
26 of the most effective shampoos for psoriasis on the head


The use of shampoo for psoriasis on the head is required for this ailment to treat skin and hair. There are many tools that have a healing effect. If you are affected by such an unpleasant disease as psoriasis of the head, read which drug is best to buy. Such a serious problem certainly needs to be addressed.

Shampoo for psoriasis of the scalp

The disease is a non-infectious lesion of the skin of a chronic nature. It is typical for it to appear on many parts of the body and on the head of papules, which form with time spots with a clear contour of reddish hue, which peel off and itch. There is no clear list of the causes of psoriasis, but experts suggest that the disease, in most cases, develops due to stress, the use of certain detergents and cosmetics, drugs, skin damage.

With the progression of the disease the head is covered with whitish scales, resembling dandruff. If the skin is intensely combed, bleeding sores will appear. Faced with such a problem, you need to visit a dermatologist, who will advise on how to wash your hair with psoriasis. It is necessary to use special means, the impact of which is directed to:

  • fast healing of the skin, reduction of papules in size until complete disappearance,
  • eliminating itching
  • relief of pain,
  • skin softening
  • moisturizing.


The main function of such products is to remove dead skin particles. Keratolytic shampoo contains a high concentration of active ingredients. This is very important in the treatment of the scalp, which tends to become covered with a very dense crust. Shampoos with salicylic acid, tar, sulfur in the composition, as a rule, have keratolytic effect. These components exfoliate the skin, facilitating the access of oxygen to the hair follicles. Keratolytic agents should be used carefully, because they slightly reduce the protective functions of the skin.

The therapeutic effect of funds with such a substance is pronounced, they heal the skin, relieve inflammation. Zinc pyrithione, which is part, provokes a violation of the transfer in the cells of substances necessary for its existence. Because of this, they die off. Shampoo with zinc for psoriasis kills staphylococci, streptococci, in some cases provoking this disease. It can not be used in combination with drugs containing hormones.

This substance is made from wood: birch, juniper, pine, willow. Tar has antiseptic properties, it disinfects the skin, relieves inflammation, exfoliates. It helps from many skin diseases and is absolutely safe for the body. Psoriasis tar shampoo works like this:

  1. Accelerates the recovery of damaged skin cells, reduces papules in size.
  2. Removes dead cells.
  3. Moisturizes the skin, helps to cope with dryness, peeling.
  4. Relieves inflammation, removes pain, burning, itching.


So called means for washing the head with glucocorticosteroids in the composition. They have been used for more than six months. Hormonal shampoos for psoriasis on the head performs many functions. They relieve the inflammation and pain that accompany the disease. Such a tool normalizes the process of dividing the cells of the epidermis, effectively exfoliates and fights against allergic reactions. Preparations of this group should be prescribed by a doctor and be applied strictly according to the instructions in order to avoid addiction.

Tar shampoos

Effective remedies, with regular use, have a remarkable effect. Tar shampoos for psoriasis quickly relieve burning, pain and inflammation, remove itching, peeling.They enhance hair growth, strengthen them. The only drawback of such funds is not the most pleasant scent. When abused can cause addiction and flaking of the scalp. Affect the intensity of hair color in blondes. The most famous means:

  • "Freederm Tar" (contains coal matter, is suitable for oily hair, removes dandruff, use "Friderm" 12-week course),
  • “Tar for a bath from Grandmother Agafya” (contains natural birch tar, heals the skin, makes hair less brittle, straightens, and is applied for at least a month in a row).
  • "Super Psori" (contains tar, magnesium salts and Naftalan oil, relieves inflammation, itching, exfoliates the skin, applied for a month in a row).


Fungi very "love" to multiply in an environment with chronic inflammation, so they often accompany psoriasis. Excessive itching and desquamation, which are almost impossible to tolerate, usually indicate their presence. Antifungal shampoo can stop the inflammatory process. After use, there is a feeling of tightness, but this is an absolutely normal reaction. Known antifungal agents:

  • "Keto Plus" (contains ketoconazole and zinc, well helps from irritation, itching, crusts on the head, applied twice a week a month),
  • "Squafan" (contains salicylic acid, juniper and tea oils, miconazole, climbazole, relieve itching, hypoallergenic, applied one and a half months, 2-3 times a week)
  • "Bioderma" (normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and microflora, kills fungi, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, has a gentle effect on sensitive skin, is suitable for daily use, can be used for prevention, the treatment course is 21 days).

Products of this kind contain zinc, salicylic acid, urea, and naphthalene oil. Medical psoriasis shampoo on the head will certainly help in the primary stage of the disease. It has a keratolytic effect and may additionally contain cosmetic ingredients for complex hair care. Known drugs in this group:

  • "Losterin" (quickly heals the scalp, a beneficial effect on the hair).
  • “Vichy” (shampoo against psoriasis on the head, thick with mint flavor, foams well, therefore it is economical, it creates a thin film on the skin that performs a preventive function).
  • Skin Relief (effectively combating the manifestations of psoriasis, the agent is allowed to be used often, it is suitable for sensitive skin, it contains many natural active ingredients).

Such remedies are recommended rather for prophylaxis than for treatment. Baby shampoos for psoriasis of the head should be applied between the courses of the use of antifungal, tar. They do not contain harmful components, dyes, perfumes, so every mother and seeks to buy them for her child. Have a pH level as close as possible to the natural balance. Means of this category:

  • "Johnsons Baby" (well moisturizes the skin, softens, speeds up the process of exfoliation of dead cells, heals)
  • "Hipp" (does not cause allergies, contains oils and plant extracts that moisturize the skin and increase its protective properties),
  • Bubchen (removes irritation, moisturizes, helps with drying).

Effective psoriasis shampoos

You have already made sure that the list of funds suitable for the treatment of this ailment is very large. To choose the best shampoo for psoriasis of the head, be sure to visit the doctor. He will determine the extent of the lesion, the stage of the disease, take tests and as a result recommend the remedy that will be the most appropriate for you. It is worth more to talk about the most popular shampoos.

A remedy for psoriasis on the head with the hormone clobetasol in the composition.It has anti-inflammatory effect, antiallergic, relieves itching, is an excellent antiseptic, removes a dry crust from the skin. Does not stop peeling. The price of a bottle is 60 ml high, ranging from 790 to 1060 rubles. Advantages of "Etrivex":

  • reduces the risk of exacerbation of the disease,
  • suitable for prevention,
  • safe, applied for a minimum time, which reduces the risk of side effects.

Instructions for use:

  1. Every day, apply the product (about half a tablespoon) on a dry head with clean hands. Gently rub into the skin.
  2. Hold for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Wash hair under running water.
  4. Apply any shampoo with peeling effect. Rinse the hair again.
  5. The course of treatment is 28 days maximum.

Etrivex has a number of contraindications:

  • acne
  • Syphilis with skin symptoms
  • genital itching,
  • viral, bacterial, fungal inflammation of the skin (chickenpox, herpes, etc.),
  • dermatitis,
  • malignant skin lesions
  • children's age, pregnancy, lactation.

The drug can cause side effects:

  • hives,
  • headache,
  • burning eyes,
  • itchiness

Shampoo containing juniper tar. Viscous liquid with a strong odor. Relieves inflammation, heals wounds, kills fungi. Categorical contraindications have no shampoo, as well as side effects. Some patients show an individual intolerance to the ingredients, but this happens very rarely. The cost of a bottle of 200 ml in an online pharmacy is 1000-1200 p. Instructions for use:

  1. Apply the product on wet strands. Foam thoroughly.
  2. Wait 10 minutes.
  3. Wash off with warm water.
  4. Use every 7 days for a month in a row, then take a two-week break.

Zinc pyrithione

Very effective for psoriasis. Before using the bottle of shampoo, thoroughly shake, apply massage effects on wet hair, foaming. Head washed. Then the product is re-applied, foamed and left for 5 minutes. The shampoo is used twice a week for 14 days, followed by two months of treatment, using it once every seven days. Price - 500-720 p.

Zinc Pyrithione has the following actions:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antifungal,
  • antibacterial,
  • exfoliating.

Skin cap for psoriasis

Means with antibacterial action, fights against fungi. Head psoriasis shampoo contains activated zinc pyrithione and auxiliary beneficial components. He has no contraindications, and among the side effects can be identified allergic reaction due to individual intolerance to the components. The price of 150 ml is 720-1240 p. Instructions for use:

  1. Shake the bottle.
  2. Massage onto moist hair.
  3. Wash off.
  4. Reapply shampoo, leave for 5 minutes.
  5. Use 5 weeks. In the first 14 days, wash your hair for 2-3 days. the remaining time use the tool once a week.

Psoriasis 911 Shampoo

Effective inexpensive means of helping to cope with inflammation, itching, desquamation. Psoriasis shampoo on the head does not produce an aggressive effect on the skin. The main component is birch tar. The only contraindication to the use of funds is an allergy to this substance. The price of 150 ml - 90-140 p. Instruction:

  1. Shampoo is applied twice a week for one and a half to two months.
  2. Repeated course is allowed to be held after 90 days.
  3. The shampoo is applied to the hair, foamed and left for three minutes. Then it is washed off with plenty of water. After the hair should be treated with a moisturizer.

Very effective line, represented by two shampoos: tar and salicylic. The first kills bacteria, heals wounds. The second exfoliates and nourishes the skin. Both remedies fight inflammation, are good antiseptics.In a small number of people, the drug can provoke an allergic reaction. Itching, burning, swelling of the skin. The tool should not be used by people under the age of 18 years.

  1. Shampoo should wash your hair every day.
  2. A small amount should be applied to wet hair, massage and rinse.
  3. Then the agent is used again, leaving foam on the head for 5 minutes.

Salicylic shampoo helps better against dry dandruff, and contains, in addition to acid, zinc pyrithione, extracts of burdock and chamomile, vitamins. It removes dead skin cells, nourishes hair, makes it shiny. The tool smells good, foams well and is easily washed off. From oily seborrhea, it is better to use tar "Psoril", containing extracts of celandine, train and St. John's wort. He fights not only with itching and inflammation, but also with baldness.

