
Hair styling and decoration


Hairstyle modeling tasks

Ways of fashion

The concept of "style", the emergence of style hairstyles

The classification of hairstyles, their purpose and features

The process and stages of modeling

The essence and the basic laws of composition

Correction of the face and body shapes

The creative process of creating hairstyles and haircuts is closely related to creativity in any other form of human activity. The work of creating new models of hairstyles is inherently closest, probably, to the art of the sculptor. hair is the same sculpture, for by participating in the design of a person, it contributes to the creation of an artistic image. When modeling a hairstyle, a hairdresser-fashion designer, first of all, clarifies its functionality and aesthetic purpose, that is, the condition of its use.

Depending on this, the creative process in each case will have features, since the purpose of the hairstyle and the conditions for its use dictate its shape. The disclosure of the shape of a hairstyle is an artistic task facing the hairdresser-fashion designer. The work of a fashion designer in individual modeling is work with each person individually, therefore, starting to work on any haircut, the hairdresser first of all tries to reveal the artistic image of a particular person - the object of hair styling. The figurative representation of a person consists of an assessment of his external data (anthropometric and clothing) and an assessment of his personality from the point of view of temperament and character, determining the type.

Modeling of household hairstyles: has a dual character: massive and individual.

Mass modeling: When creating models of hairstyles of mass character, the designer is based on the generalized, typical features of the consumer. Baseline data is: the modern look of a person and the specific purpose of the hairstyle.
To achieve great artistic diversity, it is necessary to provide for the color and texture of hair, hair extensions, jewelry, the ability to use hairstyles for any age group.
Individual modeling: This is the creation of a specific hairstyle for a particular person. The popular model is recycled based on the source data of the client. With individual hairstyle modeling, the so-called fashion interpretation takes place. The model can undergo various changes often under the influence of unpredictable factors, as a result of which new original forms appear. But the main thing is that the intent and execution should not conflict, for all changes of the model it is necessary to preserve its overall style. The individuality of different people for a hairdresser is seen not only in their anthropometric data, but also in the difference of characters, aesthetic demands, temperament (type), i.e. person's identity.
Modeling hairstyles (fantasy, theatrical, historical ...) has a completely different character. Images expressed by such hairstyles should contribute to the reincarnation of the person, which can also be supported by fantasy makeup.
In modeling competitive hairstyles, an important aspect is: a new form, silhouette, decoration ... Clothing in this case should emphasize the hair and its artistic meaning as profitably as possible, and in no case come to the fore.
With modeling theatrical, pop hairstyles emphasize character and extravagance. Some features of the artistic image even deliberately emphasized.
Expressing a specific artistic image, a hairstyle can be of paramount importance - if necessary, reincarnation of the person, or emphasize individuality.

A bit of theory: terms and objectives

Hair styling is a painstaking hair styling process. It is made on the basis of existing models of haircuts and their various modifications. Much less often, modeling is a re-creation of an image in a photo or drawing.

Hair styling allows you to solve several problems of hairdressing. Consider the main ones:

  • development of new hairstyles, haircuts and styling,
  • artistic styling of the hairstyle and its subsequent design contribute to the formation of the aesthetic component of the holistic image,
  • stimulated the development of fashion trends.

No less important point in the daily work of the master hairdresser, is the decoration. Thanks to this final stage, the visitor has the opportunity to comprehensively evaluate the work done by the specialist.

The technical part is always left to the master, and therefore the client may not always understand the essence of certain operations with the hair. The main thing is the result with which any hair styling process ends. It is important that he completely satisfied the client.

Each guest is an individual barber shop, and if the master is not able to bring into his work the very, unique highlight and the final touch, the client will be disappointed. Therefore, a real specialist always works individually and pays special attention to artistic design.

To date, there are 4 main types of modeling:

  • Mass. Typical and generalized wishes of the client give the designer an excellent basis for creating a completely new hairstyle, styling, haircut. Artistic variety is introduced by a specific hair color, decoration, styling.
  • Under the individual modeling, it is necessary to understand the selection of an existing styling, haircut or hairstyle under the image of a particular person. The wizard saves only the overall style characteristic of the hair.
  • Spectacular hairstyles have a completely different character. In this case, the master is working on fantastic, historical or theatrical images. Clothing should not be at the forefront of the image. In its center should be artistic modeling and design of hair, as well as juicy and bright makeup.

Nuances of an individual approach

The master always makes an individual adaptation of an existing haircut, styling or painting for a specific person. As a result, the model is transformed and sees in the reflection of the mirror a completely new hairstyle original in form and character.

