, Spanish belong, with use of metal beads, etc.

Harm from the procedure

Our hair is our wealth, so we do our best to protect it from various external influences. But, unfortunately, in pursuit of healthy and long curls, girls often face a difficult choice.

To argue about whether building is harmful is useless, for disastrous effect for the hair here is obvious. Meanwhile, it is worth noting that everything depends on various factors.

Therefore, this article will help you choose the most harmless hair extensions, indicating the pros and cons of this procedure.

For example, it is important to take into account the qualifications of the master to whom you turned: it is obvious that a hairdresser with little experience will do the job less qualitatively than a real expert in his work. Also, the sensitivity and structure of the hair: strong hair easier to transfer the procedure, and their recovery will be faster.

And, undoubtedly, the degree of harm in building depends on the method of your chosen procedure and the relevant materials. When performing such a complicated procedure as scaling up, be sure to contact a professional.

Do not try deal with it yourself, especially when it comes to hot build.


Let's start with the most popular method - hot build. The popularity of this method brought a special Italian technology (note that it was in Italy that this industry received a huge impetus in its development).

The name of this technology is capsular build up. It differs from others in that during the procedure itself, artificial strands are attached to the natural ones with the help of special capsules.

In this case, hairdressers promise us elongation of hair in the range of up to 60-70 centimeters, which will last 2-3 months. But is it safe?

It is clear that hot buildup brings certain harm, as for the hair thermal effects - extreme stress. However, it is worth noting that the capsules used in this method are based on keratin.

Keratin - natural fibrillar protein, which is part of the hair structure. It is he who gives her the necessary strength.

Therefore, capsular hot build-up may well compensate for the damage caused by hot tongs.

Let us proceed to the next method - cold buildup. He gained his fame among the ladies due to the fact that, according to rumors, does not harm the hair in any way. But let's take a closer look at this.

The main principle of cold buildup is that the attachment of artificial strands to the head occurs without the use of excessive thermal or chemical effects.

Instead of burning forceps or other heating devices in the procedure are used:

  • glue-based capsules
  • adhesive tapes
  • > microcapsules.

It seems to be all great, but here you need to take into account its features. For example, you should always look at the quality of the product that will be used in your hairstyle.

It is necessary to take into account everything: the date of manufacture, composition, brand, country of manufacture, etc. And, of course, if you want your hairstyle to hold on as long as possible, the capsules do not roll off, and the ribbons do not peel off - choose a good one. checked specialist.

Tape technology

Now we will dwell in more detail on tape technology. Since it refers to the cold methods of building, here the master will not use heat.

This procedure lasts not for longand the effect of it, as experts say, lasts up to 2.5 months. In addition, if you get tired of long hair, you can manually detach the artificial strands when you wish.

The choice of the master salon: the price plays a role

The process of building itself requires special skills, experience and knowledge of various technologies, so the choice of the master plays a key role. In order not to regret that you have chosen the wrong specialist, it is better to take care of this in advance. View information on social networks or on thematic sites, study the reviews of the masters and choose the right one.

An experienced hairdresser will tell you which way to choose, based on the condition and structure of the client's hair. Finding a professional master is easy if you know the selection criteria:

  1. Service price. If the cost of work is low, then either the experience of the master is small, or the quality of the material is low.
  2. Availability of a portfolio. Examples of work performed will tell about the professional qualities of the master. If the master has such a portfolio, then you need to view it.
  3. Quality assurance. Professionals guarantee, with proper care, a certain period of wearing hair.

Do not use the services of unverified or first available masters. Examine the methods of its work, reviews of former customers, which technology is best build capacity. If you remember these tips and follow them, the master will not disappoint you.


In other words, the French buildup or simply sewing on is considered to be one of the safest. The process proceeds as follows: first, the hairdresser weaves thin identical braids from natural hair.

Then, each braid is alternately stitched with tresses. You should make sure that all the tresses are sewn evenly and gently, otherwise the hair will not look natural.

The service life of such a hairstyle is relatively small - 1.5 months, however, when it is made, no artificial materials are used that can in any way harm the health of the hair.

Hair pins

And for those who absolutely do not accept any effect on the hair, there is another option - false hair on hairpins. This method can not be attributed to the build-up, but the effect of it is the same - a long luxurious head of hair.

But here there are some downsides. Wearing such hair for too long is not recommended, as the head may feel heavy. And on the implementation of the hair will take a decent amount of time. Although the effect is worth it.

