
How to dye a wig of artificial hair at home?


A magnificent mane of hair, presented by nature, is wonderful. But to meet the owners of such hair can be infrequent. And because the beautiful part of the population of the planet uses some tricks. To increase the mass of their own curls, ladies use artificial hair strands. But what if the new tone did not match the tone or wanted to change the color? How to dye artificial hair and is such an action possible?

False hair is not a new idea, but this method of tidying up the hair is always popular. A wig, hairpiece, hairpin barrettes or extensions are modern ways to increase the mass of curls, give the hairstyle volume and the necessary density.

Repainting a chignon or a wig is not prohibited, but you cannot use the usual paint for this. Do not use tonics and coloring shampoos. The reason is simple: after such a transformation, the wig will resemble a washcloth.

False hair - a technique popular with many fashionistas. Wigs and hairpieces are made from a series of artificial and natural. But, despite the quality and external similarity, the properties of such "hair" are noticeably different. The usual colors, even of the most famous brands, are not suitable for changing their shade.

But the markers are allowed. Curls will not spoil after such a tool, and the color will remain for a long time. Pick up the appropriate tone and carefully paint over each strand. The procedure takes a lot of time, especially for long curls on hairpins. Therefore, it is reasonable to use such technology to change the tone of small wigs of light colors or a few strands. Intense and dark tint will ensure the use of ink.

Fabric dye paint, batik, is also suitable for changing the color of a wig. In a mixture of a couple of cans of such paint and filtered water, the wig is kept for two days. Then the overhead strands are dried during the day, gently combed and gently used. True, even the observance of all precautions will not protect artificial curls from brittleness and rigidity.

Coloring marker? Perhaps, but very long, difficult and tiring. Especially difficult to paint curls long. If it is important to separate the smallest strands from the total mass and carefully paint them in order to get a uniform tone along the entire length, then it is clear: the work needs titanic.

It is much easier to use the technique of batik. The wig is soaked in a solution of such paint for the night. The proportions for artificial hair are special: three liters of water - three cans of paint. But after changing the tone, the strands will become hard and brittle, and combing them will turn into a jewelry job.

It is optimal to purchase a wig of the desired tone in the store, rather than wasting time and effort repainting the existing one. Then the new strands will last longer, and this wig will look much better than after the home transformation.

Maybe artificial hair straps on hairpins should be stained? They look natural and are no different from real hair. But such curls are afraid and tonic, and the usual colors. True, there are several ways.

The desired shade is selected among the permanent markers on the basis of alcohol. Gloves are put on for the staining of the hairs on the pins. Scissors take out the rod and remove the protective film. It turns out the painting sponge. The rod, moistened with alcohol, carried out by strands, carefully coloring each of them.

The “batik” technique is suitable for artificial hair straps on barrettes. In a solution prepared from three cans of paint and three liters of water, the curls are placed for three days.

However, such methods are good for those who prefer experiments. To the same ladies who do not like to risk, it is worthwhile to think about it, but do they need such wastes of energy and time, if the result is unpredictable?

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If you are not yet ready for cardinal changes in your life and appearance, but you really want to change something, then the simplest, and at the same time, the most decisive way is to change your hairstyle. It is possible and not for real, but for a while: wearing a wig, building up strands or sticking on chignon. Once resorting to this option, you may want to change not only your hair, but also artificial. Next, let's talk about whether it is possible and how to dye a wig made of artificial hair at home.

How to paint?

Modern wigs and artificial strands are made not only from “dolls”, but also from real hair. They are several times more expensive, but their service life is much longer. If the wig is made of natural hair, you can not only dye it in any color you like without fear, but also make any hairstyle using a curling iron or iron. At the same time, for artificial strands such manipulations may be the last in their lives.

Important! Ordinary dye used in hairdressing can permanently spoil an artificial wig made from kanekalon or similar materials. Under the influence of chemical agents, it simply “burns out” and curtailed.

But these tools will do:

  • You can not color the entire wig, but only a few strands, for example, near the face. An ordinary alcohol-based marker is quite suitable for these purposes.
  • Batik - paint for drawing on the fabric, is also able to help dye the wig of artificial hair at home. Dissolve the paint with water in the calculation of 1 liter of water for 1 can of paint, place the wig in this mixture for a couple of days. Then it should dry for at least a day.

