
What to do if the head is scratched from shampoo


Why does the head itch from shampoo? How to deal with scabies head? What can replace the shampoo, so that the head does not itch?

If there is such a problem, then contact the trichologist. He will conduct the necessary research and, if necessary, he will prescribe a treatment or advise those cosmetics that suit you.

As a temporary option - try to wash your hair with a regular egg yolk. To do this, separate the yolk from the whites, remove the foil from the yolk, add 1 tablespoon of lukewarm water and beat with a fork in a bowl. Apply to wet hair, starting from the roots, massage and gently rinse, rinsing and the rest of the hair. If the option to wash with yolk is suitable, then more than one yolk may be needed.


When treating allergic reactions to shampoo, the following drugs are most often prescribed:

  • Gistan Antiallergic drug created on the basis of natural ingredients. Does not contain hormones.
  • Cortisone ointment. Antiallergic agent based on glucocorticoid hormone. Quickly relieves itching and swelling, provoked by contact with the allergen.
  • Cinaflane Strong antiallergic drug. Contraindicated for use during pregnancy.
  • Ellokom The drug is topical. The active substance is mometasone. Contraindicated for pregnant women.
  • Fenistil. Popular antihistamine, antiallergic. Excellent blocks histamine receptors.

In severe allergic reactions, simultaneous use of external and internal preparations is indicated.

Important! In the case when the treatment has no positive dynamics, and the symptoms of allergy become more pronounced, it is necessary to consult a doctor to adjust the course of medical therapy.

Folk ways

Some methods of traditional medicine can speed up the process of treating an allergic reaction and restoring damaged skin:

  1. The composition for washing the head of egg yolk and kefir is a good alternative to synthetic cosmetics. One yolk is mixed with 200 g of fermented milk product. The mixture is applied to wet hair and rinsed with saline (half a teaspoon of salt for 3 liters of water).
  2. The infusion of the series. To make it, a teaspoon of dry herb is steamed with 200 ml of boiling water. Broth insist and consume during the day instead of tea or coffee.
  3. Chamomile rinse and a series of excellent relieves itching and irritation provoked by shampoo.

Prevention methods

You can prevent the development of an allergic reaction by following some rules and recommendations:

  • When choosing a shampoo, give preference to a cosmetic product that contains no surfactants, and the number of fragrances and dyes is minimal.
  • When buying cosmetics based on natural ingredients, consider the individual characteristics and body reactions.
  • Select shampoo, considering the condition of the hair.
  • Do not wash your hair more than two or three times a week.
  • Never mix cosmetics of different manufacturers at the same time.
  • Do not exceed the contact time of shampoo and hair longer than three minutes.

To protect yourself from an allergic reaction to shampoo is simple. Enough to hold a preliminary allergotest. Apply a few drops of a cosmetic product to your hand, and after fifteen minutes, the body's response will show whether the shampoo is suitable or not.

Useful videos

How to get rid of dryness and itching on the head? Scalp and hair care. Dry scalp.

What is seborrhea of ​​the scalp?

Reasons why the head itches if there are no lice

The first thing most people associate head itch is lice. However, a person who takes care of himself observes the rules of hygiene, the probability of infection with these parasites is very small. After examining yourself or asking a loved one about it, it is easy to exclude the presence of lice, their presence is detected with the naked eye or with a magnifying glass. And if you are convinced that there are no parasites, it is worth considering other possible causes of itching.

Why the scalp is dry and itchy after washing

Itching, which is observed after washing the head, says that the composition of shampoo does not suit a person. This may be due to:

  • As for the ingredients of shampoo, balm or hair rinse allergy. Often such a reaction happens if lauryl sulfate or sodium laureth sulfate are included in the shampoo. If so, it is worth switching to shampoo with a more gentle composition.
  • What is allergic to an emollient or powder, which are washed towels. This factor is possible if the occurrence of itch coincides with the testing of new products, unfamiliar to man. Often, a return to the already proven means leads to the disappearance of discomfort.
  • What is the wrong type of shampoo chosen? With increased dryness of the scalp, fat secretion is excessive, but has a different composition. Often, in these cases, people mistakenly choose shampoo for greasy hair to degrease the roots, but such products dry the skin even more, worsening the situation. There are itching, burning, brittle hair.