The decisive role that determines the correct selection of hairstyles is played by many factors, including:

  • model's own desire,
  • her features, color type, other external data,
  • body type,
  • current fashion trends
  • hair structure and type
  • destination hairstyles (casual, evening, wedding, etc.).

Hairstyle and face shape

Five types of faces are classified, but the master chooses the final solution when modeling the hairstyle depending on the color type, nose width, eye section and other features of the model’s face and body.

  • Oval face. Owners of the perfect shape fit any haircut or hairstyle, but the master does not always have to go on about the customers. When selecting hairstyles, an important role is played by facial features.
  • A triangular face (an elongated chin and a high forehead, or vice versa) has two subtypes: “Heart” is characterized by a pronounced forehead and a too narrow chin. When modeling a hairstyle, you should avoid the volume at the temples, which will make the transition more abrupt. Will look good: square, bob, ladder, etc. The task is to visually balance the face and make it as close as possible to the oval. The opposite of the “heart” - the triangular shape of the “pear” - is characterized by a narrow forehead and wide chin. To balance the facial features will help the volume at the temples and at the top of the head.
  • The square shape of the face requires the high professionalism of the master, since the technology for performing the hairstyle should be simply immaculate. A too-wide lower jaw, a heavy chin and a proportionate forehead are a rough and angular square. Long and thick bangs of straight hair, emphasizing the protruding chin lines, only exacerbate the situation. Smooth lines of such a person will help asymmetrical hairstyles.
  • Round face. Wavy bangs, asymmetrical haircut and hairstyles with volume from the temples will help to hide full cheeks and low forehead of a round face. Strictly prohibited: parted hair and hair, repeating the line of the face.
  • Rectangular face. For a rectangular face characterized by a high and wide forehead, protruding lower jaw. These lines need to be softened. Asymmetrical haircuts and other hairstyles that conceal the height and width of the forehead are recommended.

Hair styling and facial features

Too exhausted, and even a gaunt appearance can have a rather beautiful elongated face, if vertical lines prevail in the image. For example: long straight hair without volume and asymmetry, open forehead, high hair and combed hair on the sides.

Quickly correct the situation will help the most ordinary tongs for modeling hair. They will not only help to straighten out naughty hair, but also create beautiful flowing waves. With such a face light weightless curls, volumetric haircut or hairstyle, as well as straight bangs, look harmonious. Recommended length - below the eyebrows.

Owners of a long nose are recommended to refrain from hairstyles raised at the back of the head and smoothly combed hair. The back of the head is best balanced with a light volume.

If you are the owner of a small neat nose, then a voluminous and long bang will look just awful, and therefore it is better to refuse it. Balancing the features will help any haircut and hairstyle that will emphasize the profile.

Contrary to prejudice, it is strictly forbidden to hide a short neck behind the hair. The haircut should be short, and horizontal lines should prevail in the hairstyle itself.

Small and inconspicuous facial features will be more vivid if the haircut covers the hair of the earlobes.

Classification hairstyles by age group

Not everyone knows about the existence of the classification of hairstyles, and even fewer people can guess that the selection of hairstyles depends largely on the age category. Consider this question in more detail:

    Youthful and children's haircuts and hairstyles should be not only universal, but also practical in everyday life.

Young people under 30 are still allowed to wear too short haircuts, screaming hairstyles, hair of bright acid color.

Hairstyle analysis on the principle of modeling

Any haircut, hairstyle or styling can be analyzed on the principle of modeling. This analysis is done according to the following plan:

  1. Determine the purpose: household (daily), evening or competitive.
  2. Identify the style to which this haircut belongs (sports, romantic, etc.).
  3. Equilibrium principle: asymmetry or symmetry observed.
  4. The presence of accents.
  5. Variety of rhythm: contrast, nuance, identity.
  6. Static and dynamic.
  7. Compositional center.

Fundamentals of composition

All compositions can be classified as live (asymmetry) and static (symmetry).

Initially, you must select the characteristic elements of the composition. This item includes: the inclusion of contrasts and the creation of the correct accent.

During the first stage it is very important to observe the law of restriction in form, material, color and elements.

At the second stage, the master groups the elements, observing the free space between the created groups. Such a measure allows not to lose the aesthetic appearance of the composition as a whole, and its individual parts. It is also necessary to prioritize the importance of the elements, this will allow to emphasize the subordination between the groups.

The third stage allows the master to clearly think out the correct relationship between all elements of the composition. Check optical balance and don't be afraid to experiment! Only in them are true masterpieces born.

The advantage of computer programs

Technology makes our life much easier! Various computer services and applications on Android make life easier not only for inexperienced professionals who need experience in modeling, but also for experienced craftsmen.