  1. Salicylic - 540-680 p.
  2. Tar - 445-530 r.

One of the most effective and popular tools. Nizoral contains ketoconazole, and therefore also helps with fungal infections. To achieve the maximum effect you need to use shampoo as written in the instructions. It relieves itching and inflammation, heals wounds, restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In the first days of use, the patient may feel a slight burning sensation, but you should not cancel the treatment, the discomfort will pass by itself. Price for 120 ml - 750-870 p.

How to apply Nizoral:

  1. Apply shampoo to wet skin with gentle massaging movements.
  2. Foam, leave for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Wash off with plenty of warm water.
  4. If you use Nizoral for prophylaxis, apply it twice a month.

The manufacturer in the line has two tools that are suitable for the treatment of the disease. Shampoo "Tar" helps to get rid of dandruff, cleans, and is suitable for prone to oily hair. It restores their growth, strengthens the bulbs, stops the loss, promotes rapid healing of the skin and normalizes the sebaceous glands. The basis of the composition of the tool, in addition to birch tar, contains allantoin and glycerin. The cost of a bottle of shampoo in 250 ml in the online store is 300-360 p. Instructions for use:

  1. Apply the product to wet hair, foam. Wash off.
  2. Again, apply the shampoo on the head, massage, leave for three minutes.
  3. Wash off with plenty of cool water.
  4. After a two-month course of treatment, take a break for a couple of weeks.

The use of "Libriderma Zinc" will relieve psoriasis from the owners of hair of any type. It gently cleanses dandruff, grease, prevents flaking. There are no dyes, parabens, fragrances. The tool will make hair strong, shiny, it will return the density. Zinc shampoo is applied according to the same pattern as the tar shampoo, but the duration of the course should not exceed three weeks, otherwise it will become addictive. Its cost is 550-670 p. The tool consists of:

  • zinc pyrithione,
  • Allantoin,
  • glycerol,
  • citric acid.

One of the most popular therapeutic shampoos. Contains selenium disulfide. This substance provides normalization of the skin glands. Auxiliary components - cinnamon alcohol, burdock root extract. Sulsena regulates the process of cell division and cell renewal. The tool perfectly cleans the scalp, prevents the development of fungus. Shampoo has a moisturizing effect, softens, relieves irritation. You can order it for about 350 rubles. Instructions for use:

  • Apply shampoo to wet hair with massaging movements until a foam is formed. Pay special attention to the roots.
  • Leave for 5 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water and repeat the procedure again.
  • To avoid getting used to it, every two months of use, take a two-week break.

Margarita, 36 years old

On nerves, I had too much dandruff, and dermatological studies have determined that it is psoriasis. Was shocked by such a diagnosis, but the doctor reassured, said that it was treated.He assigned me "Psoril" salicylic. The drug not only saved me from peeling, but also improved the quality of the hair, they became shiny, thick.

Ekaterina, 29 years old

Only Nizoral saves me from psoriasis. The disease recurs periodically, but I always keep a bottle of this shampoo in order to start treatment in time. The improvement becomes noticeable approximately one week after the first application. I also do prophylaxis with children's cosmetics, but exacerbations still happen.

Alexander, 43 years old

Previously, psoriasis was only on my arms and legs, but recently appeared on my head, under my hair. It delivers terrible discomfort, itching, flaking. I bought tar shampoo from grandmother Agafya. Not to say that everything is completely gone, but there is significantly less dandruff, itching has ceased to bother. Now I am looking for a more effective tool.

How to wash your hair with psoriasis: the choice of shampoo

Shampoo for psoriasis on the head should have some properties that distinguish it from the usual means of washing the head. Thus, the composition adds components to prevent the development of plaques and their drying, the normalization of the scalp. The use of conventional shampoo is unacceptable, as it does not have the desired effect on psoriasis, but on the contrary may complicate it. If untreated, the affected skin tends to increase the diameter of the plaques, the number of manifestations, and this provokes itching and peeling, visually looks like dandruff. Ultimately, it can cause hair loss and wounds.

To decide what to wash your hair with psoriasis should be based on the effects of shampoos. They must have the full effect of eliminating pain and restoring cover. As a result of the use of detergents can achieve:

  1. The speed and intensity of recovery of the skin is much higher. Gradually, the plaques become smaller in size and disappear altogether,
  2. The state of plasticity in the skin comes in order, because of this, it is more protected from the effects of mechanical damage,
  3. Itching on the skin is a frequent addition to psoriasis, shampoos can improve the situation,
  4. Moisturizing effect. In a state of disease, the skin is prone to drying and the formation of scales, and under them unprotected skin, allows you to give elasticity and moisture to the scalp,
  5. The number of scaly plaques decreases, gradually disappears altogether,
  6. Suppressed pain.

On the basis of a set of measures that have a separately taken tool, you can determine the feasibility of using it or give preference to a more gentle / effective shampoo.

General recommendations on the use of shampoos

There are some recommendations to overcome psoriasis in the hair, when the basis of treatment is shampoo. The listed rules apply to all products regardless of manufacturer:

  1. The shampoo should be rubbed into the skin, while carefully avoiding the damage of the plaques with the nails, otherwise the problem may worsen,
  2. The hair dryer dries the hair, and with it the skin. With psoriasis, it is better to abandon the dryer,
  3. It is no secret that the water in the tap is rather tough, the hair feels this and shows negative reactions to it. To minimize the effect of water, a quick solution of vinegar (60 ml) and some warm water (20 ml) can be made. First rinse the hair with a mixture, and then with a little cool water,
  4. It is necessary to comb the head carefully, it is better to use massage combs that do not have sharp ends. This is also a part of therapy, as the comb removes dead skin, stimulates blood circulation and eliminates sebum accumulation,
  5. Hair care is needed, but it is better to abandon coloring and styling. Due to aggressive components of hair dyes, staining can provoke inflammatory reactions, allergies or irritation.

Antifungal Shampoos

It is necessary to fight not only against psoriasis in the hair, since the disease often goes along with fungal infections. Special antimycotic shampoos will destroy the fungal infection. At the same time, they stimulate the regenerative function of the skin after a fungal infection. Due to the use of such shampoos, it is possible to inhibit the pain syndrome, restore the inflamed areas of the skin and eliminate the resulting scales.

Nizoral is a shampoo that is used for psoriasis of the scalp and contains the active substance ketoconazole. It acts on the dermis as a fungicide (disinfects) and inhibits the division of the spores, in the future, complete cure is achieved. The shampoo has a quick effect on the fungus, desquamation, itching, while stimulating the regeneration of the skin.

Shampoo orange, viscous, used 2 times in 7 days. The course of treatment is 30 days. For a bottle of 60 ml will have to pay more than 600 rubles.

Shampoo is similar to the previous version and is considered an analogue. It is indicated for use in allergies to Nizoral. It also has a fungistatic effect and slows down the multiplication of disease cells. The basis of the effectiveness of the drug - inhibitory effect on the production of ergosterol. This triggers a change in the lipid components of the skin. The cost is 200-250 rubles for 60 ml.

The drug is based on zinc pyrithione. Shampoo is considered to be hormonal, as it contains ketoconazole. The tool effectively eliminates the formation of scales, blocks the separation of the skin and its dying off. Kills fungi, most known species, and reduces irritation. Due to the acquired elasticity of the skin, it minimizes possible damage to the skin by mechanical means. Detergent, applied evenly 8 times a month. Price - 550-600 rubles for 60 ml.

Antifungal agent that blocks desquamation, soothes irritability and itching. The active influence is based on the components of shampoos - miconazole, salicylic acid, tea tree, etc. Thanks to them, they manage to achieve normalization of microflora and metabolism in the scalp. The drug does not cause allergies. The treatment is performed by using the substance 2-3 times in 7 days for 1-1.5 months. Price - 800-1000 rubles per jar 125 ml.

The main advantage of bioderm is a hypoallergic effect and a mild effect. Often used for hypersensitivity of the skin. Due to its mild effect, it can even be used daily. Also used as a prophylactic for preventing relapse.

The main impact - localization and inhibition of the viability of the fungus, the normalization of the microflora of the skin, puts in order increased cell division of the epidermis, which reduces the formation of scales. Also, the secretion of fat from the glands is stabilized, and the itching softens. Additionally, the shampoo has a good effect on the hair and a healthier look.

The substance is usually used 3-4 times a week for treatment or 1-2 times for prevention. The cost is 1400 rubles for 200 ml.

Antimycotic drug based on the hormone ketoconazole. Usually indicated for yeast-type fungus or dermatophytosis. Shampoo restores the lipid components of the skin, eliminating the harmful effects and speeding up the recovery of the system. In the treatment of psoriasis is used 2 times a week. The course of treatment is 30 days. It can also be used instead of soap / shampoo at the stage of remission - once a week. You can notice the effectiveness of the drug after 2 weeks. The cost is 400 rubles per 100 ml.

Vichy Derkos

A tool that has proven to be an effective shampoo antifungal effects. It is made on the basis without sulfate technology. The formula of the drug is unique, has a keratolytic effect on the skin. It minimizes the desquamation of the dermis, soothes the itching, the scalp takes on the best look.The basis of shampoos is thermal water, which is complemented by selenium sulfide and lactic acid. Used several times in 7 days for about 1 month. The treatment stage requires a certain break between use. With prevention, it is enough to use once a week. The cost of a jar of 200 ml is 500 rubles.

Antifungal drug that is primarily active in the treatment of yeast and dimorphic spores and certain other infections. The hormone ketoconazole is one of the components of shampoos. Use should be limited to several procedures per week and apply no more than a month. Price - 380 rubles.

Cream and ointment for psoriasis

In some cases, used ointments and creams for the treatment of psoriasis on the head, but they are ineffective in the formation of plaques in the hair. But it is extremely useful in the rest of the face. There are hormonal and non-hormonal ointment.

