Eyebrows and eyelashes

How to wash henna from eyebrows?


Eyebrows are considered one of the main components of the appearance, and their unsuccessful painting can significantly spoil the appearance. Therefore, before you go to a beauty salon or independently apply a coloring composition, it is best to know in advance how it will be possible to correct all the mistakes if something goes wrong. In this case, you do not need to despair and immediately run to any specialist, as you can wash the henna from the eyebrows after dyeing and not leaving the house.

What you need to know before painting?

In order to avoid such force majeure, you only need to choose the right color and correctly carry out the procedure for applying the coloring composition. Of course, all these recommendations are easy to implement if you use the services of a qualified hairdresser. But, unfortunately, the salon procedure is not cheap. In addition, no one is insured against mistakes, including a professional in his field.

Therefore, in order not to suffer with the problem, how to wash henna from the eyebrows, you can choose the right color for your hair and skin. To do this, before the procedure itself, it is recommended to test the selected shade in a small part of the epidermis, which will also help to identify possible allergic reactions.

In addition, it should be remembered that the black eyebrows are saturated with black color only in rare cases, since this shade is very dark-skinned girls or oriental type of women. Ladies of Slavic appearance are recommended warm and coolish brown tones.

But if such a nuisance did happen, and for one reason or another, you have to remove unnecessary makeup from your face, then you should not be too upset. Wash henna from the eyebrows at home is not difficult.

How to remove the paint yourself?

To do this, you need to know a few tricks that will help to return to the former appearance. For example, this can be done with ordinary vegetable oil, and any type of this product is suitable. During the day, you just need to periodically apply it to your eyebrows with a cotton pad and hold it for several minutes and then remove it with any of the alcohol solutions. This procedure must be repeated several times until the paint disappears. This method is considered the safest.

But if this method did not help and there is still a question about how to wash henna from the eyebrows at home, you can use squeezed lemon juice. It must be applied to a cotton pad and put on the hairs for three minutes. The skin will probably burn and pinch a little, but the paint should quickly lose its color.

But how to wash the henna from the eyebrows, if suddenly in the house there is nothing of the above products? In this case, the most ordinary and inexpensive soap will suffice. In this way, you can get rid of unwanted color in about two days. Experts recommend that after such intensive procedures apply any nourishing cream to the skin around the eyebrows.

How else can you remove the dye

There are several more ways to quickly wash the henna from the eyebrows. For example, you can get rid of too saturated color by using a solution of hydrogen peroxide. To do this, you need to moisten it with a wand with cotton and gently rub it hairs until they begin to lighten.

You can also make eyebrows a little less often with the help of the well-known tweezers. Such a procedure can visually reduce the brightness of the shade. But to use this method, it is necessary to have a certain experience of plucking and be able to give a beautiful shape to the eyebrows.

Thanks to all these listed methods, women and girls can remove the paint or reduce the intensity of color with the help of inexpensive and affordable means. But you can use other recommendations that also tell you how to properly wash henna from the eyebrows.

Professional tools

Most manufacturing companies produce paint, the set of which already has everything you need to remove it. Their cost is slightly higher, but they guarantee an effective and instant result.

Also, the most quickly and effectively help get rid of unnecessary shade peels and scrubs. But it is not worthwhile to show excessive activity in their application, since it is possible in this way to damage the skin.

You can also use ammonia, but it can have the desired result only if a little time has passed since the dyeing.

Advice and feedback women

Also, you should listen to the recommendations of experienced ladies who have already experienced such makeup errors and know exactly how to wash henna from eyebrows. They advise using a tonal tool that can be applied to the hairs, which will make them a little lighter.

Fatty creams and all types of vegetable oils are also effective, but these agents cannot be left applied overnight, as they can cause edema.

How can I remove the paint from the skin?

But there are also such moments that the color suits, and the coloring agent fell on the hands or some other part of the body. What to do in such cases? To do this, you need to wash the epidermis as often as possible with any soap, but the best is economic.

Even as an option, all kinds of salt baths or masks will do, since henna does not like sea salt at all. You can also thoroughly steam painted skin, and then rub it with pumice. In this case, vegetable oil will help, but only in a heated form. You will need to hold it for about half an hour in a dirty place, and then rinse it well with hot water and soap.

Precautionary measures

Before you wash the henna from the eyebrows and the skin area around them, remember such things:

At the time of its removal, it is impossible to rub the epidermis too much, as this can only be harmful.

