Tools and facilities

10 myths about hair care, in which it is time to stop believing


Do not you think that hot curlers, nevertheless, deserve special attention? Of course, for most of us, such a curling hair is an echo of the past, because now is the era of curls and round hairbrushes. In fact, hot curlers can be your number one thing! We specifically interviewed stylists-professionals and received a lot of advice from them.

Stylist - Peter Butler (Peter Butler), for example, recommends use hot curlers when you need to quickly do the styling. “Curl up a few pads. Believe me, the volume and shape will stay with you for a long time!” He says. Also know that if your hair is already badly damaged, hot curlers are still “softer” than curling. To curls lasted longer, fix the result of hairspray.

Choose hot curler with clips. These will allow to curl and short and medium in length hair. Place a few curlers on top of the head, and the rest - on the perimeter. Remember that silicone curlers perfectly keep the heat and, moreover, give the hair shine.

At all, There are so many ways to curl your hair with hot curlers! You can create small whipped curls or calm waves. Before curling, it is also worth applying a means to the hair for volume, then dry them.

If you are going to create a more “disheveled” styling, then after curling, apply dry shampoo on the locks.

Is it possible to accelerate hair growth without pharmaceutical cosmetics?

Having thick hair and preventing their abundant loss is the dream of women at all times. Not having in their arsenal of sprays and lotions to strengthen the hair, the beauties actively used folk remedies.

Red hot pepper served as salvation for the density of hair. Two pods of red pepper insisted on a bottle of vodka for two weeks. Subsequently, this lotion was used immediately after washing the head every 7 days, rubbing into the scalp.

  • Not such a burdock one who uses burdock

One of the most simple and neutral means to strengthen the hair follicles is burdock root. Dried and chopped root just poured boiling water and insisted.

Hair styling products for our grandmothers

Despite the total deficit, fashionable women of the 50s and 60s of the last century were able to create complex and voluminous hairstyles at home. Just combing without a dressing tool will not be held all day, as you understand. The same applies to the elastic curls.

Beer styling was designed to fix the curls and curls. But what about the smell? The ladies using this tool authoritatively declare that within an hour the aroma of the intoxicating drink completely disappears.

Moistened with a solution of beer and water strands twirled on curlers. In addition to reliable fixation, this tool also added shine.

  • Gel for the gelatin

Is it possible to create the effect of wet hair or, conversely, to lay strands smoothly in the absence of store cosmetics? It turns out that you can. Moreover, the budget method available to everyone.

For the preparation of such a gel need a tablespoon of regular gelatin. It is poured with a glass of water, insisted for a couple of hours and heated until complete dissolution. After removal from heat, cool the mixture. Mix with a tablespoon of false liquid honey and a teaspoon of vinegar. Heat again, but do not boil. Strain the mixture and after a day can be used.

Very easy to prepare means for a strong fixation of the hairstyle or individual curls can be made using the most common sugar. In a cup of warm water, a tablespoon of granulated sugar and half a teaspoon of alcohol are diluted. The strands moistened with this solution will have reliable fixing and rigidity.

Hair products: homemade shampoo

You would be very surprised to know that the beauties of previous years were able to do the shampoo themselves. Egg shampoo for a modern person is just a name, however, you can make your own homemade shampoo based on chicken eggs. The well-known recipe is simple and carried out from the products at hand. To create a shampoo will require 2/3 cup of boiled water, in which we add a couple of tablespoons of vodka, a tablespoon of soda and yolk of egg.

Waving a hundred years ago

The first apparatus for artificial perm appeared in the beginning of last year in England. Its inventor, K. Nessler, applied the processing of strands with sodium hydroxide and used the apparatus of his own invention. Not everything went smoothly at first - there were burns of the scalp, hair damage, a short-lived effect. Modernization of special devices for waving, the use of new chemical compounds lasted for many years before the invention of chemical waving.

Years go by, changing fashion and technology used in the beauty industry. What remains unchanged is the desire of women to be beautiful.

Myth number 1. The more often you cut your hair, the faster they will grow.