The first category is more effective, but leads to addiction and has a large number of contraindications, the effect achieved is not stable. Such substances include: prednisone, belosalik, daybovit, lorinden.

On the contrary, non-hormonal creams require a longer use, respectively, and the remission period is longer, with virtually no contraindications. Among the best ointments: salicylic, zinc ointment, losterin, dayvoneks.

Chinese cream "Yiganerjing"

It has long been known that people with Asian roots are much less susceptible to psoriasis. Doctors and scientists still can not determine what exactly is the cause of the resistance of the Asian gene to psoriasis, but agree that the cause is most likely in the food system. Chinese doctors, together with representatives of Chinese traditional medicine have developed a cream "Yiganerjing", which consists of trace elements, which are not present in sufficient quantities among representatives of non-Asian countries.

Tests have shown high effectiveness of this tool. The time after which the agent begins to act differently for each person, but 87% of the subjects received significant improvements a month after the start of the application. Of these, 56% in the first two weeks.

The tool is completely safe and has no contraindications, it is recommended even for children. In the manufacture of the cream uses only natural ingredients.

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Douche shampoos

At the base of some shampoos is tar. It can be from different trees: pine, birch, willow, juniper, etc. Each species in its own way affects the body and the treatment of psoriasis. This component cleanses the skin of dead cells (flakes), eliminates inflammation, soothes the skin from irritation or peeling. Diversity, even in this niche is large enough, requires a professional and careful approach to the study of the best tools.

Shampoo consists entirely of natural ingredients. In the composition is birch tar, while containing various plant extracts. The effectiveness of the tool is ensured thanks to a pronounced anti-mycotic, antiseptic and anti-microbial effect. Allows you to eliminate irritation and pain on the skin and accelerates the regeneration of healthy tissue. It can be used daily, as the product is safe and does not have side effects. Improvement is achieved even after the first application. As a preventive measure, it is used once a week. Cost - 400 rubles per 200 ml jar.

Consists of juniper tar, has a healing effect. At the same time inhibits the division of the fungus and normalizes the inflamed skin. Algopix is ​​an effective remedy that eliminates uncomfortable manifestations and speeds up the tightening of plaques with healthy skin. The course of treatment - a month, applying 1 time per week.In the future, if necessary, re-treatment, a break in 2 weeks. Price - 1200 rubles for 200 ml.

Friderm tar

Contains in itself tar from the coal industry which previously gives in to processing. Papules come off quickly, and in the future prevents their re-education. Fights all kinds of external symptoms of psoriasis. The duration of treatment is 3 months when used 2 times a week. Cost - 650-700 rubles per bottle of 150 ml.

Shampoo Tan prepared on the basis of birch tar. As auxiliary components of vitamin B5, coconut oil and allatoin. Causes increased skin viscosity and effectively resists fungus. Water-salt state is replenished, eliminates irritations and softens, moisturizes the dermis. Treats a number of homeopathic medicines of complex influence. Treatment is 30 days when used 1-2 times a week. Price - 150 rubles per bottle of 300 ml.

911 tarry

The drug contains glycerin, katon, coconut oil. Cooked on the basis of birch tar. The shampoo is not only effective, but also fast, and soon skin normalization and the beginning of remission are observed. The tool is quite mild effects, which leads to its use in prophylactic purposes. It is recommended to use often, even daily, with prophylaxis - 1-2 times a week. Price - 150 rubles for 150 ml.

Super psori

Shampoo based on naphthalan oil and salts of magnesium origin. Soon after use, it eliminates the inflammatory reaction, relieves swelling, itching and gradually removes dandruff. It has a strong antiseptic effect and nourishes the skin for rapid regeneration. The course of treatment is 1 month when used 2 times a week. The price is 140 rub for a bottle in 250 ml.

Medical shampoos:

Medicinal shampoos have a strong effect on the skin, causing a quick recovery. Usually they are prepared on the basis of already known and effective substances: ichthyol, urea or salicylic acid. They have a complex effect on the entire scalp and eliminate the damage of plaques and the formation of papules. Accelerate the regenerative function of the epidermis.

The drug is based on zinc, which is known for its antibacterial and antifungal effect. At the same time removes puffiness and inflammation. Effectively eliminates itching, irritation, peeling and makes the skin more plastic. Mostly used for dry skin and rashes on the dermis. It has a quick effect on the recurrence of psoriasis and is used 2-3 times a week. The duration of treatment is 4-5 weeks. Price - 1300 rubles for 150 ml.

Liebriderm Zinc

Performed using pyrithione and allantoin. After several applications it activates the recovery process. Thanks to the drug is plasticity and moisture. Used 2 times in 7 days it is held twice. Then the dosage is reduced to 1 time in 7 days and applied for 6-8 weeks. Price - 450 rubles per bottle of 250 ml.

Friederm Zinc

Extremely effective drug due to the high content of zinc pyrithione. Fights all forms of psoriasis and secondary infections. Also affects the hair follicles and prevents their loss. The first 2 weeks are used 2 times a week. Then another 6-8 weeks 1 time. Cost - 600 rubles for 150 ml.

The drug category glucocorticosteroids, which affects the skin and blood vessels in the plaques, narrowing them. The high efficacy of the substance makes it a recommended treatment. Course - 1 month. It should be used every day, after the onset of remission, then continue the treatment using 2 times a week. Long-term remission is provided by using the drug for 6 months in a row. The price is 900 rubles for 60 ml.


The drug is recommended to use often, as it does not cause side effects.Due to the softness of the effect, it is used even in patients with increased demanding cover, for example, in children. In the assortment of the Israeli company there are several effective shampoos. Price category 1700-1800 rubles.

Friderm balance

The drug is indicated for peeling, dandruff, itching, inflammation and the need to clean the epidermis from fatty secretions. At the same time, the effect is mild and microflora, the balance of acidity is not disturbed. Used as shampoos for daily use. It is recommended to perform therapy in remission. Price - 550 rubles for 150 ml.

It is a shampoo that does not cause allergies and consists of substances of a loyal effect, therefore it predominantly soothes, normalizes the skin, but has virtually no effect on papules. The effectiveness of the substance is only indirect. Allows you to clean and nourish hair. Used in patients with particularly sensitive skin. Used to achieve maximum duration of remission. Price - 240 rubles for 150 ml.

It is used for wet skin and dries it a little. It has a mild effect on the separation of scales. Used every other day, 3-4 times a week. Price 200 rub per 150 ml jar. In some pharmacies you can find "Sulsen Forte", which is added with klimbazol. This shampoo costs 400 rubles for 250 ml.

Jhonson’s Baby

Moisturizes the head and makes the skin more plastic, softer. Papules live a little and scales are easier to separate. It is used as the main means for washing the head. Price - 120 rubles for 200 ml.

Means for hypoallergenic use used to treat babies. The composition is rich in various extracts of flowers and plants, oils. Hipp affects the skin by normalizing its water-acid state and increases the protective effect. Applied every day. Price - 200 rubles for 200 ml.

Used by children of all ages, including newborns. Normalizes the microflora of the epidermis, eliminates the irritable phenomenon, itching. Helps exfoliate scales and prevents dry skin. It is used daily throughout the course of treatment and in remission. Cost within 200 rub for 200 ml.

Using any of these shampoos, it is possible to achieve the maximum effect in the treatment of psoriasis in the scalp. In this case, the onset of remission comes quickly, and the use of the drug is as simple as possible. Usually, the choice of shampoo is made by the attending physician, who selects the most successful treatment.

Types of psoriasis shampoos

Shampoos for psoriasis can be of different types - depending on: its composition, scope, consistency. Shampoos can be therapeutic or prophylactic.

Separately allocate funds approved for use in children. You can purchase ready-made shampoos at a pharmacy or health store, or you can prepare compositions for washing your head at home.

Consider the main types of psoriasis shampoos:

  1. Tar shampoos for psoriasis.

The main active ingredient of such shampoos is tar. This is a liquid product of dry distillation of bark and wood of a tree, most often it is birch. Tar concentrates in itself all the useful properties of the tree from which it was made. It has analgesic, absorbable and anti-inflammatory effects.

Pros: It activates hair growth and strengthens them, reduces inflammation of the scalp, eliminates fungus. Birch tar promotes skin regeneration.

Minuses: Tar shampoos can have an unpleasant odor. The shampoo can dry out the skin greatly, and one day it can become addictive, which will lead to a negative effect in the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp.

Trade marks of shampoos for psoriasis with tar content: Friderm tar, shampoo from grandmother Agafi "Tar tar for the bath", Tana, "911 tar", Psoril.At the price of the cheapest means is the shampoo from Grandmother Agafya.

  1. Antifungal shampoos.

For psoriasis, doctors recommend the use of antifungal shampoos. This is due to the fact that fungal infection often accompanies psoriasis of the scalp. The fungus multiplies in the skin cells, especially it attracts places where there is chronic inflammation.

If you have intense itching and scaling of the scalp, this may be one of the signs of a fungal infection. In the absence of adequate treatment, skin changes may become more extensive.

pros anti-fungal shampoos: slow down skin inflammation, remove itching.

Minuses: after application, skin tightness can be felt, the head can dry.

Antifungal shampoos include Nizoral, Dermazole, Sulsena, Keto Plus, Sebasol. The price of antifungal shampoo for psoriasis on the head can depend on both the composition and the popularity of a particular brand.

  1. Healing Shampoos with salicylic acid, zinc, naphthalan oil.

This group of shampoos is especially effective in the initial stages of psoriasis. This group includes keratolytic shampoos for psoriasis. In addition to the main therapeutic effect, improved and aesthetic indicators. Many psoriasis shampoos contain cosmetic ingredients that make hair more attractive. With severe stages of psoriasis, the effectiveness of such shampoos may decrease. Such shampoos include Sulsen, Losterin.