It is not recommended to use in large quantities such products that can dry out the thin skin around the eyes.

Before starting the procedure itself, it is better to put all the necessary preparations next to you in order to not rush and in a hurry to prevent the product from getting into the eyes. If this happens, immediately rinse well with running water.

Just before the beginning of staining, in order to avoid henna on the area around the eyebrows, you can smear this area of ​​the skin with a fat cream or oil, since these funds will not allow the ink to penetrate into the upper layer of the epidermis.

Useful recommendations

In addition to observing all precautions, you should also know what you should never do: you should never use acetone, gasoline, cleaning products for household surfaces, mirrors to remove paint from eyebrows or skin.

Also, after all the above procedures, a few more days will need to process the skin with a nourishing or moisturizing cosmetic, since the irritation from all these manipulations can last for another couple of days.

From the above, we can conclude that when trying to become more beautiful and better, you need to exercise some moderation and caution, which will help to avoid various negative effects during painting and other experiments with your appearance.

Material selection

Using henna for coloring for the first time, many girls and women do not know how to properly conduct the process. As a result, the desired effect is not achieved, and you have to look for various methods to quickly solve this problem.

To avoid such situations, you must first familiarize yourself with some important features. To begin with, it should be understood that during the procedure not only the hairs are exposed to staining, but also the skin that is located around.

If you are going to start performing biotatuazha (as this method is often called), you need to choose the right shade of paint. In this case, you need to focus exclusively on the features of their own appearance. It is necessary to exclude saturated black color from the list immediately. This option is suitable for owners of dark skin or oriental type of women.

In other cases, it is recommended to refer to the calm warm tones. An excellent choice would be henna brown tones.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the composition that you use for dyeing. Experts recommend choosing professional paints from henna, since working with them is much easier and faster.

Here are some of the main advantages of this type:

  • Security. All professional compositions pass several stages of testing.
  • Convenience during use. The product is produced in a convenient package, a special dispenser for application is included in the kit.
  • Persistence The paint retains its rich color for several weeks.

Another advantage of such compositions is that they can easily be used at home.

It is worth noting that before dyeing the finished powder must be diluted in hot water and brought to the consistency of sour cream. Combining henna with boiling liquid is not recommended, as the composition will lose all the necessary properties.

What not to do

You should not try to scrape henna with nails, brushes or scrubs with large abrasives. As a result, it is possible to easily damage the skin, cause an infection, and provoke irritation. Very often, the mechanical impact provokes hair loss, which is then difficult to handle.

What else can you do:

  1. Attempt to remove the bio-tattoo from inflamed or damaged skin. If a rash, itching, or an allergic reaction appeared on or around the eyebrows, you should wash with plain water. You can additionally use creams with panthenol, which reduce inflammation.
  2. Actively apply drying and brightening products. They will lead to brittleness, hair loss, and flaking on the skin. You need to act strictly according to the rules and instructions.
  3. Use washes for chemical dyes. As a result, henna will "go away" in the most unexpected shade: pink, greenish, red.

In no case can acetone, gasoline and other similar solvents be applied to the skin. They will harm the eyes, respiratory system, through the pores into the blood. Also, do not use alcohol. It does not wash out the pigment from the deep layers of skin and hair, only spoils and dries the surface.

Remove henna immediately after staining

After staining can not rub the eyebrows, the skin around, you need to minimize the mechanical impact. But the dried herbal mixture in any case must be removed. It all looks ugly, too bright, unpleasantly skin, besides it is interesting to look at the end result.

How to remove henna from eyebrows:

  1. Fold the cotton pads in half, moisten with water, slightly squeeze.
  2. Attach the blank to the dried crust so that it is soaked a little.
  3. Gently move, pressing the disc, rub the surface from the beginning to the tip.

If, after several such actions, the crust is still not otmykla, the herbal mixture has remained, you will need a brush for eyebrows. Comb the hair several times, then re-wipe the surface with a damp disc.

Important! To avoid biotatuage completely, the first day should not be washed with plenty of water and in general wet eyebrows. Only after 24 hours you can fully clean the skin, again without using soap and friction in the colored area.

Lemon juice

It is often used to fix the color, but it also helps to remove henna, or rather, to lighten it a little. You can simply put a disc dipped in lemon, but it is better to make a kind of mask. To do this, mix the juice and baking soda in a ratio of 1: 1, apply thickly on the desired areas, trying not to fall on the skin around, cover with wet wipes or pieces of discs. After 5 minutes with the same wipes remove the remnants of the funds.