Since the hair does not grow from the tip, but from the root, a haircut does not affect the growth rate. In addition, shaving bald, contrary to popular belief, does not affect the thickness of the hair, because the number of hair follicles is genetically incorporated in each person.

Myth number 2. Natural hair drying is better than a hair dryer.

If you have short hair that dries in a few minutes, then it is not necessary to use a hairdryer to dry them. However, it is preferable to blow-dry long hair, because water molecules, penetrating into the hair structure, literally wash keratin from them, making it brittle and dry.

Myth number 3. Hair "get used" to shampoo

Since hair, like nails, consists of dead tissue, there can be no “addiction”. In other words, if you wash your hair with the same shampoo for a long time, your hair will not get dirty faster or grow more slowly - many factors may influence this, but not the hair's habit of a particular brand.

Myth number 4. Dry scalp - the main cause of dandruff

Here everything is exactly the opposite. Dandruff occurs in people with oily scalp, so when such a problem appears, you should stop using hair oil, which, contrary to expectations, only worsens the situation.

Myth number 6. Frequent combing heals hair

Too frequent brushing distributes sebum to the hair, and they get dirty much faster. However, combing itself on the health of the hair does not affect and can even harm. Therefore, combing your hair is necessary only as needed - in this case, a small amount of fat will be distributed on the hair, which will help them to look shiny but not dirty.

Myth number 8. The more often you wash your hair, the fatter they become

As well as the color, thickness and curvature of hair, the amount of fat secreted by fat cells is genetically laid. Therefore, frequent or rare washing, alas, does not affect the rate of contamination of the hair. However, properly selected care can regulate the sebaceous glands, and hair will get dirty more slowly.

Myth number 9. If you pull out gray hair, then in its place will grow 2 or 3

Since the amount of hair in each person does not depend on caring for them or proper nutrition, in place of one hair can not grow several. However, to pull out gray hair is still not worth it, because it can damage the follicle or cause hair ingrowth.


Tired of cauterizing the roots with forceps and fixing each “volume” curl with varnish? Volumizer - a solution for healthy styling and increase the basal volume of weak and thin hair. In addition, lush volume, smoothes the hair along the entire length, without making them heavier. It gives a healthy shine and “seals” split ends. It can also serve as a light lotion when cutting hair.

Tigi Bed Head Motor Mouth Mega Volumizer with Gloss

In other words, powder is the predecessor of dry shampoo, which is now on everyone on the shelf. The principle of action on the hair is almost the same. Powder absorbs fatty roots and thereby lifts them.

Powder is considered a miracle cure for thin and dry hair. With it, you can create volumetric hairstyles, but, unfortunately, without bouffant. And by the way, if the styling will lose volume after a few hours, then just whisk the hair with your hands. Lush hair again with you.

Batiste Dry Styling XXL Plumping Powder Powder

Toffee - a kind of chewing gum for hair, which is capable of creating the most insane styling with disheveled hair, and at the same time elegant styling.

For toffee is not afraid of wind and humidity. Stylists love working with her when creating evening and wedding images. With this tool, the hairstyle will not lose volume, with moisture, unruly hair will not start curling into curls, and curls will not fall out of the overall composition.

Keune Blend Fiber Gum

The cream is very similar in its properties with thermal agents for hair. It restores damaged hair, makes styling more careful and gentle. Facilitates combing, smoothes the hair along the entire length and does not entangle them. Also serves as an antistatic, filling each hair with moisture and useful substances. For the best effect in treating brittle hair, it is better to use shampoo and conditioner of the same brand as the cream.

This tool is suitable for lovers of careless and natural styling. In addition to styling, serum intensively moisturizes the hair, gives shine and eliminates the effect of fluffy hair. Serum can be applied both on dry and wet hair. To create a beach curl better fit the second method of application. You can not even dry your hair, and leave for full absorption.

Tie it up with this: 8 popular beauty tricks that have long been outdated

The beauty industry does not stand still, but science is developing: new effective means are constantly emerging in the world that can solve almost any problem. Do you still believe in outdated beauty recipes and hope to get rid of wrinkles with a cucumber mask? We have compiled a list of 8 of the most popular beauty techniques that have long been outdated and completely useless. It's time to forget about them!