There are unpleasant situations when the model relies not on the opinion of the master, but on its own desire. In just a few minutes, a specialist can demonstrate models of the future appearance in two or three possible options. And in this case, the question concerns not only haircuts or hairstyles at the prom, but also a dispute in the choice of hair color.

What is hairstyle modeling: all the basics and means (doll, spray, tongs)

Modeling is the process of creating new hair styling options, developing on the basis of existing models of various different modifications, recreating an image from a photograph or drawing.

Using modeling, the following tasks are solved:

The tasks of the hairdresser-designer include tracking changes in fashion related to clothing, makeup, jewelry, as it affects the design options for hair. Understanding the general idea of ​​fashionable direction gives the possibility of creating new forms of styling, constituting a single ensemble with the general image of a person.

In my opinion, the ability to observe and analyze the surrounding reality is a mandatory requirement for a hairdresser, which allows you to simulate the latest designs that meet modern requirements. The study of foreign experience introduces elements of national details and forms into the composition.

Types of modeling haircuts

By appointment, the following styling hairstyles are distinguished:

  • Household hairstyles have a large variety depending on the individual characteristics of human hair, as well as the time and conditions of use. Here distinguish everyday and festive models. Everyday is characterized by naturalness, softness of forms and the minimum number of additional accessories. Modeling hairstyles of this type requires consideration of the nature of the person’s activities so that daily wear does not cause discomfort.

  • Festive (elegant) hairstyles are distinguished by the elegance of shapes and volumes. They are considered the middle between a daily option and a competitive hairstyle. Depending on the event to be held, the installation can be laconic or voluminous with the presence of decorative elements.
  • Spectacular hairstyles are used for all sorts of creative purposes: when performing on theatrical or pop stage, as an addition to the fancy dress, in thematic photography. They express and complement the overall artistic image of man. Among this design hair distinguish historical and competitive forms. Historical options for the decoration of hair based on the original drawings or photographs characteristic of a particular era. It is from them that masters often take inspiration in creating new modern models.

Modeling a competitive hairstyle contributes to the complete reincarnation of man. It is complemented by a selected way: clothing, makeup, jewelry. New and original forms and silhouettes, fashion trends come to the fore here. Unlike household models, in competitive bidding is placed on impeccable technique of performance and expressiveness. An important factor is hair color.

The effectiveness of the final result, the clarity of the parts and elements that were made depend on it. In competitive hairstyles, fashion trends that are characteristic of this time are best displayed, thanks to which new models gain popularity.

Competitive options for the decoration of hair are also classified: among them there are everyday, evening and artistic. Each type has its own characteristics and reflects the further development of fashion.

Features of the hairstyle (haircut): do you need decorative cosmetics

Features of hairstyle modeling are that it can be massive or individual.

Mass modeling is based on generalized customer images. Here the key factor is the typical image of the person and the purpose of the hairstyle. Artistic diversity is carried out by carefully thinking through the colors and characteristics of the hair, age preferences and fashion trends.

Nuances of individual modeling

Individual modeling is an adaptation of existing styling options for a particular person. Models are transformed depending on requests and preferences of the client, his type, style and features of appearance. The result of this operation is the creation of a new, original in form and character hairstyle.

Modeling a haircut or styling of any type requires consideration of several factors:

Hair Style Classification

Setting the task of modeling the hair frame, the hairdresser focuses on their condition, appearance data and type of person. However, do not forget about the psychological image of the person to find the perfect version of the artistic image. The main images include: elegant, feminine, youth, sports and phlegmatic.

An important factor is the selection of the gender and age group of the hair styling model. Here I highlight male and female hairstyles, children's or youth, universal (unisex) and independent of gender (onisex).

Depending on the technical means used to create the styling or the haircut, there are cold, hot and combined execution, air or permanent models.

The stages of simple and artistic modeling

Creating new hairstyles, corresponding to fashionable canons, does not happen at one moment. This process is preceded by several preparatory stages, allowing the development of popular haircut or styling.

Design. To implement the planned result, an important step is the development of sketches. The image which has arisen in consciousness is fixed on paper for the subsequent analysis and correction of defects. The initial sketch is transformed into a sketch, and then into a working draft, on which all the details and elements of the future styling are fixed. In the case of modeling hairstyles as a technique often use clay. The static visualized model facilitates the modification of various styling details, as well as facilitates the understanding of the sequence of its implementation. Another reliable means of bringing the planned image closer to the actual result is a wig attached to a blank. With it, you can visually assess and adjust the hair in the process of creation.

1. Female household hairstyles

The fast-flowing time brings a lot of changes to the work of the hairdresser regarding technology, decoration, etc., which makes him constantly follow all the fashionable changes in the life around him.