When buying overheads, try to choose those that are as close as possible to your natural tone.


In conclusion, it should be said that this article analyzed the safest extension methods.

Which one is right for your hair is up to you and your specialist. Remember that this matter must be approached wisely, and then your time, money and efforts will bear fruit.

Is hair extension harmful, which method is the safest

The visible effect after a quality build-up of chic strands outweighs, at times, all the concerns of women about the deterioration of their own hair. Few of the owners of nondescript natural hair for a long time wonders whether the hair extension is harmful. Every lady wants to feel admiring glances on herself, and this aspect is often crucial in making a decision.

Is there any harm in hair extensions

You need to understand that any information about the benefits of building curls is false, if you do not take aesthetic pleasure from the awareness of the woman of its irresistible. The harmlessness of the procedure is the same myth, since the care of your own hair after the salon procedure becomes much more complicated, which cannot but affect their condition.

There are certain non-grata factors for which a good specialist will discourage the procedure:

  • increased sensitivity of the scalp,
  • allergic to glue components or other chemical elements for extended curls,
  • tendency to alopecia,
  • chronic migraines and circulatory disorders of the brain.

Even the most harmless extension that you can offer blocks the follicles, depriving them of healthy air circulation and nutrition, weakens and dries the tips. Depending on what method of hair extensions will be chosen, the loss of natural beauty of natural hair varies.

The damage from hair extensions cannot be compensated by urgent cosmetic procedures - the restoration will take a lot of time, effort and money.

Difficulties care for hair extensions

The budget option “to correct beauty” due to the additional volume is not the safest way to correct the situation. From cheap glue, in addition to the rapid loss of their desired properties and appearance, dandruff appears.

The best thing that sometimes can be done to save native curls is to take off luxury invoice before falling off strands start to carry away bunches of weakened hair.

The damage from building cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized:

  • choose a method without the use of clips, on which to keep incremental strands,
  • prefer Slavic curls, as the least problematic in washing and combing,
  • to choose the right color and structure of the material for maximum coincidence with the natural ones - this will eliminate the need for tinting and facilitate the selection of care products,
  • to wash your head correctly is the most harmless, it is in a standing position to wash your head with not too tight pressure from a shower sprinkler,
  • at night braid not tight braid.

Remember - the safest hair extension is one that does not require the use of high temperatures and toxic elements.

Hot build

Is capsular hair extension harmful? Yes. But this technology belongs to the most enduring methods and therefore is popular. In addition, the capsules include keratin, which allows you to put up with the general negative of the procedure.

The very process of attaching the implant strands occurs after thoroughly washing the head with neutral means and drying the hair with a hair dryer. Then select the required number of capsules and the nature of their distribution over the surface of the hair.

Big plus capsular capacity - freedom of action. With donor strands you can do, as with your own - to dye, braid in complex hairstyles, visit pools and baths. Cons - capsules periodically "move out" with an unstable attachment. It is uncomfortable to sleep with them, especially in the first week. With very oily scalp, the duration of the capsules is reduced by one and a half times.

Ways of hot fixing:

  1. Italian technology using hot tongs and the formation of an almost imperceptible keratin capsule at the junction. The method is not considered the safest, but belongs to the most durable. Implants are removed by chemical destruction of the capsule with a special gel.
  2. English technology is not considered such a "sock" and is less comfortable because of the large capsules. The organic resins used for fastening the strands are strong enough, but their service life is half as long as the Italian ones — about three months.

Cold build

The lack of thermal effects on the scalp is the main difference that maintains the prestige of this technology, however, not all cold modeling techniques have this advantage outweighing the significant shortcomings. A good glue, which will grow hair, is very expensive, and an inexperienced specialist can spoil even the most invaluable material.

Cold modeling techniques:

  1. Ribbon fastening is noted for nothing, as the most harmless hair extensions, as artificial strands are attached to the glue-scotch element and are easily removed, with the assistance of a low-toxic solution. They call high exploitation possibilities - about a year, but with standard care: washing, drying, combing, the actual period is much more modest - 3-4 months. The disadvantage of the method is the limited choice of hairstyles, since the glue element in partings is still noticeable.
  2. The Spanish technology also guarantees the use of donor curls for at least three months, but in addition to glue and a catalyst for it, this set includes coloring pigment to mask the junction.
  3. Japanese technology is among the most exotic. Build up locks using this method will be offered to you with the help of various fittings, like beads, tucks, clips. The Japanese method does not differ much ingenuity in terms of endurance - after 1.5-2 months, artificial curls will need to be updated or completely replaced.