With the appearance of irritation after dyeing hair

After hair extension or dyeing, there may be unpleasant sensations of burning and itching. If the scalp is itchy in this case:

  • Coloring agent is not suitable for a person because of an allergy to the ingredients that make up its composition. It is necessary to abandon it, switch to the products of another manufacturer, and lubricate the head after the paint with any soothing, anti-inflammatory agent (lotion, balm or decoction based on chamomile, calendula, tandem).
  • Hair color contains too aggressive components that excessively dry the scalp, cause allergic reactions, have a negative effect on the epidermis. Such irritation, itching are often after henna. In these cases, women are advised to switch to more benign products, such as tinting shampoos or paints with a low ammonia content.

Head itch and hair fall out

If the scalp is scratched and hair falls out, the reason lies in one of the following problems:

  • Avitaminosis often causes not only itching, but also hair loss, as a result - weakening of the bulbs, fragility.
  • The appearance of various fungal diseases and microorganisms in a child or adult (for example, ringworm) leads to the appearance of peeling on the scalp, their loss and severe itching, which is often impossible to tolerate. It is impossible to treat this problem on your own - it is necessary to clarify the nature of the disease, because It can be an integral part of a more extensive, complex disease that reduces the overall immunity of a person.
  • Violation of the proper functioning of the internal organs leads to a deterioration in the flow of all processes in the body, and this affects the quality of the hair, causes brittleness, oily hair, and, as a result, is characterized by their loss and itching of the head.

With peeling and dandruff

  • Severe itching with concomitant dandruff and increased fat content may indicate the presence of such a disease, like scalp boreborrhea (increased fat formation, peeling) or seborrheic dermatitis (peeling and red spots on the skin). These are serious diseases that are complex. They are difficult to cure at home, so if you suspect seborrhea, you should definitely contact a dermatologist or a trichologist.
  • Stress, nervous exhaustion, poor nutrition, weakened immunity, hormonal disruptions in an adult often act as catalysts for the development of seborrhea. But by themselves, these factors can cause the appearance of itching, dandruff, hair loss of weak and moderate severity. Even from water of increased hardness, from sweet, consumed in excessive amounts, a similar problem may arise. In this case, the head itches all the time, the appearance of discomfort, itching is difficult to correlate with a specific event (for example, washing the head, staining).
  • The presence of dandruff, which does not accompany seborrhea, but is an independent violation, leads to the appearance of weak and moderate itching. Causes of flaking epidermis flakes often lie in genetic predisposition, general health problems (for example, metabolic disorders) or are the result of negative external factors (for example, allergies to hair care products). Dandruff, like other diseases, should be treated.
  • Psoriasis is a severe autoimmune skin disease, which is catalyzed by severe stress, unbalanced nutrition, and immunity disorders. It has the form of scaly zones with a tendency to increase in area. With the appearance of lesions on the scalp will be pronounced itching and discomfort.

What to do and how to treat if the scalp is scratched

If discomfort, itching of the head, excessive and atypical greasiness of the epidermis, skin lesions, pimples are observed, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist or trichologist. They will conduct all the necessary tests, determine the cause of the symptoms, the source of the problem and prescribe the appropriate treatment. However, in some cases, when there is no urgent opportunity to go to the hospital, and the itch is very intense, you should use the tools that will help to improve your well-being.

