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What is useful sour cream for hair?


Sour cream hair mask is considered an effective folk remedy that girls use when moisturizing their hair. After applying the mask of sour cream, women's hair becomes strong, stops falling out and begins to grow actively.

Mask effectiveness

Sour cream for hair is composed of such useful active substances:

As a result, the hair mask with sour cream additionally nourishes the falling out, destroyed hairs and heals the female hair in general.

Rules of application

At the moment, smetana hair mask is considered an effective and easy to use folk remedy. However, when preparing such a mixture, the girl should have such nuances:

When applying a hair mask with sour cream, the girl performs the following actions:

A girl puts on a hairstyle a similar composition 2 times a week, for 1 month.

A girl should regularly put homemade sour cream masks on her hair - as a result, the girl gets the desired result.

For dry hair with olive oil and sour sour cream

In the manufacture of smetana mask girl with dry hairs uses these ingredients:

Effect: after applying a similar mixture on the head, the women's hair becomes moisturized and enriched with various vitamins. Olive oil strengthens the hair strands - women's hair becomes thick. After applying the yolk on the head, the female hair becomes obedient and shiny.

The girl holds a similar mask on dry hair for 15 minutes. When used correctly, a woman uses such a folk remedy 1 time in 10 days (in the winter time of the year 1 time per week). As a result, after carrying out 4–5 procedures, the women's head of hair becomes strong and beautiful.

What is useful sour cream for hair

Sour cream is good for beauty and health due to its rich composition. It contains a large set of micro and macro elements, vitamins, proteins, acids and sugars.

External use of sour cream for hair:

  • nourishes hair with protein and all the necessary elements
  • strengthens the root and body of the hair,
  • significantly improves the appearance
  • promotes normal growth and strengthening.

It is worth noting that keeping the smet means on your hair is pretty nice. Especially if they are enriched with fragrant essential oils (how to use geranium essential oil for hair care, the site “Beautiful and Successful” has already been told). Moreover, sour cream begins to have a nutritional and beneficial effect immediately after application.

By the way, sour cream for hair is not only an affordable care product, but also effective medicine. Let us consider each option in more detail.

The use of sour cream for hair

Sour cream accumulates a lot of valuable substances that are extremely beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.

  1. So, the product is rich in phosphorus, calcium, sodium and protein. In combination, all the above elements are necessary for building the correct hair structure, fixing the bulbs in their places, removing the fungus and its prevention.
  2. It does not do without the participation of ascorbic acid, retinol, vitamin PP, and vitamins from group B. These substances are responsible for the elasticity and strength of the hair, the nourishment of their structure, the smoothing of scales.
  3. Sour cream has a vast area of ​​use. It is used equally effectively as to improve the condition of oily hair, and dry. In the first case, the normalization of fat production is carried out, in the second - full hydration from root to tip.
  4. Sour cream is good because it has the ability to close the hair scales. This quality makes fermented milk product indispensable for restoring natural pigmentation, as well as prolonging the effect and maintaining shine after dyeing.
  5. Ladies with thin hair from nature and a “liquid” hairstyle will be useful to know that with the systematic use of sour cream on the hairs an invisible protective film is formed. It does not make heavier, but adds volume at the roots, makes the hairstyle more lush. Visually, the hair appears thicker.
  6. If your hair is often affected by appliances that work at high temperatures, smetan masks must be included in a systematic care. At the expense of the same invisible film, the shock is protected from drying out.
  7. Girls who regularly dye and curl strands, also can not do without masks with sour cream. You can apply a fermented milk product in its own form, the benefits of such actions will not diminish.
  8. Sour cream penetrates deep into the follicles, activating them and awakening from sleep. Against this background, hair growth increases, the loss stops. Home remedies with fermented milk products are suitable for men suffering from alopecia, and girls experiencing severe hair loss after childbirth.
  9. The value of sour cream is hidden in its ability to eliminate dandruff, seborrhea, dry and oily. If you are faced with similar problems, it is better to use a fermented milk product in the form of scrub in combination with sugar. The effect will be noticeable almost immediately.

Sour cream for hair loss

Masks of directional action should be done for men and women who suffer from alopecia of various kinds.