The basic principles of the composition of modeling, technology, etc., while retaining their general character, in the light of fashionable changes, some requirements highlight social practice, others leave in the sphere of use in secondary quality.

A look at current fashion as a very dynamic phenomenon forces us to make an attempt to understand the modern process of evolutionary changes. To do this, back to the mid 70s of XX century.

The first model that embodied the new trends was the haircut "page", characterized by the movement of hair, pure geometrical, the complete absence of any decorative details. This new haircut-hairstyle caused a sense of naturalness inherent in the whole structure of the current fashion. Here you need to make some clarification. It is about the feeling of naturalness, of "supposedly naturalness." The external simplicity and naturalness of a woman of this time is a seeming simplicity, behind which a mature mind peeps through, a clear knowledge of one's strengths and weaknesses, a reluctance to naively decorate one's appearance with screaming decorative elements, so the naturalness of this kind should be considered very conditionally (as a term). This position is key to understanding the fashion of the 70s-80s, in fact, very complex and multifaceted.

The need to create new simple and natural forms led fashion designers to look for new lines, new design principles, and use new fabrics. Hairdressers were learning a new, very accurate, downright filigree haircut technique that serves as one of the means of expression (designation) of a fashionable image. However, this fashion is aimed at an adult woman. The fashion model is an intellectual woman.

Within the framework of geometric haircuts that were widely spread in society, young people managed to show their sharper, different from adults, fashion reading. This opportunity opened a perm without styling. Young people never saw curled hair to be worn without styling (this was the case (the last time only in the 40s) - hence the novelty that is so necessary in fashion. The hairstyles of the so-called “afro” style appeared. First two models appeared: a spherical hairstyle ” Angela Davis "(Fig. 90, a) and Cleopatra hairstyle with an inverted trapezium in full-face silhouette (satisfied with the principle of geometricity with a hint of some" intelligence "- Fig. 90, b). towel and allows them to take s haircut and perm given form without using any technical tweaks - wrapping, packing, etc. (again, variation, allegedly, of course)...

Fig. 90. Afro hairstyles

Approximately at the same time in art, especially in theater and cinema, the style of “retro” spreads (referring to the recent past, in particular, to the 40s of the current century), which caused the appearance of hairstyles in “retro” style, which with external resemblance have a clear figurative distinction.

In the international fashion in the style of "retro" took shape two main directions: "Country Style" and "Military Style", that is, folk style and style of the war and post-war years.

In the creation of the image in the folk style is used most often ethnographic costume. In the figurative decision, some definite national model is taken, say a Russian sundress. Decorations, such as embroidery, are also made on folk motives. The same direction gave rise to a wide distribution of various ruffles, frills, etc. Ideally, this image should cause the feeling that the girl did everything herself (and her hair, too, Fig. 91).

Fig. 91. Country Style Hairstyles

It should, however, be noted, another feature: the need to maintain everything in one manner. If, say, Japanese motifs are used (kimono is taken as the basis), then it is quite legitimate to make a bun to complete the image, seemingly contrary to fashion for a hairstyle, which, for example, is based mainly on a haircut.

The fact that the spiritual, figurative content of the hairstyle is important now, says, for example, the following fact: for several years, American designers have offered a haircut “tea dollars” (“Chinese doll”). But nothing came of this undertaking: Maoism, the "cultural revolution" and its consequences caused a negative reaction in the people of the whole world. V. Sessun, who showed a haircut very similar in silhouette in 1981 in Paris, called his model “square” and received full approval: many women began to wear this hairstyle. About the influence that social and political relations have on our work is also shown by, for example, a fact. Small "Chaplinsky" antennae, fairly widespread before the war, were so compromised by the hideous figure of Hitler that for decades, not looking at any "retro", not a single person in the world wears such antennae.

Referring to the style of the times of the war and post-war years, it should be noted that here fashion designers place great emphasis on the external, formal side - hence the great orientation to the specific silhouette of those years and accessories: extended shoulders, pillows, bags, etc. What kind of military The content of the image can be discussed when the coat, which resembles a military overcoat, is a silhouette and the cap is made of velvet, the jumpsuit is made of silk, and the leather jacket like a french coat is made of husky? Likewise, the hairstyle is more specific, more closely resembles the silhouettes of the 40s, remaining, in general, the hairstyle of the 80s, as it is created with the help of the latest achievements of hairdressing, using modern perfumery and cosmetics. But here, too, everything together must supposedly be very naturally combined.

Modeling haircuts forms very closely mates with the technology of fashionable haircut, is part of it. When cutting hair with scissors, the future hairstyle is modeled by 80-90%. Laying in the formative sense fades into the background, turning out to be, in essence, the finishing of the form obtained by cutting.