Ultra modern hair extensions

Such methods include options that have not yet gained high popularity due to their rare use in salons.

Alternative methods to those already listed include:

  1. Nano-scaling. Sitting on the microscopic capsules of the finest strands can be counted as a masterpiece of fine art. The procedure is long and laborious, but the difference between natural and donor hair is impossible to notice. The formation of any hairstyles will not entail the loss of implants, and the hair will amaze with magnificence for at least 6 months. If you answer the question what kind of hair extensions are worth the money and effort spent, the answer is unequivocal.
  2. Ultrasound modeling has not yet managed to collect a large number of reviews and has not passed the test of time, but in the future, take a worthy place between the most popular and safest ways.

Is it possible that every girl can have long hair: if not hers, then her extension. But which hair extensions are better? Capsular hair extensions. applied cold and hot views. The most famous and common among them are

Secrets of long hair: which hair extension is better?

For a long time, hair has been given special importance, because the individuality of the person, his inner world was associated with them. It was believed that the thicker and longer the hair, the better the life, healthier and richer the inner world of their owner. ThinkingI want long hair!»Almost all the beauties fell asleep and woke up.

Now there is little that has changed. Is it possible that every girl can have long hair: if not hers, then her extension. But What hair extensions are better? Before you ask this question, it may be worth paying attention to the state of your natural hair, find out why they grow poorly or break quickly?

Hair reflects both the inner and the outer world of a person.And whatever the hairstyle on the head, but the condition of the hair can be seen immediately - healthy hair shines, beautifully shimmers in the sun, have a pleasant appearance, they do not split. Sick hair looks dim, very snagged, and often looks like a sponge.

Secrets of long hair

To healthy hair, you need to properly care for them. To do this, you first need to accurately determine the type of hair that you have.

They are of several types: fatty, dry, mixed and normal. Naturally, each of these types has its own specific characteristics and requires proper care.

If the hair is healthy, then to maintain their condition will be sufficient to apply the correct and timely washing. How often - this is purely individual for each person. With daily use of varnishes and hair styling gels, it is still advised to wash your hair every day. All these styling products harm the hair, they therefore become dull and heavy, begin to split.

Of course, the hair should be washed in warm water, not hot or very cold.

Shampoo is applied without fail to wet hair. It should be slowly rubbed into the scalp, but in any case not to tear the nails.

It is necessary to wash off the head several times so that there is no foam on the hair.

After washing your hair, you should never brush your wet hair, as this will damage its structure.

Dry them preferably in a natural way with a towel. Of course, there is another problem that takes away the vitality from the hair - it is dandruff. To combat it, use a variety of cosmetics, and there are many good homemade masks for dandruff.

However, no matter how many ways to care and secrets of long natural hair (masks for density, masks for rapid hair growth and others) exist, the beauties still come to the builder and say the same phrase: “I want very long hair!” If you do not want to wait until your hair grows up, especially if you had a bad haircut before, then, of course, hair extensions are a good way to get long curls.

Which hair extensions are better?

Hair extension This is the method that allows you to quickly give your hair the desired volume, thickness and length. Before you make such a procedure, you should consult with a specialist, discuss the length you wish to do, and also choose the extension technology.

There are many ways to build up, and if you decide to use one of them, then first of all you need to familiarize yourself with its minuses and positive aspects. Allot tape building, capsular, clip. Which is better? We will understand:

    Tape hair extensions enters

Tape hair extensions

in the discharge of the cold form of extension and carried out using a certain adhesive tape and hair strands. Glue does not have a bad effect on the hair and is removed from them with a certain liquid. With such a build-up does not apply very high temperatures. The effect of such extensions can be observed throughout the year, but it is not advised to do some types of hairstyles.

Thus, it can be argued that hair extensions are a harmless procedure, which, however, requires certain care. If you constantly grow hair in a capsular way, then their condition will certainly deteriorate, the hair will begin to fall out. Capsule extension is much sparing and does not harm the hair at all. What build-up to use is up to you.

That's all the secrets of long hair. And do not forget the famous saying - beauty requires sacrifice!

Want long hair? I want to right now! If you recognize yourself in this, then choose a good beauty salon and a professional wizard who will tell you in detail which hair extension is better for you and will make the procedure efficiently and without harm to natural hair.