Burdock and kefir
Prepare a decoction of burdock, let it stand, then filter and measure 100 ml. Stir in 20 grams. gelatin, leave to swell for half an hour. Melt in a microwave to obtain a liquid mass, enter 60 grams. sour cream.

Apply the mask to clean hair and scalp. Make a short-term massage of the root section to further warm the dermis. Warm up the film, wash it off after an hour (you can leave it for the night).

Sour cream with egg
Quail eggs are most effective, but if they are not, chicken eggs will do. Cool them, separate the proteins, they are not needed. Beat 3 yolks into the foam and enter 70 gr. sour cream.

Spread the product evenly through the hair, massaging the root part simultaneously. Cover yourself up with a foil, from above, make a towel cap, wait for 1 hour.

Sour cream for hair growth

Mustard and Yolk
To make hair thick and increase hair growth, you need to use a simple mask. Means prepares from 35 gr. homemade sour cream, 30 gr. mustard and 2 egg yolks. Stir until smooth.

For convenience, you can use the whisk. Divide the hair into strands and process each finished mask. Build a heat cap, wait 1 hour. Wash off the composition in the classic way.

Cucumber juice and sour cream
The tool is aimed at combating weakened shock and baldness. Mix 12 gr. dry mustard, 35 gr. sour cream, egg yolk and 20 ml. fresh cucumber juice. Stir the product to a smooth consistency.

Whisk the mask with a mixer or another available method. Apply the product to the hair roots with massaging movements. Stretch the remains to the tips. Put a cosmetic hat on your head, wait 50 minutes. Wash off the product.

Sour cream to strengthen hair

  1. Parsley and sour cream. Wash a bunch of parsley and chop finely. Connect greens with 90 gr. sour cream. Rub the product into the scalp and stretch over the entire length. Wrap the hair with a film, go to rest. Rinse off in the morning after waking up. The mask strengthens and nourishes the hair with essential trace elements.
  2. Avocado olive oil. For moisturizing and strong hair, you can use a mask based on half an avocado, 30 gr. sour cream and 20 ml. olive oil. Pass the products through a blender. Treat abundantly with hair strands and roots. Heat the classic way. Wait 1 hour, carefully wash your hair.

Sour cream to lighten hair

Ginger and Lemon
The tool allows you to lighten the curls on 2 tones. To prepare the composition will need 20 grams. ginger ginger root, 20 ml. lemon juice, 80 gr. sour cream and 0.5 liters. purified water.

Pour boiling water over ginger gruel and citrus zest. Insist components 4 hours. Strain the infusion, connect 100 gr. finished products with the remaining components.

Apply the mask in an even layer over the entire length of the curls. Wrap your head with cling film and a terry towel. Wait 2 hours, rinse with chamomile decoction. Dry the hair naturally.

Wheat germ and lemon juice
To lighten the shoal and make it more smooth and shiny, you need to prepare a mask of 15 grams. wheat germ oil, 30 ml. lemon juice and 55 gr. fermented milk product.

Get a homogeneous mass. Carefully treat your hair with a ready-made composition, make a head massage. Heat the classic way. After 40 minutes, remove the tool.

Sour cream against oily hair

Sour cream and banana
The systematic use of raw materials improves the activity of sebaceous glands and eliminates the increased production of fat. Combine a cup of half a banana and 60 gr. sour cream. Turn the food into a homogeneous mush using a blender. Rub the mask into the scalp. Wait 1 hour, rinse off with shampoo.

Honey and Calendula
The plant copes with the increased production of fat. In addition, the product acts on the skin as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. As a result, hair is less susceptible to various diseases.

Mix in a container 50 gr. low-fat sour cream, 60 ml. broth calendula and 15 grams. honey Then proceed in the usual way. Remove the agent after 30 minutes. The mask is recommended to hold twice a month.

Sour cream against dry hair

Whisk all ingredients with a whisk until smooth. Treat the entire hair length with a remedy. Wrap your head on the classic technology and wait about 1 hour. Wash off the product using the usual method.

Cocoa butter and sour cream
To fully moisturize your hair and give it extra volume, you need to mix 150 grams. sour cream and 15 ml. cocoa butter. Get from the components of a uniform consistency. Liberally coat each strand. Put on a cosmetic hat, warm up. After 1 hour, remove the tool.