Shampoos and dandruff and itching masks

The simplest remedy that removes the sensation of itching and burning is special shampoos. Based on the symptoms, you can use the means against:

  • dandruff (in the absence of allergies),
  • fungi, lichen (antifungal agents, for example, climbazole, zinc pyrithione),
  • itching of a nervous or allergic etiology (salicylic acid lotions, tar in combination with general therapy),
  • seborrhea - medical masks (containing ketoconazole, tar, sulfur, salicylic acid, antibacterial substances),
  • irritations - soothing, relieving redness, inflammation of shampoos (based on chamomile, succession, other herbs).

Drug treatment

Depending on the cause and nature of the disease, local treatment of itching is often supplemented by medication (prescribed exclusively by a doctor), which have different effects and directions:

  • with seborrhea - these are vitamins A, E, B2, antifungal drugs,
  • with an increased level of stress - means “from the nerves”: sedatives, antidepressants (Alora, Novo-Passit, chamomile infusions, motherwort),
  • hormonal disruptions - drugs that restore the balance of male and female hormones in the human body,
  • in the presence of fungal diseases - means from the fungus that is the causative agent of infection,
  • with allergies - antihistamines (tavegil, suprastin, diazolin), in severe forms of the course - corticosteroids,
  • vitamins A, B, C are prescribed for vitamin deficiency.

Folk remedies

The following remedies reduce the intensity of itching:

  • applesauce (apply on the scalp for 30 minutes 2-3 times a week),
  • apple cider vinegar (dilute with water in a ratio of 2 tablespoons per liter of water, rub into the localization zone of itching before washing your head, repeat the procedure for 5-6 days),
  • onion peel (cook for 6 minutes, cool, use for rinsing the head after washing),
  • Mint (2 tablespoons. Pour a glass of boiling water over the glass, cool, rub into the scalp, then rinse with clean water),
  • chamomile with sage (mix them in equal proportions, 1 tablespoon of the mixture mix in a glass of boiling water, apply twenty-minute compresses on the back of the head, the top of the head and other zones of localization of itch).

Video: what disease can itch your head

Head itch can be a symptom of various diseases, a side effect of common disorders in the body, a reaction to many external factors. To determine what exactly causes these feelings, you need to contact a specialist who will approach the problem comprehensively, comprehensively. However, it is always better to understand the mechanism of development of a disease in order to facilitate recovery and prevent recurrence in the future. Because of what there is itching, dandruff, seborrhea, which causes, catalyzes these processes, learn from the video below.

Why shampoo causes itchy scalp

The question is why does the head itch after shampoo, and is it possible to solve this problem?

independently, excites many. There is an opinion that if after the shampoo the head itches and dandruff appears, the problem should be looked for in the cosmetic itself. The manufacturer could change the component components of the product and now the skin with a shampoo-tested skin responds with allergies and irritation.

If the head itches from the shampoo, the reason is to look for the following:

  1. Artificial dyes. It is important to remember that the brighter the shampoo - the more harmful it is.
  2. Preservatives. The chemicals in the shampoo make its shelf life very long from 1 to 3 years. Such amount of chemicals can cause irritation, from which the skin itches and flakes.
  3. Sulfates. Each foaming cosmetic, whether it be shampoo, soap, shower gel or toothpaste, a priori, contains sodium sulfate. This substance, in addition to itching, can cause other dangerous diseases up to the formation of malignant tumors. Sulfates are practically not excreted from the body. Remember, if the shampoo is too foamy - it is better not to use it for daily use.
  4. Perfumes. In pursuit of originality and consumer demand, shampoo manufacturers reward them with a wide range of chemical aromas, though memorable, but at the same time.

How to remove itching after shampooing

When the head itches from shampoo, it is difficult to find a way out of the situation and to understand what to do to make the discomfort disappear.

Can you help yourself at home? Yes, and the scheme of action is as follows:

  1. The first thing to do is to rinse the skin and hair well with running, and preferably boiled, water or decoction of chamomile.
  2. If redness and irritation has passed on the skin of the forehead and scalp, you should take an allergy medication that suits you.
  3. Be sure to consult a doctor, and pass tests for the identification of an allergen.