On a note: No lemon juice? It is possible to use dry concentrated acid for this mask. To do this, the product is diluted with water at the rate of 10 ml per 1 gram.

Cosmetic and edible oil

The oils have a damaging effect on painted surfaces, but it will take time to remove the ingested pigment of herbal paint. Before applying the product, it is desirable to make a light scrub, at least to massage the skin with sugar or fine salt. This technique will help clean the pores, which will improve the penetration of oil deep into. Next, you need to warm it and richly lubricate the eyebrows, it is better to do this in the evening to leave overnight.

Which oils can be used:

Generally, take any kind of fatty oils that are suitable and do not cause an allergic reaction. Many of them additionally help to strengthen the hair follicles, give shine and well-groomed appearance. In the morning, remove the remnants of cosmetic cleanser, wipe dry.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide is often used to remove pigments, but it is not a completely safe product. It dries, brightens, makes hair thin, brittle. Do not keep peroxide for a long time. It is best to use it to remove any remaining stains. To do this, moisten a piece of a disk or gauze cloth, rub the problem area.


The second most popular product after hydrogen peroxide. A solution of ammonia does help to remove vegetable paints, but also harms the skin. It is very important not to leave ammonia for a long time, it is impossible to use a concentration of more than 10%. It is best to simply wipe the surface with moistened discs, after the procedure, be sure to lubricate with oil.

By the way! To protect the skin around the treated area from the negative effects of corrosive substances, it is recommended to lubricate it with oil or fat cream.

Heat the fermented milk product, soak cotton pads in it liberally, attach and fix on the eyebrows. You can cover with cling film, stick to the skin with adhesive tape. Leave for at least 30 minutes. In a similar way using acidic sour cream.

Prevent skin staining

How not to paint the skin where you do not need? In most cases, when you first paint a woman remain unhappy with the resultas the skin around the dyed hair also gets color and is not washed off.

Therefore, before painting or biathating with eyebrows with henna, it is necessary to learn not only how to properly wash henna, but also how prevent skin staining.

There are two effective ways to prevent henna skin staining:

  • with help rich cream. Before dyeing on the skin around the hair need to apply a greasy cream. The layer of cream should be abundant, the more cream, the better it will protect the skin from paint,
  • with help beeswax. To do this, heat the wax in a water bath and apply it around the hair to be dyed.

As a rule, before performing biotattoo or henna staining, you perform original sketchApply the shape of eyebrows you want to get. Thus, cream or beeswax should be applied beyond the contours of this form.

As a result, you have a peculiar stencil for dyeing, and even if you overdo it somewhere with the amount of henna or go beyond the shape, these areas will not undergo staining and no correction will be required.

What to remove?

What can wash off henna after dyeing eyebrows at home? If the result of your home biotatuazha or dyeing you didn't like it completely, you can start to completely flush.

Before you reveal the first method, we note a significant fact, after biotatuage and henna eyebrow tinting, cosmetologists advise in general do not get wet eyebrows.

Accordingly, if you want to wash the henna immediately after dyeing, you can do a couple of heavy washings warm water and then proceed to the following methods.

Virtually every home has vegetable oil.

It can be sunflower, castor, olive, linseed oil and not only. During the day (at least every fifteen minutes), the oil should be periodically applied to the eyebrows, and then washed off with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol solution.

In fact, this method is suitable for washing off anything. For example, auto mechanics are well aware of how to wash their hands in this way after working with coloring liquids. The bottom line is the property of butter absorb different mixtures and separate them from the surface.

If you use only alcohol solutions, henna comes down less effectively, as will adhesion with hairs and skin. The oil helps to exfoliate henna from the surface, and you simply wash off the exfoliated particles with the alcohol mixture.

By the way, after the oil, you can use to wash off not only the alcohol solution, but also the mixtures available to you from those proposed in the further instructions.

It is necessary to repeat the procedure as long as it takes to completely wash off all the paint. This is one of the safest ways to quickly remove paint from your face without causing any harm.

Can also be used for this purpose. fat cream. He also applied a thick layer on the skin, and then washed off with a cotton swab, which must be moistened with lotion or alcohol solution.

Take a not very concentrated solution or dilute with water, in order not to dry out the skin.

To learn how to wash off the paint from the eyebrows at home, you can learn from our article.

Quick ways

How to wash henna from eyebrows and skin urgently?