Sour cream is considered to be a universal product. The composition has found application in various fields. With the help of a natural product you can achieve good results in treating hair and eliminating most problems. Use masks regularly to achieve the desired result.

Mask for normal hair

In this recipe, it is recommended to use sour cream for hair with a fat content of only 10-15% (2-3 tablespoons). You will also need lemon juice and wheat germ (1 tsp each).

It is worth noting that lemon helps to lighten hair. Therefore, you can kill two birds with one stone. But! For a more powerful clarification can add 3-5 drops. lemon essential oil.

Keep this excellent mask of sour cream on the hair to 20 minutes, then rinse. Next, dry the hair a little with a towel, comb well and wait until it is completely dry. All this time, a mask of sour cream for normal hair will have an active nourishing effect.

For hair growth

You will need:

  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • egg yolks - 3 pcs.,
  • mustard - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. l (optional).

All products are mixed and applied on the head for 15 minutes.

Sometimes for the first time there is a strong burning sensation from mustard, in this case the mask can be washed off a little earlier. The next time the amount of mustard can be slightly reduced, and the amount of dairy product increased.

As a result, growth will increase markedly (1-1.5 cm per month). In winter, the hair will always be docile and soft.

From falling out

In this mask, the proportions are selected independently, since none of the products can harm. For the recipe need sour cream and kefir. Mix, apply on the head, wrap first with cellophane, then with a handkerchief. Keep the composition you need at least 1 hour.

The mask of kefir and sour cream enhances the blood supply to the scalp, thereby accelerating the growth of new hairs.

To strengthen

To strengthen the thinned, weakened hairs, you need to prepare such a mask:

  • dairy product - 2 tbsp.
  • carrot juice - 2 tbsp.
  • a couple of drops of geranium or lavender essential oil.

Put the mixed ingredients on the head, leave for 40 minutes. After 5-6 such sessions the structure of the hair will change for the better. Carrot juice - a source of vitamin A, which is able to strengthen the hair, enhance their growth. Essential oils saturate locks with vitality.

Split ends mask

It is recommended to use the following components:

  • sour cream - 2 tbsp.
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp.,
  • chicken egg yolk - 1 pc.

All ingredients are mixed, applied on the head for 15 minutes. For best results, do the procedure 1 time in 10 days, and in the winter - once a week. After 4-5 sessions, you can get rid of split ends.

For greasy hair

You will need:

  • low-fat sour cream (10%) - 2 tablespoons,
  • honey - 1 tsp
  • calendula decoction 2 tbsp.

All ingredients are mixed, the mask is applied for 15-20 minutes. Calendula normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, has an antiseptic effect. Honey supplies the scalp with vitamins, improves blood circulation.

Ingredients needed:

  • chicken egg - 1 pc.,
  • liquid honey - 50 g,
  • sour cream - 60 ml.,
  • castor oil - 50 ml.

All products are mixed, whipped with a whisk, so that the mass is homogeneous. Apply mask over the entire length of hair for 1 hour. The head is wrapped with polyethylene, a towel. Next, the head washes the usual method. This tool is able to restore shine to curls, and also promotes moisture.

Mask for greasy hair

If you have very oily hair, then the site does not recommend making masks from sour cream too often. Also in such cases, you need to choose sour cream with a minimum fat content.

In sour cream (2 tablespoons) it is necessary to pour in a little warm broth of calendula and rub into the roots. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Calendula with sour cream for oily hair:

  • helps to normalize the sebaceous glands,
  • has a nourishing and regenerating effect,
  • prevents dandruff.

Masks for weak hair

After childbirth, illness or changing seasons hair may loosen. To restore necessarily need to use your favorite sour cream.

For example, to restore hair vitality helps mask of sour cream and vegetable oil. Fat sour cream choose, based on the type of hair. And the best vegetable oil - burdock, olive or castor.

Ingredients in equal proportions need to be mixed and kept on wet hair for 15-20 minutes. The optimal frequency is 1-2 times a week. As a rule, after 5-6 procedures hair again they gain vitality and delight their owners with beauty and brilliance.