  1. Baby shampoo as a prophylactic for patients with psoriasis.

Children's skin is more sensitive to various chemical ingredients, so shampoos for children are made without fragrances, dyes and harmful components. Any baby shampoo can be used if you do not have a special shampoo on hand.

It is suitable for the prevention of psoriasis of the scalp, but since this type of shampoo does not contain specialized medical ingredients, it is practically useless in the severe stages of psoriasis.

After we briefly discussed all the advantages and disadvantages of different types of shampoos for psoriasis, it is time to be specific. Let's look at each of the representatives of their own species.

Rating of shampoos from scalp psoriasis

When creating the rating, we were guided by reviews of shampoos from psoriasis on the head. This included mostly medicated shampoos. Of course, you need to understand that each has its own individual characteristics. Choose a suitable shampoo will help your doctor-dermatologist.

Brief description of various psoriasis shampoos.

  1. Nizoral refers to antifungal shampoos, as the active ingredient contains imidazole dioxolane derivatives. Destroys yeast fungi, and normalizes the microflora. Nizoral is effective against dermatophytes: Trichophyton, Microsporum, Epidermophytonfloccosum, and Candida, Pityrosporum mushrooms. Shampoo is used 2 times a week for 3-4 weeks. The price of Nizoral shampoo, the capacity of 120 ml is 960 - 1060 rubles. You can purchase a small bottle of 60 ml, the cost in this case varies from 650 to 700 rubles.
  1. Shampoo Skin Cap. Recently, there have been numerous reports on the content of hormonal components in the line of Skin-cap products. As you know, hormonal substances initially give a tangible effect, then significant side effects appear. In the United States and many European countries, for example, in Germany, France and Finland, the sale of this funds is prohibited. The manufacturer recommends the use of shampoo for exacerbation of psoriasis of the scalp for 5 weeks, 2-3 times a week. The price of shampoo for psoriasis Skin-cap is significantly higher than the average and can be from 800 to 1400 rubles per bottle. In the line of products there is a spray and gel and cream, which are recommended for use in conjunction with shampoo.
  2. Psoryl shampoo. Classic shampoo from psoriasis brand Psoril, has a fairly good reviews. It has light antihistamine properties and reduces inflammation. The composition includes birch tar, extract series, St. John's wort and celandine. Psoryl shampoo removes excess sebum, but special cleaning agents do it delicately, without damaging the protective layer of hair or irritating the skin. Shampoo can be used as needed. Capacity in 200 ml is sold at an average price of 350-380 rubles. In addition to the shampoo manufacturer recommends using a spray with zinc and cream.
  1. Sulsena shampoo used for dandruff, as it kills the yeast fungus Pityrosporum Ovale. Selenium disulfide - a component with a complex action: Cytostatic - normalizes the renewal of epithelial cells. Fungicidal - kills yeast. Keratolytic - reduces peeling of the scalp. This shampoo fights the causes of dandruff and can be successfully applied for psoriasis. Produce the drug in Ukraine, the cost of the capacity in 150 ml in the region of 230-280 rubles. There are analogues of Russian production, for example, Sulsen Forte.
  2. Librederm. The company has long been on the pharmacy market, in particular in the market of medical cosmetics. The line includes two types of shampoos - the first is based on birch tar, the second is based on zinc. The manufacturer recommends using tar shampoo for oily hair, and for normal and dry shampoo with zinc. The price of shampoos for psoriasis brand Librederm is relatively small and ranges from 280 to 350 rubles per bottle of 250 ml.

Librederm tarry for oily hair. The main active ingredient is birch tar, has anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties, heals inflammation on the scalp, improves blood supply to tissues. In order to eliminate all the disadvantages of tar shampoos, allantoin is included in the composition, which stimulates the healing of the skin and prevents the oxidation of head cells.

Librederm with zinc, for normal or dry hair. The composition has a moisturizing effect on the scalp, which is lacking in many tar shampoos. Zinc has a positive effect on the skin, gently removing inflammation.

LibredermpH-balance - shampoo for everyday use. You can alternate with the use of therapeutic shampoos. Maintains normal pH of the scalp. Does not cause allergies and other adverse reactions.

  1. Friderm. Under this brand several types of professional dermatological shampoos are produced. The price of shampoos for psoriasis line Friderm ranges from 480 to 600 rubles in various stores. Each bottle 150 ml funds.

Friderm tar. Therapeutic shampoo, which is recommended for use in psoriasis of the head, and has good reviews.

FridermpH-balance - This is a shampoo that can be used between applications of therapeutic shampoos. Selection of a good shampoo for daily use is not an unimportant problem. In one of the previous articles it was told about how badly the increase in pH affects the condition of the scalp. This shampoo gently cleanses the skin of dirt and fat and maintains an optimal pH level. Does not cause irritation.

We hope that the above material and feedback will help you choose a scalp psoriasis shampoo. Remember that the treatment of this disease should be comprehensive, without the use of internal preparations, medicated shampoos can only remove symptoms, which will return without proper treatment.

1. Topical glucocorticosteroid drugs

The first group, which we consider - Psoriasis shampoos with glucocorticoids.

Substances of this group - hormonesthat are produced in the body by the adrenal cortex. As medicines, they have been used since the 40s of the last century.

Natural or artificially synthesized, they widely used in medicine. Glucocorticoids have immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects.

With the progressive stage of psoriasis, prescribe drugs that:

  • relieve inflammation
  • regulate the processes of cell division of the epidermis,
  • exfoliate keratinous skin particles moderately,
  • eliminate allergic reactions
  • eliminate pain in the skin.

These qualities possess corticosteroid drugs. Consider a shampoo that contains topical corticosteroids.

Indications for use

Adults from 18 years. In psoriasis, except:

  • pustular,
  • extensive plaque (vulgar) psoriasis.

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • sensitivity to medication components
  • viral, fungal, mycobacterial, parasitic infectious diseases.

Drug withdrawal

Etreeks shampoo is a drug with a hormonal active ingredient. It should be used with caution, for a short time.

Reviews say about the positive effect, but only at the time of using shampoo. Also addictive effect is noted. There is no medical research on the results of psoriasis treatment.

2. Dandruff Shampoo

The second group of shampoos, which we consider - dandruff shampoos.

In the indications for the use of psoriasis is not indicated, but they have a peeling and softening effect. Scalp psoriasis is often confused with dandruff, the symptoms are similar. Reviews of these drugs are often positive for the treatment of psoriasis.

In this section, you will also find out the price of Algopix shampoo.

Some of the tools I did not include in the review, but worth mentioning.

Reviews shampoo "losterin" It is not enough, however in its structure also natural components. And in the indications for use there is dandruff and psoriasis of the scalp. Shampoo series"Harmony of pure metals" also intended for the treatment of dandruff and contains natural substances - copper, iron, zinc. Reviews of its application is not enough.

A course of treatment

It is recommended to apply every day for 4 weeks. If there is no result, then review the treatment.

Apply to dry scalp, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with ordinary shampoo.

Erievex Reviews

Reviews show positive results. However, many psoriasis patients are afraid to use shampoo because of the hormonal active ingredient.

Feedback on Etreeks shampoo by Andrey Masny

Medical research

In the description of the active substance (clobetasol propionate) it is indicated: for short-term use, under the supervision of a physician.

Medical research on the effectiveness of the drug is not available.

Side effects

  • eye irritation,
  • acne folliculitis
  • swelling, dryness, atrophy, tightening and irritation of the skin,
  • itching, urticaria, erythema, rash,
  • allergic contact dermatitis
  • headache.

The average price in Moscow is 850 rubles. for 60 ml.


Laboratory Galderma (France)

Instructions on the manufacturer's website

Drug withdrawal

Etreeks shampoo is a drug with a hormonal active ingredient. It should be used with caution, for a short time.

Reviews say about the positive effect, but only at the time of using shampoo. Also addictive effect is noted. There is no medical research on the results of psoriasis treatment.

2. Dandruff Shampoo

The second group of shampoos, which we consider - dandruff shampoos.

In the indications for the use of psoriasis is not indicated, but they have a peeling and softening effect. Scalp psoriasis is often confused with dandruff, the symptoms are similar. Reviews of these drugs are often positive for the treatment of psoriasis.

In this section, you will also find out the price of Algopix shampoo.

Some of the tools I did not include in the review, but worth mentioning.

Reviews shampoo "losterin" It is not enough, however in its structure also natural components.And in the indications for use there is dandruff and psoriasis of the scalp. Shampoo series"Harmony of pure metals" also intended for the treatment of dandruff and contains natural substances - copper, iron, zinc. Reviews of its application is not enough.

2.1. Shampoo "Sulsena"

Sulsen Shampoo helps dandruff in 90% of cases (for medical research). There are positive reviews about the use of psoriasis of the scalp.

Active ingredient, composition

Indications for use

Indications - for the treatment of dandruff. According to reviews - with psoriasis of the scalp.

  • hypersensitivity
  • pregnancy and lactation,

A course of treatment

Individual for everyone.

Apply to wet hair, lather, leave for 3 minutes. Then rinse and repeat the procedure.

Reviews of Sulsen

There are positive reviews about the use of the Sulsen shampoo for psoriasis:

Reviewed by Natalka about the shampoo “Sulsena”

Reviewed by Ella on the shampoo “Sulsena”

Reviews Algopikse

Reviewed by KATYA on Algopix shampoo

Reviewed by Vesna about Algopix shampoo

Reviewed by user 777 about the shampoo “Algopiks”

3. Shampoos with zinc pyrithione activated

Consider the following group psoriasis shampoos. In them the main active ingredient is activated zinc pyrithione.

The effect of drugs with zinc pyrithione is not fully understood. According to one theory, zinc pyrithione disrupts the transport of vital substances to the cell. As a result, she dies. This substance also kills streptococci and staphylococci, which can provoke the development of psoriasis.

Apply Zinc Shampoo separately from glucocorticosteroids.

Release form

Dermatological anti-psoriasis shampoos can be divided into several groups. Some are designed to eliminate fungi or microbes, others have a healing effect, some more just relieve the symptoms of psoriasis. Children's tools are extremely useful and indifferent components in the composition.