Modern fashion is ambiguous, that is, it does not strictly regulate the length of the hair and the nature of the details of the hairstyle. Artistic features depend on a socio-psychological image, on a person’s style. If a woman in appearance maintains a business or sports style, then her haircut can be short, the hair style of a strict geometric shape, if she plays with the romance of character, then shoulder-length curls are just as legitimate, but they should also be perfectly trimmed.

Modeling a hairstyle, the master looks more not so much at the shape and shape of the face, as at the dress and the expression of the face. Details are relatively easy to fit to the face, the main thing - to maintain the overall style. This is, so to speak, a scheme, i.e., when a hairdresser deals with a pure type and when a woman asks her to brush her hair to the taste of a master.

However, it is often the case that the client asks to make her hair, already out of fashion, because not every person can immediately understand the latest fashion requirements.

What is the master doing? Of course, he does everything as she asks, but will try to do it in such a way that the hairstyle does not fall out of the circle of certain fashionable forms and will not allow any obvious bad taste. In conversation, he tries to find out what she likes in modern fashion, how she wants to comb her hair (without hairdresser services) every day, that is, she tries to guess how modern fashion will affect her in the future. If, for example, she likes smooth forms, then, apparently, he will make the perm weaker, in order to further facilitate her transition to a hairstyle without a perm (if at this time it is fashionable). If she likes romantic hairstyles more, then she will probably make the perm stronger, and leave her hair longer.

Carrying out a momentary order, satisfying the wishes of the client, the master makes her hair look like a “slow motion”, gently helps her go to fashionable forms. Without making a deliberately old-fashioned hairstyle, the hairdresser does not experience unpleasant emotions.

The ability to find a variety of trade-offs specialist is just necessary. They often say about such a designer that he works with taste, outside the box, which is not quite accurate. Standardization is the work of establishing and applying rules to streamline activities in this area for the benefit and with the participation of all interested parties. In practice, the standard is the result of the selection of what already exists. And an experienced barber does exactly this kind of work in each particular case.

With individual styling, a hairdresser often customizes standard hairstyles (models) to his clients. When combing, suppose a girl, the master considers the length and color of her hair, the clothes, her order and the image she seeks to approach. Choosing the shape, details of the hairstyle that characterize this image, their relative position within the required silhouette, he chooses the necessary technique and technology of work, matches the conceived hairstyle with the features of the face, figure, i.e., takes into account the size of both individual parts and the hairstyle as a whole.

In this case, the master does not forget that the hairstyle should be sufficiently strong, it means that it takes into account the texture of the hair and, possibly, means the headdress of this client. Moreover, he takes into account all these factors in a complex, it is quite obvious that they are in complex interrelations among themselves, mutually influencing each other. Even a slight change in the color and texture of hair (for example, the use of "Echoton") entails at least a small, but a change in the nature of the hairstyle, even slightly, but affects the production of individual elements and, consequently, the entire image as a whole. And each time the master must find the only necessary combination of techniques, allowing to create a form, the imagery of which would be able to satisfy the most refined taste.

In short, a wizard with a taste, uses standard elements, in general, standard methods, but as a result receives non-standard hairstyles. They are non-standard because the master does not do her hair, but comforts a person, that is, each time the standard model makes corrections and clarifications (sometimes almost imperceptible), which, while maintaining its fashionable character, help to emphasize the individual style of a person.

The concept of "image" and "style" dominate in modern fashion. Now, within the framework of fashion, it would seem that incompatible things would appear: a bun and a haircut, smooth hair and fine curled hair. In the company of women we can see mini and maxi skirts, jeans and kimonos, caps or a romantic hat with large brim.

Modern fashion gives everyone the opportunity to fully express themselves. The only condition: everything must be in the image, in the style.

By the way, the appearance of headdresses in fashion (in "wartime style", for example, a headdress is almost an indispensable attribute of a costume - various wads, "pills", etc.) forces the hairdresser to take care of some preservation of the shape of hairstyles. If in the summer the girl wears the Angela Davis hair, in the winter she will most likely prefer the Cleopatra hairstyle in order to deform her less with a hat.

Fashionable hairstyles can now be very different, but not all kinds - artificiality has been replaced by simplicity, immobility and pretentiousness are completely excluded. Even the evening models for special occasions with some of their static nature should not give the impression of monumentality, solidity. The hairdresser creates the illusion of naturalness, improvisation, and in this case, the strands are connected not by means of a strong pile and varnish, but are seized by a beautiful hairpin or comb (which also contribute to the creation of the image). In other words, a hairdresser often tries to create the feeling that a woman combed her hair herself, showing her own taste, her own individuality (see hairstyles on pp. 185-189).