Hair Treatment Masks

Effective sour cream for hair treatmentand scalp. Only after medical procedures is not recommended to use chemical agents: shampoos, rinses and so on. Otherwise, you will weaken or completely stop the action of useful substances. Consider a few natural hair treatments.

From oily seborrhea

For the preparation of this mask you need to mix the sour cream (15%) with honey and onion porridge (all for 1 tsp). You also need to add lavender essential oil (4 drops) and crushed garlic (0.5 tsp). Massage movements should be well rub the tool in the hair roots and after half an hour, rinse with warm water. For effective treatment, the procedure should be carried out once a week.

As you can see, sour cream for hair of any type - true friend, and sometimes a real savior. Try any mask that suits you! Undoubtedly, the hair will be very grateful and will delight you with strength, health and beauty.

For normal hair

You will need:

  • sour cream - 2 tbsp.
  • honey - 1 tsp
  • banana pulp - 1 tbsp.
  • yolk - 1 pc.

Mix the ingredients. If the mixture is too thick, it can be diluted with a small amount of milk. First, you need to rub the mask into the scalp, and then distribute the hair. Soak on the head for 40 minutes.

In a banana there are a lot of vitamins and nutrients. Thanks to the yolk, the hair becomes soft, obedient. From honey, the blood supply to the vessels in the scalp will improve. The mask will give thick hair.

Sour cream is rightfully recognized as a universal product. It is used in many industries, including for the treatment of hair. With regular use of masks, hair gets vitality, becomes silky, strong. They will delight you for a long time with their healthy brilliance.

For normal hair type with egg

If a girl has normal hairs, then she uses these components - when making a mask of sour cream for healthy hair:

The woman rubs the prepared mixture into the head code and evenly distributes it over the entire head of hair.

The result: a banana enriches the hair strands with essential trace elements. The yolk makes the female haircut obedient, and the copper solution accelerates the blood flow of the head skin.

As a result, the female hairstyle becomes thick and voluminous.

A woman holds a similar mask to her hair for 45 minutes. With proper use, the girl uses a similar folk remedy 1 time in 12 days. As a result, the girl gets the desired result after passing 3-4 procedures.

To lighten fine hair with homemade sour cream

If a girl has fine hairs, then when making a mask of sour cream for dry hair, she uses the following components:

The woman keeps the prepared mix on a hair, for 40 min. (1 time in 4 days). As a result, the damaged hair strands become strong and strong after 6 treatments.

Effect: carrot juice strengthens and activates hair growth. Essential oils make hair strands stronger. As a result, women's hair becomes strong and healthy in appearance.

For long hair growth with kefir, yolk and mustard

With the proper manufacture of sour cream masks, long-haired girls use these ingredients:

Choose a mask for your hair type

The girl holds on her head a similar sour cream for 15 minutes. A woman puts such a mask on the head of hair 2 times in 10 days. As a result, women's hair will begin to grow again after 4 treatments.

Result: a similar hair mask made of sour cream is considered an effective means to accelerate hair growth. As a result, in the summer, women's hair becomes soft, and hair grows faster than before.

In the manufacture of sour cream mask, the girl should use sour cream from well-known manufacturers - “House in the village”, “Prostokvashino”, etc. As a result, the female hairstyle will again become bulky, shiny, healthy or long - depending on the type of hair.

Composition and useful properties

Proteins, fats and organic acids are the main components of sour cream. It also contains a large amount of mineral salts and vitamins that curls need. Each component has its own set of useful properties:

  • Retinol. Normalizes the hydrobalance of the scalp, strengthens the hair follicles and restores the hair structure. Due to the normalization of metabolism moisture is retained in the hair and slows the aging process.
  • Vitamin C. Natural antioxidant is responsible for the normalization of carbohydrate metabolism at the cellular level. Hair starts to grow faster. Additional coverage over the entire length provides protection against infections and external irritants. Split ends are eliminated, fragile and brittle strands are strengthened.
  • A nicotinic acid. Improves microcirculation, frees cells from toxins and heavy metals.
  • Tocopherol. Provides youth of cells, giving hair elasticity, vitality and energy.
  • Potassium. Moisturizing and strengthening over the entire length.
  • Iron. Eliminates split ends and gray hair.