No. 1. You are using old cosmetics

Yes, sometimes it's a pity to throw out almost a full tube of cream or lipstick, which was used only a couple of times, but if the shelf life of the cosmetics is out, you need to part with it without regret. I regularly conduct an audit of cosmetics and throw everything away, up to powder. And although some believe that the powder can be used even after the expiration date, I do not risk it. It is important to remember that the shelf life of the cosmetic ends not after the date on the package, but several months after opening. Usually the icon with the number of months is also indicated on a jar or tube. Do not save - throw out stale cosmetics.

1. Cucumber circles against bags under the eyes

Cucumber is 95% water. That is, when you apply them to your face in the hope of becoming fresh and rested like a cucumber, the effect is similar to long-term washing with cool water. Or you can just as well put wet cotton pads on your eyes. In a word, if there is any effect, then only a placebo - as a result of your self-suggestion. And for those who really need to get rid of swelling under the eyes, we recommend special patches that contain antioxidants, vitamins, and sometimes collagen and hyaluronic acid.

2. Teeth whitening with soda

Are you kidding? Are you really going to rub your teeth with soda? If it works with dirty cups, it does not mean that you can do the same with enamel. Homemade method of bleaching soda is quite traumatic - the effect is not worth it to damage the enamel and suffer with the consequences. Better to do professional whitening at the dentist, or at least buy special home kits for this purpose.

3. Vacuum jars for cellulite

Oh, this is a terrible instrument of torture - a vacuum can against cellulite. Sold in the pharmacy. It looks harmless. As a result, all the butt and hips are bruised, and you are in tears. Because when the bruises pass, cellulite will not become less. Because cellulite is fatty deposits that are distributed by bumps, and only a set of measures can save them: sports + massage + proper nutrition.

4. Wooden massagers

You probably have this engineering miracle lying around at home - a wooden massager with which you once were going to knead your back, neck, and God knows what else ... I wonder what goals you were pursuing when buying it? Throw this dust bag away! There will be no sense from this strange thing - it’s better to just sign up for a massage, if you want to relax so much.

5. Chicken egg hair masks

Oh, these famous hair masks from chicken eggs, and also with the addition of mustard or brandy ... Just some gastronomic masterpiece! And the result often does not live up to expectations: the hair becomes dry and tough, because the yolk actually does not give any promised moisture. Why do girls so believe in their miraculous effect? Eggs are really a storehouse of vitamins, they really contain amino acids, phosphorus, iron, retinol and other beneficial substances ... But all this only works if you eat eggs and not smear them in your hair! If you really need a noticeable effect, then buy a professional mask for your hair type - we live in the 21st century, and scientists have invented effective hair products for a long time.

6. Dilute old mascara with eye drops.

No comments. Just buy a new mascara! It is impossible to bring the old one back to life with eye drops, water or sunflower oil ... Diluting the carcass leads to the fact that its formula is destroyed, there will be no effect of volume or lengthening. And by the way, when you decide to make up your eyelashes the next day, the mascara will be dry again. So can this economy be called reasonable?

7. Dye your hair with henna or basma

Are you serious? The reddish tint that henna staining gives, or black, resulting from applying Basma, is quickly washed out (every time you wash your hair, then you wash the bath), it doesn’t always look decent and can give a completely different color than you expected. In addition, Basma can dry hair, and after applying henna it is almost impossible to use other dyes - there is a risk of becoming green. So why not buy a regular hair dye, without experimenting with tools from a thousand years ago? Women in antiquity were really painted with henna, but they simply had no choice. And you have it!

8. Washing by Laszlo system

The famous washing system was invented by the Hungarian dermatologist Erno Laszlo more than 100 years ago and followed by Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Greta Garbo and Jacqueline Kennedy ... But the key point is that the system was invented “more than 100 years ago”! Audrey Hepburn really didn’t have modern peels, scrubs and the ability to cleanse the skin with an electric brush for washing. Therefore, we had to steam out, cajole, wash with soapy water and use a soft sponge ... In your own arsenal there are much more advanced modern and effective means!