The change in fashion hairstyle caused a change in hair color. Generally, we can say that the hair is darkened - it looks better geometrical hairstyles. The main focus is on obtaining various natural shades, nuances.

Regardless of the purpose for which a woman dyes her hair (wanting to hide her gray hair or simply with a decorative purpose), the main task of a hairdresser is to create natural tones. Blondes, for example, prefer dark shades - golden, ash-blond, titian, etc.Light bluish-ash colors came out of fashion, firstly, because this color looks very artificial, and secondly, it can be obtained only on very bleached hair, i.e., strained and lifeless hair, which in itself does not meet the requirements fashion Cold shades are possible only when working with dark tones: dark ash, "graphite", "sendra" - here the hair is "etched" minimally and retains its elasticity.

There is widespread lightening of the ends of the upper layer of hair (especially in short “garcon” haircuts), emphasizing the upper border of the graduation, the entire graduated band is left dark or, if necessary, darkened. The viewer has the impression that the hair has grown back from previous colors or, ostensibly, these are remnants of sun-bleached hair (one of the variations on the same theme of naturalness). In addition, this coloring makes it possible to more clearly show the geometricalness of a fashionable haircut.

The main emphasis in modern hair is on the beauty of the hair, their game. For this we need lively, well-groomed, elastic hair. And, as a result, in practice, a wide variety of drugs have acquired, ennobling hair, giving them a natural shine.

Various extracts from natural products are introduced into modern shampoos - protein, lecithin, almond and palm oil, etc. The names of shampoos themselves say this: "Lemon", "Lavender", "Apple Blossom", "Tobacco", "Birch" etc. The unwillingness to spoil the hair stimulated a large distribution of various coloring shampoos, tinged rinses, etc. A curious psychological nuance: many women now do not insist on painting gray hair. The main thing for them is to get a general impression, because in a natural hairstyle some gray hair can flash. Moreover, sometimes for the sake of the same "naturalness", gray hair is specially emphasized, it is given a coolish, metallic, silver shade.

Modern fashion has reached a climax. And, as a result, more and more hairstyles appear, the range of coloring also expands, sheer geometry is blurring: there are many hairstyles that are not very specific in shape, the same can be said about haircuts, which are now very diverse and in length. In the framework of fashion, ultra-short haircuts, and quite long, coexist perfectly quietly.

Shaped changes of basic models occur during regular work with a variety of people, that is, with individual modeling. A fashion designer who is constantly working on himself, regularly following fashionable novelties and actively participating in contests, can run ahead and easily lose touch with everyday life under the influence of artistic ambition. Franz Husk in his work "The Art of the Hairdresser," for example, says that "not everybody who distinguished himself at the competition at the same time is a good employee at the salon." Such a designer loses contact with the client, trying to convince her that it is his artistic idea that is the only one suitable for her, forgetting that only very few women prefer trendy hairstyles, most of them practically wear hairstyles that are fairly widespread in society. A hairdresser should not forget that his profession has always been associated with the provision of personal services to a person, and in case of individual modeling the master should help a person get what he would like, but cannot do himself.

Many women are not ready to immediately accept fashionable offers - they don’t know the evolutionary path that predetermined the emergence of certain models. The fashion designer just needs to be aware of all evolutionary changes, primarily because it will give him the opportunity to most truly grasp the essence of the newest fashion, therefore, most fully meet the needs of fashionable women. At the same time, knowledge of intermediate models makes it easy to navigate the variety of tastes, desires and needs peculiar to most people, to find compromise solutions that make it easy to work with different people.

In individual modeling, a hairdresser should not forget one of the main laws of composition: the shape of the hairstyle must obey the designation and express it. Already mentioned that a woman with evening hair looks somewhat strange at work, it is no less strange to see a woman with long flowing hair at the evening, which has an official character. For a party with friends, it's probably better to make the client's haircut simpler, and the New Year's Eve ball gives the designer a chance to come up with any fantasy hairstyle with any kind of jewelry, using the necessary techniques.