Important! Sometimes after this procedure, artificial hair becomes a little tougher, so you need to comb it very carefully.

In general, wigs, especially artificial ones, require a very careful attitude towards you, therefore changing its color or changing it somehow, you act at your own peril and risk, where the result is difficult to predict.

Basic rules for coloring artificial hair

Overhead strands are easy to dye. If the procedure is done for the first time, then it is best to conduct it in specialized shops. Subsequently, the staining of the strands on the hairpins can be carried out at home.

To get the most positive result, it is important to familiarize yourself and carefully observe some of the basics:

  • It is not recommended to change the color range of overhead strands by more than 2 tones. For example, if the false curls of black tint, then at one time to turn them into blonde will not work. If there is a corresponding desire, then it is necessary to dye them in the desired tone gradually and over several times.
  • Not all chemical dyes are suitable for artificial strands, it is important to remember that they paint over much faster than natural curls. Accordingly, when using the coloring composition, it is necessary either to reduce the concentration of the coloring matter, or to reduce the time the paint is exposed to the strands. You can pay attention to the instruction ink base, it should contain the percentage of oxidant not more than 6%.

  • When applying the coloring composition, it is important to avoid places of attachment of strands.
  • For coloring artificial curls, you can use tinted shampoos or tonics. But at the same time tinting means can not be applied to the curls with a thick layer, it is best to first dilute a small amount of tonic in a small amount of water, and then paint over the artificial hair with a diluted composition.
  • As a rule, when dyeing overhead strands with chemical paint, it is impossible to get the same color as stated on the dye box. When choosing a paint shade it is necessary to pay attention to the table (photo at the bottom of the box) of the matching natural strands and dyed.
  • In order for the overhead hair to look as natural as possible, it is important to correctly match the color scheme of the hair and the skin tone. For example, if the skin of the face is pale, then you do not need to use bright and sunny shades of the dye base. Conversely, with ruddy skin cold hair shades will look unnatural.

  • The coloring of the overhead strands requires the observance of important rules: first, the coloring base is applied to the "roots" of the hair, and then to the tips, while the time it takes to paint the tips of the strands is significantly reduced.
  • It is important to apply the ink base on the strands consistently, only if you follow this important rule, you can achieve a uniform staining.
  • It is strictly forbidden to increase the time of exposure of the dye base to artificial strands. Many girls mistakenly believe that the long-term effect of paint on the strands will make it brighter and more saturated. But this is absolutely not the case; an increase in the effect of the coloring base (even for 5-10 minutes) contributes to the disruption of the structure of the artificial hairs, after which they become coarse, dry and brittle.
  • An erroneous opinion is that the strands can not be washed before dyeing. On the contrary, artificial hair before such a procedure must be thoroughly washed with a mild shampoo, this will allow to wash off the remnants of fat, all dirt and styling products from the strands. The ink base is applied to clean and dried curls.
  • In order for the paint on artificial strands to last longer, after the dyeing procedure it is necessary to apply a balsam-fixer to the curls.

What can paint artificial curls?

Modern wigs, as well as false hair on the hairpins are made not only from artificial materials, but also from natural strands. Of course, the latter are much more expensive, but they look more natural, and their service life is much longer. The advantage is that the natural overhead strands can be dyed in almost any color tone, you can make absolutely any hairstyle on them and even use a hair straightener, curling iron or hair dryer.

If you dye the wig of their artificial hair with chemical compounds, then this is likely to be the last procedure for him. Under the influence of chemical reagents synthetic strands simply "burn" or curl. Changing the color gamut of artificial strands with chemical paints is harmful and dangerous for the latter - they will become rare, and the chignon will become completely unsuitable for further use.

Tips to help you color the wig yourself:

For this type of wigs, special coloring bases are made:

  • Indelible marker. With the help of a marker, it is very convenient to color the strands of the artificial hair, you can make highlights. After using the marker, the ink base is not washed off and looks attractive. It is necessary to prepare for a lengthy procedure, when each layer is gradually applied a layer of a marker of a suitable color tone, after which the curls are dried and combed. The marker is ideally used for coloring a small amount of strands or for dyeing a wig with short curls.