It is also worth remembering a few recipes of traditional medicine:

    • If after washing the head itches - an apple mask will help. Twice a week for 30 minutes it is necessary to apply a mass of grated apple on a coarse grater. Spread on the scalp and hair roots, and put on a hat made of natural light fabric.
    • Rinsing hair after washing with a decoction of onion peel helps dandruff and non-itching. Husk from 3-4 bulbs need to pour a liter of boiling water and then boil for 60 minutes over medium heat. Before applying the decoction must be filtered.

Other causes of itching

  1. Parasites. The presence of lice or subcutaneous mites is manifested in the fact that the skin itches unbearably itchy after washing and before it. Found nits combed combs, wash your hair with special shampoos, using creams and ointments.
  2. Seborrhea. Fatty or dry seborrhea is an unpleasant and unaesthetic disease, which is quite difficult to handle.In order to cure seborrhea, first of all it is necessary to normalize nutrition, to establish sleep, hormonal and emotional background.
  3. Excessive dry skin. Poor sebum production causes the skin to itch and peel off, and hair becomes thin and fall out. The use of vitamin complexes, the selection of the right type of cosmetics, moisturizing and nourishing masks will help to cope with the problem.
  4. Hair dye. Ammonia and peroxide, strong allergens in hair dyes. They irritate the skin and cause itching, redness and even a rash. If after staining there were any unpleasant symptoms - it is better to refuse paint of this brand.
  5. Fungus. Scalp-affected scalp is very itchy. Every pharmacy sells special antifungal shampoos and balms that you can use and wash your hair, even for prevention.
  6. Allergies to powders and fabric softeners. Bed sheets, scarves, headscarves and hats — all of these things can be washed with an agent that contains an allergen that causes itchy scalp.

If you could not figure out for yourself why, after washing with shampoo, the head itches, and the change of one brand of product to another did not help - you cannot do without consulting a trichologist. The specialist will be able to identify the cause of the development of pathology and suggest the correct way to deal with it.

Shampoos, balms, hair masks

A person may not even suspect that he is highly sensitive to neroli essential oil or extracts from dandelion roots until he has washed his head. Therefore, with the development of pruritus it is necessary to re-use proven safe means.

Recommendation: When buying shampoo or balm, you need to pay attention to the presence of sodium lauryl sulfate in its composition. This anionic surfactant can irritate the scalp.

A new product for washing hair or dyeing hair can provoke a desire to comb the skin.

Hair coloring

For the treatment of an allergic reaction, the doctor may prescribe drugs: Loratadin, Cetirizine, Tavegil, Suprastin, Zodak. In some cases, you will need to use ointments, creams, shampoos with antihistamine activity.

Tip: If after dyeing there was severe skin itching, you should rinse the hair with extract of chamomile, succession, sage, marigold. To make it you just need to pour 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable raw materials 2 cups boiling water and leave for an hour.

Pathological causes

The desire to comb the scalp occurs against the background of a deficiency in the body of biologically active substances - vitamins and trace elements:

  • Thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, tocopherol,
  • magnesium, molybdenum, potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, manganese.

Shampoos with antifungal activity are used to eliminate the itching of seborrhea.

Pathogenic fungi

If you detect painful swelling or sores on your scalp, you should immediately contact a dermatologist. Treatment at home with folk remedies will not bring success as a result of their lack of antimycotic activity.

Recommendation: In the treatment of seborrhea, the use of shampoos with antifungal ingredients - Ketoconazole, Nizoral, Friderm with tar. And when diagnosing an infection, dermatologists prescribe antibacterial external and (or) internal preparations.

Herbal infusions can be ingested for the treatment of neurogenic pruritus and simply rinsed with their scalp.