What are the secrets of beautiful long hair?

What methods of hair extensions are suitable for home use. What ways it is better to give up. Tape extension - the most benign and harmless practically does not injure its locks. Donor strands are attached using thin adhesive tape.

How to build hair at home: the best ways to build yourself at home

Homemade hair extensions - one of those procedures that allow you to achieve a spectacular image change in a short time and at no extra cost. It’s not for everyone to grow long curls, it’s very long in time, but I’d like to flaunt chic long strands today. Donor strands come to the rescue, which can be extended not only in the salon of the master for decent money, but also at home on their own. On what types of home extensions exist, what tools and tools are needed, what are the prohibitions and how the procedure itself is carried out, read further in the article.

Types of hair extensions

Of all existing types of capacity you need to choose the least laborious and complex and the safest hair and scalp health. Home building is different from professional, so you need to be aware of their lack of professionalism, and even with experience, act on the instructions.

Methods used at home

  1. Tress - wide ribbons in which donor hairs of specific length are sewn. Stripes are cut from them and swept up by threads to their own strands. This The method is simple, can be performed independently or with someone's help. It allows you to quickly and effortlessly increase the thickness and length of hair. You will have to spend only on the tresses themselves. But there is one The disadvantage of the method is the fragility. Term socks very modest - about one month.
  2. Tape building - the most benign and harmless practically does not injure its locks. Donor strands attached with thin adhesive tape. Used glue does not harm natural strands, does not affect the structure of hairs, you can remove the build-up at any time, as well as remove glue. Correction depends on how quickly your own hair grows, but usually it is about two months. To accomplish this build house do not need any special tools and skills, professional tools and knowledge of complex technology. The best option to improve the appearance of rare and fine hair.
  3. Hot capsular extension - a rather complicated technique, artificial strands are fixed on their own by melting keratin capsules. Need a special iron. When it is time to correct (once every 3 months), they are dragged closer to the roots of their strands.

Which is better to refuse

  1. Japanese technology not recommended not only for home use, but in general: silicone rings on which the straps are attached clamp specials. forceps. During the removal procedure, own Curls are very affected.
  2. Building a special professional glue cold method requires very high skill, and you can remove the strands only at the hairdresser. The technology of connecting the strands and pulling the glue into a thin capsule is very difficult for home execution.
  3. Building various resins and adhesives not intended for this, or of dubious origin is not strongly recommended. The consequences can be the most sad.

What is necessary

Anyway to the build process is necessary carefully prepare to purchase at least typical set of tools , plus suitable for the selected type of items and equipment.

  • donor strands. Whatever method is chosen on artificial hair, it’s not worth saving, otherwise the whole point of the time-consuming procedure is lost,
  • a set of tools: tongs, dividers, scissors, clips, etc.,
  • special glue and mortar remover (capsular),
  • thread special needle (for tress).

Council Get curls of European quality, with a natural look and shine, universal and suitable for almost all natural hair types. More information about choosing natural hair extensions can be found on our website.


At home building like any other procedure There are a number of limitations:

  • up to 18 years of age (weak hair follicles do not withstand the severity of artificial strands, their own hair suffers, may lead to loss),
  • short own curls (up to 10–12 cm),
  • if at the moment goes antibiotic treatment there are catarrhal diseases, chemotherapy is performed, it is better to postpone the build-up,
  • in the presence of various allergies,
  • skin diseases or damage in the hair growth zone,
  • fungus, seborrhea.

For future mothers, we recommend reading the article: Is it possible to increase the hair of pregnant women, what ways will work.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to have at least elementary knowledge about it, it is better to observe a specialist several times, learn, consult, do everything for the first time under the supervision of a master. Otherwise, with any doubts, it is better to entrust the head to a professional. Hair health is more expensive than uncertain experiments.

As with any business, quality build-up is impossible without good preparation of both tools and artificial strands, as well as its hair. It is necessary to cut the split ends of the hair, wash well and dry the head.