  • Powdered or liquid dye base for dyeing fur, synthetics, plastics, foam rubber. Excellent tool helps to choose the appropriate color shade, you can harmonize with colors. When using this tool, it is important to scrupulously follow the basic instructions for use.
  • Paint for drawing on the fabric (batik). To give the desired color shade artificial wig must be mixed in 1 liter. water 1 jar of dye base, then place the wig in the mixture and leave for 3 days. After that, artificial curls must be carefully dried, for this they are placed in a dry and well-ventilated room for 1 day. Completes the procedure of combing strands.

Step by Step Dyeing Instructions

If it is decided to carry out the procedure for dyeing an artificial wig at home, then it is important to prepare for a long and hard work. To obtain the desired result, you can use any dye composition based on alcohol or the above methods (marker, batik), you can even use printer ink or alcohol ink.

In any case, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Wear protective gloves on your hands.
  2. Protect furniture, clothing and all nearby objects from accidental contact with the dye base.
  3. In a disposable plate to prepare the ink base.
  4. Dip a thin brush into the ink base and apply it on a strand of false hair.
  5. Paint over strand by strand until all the curls of the wig are colored.

Of course, it is possible to paint with paint artificial hair at home, but for this you need to be patient and have plenty of time. It is important to remember that after the dyeing procedure, the strands will already be completely different than they were, since the synthetic base is not intended for regular exposure to it with chemical reagents. However, with the help of such a procedure, you can change the image and create the most unpredictable shades for hair, which brings pleasure and uplifting to girls.

See also: Choosing a dye and dyeing method for artificial hair (video)

Is it possible to dye artificial hair on hairpins and a wig

Almost any girl dreams of a long and thick head of hair, but nature is not generous to everyone, so many have to use curly hair on hairpins to improve their own appearance. The advantages of such hair mass: they give pomp and density hairstyles, significantly extend the strands, do not look unnatural and give the appearance of tenderness, elegance and extraordinary beauty. Another advantage of the false hair is that you can experiment with them - make unusual hairstyles, shorten the haircut, and you can dye the artificial hair in the desired color shade.

How to dye a wig of artificial hair at home?

If you are not yet ready for cardinal changes in your life and appearance, but you really want to change something, then the simplest, and at the same time, the most decisive way is to change your hairstyle. It is possible and not for real, but for a while: wearing a wig, building up strands or sticking on chignon. Once resorting to this option, you may want to change not only your hair, but also artificial. Next, let's talk about whether it is possible and how to dye a wig made of artificial hair at home.

Step-by-step guide: how to dye an artificial wig with a marker

So, if you decided to dye your “spare” hair, then tune in for a long, painstaking work and an unpredictable result. In principle, any dye based on alcohol will suit you for such staining:

  1. Wear protective gloves.
  2. Protect your clothes and furniture from getting paint on them.
  3. Use scissors to remove the marker rod.
  4. Carefully cut the tip of the rod so that you get a thin “brush”.
  5. Take a deep disposable plate, pour a small amount of alcohol into it.
  6. Dip the stem of the marker in alcohol, swipe them like a brush over a thin strand.
  7. So proceed until all your hair is dyed.
  8. It is better to start staining with strands near the face - perhaps, having seen how long this process takes you, you simply do not have enough patience to finish the job.

Important! This method is suitable only for wigs of light-colored artificial hair.

Ink dyeing at home

If you want to get a dark shade, such as black, purple or blue, use ink.

The main disadvantage of such coloring, besides the laboriousness of the process, is an unstable color. In addition, the curls can smudge all that touch. Because of this, this method is desirable to use only in exceptional cases.

Acrylic dyes for artificial hair wigs

Is it possible to paint a wig made of artificial hair with acrylic paints? - Of course. To paint with such paints should:

  • take a spray can
  • put a wig on a newspaper
  • spray paint over the entire length of the hair.

Important! Make sure all strands are evenly colored. At the end of the procedure, leave the dyed wig in the open air for at least three hours.

Increased hair and curls on hairpins

We should also consider the question whether it is possible to dye hairs and curls on hairpins. In the case of curls on the hairpins - of course. Follow the guidelines described above.