Means for washing hair prevent the progression of the disease, reduce the symptoms of pathology, remove excess fat and dead epidermis. Hair gradually recovering, stop breaking and falling out.

Names of head psoriasis shampoos:

  • tar - “Psoril”, “Friderm tar”, “Tar for a bath”, “Algopiks”, “Zinc plus birch tar”, “Tana”, “911 tar”, “Alfosil” with coal tar, “Golden silk”, “ Denorex "," Image "," Tar "with collagen and aloe," Fongitar "," Polytar ",
  • medical - "Skin-Cap"
  • Cosmetic - Sulsena, Natura, Harmony of Pure Metals, Friederm Balance, Black Currant on medicinal herbs, Psorian,

  • children - “Johnsons Baby”, “I and Mom”, “Nipp”, “Easy combing”, Neutral-Beby anti-allergenic, “Karapuz”, “Tik-so”.

It is necessary to choose shampoo for psoriasis of the scalp on the recommendation of a specialist, but taking into account the feedback from other patients.

Psorilloma Reviews

Overall, positive:

Reviewed by user Poli089 about the shampoo “Psorilom”

Reviewed by Camomile on shampoo “Psorilom”


Laboratory Galderma (France)

Instructions on the manufacturer's website

Drug withdrawal

Etreeks shampoo is a drug with a hormonal active ingredient. It should be used with caution, for a short time.

Reviews say about the positive effect, but only at the time of using shampoo. Also addictive effect is noted. There is no medical research on the results of psoriasis treatment.

2. Dandruff Shampoo

The second group of shampoos, which we consider - dandruff shampoos.

In the indications for the use of psoriasis is not indicated, but they have a peeling and softening effect. Scalp psoriasis is often confused with dandruff, the symptoms are similar. Reviews of these drugs are often positive for the treatment of psoriasis.

In this section, you will also find out the price of Algopix shampoo.

Some of the tools I did not include in the review, but worth mentioning.

Reviews shampoo "losterin" It is not enough, however in its structure also natural components. And in the indications for use there is dandruff and psoriasis of the scalp. Shampoo series"Harmony of pure metals" also intended for the treatment of dandruff and contains natural substances - copper, iron, zinc. Reviews of its application is not enough.

2.1. Shampoo "Sulsena"

Sulsen Shampoo helps dandruff in 90% of cases (for medical research). There are positive reviews about the use of psoriasis of the scalp.

Active ingredient, composition

Indications for use

Indications - for the treatment of dandruff. According to reviews - with psoriasis of the scalp.

  • hypersensitivity
  • pregnancy and lactation,

A course of treatment

Individual for everyone.

Apply to wet hair, lather, leave for 3 minutes. Then rinse and repeat the procedure.

Reviews of Sulsen

There are positive reviews about the use of the Sulsen shampoo for psoriasis:

Reviewed by Natalka about the shampoo “Sulsena”

Reviewed by Ella on the shampoo “Sulsena”

Medical research

The shampoo was tested by the testing laboratory of the State Institution of the Research Institute of Occupational Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Keep in mind that its results relate to the effectiveness of a dandruff shampoo.

The study involved 30 people with dandruff. The result - 27 people were cured (90%). What seems like fantastic.

Side effects

  • allergy - rash, eczema, itching, dermatitis,
  • skin irritation,
  • local hair loss,
  • may slightly tint hair.

The average price in Moscow is 300 rubles. for 150 ml.


Amalgam Lux LLC (Ukraine)

Drug withdrawal

Shampoo "Sulsena" effective against dandruff in 90% of cases. Reviews say that this drug gives results in the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp. The minimum number of side effects allows you to try this tool.

2.2. Algopix Shampoo

Algopix Shampoo has a minimum of side effects, due to the natural composition.

Active ingredient, composition

  • salicylic acid,
  • juniper tar,
  • microalgae alcohol extract.

Indications for use

Indications - for the treatment of oily and dry dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, pityriasis. According to reviews, it helps with psoriasis in the hair.


  • hypersensitivity
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • childhood,
  • caution - with bronchial asthma.

A course of treatment

It is individual for everyone, in the instruction it is indicated - 1-2 weeks.

Apply to wet hair, lather, leave for 5-10 minutes. Apply 3 times a week.

Reviews Algopikse

Reviewed by KATYA on Algopix shampoo

Reviewed by Vesna about Algopix shampoo

Reviewed by user 777 about the shampoo “Algopiks”

Medical research

No data in open sources.

Side effects

  • allergy in the form of itching, burning, peeling,
  • drying the skin.

The average price of Algopix shampoo in Moscow is 260 rubles. for 200 ml.


Drug withdrawal

We do not know about medical research. According to reviews, shampoo helps with scalp psoriasis. Him natural composition and a minimum of side effects can be used for therapy.

3. Shampoos with zinc pyrithione activated

Consider the following group psoriasis shampoos. In them the main active ingredient is activated zinc pyrithione.

The effect of drugs with zinc pyrithione is not fully understood. According to one theory, zinc pyrithione disrupts the transport of vital substances to the cell. As a result, she dies. This substance also kills streptococci and staphylococci, which can provoke the development of psoriasis.

Apply Zinc Shampoo separately from glucocorticosteroids.

3.1. Shampoo "Skin Cap"

Shampoo "Skin Cap" Popular for the treatment of psoriasis. The tool is also available in the form of a spray, ointment and cream.

Active ingredient, composition

Indications for use

Psoriasis, dermatitis, pruritus, dandruff.


  • hypersensitivity to components
  • pregnant and lactating women - with caution.

A course of treatment

Treatment takes 5 weeks, and 1-2 times a week to prevent exacerbations.

It is applied 2-3 times a week. Shake the bottle, apply to damp hair, massage. Rinse and apply a second time. Leave on hair for 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Skin Cap Reviews

Reviewed by Renka about the shampoo “Skin-cap”

Reviewed by Kate about the shampoo “Skin-cap”

Medical research

The Federal State Institution “State Research Center for Dermatological Surgery of the Federal Agency for High-Tech Medical Care” conducted a study on the effectiveness of the drug Skin-Cap.

Treatment of vulgar psoriasis with Skin-cap (40 patients) was compared with other methods (10 patients).

The use of Skin-cap as an external agent in monotherapy in patients with mild severity of vulgar psoriasis resulted in clinical remission of the disease in 83.3% of patients. The use of Skin-cap preparation as part of complex therapy (in combination with PUVA therapy) in patients with severe and moderate degree of psoriasis allowed achieving clinical remission in 91% of patients.

Side effects

  • allergic reactions.

The average price in Moscow is 1400 rubles. for 150 ml.


“B. Brown Medical SA ”(Spain)

Drug withdrawal

Reviews of shampoo "Skin-cap" a little, but all positive. The drug is non-hormonal (according to the manufacturer) and gives the result. Medical studies have shown that this shampoo gives remission of psoriasis in 83.3% of cases. However, such a high figure for an external tool makes you think about the quality and truth of the study. To trust him or not - your choice.

3.2. Shampoo "Friderm Zinc"

Shampoo "Friderm Zinc" possesses antifungal, antimicrobial, antiseborrheic action.

Shampoo “Friderm Zinc”

Active ingredient, composition

Indications for use

  • psoriasis,
  • dermatitis.


  • hypersensitivity to components
  • There is no data whether it is possible to apply to pregnant and lactating women.

A course of treatment

Treatment takes 1.5-2 months, if necessary - a second course.

Apply to wet hair, foam, rinse. Then apply again, leave for 5 minutes, rinse. Use 2 times a week - the first 2 weeks, and then 1-2 times a week.

Reviews of Friederme zinc

There are few reviews on the psoriasis treatment forums to evaluate the effectiveness.

Reviewed by Karina about shampoo “Friederm Zinc”

Medical research

Medical research is not in the public domain.

Side effects

  • allergic reactions.

The average price in Moscow is 700 rubles. for 150 ml.


Drug withdrawal

Shampoo "Friderm zinc" contains the active ingredient - zinc pyrithione. According to the recommendations of Russian dermatologists drug should help. However, the real feedback is extremely small.

Above, we have already described drugs whose results are confirmed. The choice is yours - do research on yourself or apply what is verified.

4. Tar shampoos

Last group psoriasis shampoos - natural tar. Tar is used in the treatment of skin diseases since ancient Russia.

Choose tar shampoo is not easy. They are produced by Russian and foreign companies:

  • tar shampoo 911 (Russia),
  • Finnish tar shampoo,
  • shampoo from grandmother Agafi (Russia),
  • shampoo from "Neva cosmetics" (Russia),
  • Tana shampoo (Russia),
  • tar shampoo "Golden silk",
  • "Birch tar" shampoo,
  • tar shampoo "One hundred beauty recipes."

Major difference tar shampoos - the origin of the tar: juniper, birch, pine.

Consider more 2 popular tar shampoo.

4.1. Shampoo "Psoril"

Composed Psoril Shampoo - natural ingredients, plant extracts. Therefore, the drug has a minimum of side effects.

Active ingredient, composition

  • birch tar,
  • extract series, Hypericum, celandine.

Indications for use

Adults over 18 years old with psoriasis.


  • hypersensitivity to components
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

A course of treatment

Apply to wet hair, massage and rinse thoroughly with water. Re-apply, leave for 2 minutes, rinse.

The course of treatment is individual.

Psorilloma Reviews

Overall, positive:

Reviewed by user Poli089 about the shampoo “Psorilom”

Reviewed by Camomile on shampoo “Psorilom”

Medical research

Research is not publicly available. Doctors say that tar gives the result in the treatment of psoriasis.

Side effects

The average price in Moscow is 400 rubles. for 200 ml.


Alkoi LLC (Russia)

What shampoos are used for psoriasis of the head?