Sour cream with high fat content is good to treat seborrhea, irritation and flaking. The acid in the product eliminates itching, moisturizes and softens the scalp. In this case, you can keep the mask for an unlimited amount of time without damage to the hair.

Country sour cream is more suitable for dry hair

The advantages of sour cream in hair care are versatility and effectiveness.. Masks and balms from it are equally well suited for dehydrated and tired hair, as well as for prone to fat, damaged hair.

How to use at home with the benefits

To effect met expectations, it is important to adhere to all the recommendations for the preparation of sour cream mixtures.

  • You can use both store and natural product. The percentage of fat is selected in accordance with the type of hair: for oily - up to 15%, for dry - 25% or more, for normal - from 15% to 25%.
  • Essential oils, loose components will only enhance the beneficial effect. To make the mask homogeneous, it is recommended to use a blender.
  • After applying the mask, you must wrap the hair with a plastic hat and a towel. Heat enhances the action of the components.
  • The temperature of the cream at the time of preparation and application of the mask should be at room temperature.
  • The finished mask is applied immediately after preparation. In the refrigerator, the mixture does not retain all the beneficial properties. After use, rinse off with warm water and shampoo.
  • During the period of treatment of the masked sour cream discard the use of a hair dryer, hot styling and other similar procedures.
  • The alternation of different recipes of masks will enhance the effect and allow you to choose the best ratio of components.

Do not be afraid to experiment using sour cream based hair masks. Start with simple and proven recipes.

Duo of sour cream and yolk

Mix 2 tbsp. l sour cream and 2 egg yolks. Mass rub in soft circular motions, providing an additional massage of the scalp. Spread the composition over the entire length. Warm with a towel. Wash off after 15–20 minutes.

Regular use of masks against dryness will saturate hair with vitamins and minerals, making them less brittle. Moisture will linger longer in the structure of the hair, and the scalp will stop flaking. Masks are effective in the fight against dandruff, itching and other diseases.

Calendula decoction tandem

For lovers of herbal complexes suitable mask of 2 tbsp. l sour cream and broth calendula. In order for the product to work, intensively rub it into the roots for a few minutes and leave until absorbed. Wash off after 20 minutes with shampoo. Use the tool weekly to normalize the sebaceous glands, as well as provide hair nutrition and recovery.

How to lighten, applying ginger and orange

The most popular way of natural straightening strands is to use sour cream masks. Mix 1: 1 crushed ginger and orange zest. Pour 300 ml of boiling water. Combine half of the resulting infusion with 200 g sour cream. Add 10 drops of lemon essential oil. Spread the liquid over the strands and rinse, after 2 hours, the remaining ginger extract. Wash your hair with shampoo. The tool deals not only with henna, but also with artificial dyes. Often the recipe is used after unsuccessful staining or before the procedure.

Sparing composition to wash off paint

A more gentle mask, in order to lighten the hair, contains in its composition tender and nourishing ingredients. To prepare it, take 1 tbsp. l honey, 1 tbsp. l sour cream, 60 g of curd mass, 1 tbsp. l lemon juice, 1 egg and 1 tbsp. l aloe juice or puree. The composition must be kept on the hair for 20 minutes, then wash your hair in the usual way. The mask is perfect for blondes to enhance color and shine curls.

Mustard to boost growth

Mustard is a valuable product in cosmetology, known for its healing properties for hair. In combination with sour cream, its action is enhanced and the blood flow to the bulbs is activated. Due to this, healthy and strong hairs grow faster.

Be careful when applying this mask on sensitive scalp.

Mix mustard powder with warm water until a homogeneous and thick slurry is formed. Add sour cream and mix. Take all the ingredients for 1 st. l Rub into the scalp, soak for 20 minutes. Wash off with regular shampoo. Repeat 1-2 times a week.

Hair treatment mask

Hair disease - a signal of a lack of vitamins and minerals. It can be replenished in just 5–6 procedures, and with regular use it can completely solve the problem. So, against shedding of hair recommended smetana mask. Pick up the fat content by hair type, apply the product to your hair and hold for 40 minutes. Repeat every 2 days.

When oily seborrhea

If seborrhea is oily, a mask of sour cream, honey and onion porridge mixed in 1 tsp. Will help. Also in the remedy it is necessary to add 4 drops of lavender essential oil and 1/2 tsp. crushed garlic. The mask should be rubbed into the roots with massage movements and held for half an hour. It is enough to use the tool 1 time per week.