But it is no longer possible to repaint the artificial accrued strands, because they cannot be dyed with dyes for natural hair, and methods that are used for painting non-natural strands are contraindicated in natural curls. Because of this, you will have to accept the existing color.

Wig Care Tips

There is an opinion that artificial wigs are more resistant to damage, and many are wondering how to wash them properly. So:

  1. Wig can be washed only by hand and in no case in a washing machine.
  2. For these purposes, it is desirable to use liquid soap or neutral shampoos.
  3. After thoroughly rinsing, the wig must be dried on a stand with the help of a terry towel.

To synthetic hair did not begin to resemble a sponge, you should follow some rules:

  • Before washing the wig must be carefully but carefully combed,
  • Wash unnatural curls should be carefully, without tangling the strands - you can not rub hard,
  • During combing, drying and styling wig should be fixed on the stand.

Important! Products made of synthetic hair can not tolerate twisting, blow-drying, heated hair rollers and electric pliers - all this damages the structure of artificial hair. For styling and give a beautiful healthy shine on a wet wig should spray a special conditioner. For fixing the form using a special varnish for synthetic curls.

Proper care will help preserve the beauty of a wig for a long time. And you can shine every day in a new look, surprising your friends.

How and what to paint artificial hair. Fashion is a very changeable phenomenon, and concerns not only shoes and clothes, but also hairstyles. However, many people prefer to change not the hairstyles, but wigs.

What can dye artificial hair

Fashion is a very changeable phenomenon, and concerns not only shoes and clothes, but also hairstyles. However, many people prefer to change not the hairstyles, but wigs.

In just a couple of hours, even the shortest and not too thick hair can turn into a chic head of hair.

However, diversity lovers often wonder whether it is possible to dye their hair extensions and how to do it correctly. This is what will be discussed further.

So, quite recently I bought myself a wig for performing at an anime festival in the form of one of the characters from my favorite anime. Several times I just went out into it and attended my university. Many simply could not make out whether it was my dyed hair or a wig. Passing strangers immediately noticed me, and my acquaintances simply did not recognize me. So, a small theater has become a part of my life, because many dream to lead a double life, but it turned out that it does not need to make special efforts.

However, the color of my wig and its shape did not exactly match the expected result. I immediately got into the vast stock of information on the Internet. The most practical advice was, of course, given by cosplayers - people who often act as favorite characters at anime festivals. Strangely enough, even hairdressers and stylists threw up my hands on my question about painting an artificial wig.

What do anime festivals recommend? First of all, you need to realize that artificial hair is not hair at all, so an ordinary hair dye will immediately ruin them. For some reason, very few come to this conclusion, and therefore they immediately spoil the wig in an attempt to repaint it. Immediately discard the options with shampoos, tinted tonic and so on. In fact, artificial hair is a very thin fishing line. Now imagine what will happen to her if you apply hair dye on her. The hairs will be scorched and twisted into spirals, and after that they will completely emerge from the wig.

The safest way to paint a wig is felt-tip pens, and the jokes are inappropriate here. Indeed, the marker is the most innocuous remedy, which will not hurt after dyeing and will not hurt the hair. Here's what cosplayers write on this subject: “Buy a marker of the desired color and carefully, slowly paint over each thin strand of hair. This, of course, if you do not mind your time. And besides, it is suitable only if the wig itself is light and relatively short. But it will not get dirty and peel off ”.

How to care for artificial hair

High-quality artificial hair on hairpins look natural, almost no different from natural curls. However, in order for the hair to retain its original appearance for a long time, it is necessary to take care of them correctly and systematically.

When the hair on the barrette is dry, comb it. Use a comb with a rare tooth. Comb strands, starting from the tips and heading towards the base. If the hair begins to electrify, swipe the electrification site with a wet palm and continue combing.

If the hair develops confusion, in any case, do not pull them in this place with a comb, so as not to spoil them. Carefully disassemble the nodules with your fingers or use a special comb to comb.

Natural wigs are not afraid of any exposure from the outside, that is, you can do the same with them as with your hair. Artificial hair is easily deformed, lose elasticity and split. They are made from synthetic fibers (acrylic, polyamide, vinyl) or from elastic matte fibers called kanekalon (based on algae).