Many means promise quick effect of action, but in practice they prove useless. Therefore, the selection of shampoo for psoriasis on the head is a difficult task, which is better to entrust a specialist. If you decide to choose the remedy yourself, then in order not to be mistaken in his choice, carefully read the variety of remedies and their properties, because there are antifungal, tar, cosmetic, medical and children's shampoos for psoriasis.


  • hypersensitivity
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • childhood,
  • caution - with bronchial asthma.

A course of treatment

It is individual for everyone, in the instruction it is indicated - 1-2 weeks.

Apply to wet hair, lather, leave for 5-10 minutes. Apply 3 times a week.

Reviews Algopikse

Reviewed by KATYA on Algopix shampoo

Reviewed by Vesna about Algopix shampoo

Reviewed by user 777 about the shampoo “Algopiks”

Medical research

No data in open sources.

Side effects

  • allergy in the form of itching, burning, peeling,
  • drying the skin.

The average price of Algopix shampoo in Moscow is 260 rubles. for 200 ml.


Drug withdrawal

We do not know about medical research. According to reviews, shampoo helps with scalp psoriasis. Him natural composition and a minimum of side effects can be used for therapy.

3. Shampoos with zinc pyrithione activated

Consider the following group psoriasis shampoos. In them the main active ingredient is activated zinc pyrithione.

The effect of drugs with zinc pyrithione is not fully understood. According to one theory, zinc pyrithione disrupts the transport of vital substances to the cell. As a result, she dies. This substance also kills streptococci and staphylococci, which can provoke the development of psoriasis.

Apply Zinc Shampoo separately from glucocorticosteroids.

3.1. Shampoo "Skin Cap"

Shampoo "Skin Cap" Popular for the treatment of psoriasis. The tool is also available in the form of a spray, ointment and cream.

Active ingredient, composition

Indications for use

Psoriasis, dermatitis, pruritus, dandruff.


  • hypersensitivity to components
  • pregnant and lactating women - with caution.

A course of treatment

Treatment takes 5 weeks, and 1-2 times a week to prevent exacerbations.

It is applied 2-3 times a week. Shake the bottle, apply to damp hair, massage. Rinse and apply a second time. Leave on hair for 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Skin Cap Reviews

Reviewed by Renka about the shampoo “Skin-cap”

Reviewed by Kate about the shampoo “Skin-cap”

Medical research

The Federal State Institution “State Research Center for Dermatological Surgery of the Federal Agency for High-Tech Medical Care” conducted a study on the effectiveness of the drug Skin-Cap.

Treatment of vulgar psoriasis with Skin-cap (40 patients) was compared with other methods (10 patients).

The use of Skin-cap as an external agent in monotherapy in patients with mild severity of vulgar psoriasis resulted in clinical remission of the disease in 83.3% of patients. The use of Skin-cap preparation as part of complex therapy (in combination with PUVA therapy) in patients with severe and moderate degree of psoriasis allowed achieving clinical remission in 91% of patients.

Side effects

  • allergic reactions.

The average price in Moscow is 1400 rubles. for 150 ml.


“B. Brown Medical SA ”(Spain)

Drug withdrawal

Reviews of shampoo "Skin-cap" a little, but all positive. The drug is non-hormonal (according to the manufacturer) and gives the result. Medical studies have shown that this shampoo gives remission of psoriasis in 83.3% of cases. However, such a high figure for an external tool makes you think about the quality and truth of the study. To trust him or not - your choice.

3.2. Shampoo "Friderm Zinc"

Shampoo "Friderm Zinc" possesses antifungal, antimicrobial, antiseborrheic action.

Shampoo “Friderm Zinc”

Active ingredient, composition

Indications for use

  • psoriasis,
  • dermatitis.


  • hypersensitivity to components
  • There is no data whether it is possible to apply to pregnant and lactating women.

A course of treatment

Treatment takes 1.5-2 months, if necessary - a second course.

Apply to wet hair, foam, rinse. Then apply again, leave for 5 minutes, rinse. Use 2 times a week - the first 2 weeks, and then 1-2 times a week.

Reviews of Friederme zinc

There are few reviews on the psoriasis treatment forums to evaluate the effectiveness.

Reviewed by Karina about shampoo “Friederm Zinc”

Medical research

Medical research is not in the public domain.

Side effects

  • allergic reactions.

The average price in Moscow is 700 rubles. for 150 ml.


Drug withdrawal

Shampoo "Friderm zinc" contains the active ingredient - zinc pyrithione. According to the recommendations of Russian dermatologists drug should help. However, the real feedback is extremely small.

Above, we have already described drugs whose results are confirmed. The choice is yours - do research on yourself or apply what is verified.

4. Tar shampoos

Last group psoriasis shampoos - natural tar. Tar is used in the treatment of skin diseases since ancient Russia.

Choose tar shampoo is not easy. They are produced by Russian and foreign companies:

  • tar shampoo 911 (Russia),
  • Finnish tar shampoo,
  • shampoo from grandmother Agafi (Russia),
  • shampoo from "Neva cosmetics" (Russia),
  • Tana shampoo (Russia),
  • tar shampoo "Golden silk",
  • "Birch tar" shampoo,
  • tar shampoo "One hundred beauty recipes."

Major difference tar shampoos - the origin of the tar: juniper, birch, pine.

Consider more 2 popular tar shampoo.

4.1. Shampoo "Psoril"

Composed Psoril Shampoo - natural ingredients, plant extracts. Therefore, the drug has a minimum of side effects.

Active ingredient, composition

  • birch tar,
  • extract series, Hypericum, celandine.

Indications for use

Adults over 18 years old with psoriasis.


  • hypersensitivity to components
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

A course of treatment

Apply to wet hair, massage and rinse thoroughly with water. Re-apply, leave for 2 minutes, rinse.

The course of treatment is individual.

Psorilloma Reviews

Overall, positive:

Reviewed by user Poli089 about the shampoo “Psorilom”

Reviewed by Camomile on shampoo “Psorilom”

Medical research

Research is not publicly available. Doctors say that tar gives the result in the treatment of psoriasis.

Side effects

The average price in Moscow is 400 rubles. for 200 ml.


Alkoi LLC (Russia)


Drug withdrawal

Shampoo "Psoril" suitable for those who prefer natural products of Russian production. It contains tar and medicinal plants, which minimizes side effects. The feedback from real people is positive - the remedy is effective.

4.2. Shampoo "Friderm tar"

Shampoo “Friderm Tar”

Active ingredient, composition

Refined coal tar

Indications for use

Patients with psoriasis (scalp).


Increased sensitivity to components.

The treatment takes 2-3 months.

Apply to wet hair, rub in before foaming, rinse. Re-apply, leave for 5 minutes, rinse hair thoroughly.

Reviews on Friedreme tar

Among the reviews are positive and negative.

Reviewed by Natalka about shampoo “Friderm Tar”

Reviewed by Ella on the shampoo “Friderm Tar”

Why does psoriasis occur?

There are many theories, the authors of which explain the mechanism of the development of this disease. They all agree that the pathology is inflammatory in nature and is not capable of being transmitted by household or any other means. Based on most theories, the following causes of psoriasis can be identified:

  • skin injuries
  • improper selection or use of personal care products,
  • exposure to the skin of harmful chemicals contained in detergents and cleansers,
  • violation of the water balance of the skin,
  • experienced stress and strong experiences
  • use of certain drugs,
  • frequent colds,
  • bad habits.

How does psoriasis on the head

In the initial stages of the disease, the patient may experience symptoms such as peeling and itching of the skin, and there is also a strong feeling of discomfort. Further, such manifestations as red or pink spots may develop, which are located both on the hairy areas of the skin and on the forehead, temples, ears and neck.

The rash is covered with scales that are easily removed, leaving behind a red film. The disease is complicated by the fact that the patient, unable to tolerate a strong feeling of itching, combs the wounds, often causing infection.

In the advanced stages of the disease, psoriatic spots spread throughout the head, merging with each other and forming one large lesion.

What shampoos to use for psoriasis of the head

The disease causes considerable damage to the skin and hair. Shampoo with this pathology should have therapeutic effects, which are expressed in the following effect:

  • anesthesia,
  • eliminating itching
  • fighting peeling
  • softening
  • recovery,
  • the fight against germs
  • wound healing.

Shampoos for psoriasis of the head should be applied by appointment of a specialist, as it is a full-fledged drug. Self-treatment in this situation is contraindicated, since most shampoos are composed of chemicals, the uncontrolled use of which can harm the body.

All funds of this type can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Shampoos containing tar.
  2. Medicines with antifungal properties.
  3. Shampoo for psoriasis on the head, which includes synthetic substances.
  4. Shampoo for psoriasis of the scalp with the addition of medicinal herbs.
  5. Children's funds.

Shampoos containing tar

To get rid of psoriasis, three types of tar are used - birch, pine tar and juniper. It is these components that cope well with psoriasis on the head and other parts of the body. Choosing the right tool is very important.After all, when confronted with a problem, most patients do not know what to wash their hair with psoriasis of the head. Detergents are able to relieve itching, inflammation, discomfort, contribute to the natural regeneration of the skin, as well as help get rid of fungal infections. To choose the tool should only be a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease. The physician should consider aspects such as the presence of allergic reactions in a patient, the means previously used by the patient, the degree of skin lesions, and others.

Tar shampoo is a quality product that successfully fights many skin diseases. The main active ingredient is tar. Due to this component, it is antimicrobial, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, these drugs eliminate lice, relieve dandruff, relieve itching and inflammation, as well as strengthen the hair follicle.

Psoryl is an effective antifungal medication. It is produced in a bottle of 200 mg, so the cost of the drug is about 400 rubles. Medicated shampoo has a rich composition:

  • tar,
  • citric acid,
  • extracts of healing herbs (St. John's wort, celandine, string).

Due to its qualitative composition, the shampoo removes dead skin cells and excess subcutaneous fat from the skin. As a result, the skin is improved, and the hair becomes strong and shiny.