To begin, consider the fastest methods that allow you to wash henna from the eyebrows and skin or to get significant clarification:

  1. Excellent wash off henna professional tools from specialty stores. When using them, the paint is removed from the skin and hair. The disadvantage of these products is not only a high price, but also a strong smell, therefore during their use it is recommended to wear a gauze bandage.
  2. Henna almost always disappears during use. 10% ammonia solution. As with other methods, the skin is processed using a cotton pad moistened in it. This action can be repeated repeatedly, until the complete disappearance of the paint from the skin surface.
  3. Henna is well removed with hydrogen peroxideFor this, the stained areas of skin are intensively wiped with a cotton swab moistened in it. If there are any wounds, a slight tingle will be felt.

Do not keep the peroxide for a long time on the eyebrows, so as not to get completely "blond" eyebrows.

Get rid of biotatuazha

When using henna there are often traces on the skinthat do not wash off with water. In order to get rid of these stains, there are several proven methods:

  • skin is wiped with a small amount of a solution containing alcoholput on a cotton pad. In the absence of lotion, you can use vodka. The paint will not completely disappear, but it will brighten,
  • vinegar it is diluted equally with water, the resulting solution is wiped with a wadded disk with a cotton pad, and then the face is washed with warm water,
  • Apply a facial scrub to the wet skin with massaging movements. After washing it lightens noticeably
  • whitening effect is achieved by using pressed from half lemon juice. After wetting a cotton pad in it, you should wipe the stained areas of the face,
  • a little lemon juice can be diluted with soda and water until a homogeneous mixture. After applying it should be left on the skin for a few minutes, then wash with warm water. Then you need to use scrub, to achieve the best effect, the whole procedure is repeated,
  • can wash skin after washing sea ​​salt. In the process, its grains remove the absorbed paint. But this method is not suitable for everyone - if there are pimples on the skin, a burning sensation will be felt.

How to remove eyelash extensions yourself at home? Recommendations beauticians you will find on our website.

Recommendations and precautions

Most of the henna removal methods listed are helpful. dry skintherefore, after their holding, it is recommended to apply a thick layer of moisturizer or any cosmetic oil on it.

In addition, it is good to use any nourishing cream with vitamins to restore the delicate skin of the eyebrows.

Before looking for a means to remove the paint, you need to know in advance that cannot be used categorically. Such means as gasoline, acetone, window cleaner can not be used for facial skin. They will wash away not only the paint, but also the skin with hairs.

If you remove the paint on the skin near the eyebrows, you must be extremely careful.

You need to be careful when choosing the paint remover itself so that it not overdried delicate skin.

You also need to watch your movements so that, trying to erase the paint, do not injure, do not get these substances in the eyes. If the product does get into your eyes, you must quickly wash it off with water.

If you are dissatisfied with your bio-tattoo or henna staining, do not be sad, henna is easy to wash off, and bi-tattoo easy to adjust. The methods provided are effective and help you.

However, do not overdo it. Remember many of the proposed formulations are strong solvents and they need to be used in doses.

Better to do some flushing lighter mixturethan irritate the skin. Take care of yourself. Be beautiful.

Eyebrows are considered one of the main components of the appearance, and their unsuccessful painting can significantly spoil the appearance. Therefore, before you go to a beauty salon or independently apply a coloring composition, it is best to know in advance how it will be possible to correct all the mistakes if something goes wrong. In this case, you do not need to despair and immediately run to any specialist, as you can wash the henna from the eyebrows after dyeing and not leaving the house.

About features

Salon procedures are not cheap, and meanwhile to make tattoo with henna is quite possible at home. The main thing is to follow some tips, then the result will please you.

  1. Correctly select the shade, focusing on the color of hair and eyebrows.
  2. Before painting, test henna on a small area of ​​skin.
  3. Remember color matching. You should not choose black, it fits only very dark girls.

In case of unsuccessful staining, unsuccessful color, heterogeneity, and spots on the skin may appear. If these problems overtake you, then there are many ways to wash henna from your eyebrows.

Folk ways

First of all, do not be upset, in most cases, you will help the most simple home remedies.

This tool will help to quickly remove henna. And you can take not only sunflower, but also flaxseed, castor, which also has a beneficial effect on the hair, almond, corn, olive, grape seed oil.

To achieve the desired effect, you should simply apply the product to your eyebrows with a cotton pad throughout the day, you should hold the oil on the skin for several minutes and then wash it off with any alcohol-containing remedy. This can be a skin lotion, perfume or diluted vodka.