Useful tips
To artificial hair quickly disheveled, learn how to properly care for them. Keep the wig not in a collapsed form, but on a special stand - this will preserve its store appearance, the fibers will not stretch, which will facilitate combing,

Wash artificial hair no more than once a month and in no case in a washing machine. Wash each curl very carefully from top to bottom, pre-foaming light shampoo,

Dry the wig with a towel, do not squeeze it like a rag, put it on the stand and wind it on the curler,

Comb the wig gently without touching its base.

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how to paint artificial hair on hairpins? | Portal for Blondes

| Portal for Blondes

In November, I bought myself such hair and decided that soon I would probably repaint in a dark color. and the hair must also be repainted. Can you tell me how this can be done? or will it be necessary to buy new ones?

  • Login or register to post comments.

Miss blondik: or will it be necessary to buy new ones?

better to buy new ones.

Miss blondik: I read somewhere that you can paint with tonic

it seems to me the appearance of them after painting will be no ice. they are artificial.

Miss blondik: in November I bought myself such hair

Miss blondik: and now I decided that soon I will probably repaint in a dark color.

Miss blondik: Can you tell me how this can be done?

onion peel if only

Miss blondik: or will it be necessary to buy new ones?

Again, what for do you need this poverty?

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Artificial hair on hairpins, care and care

Author: Maxim Lazarev, three-time world champion in hairdressing

In this article we will consider the main recommendations regarding the care of artificial hair, namely:

1. How to care

2. Is it possible to paint and what

3. Is it possible to curl

And how to wash. Well, let's start?

Features of staining

The very same color of curls made of vinyl, acrylic, polyamide, Kanekalon has fundamental features. After all, such locks have a typical radiance, electrify and simply deform, split. So is it possible to dye artificial hair?

Changing the color of this synthetic line with ordinary dyes created for native curls is ineffective and harmful. Because later synthetic strands will fall out, making the chignon noticeably thin, will become inapplicable.

Kanekalon products

Kanekalon - the highest quality matte fibers for wigs.

Kanekalonovye hair became the most popular in the world due to their natural beauty, strength, lightness and hygiene. And although some colorists believe that Kanekalon, like monofilament, is not capable of retaining the coloring pigment in itself, there are still conditions under which staining will be successful. This will help annotation of experts who offer options for such a metamorphosis.

Staining options

The most popular method is the dyeing of batik with acrylics.

  • Aniline powder dyes, created for synthetics, should be mixed with watery aniline analogues produced by Palette, only for batik. Then the colors are natural.

You can repaint the usual suitable markers.

  • After painting with a marker, the color does not come off, it means that it will not spoil the native hairstyle. Diligently, slowly, it is necessary to dye every strand, later dry and comb. This method is not bad for highlighting or small chignon.
  • Watery or dusty paint for coloring fur, foam rubber, synthetics and plastics famous for its rich colors. And exclusive tones can be obtained by hand with the usual mixing, choosing a more risky hot or completely harmless cool technique when coloring.

Nylon standards

It is much more difficult to change the black fibers from the inside.

Nylon strands discolor unsafe: even the safest brightener can turn them into a hopelessly confused lump. But is it possible to dye artificial hair from nylon threads? Here is a list of professional recipes for such a procedure.

A rich palette of dyes Lukar.

Iodine, potassium permanganate, phenolphthalein, magenta, methyl orange dye nylon wigs, because they contain metal - a natural dye.

  • Only metal-containing powder dyes containing urzol are effective.
  • Iodine infiltrates deeply and forever into a synthetic polymer, which acquires a golden or chestnut color, depending on the concentration of the solution.

In the photo - a natural dye.

  • Potassium permanganate, as a strong oxidizing agent, will not only give a reddish brown tone, but will also become a perfect ground for the following black colors.

An over-saturated manganese solution should be made exclusively in a glass or black plastic container to prevent the wig from changing its color from an unexpected reaction, for example, with a metal.
But enameled dishes can be irretrievably spoiled with potassium permanganate.

For light chignons suitable ordinary potassium permanganate.

Industrial Products

Only professional dyes with high-quality 3% oxidizing agents, also ammonia-free paint are needed. Kapron monofilament is perfectly painted with paint. Palette in bottles, if you precisely follow the instructions for it.