It is necessary to use hair and scalp care products 3 times a week. A small amount should be applied to the scalp and spread evenly. Means bad foams, so you need to make an effort. Leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Tana Shampoo is a tar tar homeopathic remedy that destroys pathogenic fungi and removes the inflammatory process from the scalp. Due to the qualitative composition, the tool is approved by dermatologists:

  • birch tar,
  • coconut oil
  • tetranyl,
  • glycerol,
  • citric acid.

Apply shampoo should be 3 times a week. A small amount must be applied to the scalp and massaged evenly. Leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

The peculiarity of the shampoo is that it has a complex effect. The tool will effectively eliminate dandruff and psoriasis, as well as unpleasant symptoms of ailments. In addition, the drug qualitatively restores the water balance and stimulates hair growth. Cost Tan from 190 p.

Friderm Tar

Among the properties of shampoo can be noted the ability to slow down the development of psoriasis, the elimination of itching, peeling. Also, the drug has antifungal, antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory action. The tool easily cleans the skin from hardened tissues, dirt and excess fatty secretions. In addition to psoriasis, shampoo perfectly copes with seborrhea, various forms of hair dermatitis.

Friderm tar is a treatment shampoo. The drug is produced in plastic bottles of 150 mg. It has an antifungal effect on the skin and eliminates seborrhea. The healing agent consists of the main component of coal tar and additional substances that create a gel-like texture.

Shampoo is recommended for use in such diseases:

  • seborrheic dermatitis, provoking excessive separation of subcutaneous fat,
  • seborrhea,
  • psoriasis of the skin.

Shake the bottle well before use. Hair should be wetted, after which a small amount of shampoo should be applied. Massage it thoroughly spread over the hair and leave for 5 minutes. After that, the hair is thoroughly washed under running water. The drug is used twice a week. The course of therapy is up to 20 days. Price Friderm shampoo about 560 p.

The course of treatment lasts from several weeks to several months, depending on the course of the disease.

Tar shampoo for bath from grandmother Agafya

The composition includes birch tar, a very effective component in psoriasis. Medicinal components of the shampoo gently cleanse the skin, relieve inflammation, eliminate itching and burning sensation. Also tar shampoo has a very positive effect on the hair, reducing their fragility and dullness. Hair becomes softer and healthier to look at. Among the contraindications individual intolerance by the patient of any of the components of the tool, which is extremely rare. To get rid of psoriasis on the head, shampoo is used daily for three to four weeks.

The tar shampoo from grandmother Agafi is aimed at combating seborrhea and dandruff. The peculiarity of this tool is that it is excellent to foam and gently cleanses the scalp. The qualitative composition allows to stimulate the blood supply, regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, and also destroys the development of fungi and the formation of dandruff.

Antifungal shampoo has an excellent composition:

  • birch tar,
  • root soap,
  • Climbazol
  • Vitamin PP.

The remedy has a pleasant herbal aroma. It should be used thrice a week. Apply a small amount to the scalp and massage with a foam and then spread it over the entire length of the hair. Leave on for 3 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water. For prophylactic purposes, it is enough to use shampoo once a week. It has an affordable price of about 150 p.

Shampoo for psoriasis of the head Algopiks is composed of juniper tar. The tool is available in plastic bottles and has a rich green tint. Drug also has a distinctive tar smell. This medicated shampoo has a wide spectrum of action, helps to cope with many skin diseases, and is very effective in psoriasis. By regularly applying Algopix you can achieve the following results:

  • relieving inflammation,
  • elimination of itching and burning,
  • skin regeneration
  • restoration of the healthy structure of the skin,
  • wound healing.

Algopix is ​​a gel-like agent for external use, which is produced in vials of 200 mg. Apply the tool for oily skin, which develops dandruff and seborrhea. The shampoo has an interesting composition that perfectly restores the epidermis:

  • juniper tar,
  • salicylic acid,
  • green algae extract.

It is easy to use hair and scalp care products. To do this, it is necessary to wet the hair and apply a small amount of money on the hair. It is evenly distributed over the scalp and left for 3 minutes. Then wash off with warm water. Apply the tool 3 times a week for a month. After recovery. It is necessary to use shampoo from 7 days to avoid reinfection. The cost of the drug is about 1150 p.

Shampoos with antifungal effect

These drugs have pronounced antifungal effects and reliably destroy the infection at all stages of its manifestation. The use of these shampoos in practice gives positive results. The composition of the funds is selected taking into account all the features of the course of a fungal infection. Penetrating deep into the pores, the components of shampoos have a detrimental effect on the fungus, cleansing and restoring the skin. One of the most widely used products is Nizoral Shampoo.

It copes with the manifestations of psoriasis and many other skin diseases. Shampoo is easy to use and store, has a pleasant smell, delicate texture and transparent structure. With proper use, it is possible to remove such signs of psoriasis as itching, desquamation, discomfort and tight skin. In addition to psoriasis, nizoral shampoo is able to rid a person of seborrhea, dandruff, pityriasis.

Nizoral is a safe and high-quality remedy against dandruff and other fungal diseases.It is produced in a vial of 55 mg and 60 mg. The main component is ketoconazole. The shampoo has a red tint and thick texture, with a pleasant aroma.

Use the drug should be twice a week. The course of therapy lasts about 30 days, but it can be extended until complete recovery. Apply hair care products is quite simple:

  • The preparation is applied on the scalp and distributed by massage movements.
  • leave the remedy for 5 minutes to have a therapeutic effect,
  • thoroughly wash off under running water.

The active ingredients of the shampoo eliminate not only the fungal disease, but also the symptoms of the pathology. However, it should be used with caution in pregnant women and during lactation. The cost of the drug depends on the dosage of the average price of 650 p.

Operating principle

Those who have encountered psoriasis should understand that a cosmetic way to eliminate the disease does not work, because the disease is associated with a weakened immune system and retroviruses that are inherited. The only thing you can do is to heal the problem.

Let's see what is psoriasis? This is a problem that is associated with the regeneration of the skin. Standardly, peeling of the upper layers of the dermis occurs after a month, and in the case of psoriasis skin exfoliation occurs every 4–5 days. Thus, horny scales accumulate, forming psoriatic plaques, the surface of which is somewhat similar to beeswax. One or several foci can form on the head of a person, and when the disease is neglected, the whole head is covered with them.

It is not necessary to go to a dermatologist or trichologist to determine if you have psoriasis or dermatitis. Psoriatic papules almost always have a clear outline, which takes on a pink or reddish color.

In no case strongly comb the hair, otherwise you will not remove the peeling, but only earn wounds into which microbes can penetrate.

Exactly due to the action of shampoos:

  • improves skin regeneration,
  • itching and pain are eliminated,
  • there is a softening of the skin and their moisturizing,
  • there is an easy peeling, therefore horny scales are quickly cleared,
  • the affected areas are reduced and new psoriatic plaques are no longer formed,
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands,
  • removed fungus and other microorganisms that live on the scalp.

Important! Ordinary shampoos, which are sold in cosmetic stores, do not have a strong effect on the dermis, therefore, in the fight against psoriatic manifestations are ineffective. An effective remedy should be sought in the pharmacy, - it is sold, mostly without a prescription.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of therapeutic shampoos, which are designed to eliminate the symptoms of psoriasis, emit:

  • lightness and ease of use (the use of funds is practically no different from the usual washing of the head),
  • impact not only on the skin, but also on the structure of the hair,
  • fairly quick effect within 2 weeks (subject to instructions),
  • an obstacle to the development of new papules,
  • restoration of skin regeneration,
  • cleaning the dermis from peeling.

Cons of using shampoos also significant. Many drugs can cause allergic reactions. You rarely find the means that pregnant women, nursing mothers and children can use.

Besides, medical cosmetics for psoriasis:

  • is not cheap
  • can ensure dry hair
  • does not fit any scalp,
  • often addictive.

Rules of application

Before using any shampoo for scalp psoriasis, you should carefully read the instructions, in particular, the method of application.

Tips for using:

  1. Some vials must be shaken before performing the shampooing procedure.
  2. Most products are applied to wet hair.You first wash your head in order to cleanse the skin of sebum, and then dry the curls with a towel. When the grains are slightly moist, distribute psoriasis shampoo on the head.
  3. When applying the medicinal suspension, try to apply the drug mainly in the places where papules accumulate. Be sure to massage the scalp so that the tool penetrates into the deeper layers of the epidermis. Spread the active formula on the dermis with your fingertips, because you can scratch the irritated areas with your nails.
  4. Keep the shampoo for 5-7 minutes, then washed with copious amounts of fluid. You can re-implement the procedure using the selected medical cosmetics, but not more than 2 times.
  5. When treating psoriasis, shampoos are used 2–3 times a week for 14 days. Then it is necessary to reduce the number of approaches, mainly, they are applied once a week.
  6. It happens that the scalp gets used to the active ingredients that are in shampoos. As a rule, this happens after two weeks. In this case, immediately change the drug is not worth it. It is better to wait a week or two, and then resume therapy.
  7. It is recommended to get two shampoos: tar and healing. They need to alternate.
  8. After shampooing, do not blow-dry your hair, and use decoctions to rinse hair.

An important point! If you have psoriasis, it is not advisable to use permanent dyes. They can only aggravate the situation, triggering the occurrence of a large number of psoriatic papules.

Shampoo overview

There is a whole list of shampoos that can eliminate papules. They have a different action vector:

  • aimed at cleansing from dead particles (based on tar, sulfur, salicylic acid),
  • killing microorganisms, in particular the fungus Pitirosporum, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus (with the addition of pyrithione zinc, ketoconazole, climbazole),
  • relieving inflammation and pain (on the basis of corticosteroids (hormones), therefore they are used only after consulting a dermatologist and trichologist),
  • baby shampoos, which are used as prophylaxis between the main courses of therapy.

Thus, than to wash your hair with psoriasis - you decide. But to assess the stage of psoriatic manifestations, it is better to seek help from a trichologist or a dermatologist, who will prescribe the best treatment for it.