No. 2. You do not wash makeup before bedtime.

This is generally a crime, and no fatigue can be an excuse. You can fall asleep in clothes, but make-up must be removed. During the day, the skin sweats, produces sebum, dirt and cosmetics are mixed with all this.Is it possible to go to bed with such an explosive mixture on the face? In the short term, you will wake up in the morning with clogged pores or fresh acne. And in the long-term - accelerate the aging of the skin, because at night the skin is renewed, and the forgotten makeup on the face will prevent it. So fatigue is fatigue, and make-up should be removed before bedtime.

No. 3. You rarely change pillow cases.

Even if you sleep with a clean face, sweat, dust and residues of products that you put on your face before going to bed accumulate on the pillowcase. And with the pillowcase do not always touch clean hair, unless you wash them every night before bed. The result, as in the previous paragraph, is contaminated skin. To avoid this problem, rather often change the pillowcase. At least once a week. And better a couple of times. The same goes for towels. They generally can be changed every two days.

No. 4. You yourself remove gel polish from nails.

If desired, the gel coating can be removed with just one movement, and if it itself began to move away, then your hands will pull off. But this should not be done, because together with the coating you will remove the top layer of the nail. Better pull yourself together and get to the master. And if there is a problem with the recording, then get yourself a special tool for removing the gel coating, in order to remove it correctly, without causing harm to the nail surface.

No. 5. You do not leave a person alone

Another problem of restless hands, which still stretch to the face to remove the annoying pimple. Probably every first of us is familiar with it firsthand. It seems that the problem can be eliminated quickly and simply, but in the end everything only gets worse and instead of one small pimple you get a noticeable bleeding wound that will heal for a week.

No. 6. You ignore sunscreen

It is no secret that the sun has a negative effect on our skin, but since its influence is not instantaneous, we do not take its danger seriously. For a while, on the contrary, I used the means FOR tanning, not from it: I wanted to get a tan quickly, but now I understand that this should not have been done. Ignoring sunscreens contributes to early aging of the skin and the appearance of age spots. Fortunately, now they produce a lot of products for daily care with SPF protection. Try to give preference to them.

No. 7. You do not wash makeup brushes

Imagine how much tonal foundation, powder, blush and eye shadow remain on your makeup brushes, and even days remain on them! Now imagine that all this together with dust and particles of the epidermis you again and again apply on your face. Not a very nice picture, right? So try at least once a week to wash all your makeup brushes. To do this, you can buy a special tool or dispense with baby shampoo dissolved in warm water. In a pinch, you can use dishwashing detergent.

8. You use a hairdryer every day.

Daily use of a hair dryer damages your hair, and even thermal protection products will not save your curls. Do you need to dry your hair every day? Probably, the sebaceous glands of the scalp are too active, so the hair becomes oily too quickly and requires daily washing. A daily wash stimulates the sebaceous glands. Vicious circle. Try using a dry shampoo - after a while the hair will no longer require daily washing. So you will get rid of the need for daily drying with a hairdryer.

No. 9. You give your girlfriends use your makeup.

Fortunately, the majority of the habit remained in a distant youth, when lipstick or mascara was shared with friends, because not everyone had their own makeup, but everyone wanted to be beautiful. However, I happened to be a witness to an amazing situation when an adult lady asked her same adult girlfriend to use powder to remove the greasy luster from her face. Do I have to say how unhygienic this habit is?

No. 10. You ignore moisturizers.

During sleep, the skin comes to life after a hard day. The body includes all the restorative processes to the maximum, therefore, to help the skin, use your usual moisturizers, gels and lotions. Especially if the skin suffers from dryness. Sometimes laziness to perform all these rituals, for example, if you are very tired, but think about your skin and take at least a couple of minutes to it. You will thank yourself when you wake up in the morning with moisturized, rested skin.


Watch the video: 10 Hair Care Myths You Should Stop Believing (July 2024).