Light hairpieces, wigs easier to repaint Batik.

Special dyes for batik work, although a good uniform color is obtained if you follow the following tips on how to dye a wig made of artificial hair:

  • soak for 2-3 days a wig in 3 liters of water with 3 bottles of batik,
  • then the day the wig should dry up
  • after such a long-term procedure, the structure of synthetic threads will become tougher, therefore we comb them carefully, as they are now very confused.

Pay attention!
Paint specifically for artificial hair is in specialized stores for hairdressers.
Their cost is justified by the guaranteed result.

The easiest method is coloring chalk.

  • Tonics, tinted shampoos containing up to 2% of an oxidizing agent are also suitable for tinting synthetic strands of several tones, but not for their cardinal configurations. Colorists use tonics after hair extensions, then the border is completely inconspicuous, and elongated strands look very natural.

You can experiment with high-quality and durable paint created for suede.

  • Doll makers use cans of acrylic paint to color synthetic hairs. They can also dye their own wig, spreading it on the newspaper, and later carefully disperse the paint into strands. Then it dries for 3 hours.

Initially, choosing a successful color of artificial curls, you do not have to repaint them

So, the answer to the question whether it is possible to dye a wig made of artificial hair is positive. Naturally, buying it, you still need to choose the appropriate color, because the new color scheme is completely unpredictable and successful only on a lighter product.

The arbitrariness here is fraught with heterogeneity of color, and the specialist will be able to avoid such a negative, at least with a repeated procedure. All the same, many consider it more harmless, albeit a labor-intensive type - coloring by markers. The video in this article will introduce the most effective methods.

How to dye artificial strands after building

Intensity accreted in its essence is also artificial. And you can not clarify them in any way. Even the most benign means can turn artificial curls into a tangled straw.

Coloring the house is also undesirable. The recommended tone should be a couple of shades darker than new ones, there should be no paint on the capsules. Since the structure of curls accrued and natural still differ, the self-coloring gives an uneven color.

It is more prudent to entrust the procedure to a professional. In addition, self-coloring invalidates the warranty on new strands. However, compliance with the rules will give excellent results, and you can rejoice at the new tone without fear for the state of hair.

It is much easier to find a wig that matches the tone of the curls. Then staining is not required. Do not expose the acquired strands to chemical attack. Even they should be washed very carefully, pre-foaming shampoo. During combing it is forbidden to touch the base of the wig.

Professional paints give good results. But materials must be of high quality. The dye oxidizer is not higher than three percent, and the paint can only be taken without ammonia.

There are special compounds for coloring artificial strands. In this case, and tonic and shampoo harm will not cause. But the share of oxidizer in them is two percent, not more. Tonic curls do not paint, it only changes their shade to several tones. It makes no sense to expect radical results, but it looks natural.

And it is very good that coloring for wigs is still permissible. It is worth remembering that clarification is not for those of non-natural origin. And home methods of coloring are also not suitable for them. Appeal to the salon will allow you to get a good result and keep it as long as possible. With careful treatment for hairpieces and wigs, they will last a long time.

Video footage

Proper care will help preserve the beauty of a wig for a long time.And you can shine every day in a new look, surprising your friends.

How to paint overhead strands tonic?

To achieve light toning, choose a shade from the products available to you. There are quite a few shading tonics on the market now, and you can take a simpler product, since you do not need to worry that it can cause irritation on the scalp, which is often the case when dyeing your hair.

After you wash your hair 4-6 times, the shade will practically wash off and you can dye it again with the same or a different shade.

We have a blond shade of cold shade and a tonic with a golden blond shade. The challenge is to give the cold strands a warm golden hue.

Comb the strand, moisten it with warm water to make your hair completely wet. Protect your hands with gloves, squeeze a little tonic on your hand and distribute it along the length of the strand, then slightly massage the hair, for a more even distribution of the dye. Leave the strand with the dye for the time specified specifically on your tint tonic or balm.

After the specified time, rinse the patch under water and place it on a towel on a horizontal surface and leave it in this position until it dries.

Now false hair can be curled or straightened if necessary.

How to paint false hair paint?