If your shade turned out to be too saturated, then lemon juice will save the situation. Just soak them cotton pad and put it on the hairs for 3 minutes. You may feel a slight burning or tingling on the skin, this is a normal reaction. After removing the disc henna should be partially discolored. You can use both concentrated citric acid and freshly squeezed citrus juice.

Wash off paint is capable of the most common hydrogen peroxide. With its help, you can completely remove the pigment or partially lighten it. Moisten a cotton swab with a solution, and then wipe the stained area with it. Repeat the procedure until you achieve the desired shade. You can also use 10% ammonia solution.

You can wipe off the paint and ordinary soap. The best way to handle household 72% soap, but you can use any available products. This method will take you about two days. Also remember that soap dries the skin, so it is desirable to additionally nourish it with a moisturizer.

Another affordable method is a mixture of shampoo and soda. Take a little soap solution and mix it with 1/3 teaspoon of soda. Wait for complete dissolution, and then lather the area above the eyebrows. After 30 minutes, the product can be washed off.

To lighten the paint, you can use toothpaste. Apply it gently on the hair, wait about half an hour, and then wash it off. If you need more clarification, the procedure can be repeated.

Tips that you can use to remove henna from your eyebrows:

If you have sensitive skin and are afraid of side effects from all of the above means, then you should pay attention to chamomile decoction. He is able to remove henna with maximum care for the skin. A glass of boiling water pour 50 grams of dried flowers, let the broth brew for one hour. After that, wet the cotton pad in the infusion and apply it to the eyebrows for 15 to 20 minutes. Gradually, the eyebrows will lighten, but this method can not be called fast, it is important to carry out the procedure regularly for several days.


If it happens that the color of the eyebrows does not suit you, and you need to go out into the “light” from minute to minute, then you can cheat a little and disguise your eyebrows.

You can use decorative cosmetics. Mask your eyebrows with foundation or powder, and then give them the desired shade with a pencil or eye shadow. In this case, it is important to remember that everything is good in moderation. Makeup should look natural.

You can also make the eyebrows more sparse by plucking some of the hairs. So their bright color will not be strongly evident.

Another common problem with henna coloring of eyebrows is the ingress of paint on the skin. But there are several ways to solve this problem.

Clear the skin

It happens that the dark color of the eyebrows is not attached to hairs, and the skin stained under them. In another case, the paint just by negligence gets on the skin and stains it. But at home to solve this problem will be easy.

  • Most often used scrubs. It is not difficult to prepare peeling at home, for this sea salt, sugar, coffee cake, semolina will do. The basis may be a liquid soap for hands or shower gel. Scrubs based on fruit acids, including pineapple juice or papaya juice, are also effectively removed. Such a tool will cope with the problem in one application.

  • You can use salicylic acid or ammonia. Any tonic containing alcohol is also suitable. Remember that alcohol strongly dries the skin, so after applying it to the skin, you must use moisturizers.

  • Henna does not like sea salt, so you can use salt masks or baths to remove it.
  • Pumice and heated vegetable oil will help get rid of the paint on your hands. Rub the steamed skin with stone, and wipe with a cotton pad with warm vegetable oil. Usually one procedure is enough.

Some tips

When you think, than to wash henna from eyebrows, remember your skin type and individual features. It is important to choose the right product and take some precautions.

  • You can not expose the skin too much friction, you can only damage the epidermis, bring infection.
  • Use drying agents carefully, especially when using them near the skin around the eyes.
  • Prepare in advance all that you need to avoid unnecessary movements and the possibility of leaking funds into the eyes.
  • Before staining you can apply a greasy cream on the skin around the eyebrow, this will help to avoid its staining.

  • Never use acetone, benzine or cleaning products for washing. This can result in damage to the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  • After washing off the paint, continue to nourish and moisturize the skin for several days.

As you see, it is easy to make beautiful and neat eyebrows at home, the main thing is to follow the recommendations of experienced girls and professionals. If unwanted staining with you nevertheless happened, then simply choose the method suitable for you to rinse or lighten henna. At home, there will certainly be at least one of these funds.

See also: Than to wash henna from eyebrows at home (video)

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of henna staining is the availability, low cost. It will not be erased, will not be washed off during the day and will not flow when bathing or with a long stay in the sun. For half a month you will be able to walk with flawless makeup, and then again you need to repeat the procedure to maintain the beauty and fresh look.

Disadvantages: henna can pinch eyes, cause allergies, if it fails staining, it will be difficult to quickly wash.