  1. With a hot build method you need to divide your strands into sectors with the expectation that the majority of donor curls are fixed in the occipital region. They are attached at some distance from the roots so that the hairstyle is not bristled. At the end of the procedure you need to trim the tips of the hair, forming a complete hairstyle.
  2. Tape method and easier and safer in the first place due to the non-use of high temperatures in the process. First, you need to divide the hair in a circle along the head, separating the upper part, and the upper hairs at the crown of the pick-ups. Then distribute donor hair on the selected circle, sticking them at a centimeter distance from each other. It will take about 35–65 ribbons.
  3. Tress accumulation is carried out on the partitions located along the head, without affecting the area around the face so that the attachment area was not visible. First, the top curls are stabbed at the crown. Then a thin braid is tied around the head, and a ribbon is sewn on it. It is important that the strands are matched very closely to match.
  4. Capsule technology the most difficult and requires skill and skill. About 110–150 tapes are required for the whole head. Using molten glue, fine strands are attached to their own hair, divided into partings. The capsule is melted by compressing a special hot iron. There is a small flat drop on the hair. Move from frontal lobe to occipital. From the roots recede about a centimeter.

Hair care

Care for hair extensions is necessary regardless of whether they served you in the salon or you did the task at home. The beauty and the spectacular appearance of the new curls, the frequency and the need for correction will depend on the care.

  1. It is better to purchase a special comb or comb with rare teeth, they can be found in beauty salons, boutiques.
  2. It is also recommended to use detergents designed specifically for hair extensions. If desired, you can replace the usual lightweight shampoo, and wash your hair without rubbing it in the hair roots.
  3. Be sure to use a good conditioner: it makes combing easier and guarantees shine and beauty of curls. Combing strands will not be removed when combing, and your curls are injured.
  4. Depending on the type of capacity you need avoid hot styling.
  5. It is better to wash your hair under the shower with warm, not hot water.
  6. It is better not to use products containing alcohol for the care and creation of hairstyles.
  7. You can't go to bed with wet hair, you need to dry them out to the end.

Hair extensions at home - this is a difficult and painstaking procedure, but quite affordable and doable. A little patience, careful careful work and you will become the owner of a beautiful thick hair of the right length.

Find out more about popular hair extension techniques , thanks to our articles:

Hollywood - tape building

Hollywood (tape) capacity first appeared. This is a cold extension method in which the strands are fixed under the roots of their hair with the help of a special glue (glue tape). Advantage is the ability to quickly increase the length, without the use of special equipment. Head can be washed with hot water, walk in a bath or sauna. Suitable for those who wear loose curls. The disadvantages of this method are much more. First, the hair is treated with chemicals, which negatively affects them. Since the strands are attached to the adhesive tape strips, it is not possible to lift the hair up and make different hairstyles, ribbons will be visible. With proper care, you can wear these curls up to a year.

The safest build! (+ photo)

I want to tell you about my acquaintance with tape buildup.

Why do I resort to building?

Many girls do it to increase the length of the hair, but I do it to increase the thickness and volume. By nature I have thin hair of medium brown color. In addition, at the age of 14, I bleached my hair with thermonuclear paints from supermarkets on my own. Not only did they look like tow after that, they were also a yellowish tint without toning.

Only by the age of 20, I began to trust hair coloring to professionals of good salons, and at the same time I made the first building using the hot method. After him, I volunteered to make capsules (the master pressed the keratin capsules so tightly to my poor hair that later, along with donor hair, shoots of his hair were taken off.) I was in shock, sat in the barber's chair and almost cried ((((

My new master recommended metape type extension:

Since I was very accustomed to the thickness and beauty of the hair, I agreed to the experiment.

Girls, if you decide on high-quality cold hair extensions - be prepared for high costs.

I bought 60 tapes Angellohair Slavic type (this is 13,800 rubles).

Then the building itself (-9000 rubles). One tape 150 rubles.

Coloring, toning, mask and styling (- 6500 rubles)

Total minus 29300 rubles. Quite expensive (((But this is due to the purchase of hair, further procedures were cheaper. But the result was worth it. Although it became less comfortable to sleep than with capsules, ribbons pricked your scalp in your sleep in the first month.

Photo of the result, I apologize in advance, a small photo :)

What the new ribbons looked like:

At first she wore her hair for 2 months, as it was said, otherwise mats will be formed. When removing any excesses, your hair is preserved, it is important))).

The second time I went through with them for as long as 4 months and didn’t particularly care for it, the master had to tinker, and combed out a bit of his hair, but this was because of the tangles that were unraveled for 2 hours.

And so the strands look after six months socks:

Slightly battered, but if you take care of them and straighten them, they will fit on 1 more build-up))

For your hair is the safest of all types of extensions that are known to me.

But the price. despite it, I will still increase!


Watch the video: How To Choose Hair Extensions - 5 Tips For Picking Natural Looking Extensions. Instant Beauty (July 2024).