Dry skin

The cells of the epidermis are constantly updated. Under normal health conditions, this process is not noticeable, and with increased dryness of the skin, regeneration is accompanied by itching, and fine white dust is visible on the clothes. The main causes of the pathological condition of the epidermis are:

  • wrong type of shampoo (type for oily hair can adversely affect normal skin),
  • ammonia paints
  • residues of laundry detergent, conditioner on a towel,
  • chemical impurities in water
  • fat-free diets
  • constant use of hair dryer,
  • curling hair at the roots with hot appliances,
  • bad ecology,
  • frequent masks against oily hair.

Irritation in the form of redness of the scalp, itching sensation can cause shampoo, or rather its components:

  1. Sodium sulfate. The better the product foams, the more chemical it contains.
  2. Dyes. The brighter the caring cosmetics, the more harmful.
  3. Preservatives. They provide shampoos with a shelf life of up to 3 years.
  4. Odorants. Perfumed ingredients attract memorable smells, including natural berries, fruits, but dry the epidermis and cause head itching after washing.
  5. Extracts of plants. With individual intolerance, even a tiny fraction of natural marc provokes allergies.

With hypersensitive skin, the negative effect of shampoo is more pronounced than with normal. In this case, it is better to use children's hypoallergenic series.

Seborrheic dermatitis

If there is a pathological change in the sebaceous secretion, then the process of exfoliation of skin cells is disturbed in a person. Seborrhea is dry, oily, combined, depending on various factors. But in any form, before and after shampooing, all skin itches. The disease is not so easy to cure; psychological problems, lack of vitamins, weakened immunity, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, unhealthy diet, smoking, and alcohol are especially detrimental.

Frequent washing

Epidermis suffers from contact with chlorinated water. The components present in it cause tightness, which is accompanied by itchy scalp after washing the hair. Also negatively affected by hot blow-drying. The more frequent the water treatments, the more pernicious the effect of styling.

Pathogenic spores are activated when creating favorable conditions for them. These are emotional overload, hormonal changes, poor hygiene, and contact with a sick person.

Identify microorganisms can be sown on the fungus.

Lice appear in adults and children, multiply very quickly and do not disappear on their own. Parasites feed on blood, intolerable bites appear in itching. On clean skin, their activity increases, so the head itches more after washing.

Itch mites settle on any parts of the body, and on the scalp gets into the most comfortable conditions. Parasites make tunnels with entry and exit in the form of small dots. Movement under the skin and their metabolic products cause unbearable itching. Ticks are most active at night.

Treatment of folk remedies

Homemade recipes will help relieve irritation, normalize fat content, restore hair shine.

  • If the head itches after shampoo, and other related problems are not identified, you can make herbal decoction. Oak bark, nettle, chamomile, mint have a healing effect. Excessive concentration of the drug is not needed, just pour 1 tablespoon of grass with 1 liter of water, boil for 5 minutes and insist for an hour. The prepared decoction can be used as a rinse after washing or soaking them with cotton pads and rubbing into the skin.
  • Also relieves itching after using shampoo tea tree oil. It is enough to dissolve 2 drops in 1 liter of water and rinse your head.
  • Eliminate the increased fat content of lotion on dandelion alcohol. In a handful of yellow flowers squeeze the juice from 2 lemons, add 1 teaspoon of natural honey and 100 ml of vodka. Homogeneous mixture is transferred to a glass jar and insist 2 weeks. The prepared tool should be rubbed 3 times a week into the scalp 15 minutes before washing.
  • Moisturizes the epidermis and relieves itch egg-kefir mask. For its preparation, 1 cup of fermented milk product is whipped with 1 raw yolk and evenly distributed over the scalp. The procedure can be carried out 2 times a week for a duration of 30 minutes.

Before the first session it is necessary to make sure that there is no allergy to any component of the therapeutic agent.

A favorable antipruritic effect has a head massage, if the skin is not affected by fungus, parasites. Stroking, pressing, shifting movements should be done in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head.


Watch the video: ASMR Relaxing Shampoo Head Massage - surprise at the end (July 2024).