Who will not suit smetannye masks

Like any natural product, sour cream masks have contraindications:

  • individual intolerance,
  • propensity for allergies,
  • very strong oily hair.

Sensitive skin also requires special attention from its owner and does not perceive many cosmetics. Consider this when using auxiliary components of masks, such as honey, mustard, etc.

Otherwise, sour cream masks are suitable for all hair types and have proven themselves in the beauty industry. Means carefully looks after hair, moistens them and restores the damaged sites. Just a few applications will give the curls vitality, brilliance and beauty.

Reviews with photos before and after

I have been making a mask of sour cream and yolks for about 2 months. The result is really there! Hair became thicker, shine appeared. And even on the comb hair now remains much less.

My hair after the first application of a mask of sour cream for hair


After smetana mask hair becomes very soft, moisturized, airy, well fit !! And it smells good .. Slightly milky, sweet smell.
So, I take a couple of tablespoons of sour cream (that's enough. Very sparingly,) and spread it all over my hair. I wrap the package and put on a cap. I want an hour and a half.
Wash away ... and enjoy. Even not very healthy tips find beauty.
I advise everyone, especially those who have very damaged and dry hair (in this case it is good to smear it on the roots too) Girls, try it!

After several treatments, the hair is soft, easy to comb and shine.


I tried many masks, most of all I liked the mask from sour cream, smear with sour cream and leave for an hour, then wash off with shampoo, only fat cream should be, or my friend still uses mayonnaise, also helps.

a guest

Sour cream - “magic wand” for those who want to have healthy and strong curls. To maximize the benefits, it is best to use the product immediately after purchase. Only being fresh sour cream will give your hair vitality, accelerate their growth and relieve dryness, dandruff and flaking. Experiment with recipes, follow the recommendations and enjoy the result!

What is the use of sour cream?

Sour cream is a dairy product containing a sufficiently large amount of animal fat, vitamins and trace elements that are beneficial to hair.

As part of sour cream:

  • Vitamins. Natural sour cream contains a very rich set of vitamins, including retinol, tocopherol, biotin, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, etc. These vitamins promote cell regeneration, stimulate collagen production, and help preserve the natural pigment.
  • Trace elements Most of the composition of sour cream, potassium and calcium. The first substance helps to retain moisture in the cells, and without a sufficient amount of calcium, the hair loses its strength and breaks easily.
  • Squirrels and animal fats. These substances help to restore the hair structure, moisturize, nourish, help to ensure protection from negative external influences.

Thus, despite the fact that the list of useful substances for hair contained in sour cream is small, but these substances are contained in the product in high concentration. Sour cream is a universal product, suitable for the care of strands of any type, you just need to choose the right recipe.

Rules of the procedure

How to make homemade hair masks with sour cream, bring maximum benefit? To do this, you need to get acquainted in advance with the rules for choosing a product, preparing compositions and applying them.

  • If possible, you need to use homemade sour cream. Such a product can be purchased at markets or farm stores. If this is not possible when choosing a cream in the store, pay attention to the composition of the product, the product should be as natural as possible.
  • Very important pay attention to such an indicator as the fat content in sour cream. The fat content of sour cream can vary from 10 to 52%. To care for the fat type strands, select a low-fat product - a maximum of 15% fat. If the hair is normal, then a product with a fat content of 20-25% is suitable; for dry strands, you should choose sour cream with a maximum fat content.
  • Even expired sour cream is perfect for making masks., it is only important that the product does not have an unpleasant smell.

  • Some recipes for sour cream hair masks include solid foods (such as fruit). They need to grind to a state of mashed potatoes, it is convenient to do this with a blender. If honey or cosmetic oil is included, these products should be preheated to make them warm. All other components, including sour cream, must be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that they acquire room temperature.
  • In order to distribute smetanny compositions easier by strands, it is recommended to pre-moisten them. Formulations are applied all over the head of hair, including the tips. It is recommended to start the application with a rubbing into the roots, then it will be necessary to spread the composition with a brush and brush along the strands.
  • To activate the action of useful substances it is necessary to provide heat. To do this, the head should be wrapped with a thick towel. And so that the towel does not get dirty, the hair must first be hidden under the plastic wrap.
  • The time of the procedure depends on the chosen recipe., and ranges from 20 to 60 minutes. It is not necessary to leave smetanny compositions for the night, sour cream will dry up on hair, and it will be difficult to wash off it.
  • It is recommended to make masks in courses. If this is a preventive care, it will be enough to carry out the procedure once a week. During treatment, the number of procedures should be doubled. The full course is no more than 15 masks, then you will need to take a break for at least a month.