Despite the domination in the fashion of a single hair treatment technique, the designer must have all the techniques, i.e., he should be able to do everything. Therefore, without being distracted here on the description of techniques, we will try to formulate certain rules governing the following procedure for a hairdresser to work on a hairstyle during individual modeling:

1) first of all, it is necessary to clarify the purpose of the hairstyle more precisely and, if possible, better understand or feel the image of the client, her style, taste. The idea of ​​hairstyle clarified with the client (the word "hairstyle" at the moment should be understood very broadly - it could be just a haircut),

2) listening to the wishes of the client, choose the desired hairstyle and main details, taking into account the initial data - haircuts, textures and hair color, shape of the face, head, etc., choose a compositional technique with an assessment of the expected form as "outside" and "inside"

3) think over the hairstyle composition taking into account the uniformity of the shape - the ways of connecting (the composition center) of individual parts, develop secondary details necessary for connecting or decorative purposes taking into account the directions of individual strands and main shaping lines, estimating the main proportions, choosing the scale of the hairstyle, comparing hairstyle silhouette with features of the face, neck (head setting),

4) to develop a technology - a scheme for twisting ring curls or curlers, the size of which is selected depending on the size of the hairstyle, hair texture and head shape, think over the features of the twist to obtain certain effects (when developing the pattern of twirling, the hairstyle itself cannot please, therefore, when developing a scheme, you should not program it strictly on only one version of the hairstyle, you need to provide for the possibility of obtaining several options when combing. be the development and cutting),

5) to consider the sequence of obtaining and joining parts, the combing technique, the use of combs and brushes, the use of dulling and its intensity depending on the chosen shape, the use of hairpins, hairpins, combs and ornaments for constructive and decorative purposes, the use of varnish in the combing process.

By adhering to this order, you can avoid some errors in the work.

Performing the plan, developing individual parts, you need to constantly control yourself and monitor the receipt of the hairstyle (form) as a whole. If the individual parts fit in size to the intended silhouettes (profile, full face, neck) and if further work on other parts will not create the danger of damage previously combed out, then you can immediately finish them and fix them with pins or clips, but still it is better to do the final finishing the hairstyle only after the volumetric-spatial structure of the form is fully revealed and the main shaping lines are worked out, unless, of course, there is a constructive need in advance fix some strands.

A well-developed form already gives an opportunity to the client to evaluate the planned hairstyle and approve or reject it. In this case, it is easy to rectify the situation by combing as the client wants.

If you sculpt the form of individual parts (and some details, trimming, sometimes you need to varnish), then a situation may arise when it is very difficult to comb and sometimes impossible. Therefore, you need to find out from the client if she likes the resulting hairstyle, or just follow the expression of her face in the mirror. In addition, seeing their work as a whole, it is easier for the master himself to smooth somewhere, and somewhere to reveal the details more clearly, it is easier to feel the necessary degree of neatness of combing depending on the nature of the hairstyle, texture and hair color, it is easier to complete the work correctly, nothing without correcting and without combing (nuanced study of surface plastics).

Sometimes the fashion designer conceives a hairstyle, the compositional center of which is one kind of dominant detail. It is no secret that sometimes this very detail may not work out - either because of an error in evaluating the texture of the hair, or the wrong choice of curlers or a winding pattern. And only on the basis of the general requirements of the hairstyle form, rhythmically subordinating the rest of the details of the not very successful main one, can the work be saved due to the overall impression created by the hairstyle as a whole. Having slightly changed the character of the model, it is necessary to maintain the same style in the design of the client's image.

If a woman has long hair, it is better to leave them a little longer than cutting too short, because in an unforeseen case there is always an opportunity for correction, and it is better if the client herself decides to cut her hair shorter and asks for it at the next meeting.

In general, relations with clients should be built in such a way that each meeting can be continued, so that a woman is sure that “her master”, knowing the nature of her requests better than others, will always do what she needs, provide her hair for any life situation.

Over time, the master develops, so to speak, a certain asset of clients who regularly enough comb their hair and watch for fashion changes, “growing” in this sense together with the master. From this asset, you can try to choose typical representatives of certain social groups and it is with them to start talking about fashion, trying to understand how each of them interprets fashion ideas, what it chooses from modern fashion for itself, that is, how modern fashion is read in various circles.

This approach greatly facilitates the work with new clients and minimizes the difficulties of the first acquaintance. According to the style of clothes, the manner of talking, you can quite clearly define the social identity of the client and build your work, focusing on the existing sample of a typical representative.

In individual modeling, or, in official terms, when serving the public in the salon, the hairdresser should take into account human psychology, should feel very subtle about the atmosphere of what is happening, should, figuratively speaking, be able to "sell" their hairstyles.

Working with his clientele, seeing that the proposed model is well received, the fashion designer is looking for ways to tie it to the faces of as many people as possible - all this makes him look for options, nuanced silhouettes, shape, creating shaped designs, improving technology. We have already noted that often in this way a new model is born.

If the model proposed for mass implementation is not successful, there may be several reasons.

First, the attempt to introduce a new model may be somewhat premature - most people are not yet ready to accept it. In this case, one should not impose a new hairstyle on people, it is better to use it partially, gradually introducing some characteristic elements of the new model into their individual designs, linking them with the usual silhouettes and details for people.