Unlike tonic, the paint will stick on a wig or strands much longer, especially since you need to wash them very rarely. Therefore, go to the paint sample go responsibly, no matter what type it is - permanent or semi-permanent. The color of the colored false hair will remain now for a long time. Try first to paint a very thin strand or tips to evaluate the result and only then paint the entire product.

We would not advise taking a resistant dye, as it is not necessary. You do not need to dye gray hair and you will not often use shampoo. Choose light, semi-permanent professional products. In prof. Inks are much more palette of shades and you can correctly correct the color of the false hair. Do not hesitate and go with a wig or strands in the store prof. cosmetics and ask the consultant for help in finding the right shade and oxidizer.

Spread a sheet of foil on the table, the foil should be enough to freely place all your strands on it. In the case of a wig, you need to put it on a special shape. Comb your hair, removing all existing entanglements.

Follow the paint instructions to prepare the ink mixture.

Protect your hands with gloves, then with a brush, apply the mixture to the strands. Make sure that the hair in the strands from all sides were covered with dye, it is better to put more paint than to save and leave not painted areas. Apply paint from the point of attachment, spreading it to the tips.

After applying the dye, cover all the strands with cling film to keep the mixture from drying out. Dyeing time learn from the instructions to the paint.

Flush dye do under cool water, substituting strand under the stream of water. Use a drop of non-sulphate shampoo or shampoo for dyed hair to safely wash false hair.

Lay the washed strands on the table, spread a towel and leave them to dry completely.

Is it possible to paint and what

If we are talking about artificial strands, then it is not recommended to dye them with ordinary hair dye or tinted tonic, otherwise you can damage the structure of the "hair". Today, there is a large selection of artificial hair on the hardening of different colors, so you can always choose the most optimal option for yourself, however, if you do not feel sorry for the time to experiment, we are ready to offer you interesting solutions for dyeing artificial hair.

Besides. After such an experiment, the hair from the wig will simply fall out or you will never be able to put it on or comb it. Do not fall for this bait!

Thus, we came to the conclusion that the safest method of dyeing artificial hair is the way with markers or markers. And may it be the most difficult to do, but it’s definitely safe, and for you and for your artificial hair!

Especially forchelka.netIra Romany

How to dye artificial hair :: - the territory of women's conversations

Irina Lartal, author of JustLady. Artificial hair is not an invention of today. Even the ancient Egyptians wore wigs. Peter I. brought fashion to them from Russia. Since then, no one is surprised at the false hair or wigs.

The last squeak of fashion dictates to use them to improve the image and a radical change in appearance. Women love to be different. Therefore, very often there are questions about painting wigs or false hair, which are natural and artificial.

Articles on "How to dye artificial hair" How to dye wool for felting Natural hair products are, of course, expensive. But then you can use them for a long time, and care for them is almost the same as for your own hair.

Including haircut or coloring. True, it is best to entrust these procedures to professionals.

Coloring of artificial hair has its own characteristics. First of all, because acrylic, vinyl, polyamide and kanekalon, artificial matte fiber based on algae are used for their manufacture.

Therefore, artificial hair has a peculiar gloss, easily deformed, split, electrified. Wash the artificial strands should be in warm or cold water, directing the stream from top to bottom using shampoo.

Next, the wizard advised to hold the artificial hair in cool water with the addition of mousse for styling for 30 minutes, then gently blot with a towel and dry for a day on a special stand. Comb wig or artificial strands should be careful to avoid hair loss and damage.

How to dye artificial hair can tell in places of sale. You can also contact the hairdressers. Services professionals save time and money.

How to wash a wig?

The procedure for washing natural and synthetic hair is the same:

  1. Dissolve shampoo in water tank,
  2. Wig for 5-7 min. must get wet, detergent penetrates into the structure,
  3. It is allowed to wash the base of the wig (monture) with a sponge,
  4. After shampoo for 10 min. leave the product in solution with air conditioning,
  5. Rinse gently from top to bottom with cool water,
  6. Remove the rest of the water with a towel, wrapping the wig in it for 15 minutes,
  7. Dry on a stand at room temperature for about 10 hours.

Dry the wig with a towel, do not squeeze it like a rag, put it on the stand and wind it on the curler,


Watch the video: How to Dye Synthetic Hair. EASY DIY Lavender Hair. Water coloring. ft Janet Collection (July 2024).