Consider how you can at home to prepare compositions for the care and treatment of hair.

Basic care

This recipe is universal for strands of any type, given some of the nuances. It is prepared from two components - sour cream and eggs. For 1 egg, take 150 grams of sour cream and beat well with a mixer.

Egg should be supplemented with sour cream, if the strands are normal. If the strands are prone to fat, then instead of the whole egg should take two proteins. And for dry strands need to use two yolks. In addition, it is necessary to properly select the fat content of sour cream. The duration of the procedure is forty minutes.

Softening composition

To make the strands softer, resilient and obedient, you need to prepare a softening compound. Preparing softening mask for hair with sour cream and honey. You need to take honey, warm it up so that it becomes more liquid. Then mix with sour cream and whip. Ingredients are taken in the same volume, the quantity is determined by the length of the strands. Keep the composition on the hair - one hour.

Treatment of overdried strands

Overdried strands need moisture, softening and nutrition. The mask for dry hair with sour cream and blend of oils will help to return them an attractive appearance and health.

It is necessary to warm a spoonful of castor oil, mix it with olive oil, taken in the same amount. Then add to the mixture two spoons of sour cream and yolk. Beat everything up. Rinse off one hour after application.

Intense moisturizing

Moisturizing hair mask with sour cream is prepared with the addition of avocado and cucumber. You need to take a small fresh cucumber, peel, cut along into quarters and cut the core from the seeds. Then peel half a ripe avocado. Put slices of cucumber and avocado in a blender and grind to a state of mashed potatoes. Add to the mixture a third of a glass of sour cream, beat again. Leave the mixture on the hair for forty minutes.

Struggling with hair loss

In case of intensive precipitation, you should prepare a composition with brandy and burdock oil.

Make a water bath, warm a spoonful of honey so that it becomes liquid, remove from the heat, pour in a spoonful of oil, beat. In a warm composition to keep two spoons of sour cream, a spoonful of brandy and yolk and beat well again. Apply on the partings, gently rubbing into the roots. Hold for forty minutes.

For active hair growth

Preparing a mask for hair growth with sour cream with dry mustard. Mustard seed powder (one spoon) pour the same amount of hot water, stir and let stand for a few minutes. Separately, beat two yolks with two tablespoons of sour cream, pour a spoonful of sour juice into the composition (ideally, use cranberry juice, but if there is no cranberry, you can use grapefruit or lemon to make juice).

Add half a spoonful of granulated sugar to the mustard mass, mix with a mass of sour cream and beat. Apply on the parting, rubbing into the skin. Hold for about an hour.

Restoration of damaged hair

The composition of sour cream and cocoa perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and restores microdamages. in the structure of the hair, reducing fragility. It is prepared very simply. Cocoa powder is mixed with sour cream, rubbing well, so that there are no lumps. Cooking proportions: one portion of cocoa - three pieces of sour cream. This composition is rubbed into the roots and spread on the strands. Rinse an hour after application.

For clarification and nutrition

This composition will help blond and blond-haired girls to slightly brighten the natural shade of hair. Heat two tablespoons of honey, mix liquid honey with a spoon of cinnamon powder and five tablespoons of sour cream. Apply on strands, hold for two hours. To obtain a noticeable effect of lightening procedures do once a week and a half to two months.