Secondly, and this happens especially often, the proposed model looks very attractive on a magazine photo, but it does not take root in life at all - this is because life places very high demands on the practicality of the hairstyle. For example, if in the design and technological development of everyday styling using a hair dryer based on an accurate shape-cutting scissors, the recommended length of the frontal-parietal part is indicated, suppose, to the tip of the nose, then you can be absolutely sure It will go though it looks very beautiful in the photo and many people would like to have a similar hairstyle. In order for the model to be well received, it is necessary first of all to shorten the bangs at least to the eyebrow line (people will have less trouble with styling), but in this case you will have to redraw (according to the composition laws we know) the entire model, bringing all the rest hairstyle elements.

Sometimes this can be done, sometimes it can not be, but always in the development of everyday hairstyles should be guided by considerations of practicality, to foresee how the haircut will behave after shampooing, that is, without styling.

In conclusion, it can be said that only a fashion designer who constantly monitors fashion changes, knows the needs of clientele (i.e. the population) thoroughly, both in terms of aesthetics and practicality of hairstyles, can count on success in developing models for mass production. introduction. The same knowledge will help him in individual work with each specific person separately when creating a household hairstyle.

Professional modeling of female household hairstyles

Most often, experts turn to people with a request to create an effective image for every day. The basics of hairstyle modeling are as follows:

  • choose a suitable image
  • take into account the condition of the hair and their texture, color, other basic data
  • take into account the type of face and shape. Including the shape of the head, nose, eyes, skin color, etc.
  • think over the technology, use auxiliary tools like forceps, hair curlers, various types of brushes and combs, hair dryers, scissors with nozzles
  • further modeling of women's hairstyles implies the correct sequence of actions, the connection of individual parts, the choice of optimal equipment and aids such as hairpins and hairpins, clips, varnish, gel, mousse.

Also, the basics of modeling women's hairstyles imply that the master should represent what the curls will look like after washing, without styling, how you can fix them without using special tools, because a person does not always have the opportunity to visit the salon daily to maintain the created image.

Basics of hairstyle modeling depending on age

At any age, a woman seeks to look spectacular, feminine, stylish. Modeling female household hairstyles according to age allows you to achieve a stunning effect. It is quite possible to look fashionable, impressive and much younger. It is believed that at the youngest age (from 20 to 25 years), you can safely experiment with styles, even extravagant, like brightly colored hair ends, retro-curls. Even if a woman visually looks older, it will not affect her charm at all.

Masters, for whom modeling women's hairstyles according to age is a professional activity, know that certain rules must be followed at an older age. So, you should abandon the complex variations, since it is already considered old-fashioned and may add a few years. You should not choose extreme options like very short or very long curls.

Any female master hairdresser with extensive experience knows that style should correspond to the rhythm of life, makeup and clothing preferences. It is considered optimal if the locks are of medium length, on the shoulders or slightly below the shoulders, and a longer variation is allowed when the hair is very good, well-groomed and healthy.

Spectacular modeling of women's hairstyles with elements of weaving

Hair weaving has always been considered a fashionable and very spectacular "chip" that goes to women of almost all ages. You will not be difficult to find a hairdresser, who would offer dozens of variations of weaving depending on the color and type of hair, face shape, your preferences, and so on. There are many weaves, they are suitable for hair of almost any length. The most stylish and popular is the so-called “French waterfall”, the Greek braid, the classic, French braid, the braid framing (runs along the entire perimeter of the head).

Especially many variations exist if you have to do modeling for an evening hairstyle. Here you can additionally use other means, weaving natural or artificial flowers, ribbons, even strings of beads or pearls. Weaving can start from the temples or from the back of the head. It can capture only single strands, bangs or all curls.

If you value a professional approach, you can choose a master who professionally practices the modeling of women's hairstyles by designation, style, depending on age.

Not always people have the opportunity and desire to go to the procedure in the salon. Moreover, today there are many compromise options, that is, the order of the master at home. A hairstyle service with home visits is suitable for busy people or for those who want to be transformed in an atmosphere of maximum privacy.

Our portal "Master-Visit" will help you choose a real pro, you can in a few clicks find out all the detailed information about a specialist, get acquainted with his pricing policy and gallery with photos of completed work. You can contact the selected artist directly at any convenient time. A hairdresser will arrive at your home and create real masterpieces for special occasions or everyday needs.

Modeling women's hairstyles: by style, by purpose and taking into account the age of the client


Watch the video: 4 Quick Hairstyles To Dress Up Short Hair (July 2024).