How to remove the paint?

How to wash henna from eyebrows at home, if the result of staining did not suit you at all? First, wash with warm water, then proceed to the following methods.

To eliminate henna fit any butterwhich is in the house of the hostess. It can be olive oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, castor oil, burdock oil. During the day, spread the product on the eyebrows, leave for 10 minutes, and then wash it off with a cotton swab moistened in an alcohol solution.

Lemon juice It is a fairly effective means of getting rid of paint, but causes a burning sensation. Apply the liquid to a cotton pad, then apply to the eyebrows for 7 minutes. Also great laundry soap. It is necessary to lather the problem area and rub it with massaging movements.

If the skin around the eyebrows is irritated, apply a moisturizer or mix olive oil with parsley juice (1: 1).

The above methods are safe, but, unfortunately, ineffective. Depending on the intensity of the pigments, it will take you about three days to completely wash off the paint.

But what to do if you have a romantic date today, and your appearance is spoiled? How to quickly wash the henna from the eyebrows? You will find the answer to the question on our website Krasota4All.ru.

How to quickly wash henna from the eyebrows at home?

To wash henna from the eyebrows will help cosmetics, sold in specialized stores. As well as peels and scrubs that remove the paint along with dead skin particles, after which the face looks much fresher. These methods are quite expensive, but there are other means less expensive, for example, hydrogen peroxide or 10% ammonia solution. These preparations rub brows with a cotton swab several times, until henna disappears completely. If you do not want to achieve the effect of "blond" eyebrows - do not hold money for a long time on the eyebrows.

Visually reduce the brightness of the eyebrows will help tweezers - cut through the hairs, give the correct shape of the eyebrows. To make them a tone lighter, you can use the foundation.

After staining with henna, stains remain on the skin that do not wash off with water. To eliminate stains, we recommend using several tips of traditional medicine:

  • treat the skin with a solution containing alcohol. You can use vodka. After the procedure, henna noticeably brightens, but does not disappear completely,
  • dilute the vinegar with water (1: 1), then apply the solution to the problem areas of the skin for a few minutes and rinse with water,
  • mix lemon juice with soda and pour water (1: 1). Spread the mixture on the brow and after 5 minutes wash.

If you are dissatisfied with your henna staining, do not worry, you can wash off the paint. The considered methods are effective and will help to cope with the problem. But do not overdo it. Remember, many recommended substances are strong solvents and are used in small doses. It is better to treat the skin several times with a lighter remedy than to cause irritation or allergy.

Henna for coloring eyebrows

Today, for coloring eyebrows, special henna is used. This is not the henna that was used in the days of your parents' youth, and which sometimes gave depressing results in the form of red-orange shades.

Modern women of fashion prefer henna to traditional coloring with colors, because it helps to achieve the effect of natural thick eyebrows that is fashionable now.

Preparing for staining

Before you start staining with henna, you need to clean your eyebrows from makeup and intensively comb your eyebrows with a brush from the mascara in different directions, while also skin is peeling.

Eyebrow shape building

To build a form you need to define 3 points.

  • eyebrow point
  • eyebrow point
  • the highest point of the eyebrow

To determine these points, we need an ordinary cosmetic pencil.

To determine the point of onset of the eyebrow, apply a pencil vertically to the back of the nose, the upper end of the pencil will indicate the desired point.

The end point of the eyebrow can be determined by attaching a pencil so that it passes through the center points (turning) of the lips and the edge of the wing of the nose.

To determine the highest point of the eyebrow, you need to attach a pencil from the wing of the nose through the cornea directly looking pupil.

Second layer

As the first layer dries, it darkens, indicating that you can start applying the second layer.

The second layer should be applied not from the point of the beginning of the eyebrow, but a little stepping aside. Thus, we will create a natural color effect, because natural eyebrows are slightly lighter on the nose.

Drying process

The intensity of the final color depends on the number of applied henna layers and the dwell time. If you prefer a darker shade then, after the dye has completely dried, you can wait 10 - 15 minutes and proceed to removal.

How to care for eyebrows after henna staining

Refrain from washing eyebrows for 24 hours after dyeing. In order for the color to last longer and not to lose its brightness, it is worth putting a little oil on your eyebrows.

As a result, a simple procedure of henna eyebrow dyeing at home, with the right approach, will give you an intense and bright shade for a long period.


Watch the video: DIY - EYEBROW TINTING GONE WRONG + FIX! (July 2024).