The benefits of fermented milk product

Sour cream contains all those vitamins and substances that are necessary for the health and beauty of our curls! Especially this natural product will be useful for restoring damaged, dull and dry strands. In order to appreciate all the benefits of hair sour cream masks, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with its composition and how it affects hair:

  • Vitamin A - normalizes metabolism, slows down the aging process, stimulates hair growth, is involved in the synthesis of collagen,
  • Vitamin B3 - improves blood circulation, nourishes the scalp with oxygen, removes toxins, eliminates seborrhea and itching (read more about nicotinic acid treatment in the corresponding article)
  • Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant, protects the curls from the harmful effects of the external environment, restores the structure of the split ends,
  • Vitamin E - improves metabolism, quickly heals wounds on the scalp, nourishes dry and damaged hair, is responsible for the active growth of hair (if you are interested in the therapeutic effect of this substance, we recommend that you read the article: Methods of using vitamin E)
  • potassium - moisturizes the strands.

Nutritious masks from sour cream - an indispensable tool if you decide to restore the hair after lightening, dyeing or perming. Also, the product will be useful for the damaged structure of the curls, which are often dried with a hair dryer, using a flat iron or curling tongs. Regular use of sour cream will make strands strong, thick and healthy!

Recommendations for use

As shown by numerous positive reviews, the use of sour cream masks at home is an easy and enjoyable experience! Many of the traditional medicine, though effective in use, but they are quite time-consuming to prepare, are hard to apply and wash away even worse. Such problems with smetannoy hair mask just will not! Especially if you listen to our simple recommendations on the correct use of the product.

  1. Check your body for an allergic reaction! Apply a small amount of the finished mask with sour cream by the ear or on the wrist to check. If no reaction has occurred within 15 minutes, you can use a mask.
  2. The best sour cream for hair is homemade! It will be the most useful and natural, but that's okay if you buy the product in the store.
  3. For the treatment of damaged and dry strands, use sour cream with a high percentage of fat (from 25%). For normal sour cream with an average percentage of fat (15-25%) is suitable, for fat - a low percentage (up to 15%).
  4. For convenience, all components can be whipped in a blender.
  5. Mask should be applied to wet hair, they will be dirty or clean - it does not matter.
  6. Sour cream is applied over the entire length of the strands: start by rubbing the mixture into the scalp with massage movements, spread the curls with a wooden comb. The last step will be applying sour cream mixture on the tips.
  7. For better absorption and nourishment of hair, warm your head with a cellophane hat and a towel (woolen scarf),
  8. Mask with sour cream can be kept for 1-2 hours or even left overnight. If you use additional ingredients (especially such as mustard or lemon) 30-40 minutes will be quite enough.
  9. Wash off the mask with shampoo water. For an additional effect, we recommend making a useful decoction of chamomile for blond hair or rinse nettle - for dark.

Such tips on the use of nutritional smetannyh hair masks will help get the most out of the product. Remember that for a noticeable result, the use of the tool should be regular - 2 times a week for a month. After a short break, the treatment can be repeated.

The best and effective recipes for hair

Sour cream goes well with various ingredients and can literally transform your hairstyle beyond recognition! Want luxurious and silky hair? We offer you to get acquainted with the best recipes for hair masks with sour cream:

  • Lemon Dandruff & Oily Hair

A tablespoon of lemon juice mixed with the same amount of olive is small, add 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

  • Oily to wet dry strands

Heat in a water bath in a tablespoon of castor, olive and burdock oil. Add 3 tablespoons of avocado pulp and a glass of fat "sour milk".

  • Kefir for clarification at home

Mix 100 ml of yogurt and medium-fat sour cream. Such a mask recipe not only nourishes dull hair, but with regular use will lighten it a little.

  • Honey for growth and strengthen curls

Mix 2 tablespoons of sour cream and fresh liquid honey, egg yolk.

  • Egg for density and smoothness

Beat 2-3 eggs (yolks) and mix thoroughly with 2 tablespoons of sour cream. For shine, you can add a teaspoon of cocoa to your mask.

  • Yeast for rapid growth

Mix 2 tablespoons sour cream medium-fat and a tablespoon of dry yeast. Add 3-5 drops of cinnamon essential oil.

Finally, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video recipe for a wonderful sour cream mask for dull and weak hair:

All provided recipes for hair sour cream masks are very effective. The product is suitable for the treatment, strengthening and restoration of any type of curls! The successful combination of the usual ingredients will give your head of hair the long-awaited strength, brilliance and volume!


Watch the video: Hair mask with sour cream, avocado, egg yolks and olive oil POLIgoONE (July 2024).