Overview of the most effective drugs:

  • "Skin cap". This shampoo is designed to decontaminate the skin. He perfectly fights not only with bacteria, but also with fungus. The preparation contains zinc pyrithione and many other useful components. Contraindications for Skin cap are practically absent (they are reduced only to an individual intolerance to the drug). Apply the product several times on wet hair. The first effect is achieved after 14 days of active use, 2-3 times a day. The cost is quite high - 750–1250 rubles.

  • Etrevex. A key component of this tool is the hormone clobetasol, which is designed to remove the dry crust formed and reduce the inflammatory process (redness and itching). It is advisable to use it for prevention, because it does not remove flaking, but only reduces the risk of exacerbation of the disease. The price of the drug is in the range of 700-1000 rubles. Means should be applied on a dry head and kept for about 15 minutes. It is best to combine with shampoo, which has a peeling effect. Be always attentive with the use of Etryvex. Cases are not excluded when improvement occurred after the first two weeks, and then the situation was aggravated, and psoriasis manifested itself with double force.

  • Algopisk. It contains juniper tar. The thick substance, when applied to the scalp, has healing of wounds formed during combing, kills the fungus and relieves redness. A bottle of 200 ml will cost you 1000-1200 rubles.

  • "Zinc pyrithione". Such a shampoo has quite positively proven itself in psoriasis. It not only removes bacteria, but also simultaneously exfoliates the horny particles. For one procedure of washing the head, it is recommended to apply and then wash off the product 2 times. The cost of funds is relatively low - about 500-700 rubles.

  • "Psoryl-shampoo." In the fight against psoriasis, the manufacturer offers 2 products: tar and salicylic shampoos. The first tool heals well various wounds and relieves inflammation, and the second - is engaged in drying, exfoliating and nourishing the dermis, and also improves the microcirculation of the skin. The cost of the first money is 500–600 rubles, and the shampoo with salicylic acid is 400–500 rubles.

  • "Nizoral". It is considered one of the most effective means. Its main substance is ketoconazole, which effectively fights fungus and any kind of infection. In addition, cosmetics perfectly heals wounds and stabilizes the sebaceous glands. If at the first use you feel a slight tingling, you should not cancel therapy. But with a serious burning sensation should abandon the drug. This tool will empty your wallet for 850 rubles.

  • "Liberoderm". In the line of shampoos that are designed to combat dandruff, psoriasis, deprive and seborrheic dermatitis means two means: with tar, worth 350 rubles and zinc, worth 650 rubles. The first drug cleanses the scalp from peeling, improves the hair structure and stabilizes the production of subcutaneous fat, called sebum. And the second is aimed at stabilizing the work of the sebaceous glands and the fight against microbes.

  • Sulsena. The active ingredient of this cosmetics is selenium disulfide, which has a beneficial effect on the sebaceous glands. Also in the composition is the infusion on burdock roots and cinnamon alcohol. The healing formula of the drug normalizes cell division and contributes to their correct renewal. In addition, after using this shampoo hair get a beautiful shine. You can buy it for only 350 rubles.

  • «911». Perhaps one of the cheapest means that successfully eliminates redness and itching, and also cleanses the skin (cost 90–150 rubles). The drug does not have an aggressive effect. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to birch tar.

  • Keto Plus. Positioned as an anti-fungal drug. Its key components ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione are synthesized. According to user feedback, it helps rid the skin of dry peel, which is located on top of the papules. For 60 ml you have to pay about 550 rubles.

No need to think that medical cosmetics immediately save you from the symptoms of psoriasis. It should take at least 2 weeks for you to feel the improvement of the skin.

Remember! Psoriasis is an incurable disease that can worsen again in the event of an imbalance of hormones, stress or weakened immunity.

In this way, shampoos for psoriasis of the scalp should be selected taking into account the condition of the skin and the degree of neglect of the disease. There are various options for medical cosmetics: based on ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione, selenium disulfide, tar, salicylic acid and corticosteroid (hormonal) drugs.

Experts recommend the selection of shampoo according to the recommendations of the trichologist and dermatologist, as well as the timely start of treatment to prevent the spread of papules.

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There are many cosmetic products, the therapeutic effect of which is proven by experts.They moisturize and tone up the skin, promote its rapid healing and enrich with vitamins and other nutrients.

Cosmetics against psoriasis are in great demand. Despite their antifungal and antibacterial effects, they, unlike pharmaceuticals, have a pleasant smell and color.

Friderm Balance

Friderm balance is a shampoo that has a disinfectant, degreasing and regenerating effect. It penetrates deep into the scalp and has a moisturizing and toning effect. It is used in the treatment of psoriasis, dandruff, excessive fragility and hair loss.

Already after the first use, the product relieves itching and irritation of the skin, promotes skin peeling and wound healing, the appearance of which provokes psoriasis. Friderm provides a positive effect on the hair - reduces their loss, promotes easy combing, gives a healthy shine.

The preparation contains active ingredients:

  • triethanolamine lauryl sulfate (the main active ingredient),
  • polyethylene glycol distearate,
  • cocamide diethanolamide,
  • monoethanolamide cocamide,
  • gum,
  • hydroxypropylmethylcellulose,
  • purified water.

It is recommended to use shampoo with each wash of the head, for 2-3 months. Apply a small amount of shampoo to your hair and distribute over the entire scalp, rubbing it into the roots. Then rinse hair thoroughly with water. For best effect, repeat the procedure twice.

The cost of shampoo in pharmacies ranges from 450 to 700 rubles per pack.

Sulsena is an agent that has fungicidal, cytostatic and keratolytic effects. Shampoo normalizes the function of secretion of the sebaceous glands, promotes exfoliation of dead skin cells and starts the process of cell renewal, destroys fungal microflora. It also effectively fights dandruff, psoriasis, seborrhea, dermatitis, cleans hair and scalp well, has a moisturizing and regenerating effect.

Means has orange color and a pleasant citrus smell, it foams easily.

Sulsen contains:

  • selenium disulfide (main active ingredient),
  • sodium hydroxide,
  • cetyl alcohol,
  • cinnamon alcohol,
  • glyceryl stearate,
  • salicylic acid,
  • propylene glycol,
  • lemon acid,
  • distilled water,
  • perfume.

Beauticians recommend using shampoo 3-4 times a week for 3 months, then take a break. Mode of application:

  • apply the product to wet hair and foam,
  • Massage the scalp for 5 minutes, carefully working through the affected areas,
  • rinse with warm water
  • repeat the procedure once more.

It is contraindicated to use for pregnant women and during breastfeeding.

The average cost of Sulsena is 250 rubles per 150 ml bottle.

Ekoderm is a shampoo that is suitable for sensitive skin prone to irritation and allergic reactions. It moisturizes and nourishes the skin, effectively cleanses hair, promotes exfoliation of dead cells and the rapid formation of new ones.

The composition Ecoderma includes:

  • sodium cocoamphoacetate,
  • sodium laureth sulfate,
  • sodium chloride,
  • glyceryl,
  • PEG-7 glyceryl cocoate,
  • citric acid,
  • methyl parabens,
  • distilled water.

Beauticians often prescribe a tool in the early stages of psoriasis, when the patient is not yet experiencing complications from the disease. Just apply a little shampoo on wet hair and spread over the scalp to form a thick foam. Rinse with warm water.

It is enough to apply it 3 times a week. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.

Price Ecoderm varies from 210 to 270 rubles per pack.

Healing shampoos are most often aimed at combating one or more diseases. They are the safest, as they do not cause allergic reactions and affect only pathogenic microorganisms.

One of the drawbacks of such funds - that they are released on prescription. But with such a disease as psoriasis, an appeal to a specialist will be the most correct solution.

Shampoo with zinc Skin cap

Skin cap - a drug in the form of a shampoo. It is recommended for daily use for people prone to allergies.

The main active ingredient of the drug is zinc pyrithione. It stops inflammation, eliminates the itching and dryness of the skin, has a moisturizing effect. In addition to zinc, they include:

  • This Purley C-96,
  • tero sulfonate,
  • sodium lauryl sulfate,
  • copolymers of dimethicone, macrogol and propylene glycol,
  • coconut fatty acids.

Skin cap eliminates the symptoms of psoriasis, effectively cleans and reduces the oiliness of hair, gives them shine and softness. With regular use, the effect of the shampoo increases, since zinc tends to accumulate in the body.

Method of application is no different from the use of simple shampoos: Apply to hair, foam, rinse with water. If the purpose of use is to combat psoriasis, the recommended course of treatment is 3 months.

It is undesirable to use Skin Kap for people suffering from cutaneous tuberculosis and cancer, perioral dermatitis, chickenpox and herpes.

The average price of a Skin Cap in pharmacies is 1500 rubles.

Skin relief

Skin relief is a specially created drug for the treatment of psoriasis and excessive dryness of the scalp. Strengthens hair follicles, normalizes the sebaceous glands, prevents dandruff.

It contains only natural ingredients:

  • propylene glycol,
  • lactitol,
  • glycerol,
  • xylitol,
  • lemon extract
  • rosemary essential oil,
  • water from the Dead Sea.

Apply Skin relief to wet hair before foaming. Leave on for 3 minutes, then rinse with water. The recommended number of applications per week is 4 times.

To completely get rid of psoriasis, you need to use the tool for at least 3 months, even if the symptoms of the disease cease to appear much earlier.

The average cost is 2000 rubles.

Baby shampoos have a composition closer to natural. Most often, they are hypoallergenic and do not cause tearing in contact with eyes.


Pharmacies and cosmetic networks offer a wide variety of shampoos aimed at the treatment of psoriasis.

It should be remembered: shampoo is not only cleansing, but also a drug. Therefore, when choosing it, it is necessary to consult with a dermatologist.

Wrong selection of the drug can only aggravate the patient's condition, and then the treatment will be delayed for long months or even years.


Watch the video: Dandruff. How To Get Rid Of Dandruff 2018 (July 2024).