
How to choose a keratin shampoo for home use?


  1. A series of shampoos Russian-made Liberderm represented by a wide range of products for the care of curls. For straightening, shampoo with keratin for hair and panthenol is presented. Libriderm Keratin 5% consists of 5% keratin. It will help restore damaged hair, restore shine, elasticity, silkiness.
  2. Kapous Products represented by a special professional series of products for straight Smooth curls. The tool provides alignment unruly strands, gives shine, smoothness, ease of care.
  3. Magic Keratin Series represented by various professional products based on keratin components. They are designed to nourish, restore, protect damaged hair.
  4. Compliment keratin refers to professional cosmetics. Shampoo with keratin for hair also contains D-panthenol, arginine. They saturate the strands with nutrients, restore and strengthen hair.
  5. Schauma Keratin Power treat drugs for home use. Provides smoothness of curls, softness, silkiness, recovery.
  6. Global keratin refers to the professional product series. Shampoo for keratin straightening contains protein complexes, restoring the structure of curls, gently cares for them. It gives shine, softness.
  7. Syoss keratin designed for dry, lifeless strands. The composition contains an enriched protein, vitamins, minerals. It restores curls at the cellular level, giving them a radiant shine.
  8. Ukrainian brand "Doctor Sante" offers a series of keratin for dull, brittle curls. Means does not contain SLS and parabens. In addition to the keratin complex, arginine and collagen are present. The tool gives shine shine, lightness, volume, and deeply restores.
  9. Belarusian company Vitex has created a product Belita-Vitex with keratin. He perfectly nourishes and restores strands. Eliminates the split ends problem, smoothes and softens them.
  10. Nexxt Keratin Shampoo intended for reconstruction and smoothing hair. In the composition there is a protein complex, which envelops the strand and makes it heavy and smooth. Due to its beneficial organic ingredients, the preparation is suitable for daily use in case of curly, unruly curls.
  11. Cosmetics "Golden Silk" Keraplastica designed for dry, thin strands. Due to the presence of hyaluronic acid, collagen in the composition of the keratin element, the damaged areas of the curls are filled with substances and restored.
  12. In the brand line L'Oreal there is a special restorative, restorative drug Professionnel Pro-Keratin Refill Shampoo. With damaged, weak curls, it penetrates deep into the hair and replenishes the damaged structure, covering them with microfilm. In detail about the series for straightening and restoring hair L'Oreal Professionnel Pro-Keratin Refill we recommend to read on our website.
  13. Kallos Hair Botox Shampoo gently cleanses the curls, giving silkiness, shine, softness, elasticity. The composition contains a special formula of Botox for the head of hair - keratin, collagen, hyaluronic acid.
  14. Company Products Ollin attributed to professional cosmetics. A regenerating preparation based on biological components regenerates damaged strands, gives them elasticity, elasticity, shine. A detailed description of Ollin means for keratin hair straightening can be found on our website.
  15. Conditioning shampoo with lanolin and horsepower collagen creates the effect of biolamination of curls, carefully take care of split, dull curls, giving them shine and well-groomed appearance.

Advantages and disadvantages

First, we highlight the positive aspects of funds, among them:

  • in the composition there are natural ingredients, oils, vitamins,
  • protect from heat exposure
  • straighten curls
  • help to lay curls faster, more efficiently.

Among the shortcomings are the following:

  • does not help solve the problem of heavily curly hair,
  • strands can become greasy from the frequent use of funds.

Summing up, we can say that hair straightening shampoo is a good alternative, but with strong curls it is powerless. On the market there are many drugs that will help cope with the naughty hair. Any girl will be able to look for a suitable product.

Professional and long-term hair straightening methods:

Useful video

Straightening Shampoo Sweet Professional Hair.

How to use professional shampoos.

Keratin - what is it?

Keratin is a strong protein or complex protein that is found not only in the hair, but also in the teeth, nails, and skin. From its content in the hair depends on the elasticity, elasticity and gloss of curls.
Shampoos containing protein are designed for dry and damaged hair.

Owners of greasy hair can take advantage of such products only in order to replace the fixed asset for some time. Its effectiveness can be improved with additional hair masks, serum, conditioner.

Cosmetologists and dermatologists offer a large selection of shampoos with various additives and composition, for example, vitamins, biotin, glycerin, protein, keratin, etc., up to hair transplantation. The manufacturer advertises its products, but not always it is effective.

Therefore, in order to choose the best keratin shampoo for hair, you have to refer to customer reviews. Most women are satisfied with the choice, but there are those who write that after repeated intake of dandruff appears, the severity of curls, quickly grow fat, look unkempt.

Shampoos are divided into two types:

  • Professional keratin shampoos for hair. They are used to keratin straightening. They help the cuticles to open, which makes it possible to penetrate nutrients deep into, perfectly clean the hair. The following brands are popular: L’Oreal Professionnel Pro-Keratin Refill Shampoo, Schwarzkopf, Keratin Smoothing Shampoo Keune and others.
  • Not professional, that is, used at home. Their composition is much weaker than the previous ones and available to every customer. The release of such a line are engaged in well-known companies and produce shampoo under the name: Estel, Libredy, Compliment Keratin, Golden Silk, Cies, Capus, Dav. Shampoos of this direction are produced with the effect of straightening hair. It is not recommended to use them constantly, especially with oily hair.

To understand which keratin shampoo is better, you should try the samples for home use. Look at its effectiveness, whether it suits you. You can try straightening curls in the salon with professional tools. And then make a choice.

How to choose the right

  • Smooth hair active chemicals and keratin.
  • That they were soft and flexible in the composition must be silicone, castor, olive oil.
  • For nutrition, vitamins, silk and wheat proteins, and herbal extracts are introduced.
  • Environmental protection elements - amino acids.
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate has a negative effect on hair and has the function of washing out keratin. Therefore, it is necessary to choose copies of shampoo with keratin without sulfates.

Products of the Russian manufacturer. Designed for all hair types. Estel keratin shampoo is very popular among buyers (83%).

The composition contains hydrolyzed keratin, acting on the effect of straightening and restoring the affected hair. To enhance the effect it is good to use water and a keratin mask.

Amino acids protect curls after washing.

The composition of the product includes sodium lauryl sulfate, which is not combined with keratin.

Estel’s keratin shampoo can be bought for around 450 p. You can buy it in prof. stores or order online.


  • Restores and strengthens the hair,
  • Pleasant aroma,
  • Foams well.


  • Uneconomical,
  • Provokes hair loss,
  • Strands get fat.

Estelle keratin (Estel keratin) has mixed reviews about keratin hair shampoo - someone went "with a bang," while others provoked additional problems in the form of hair loss and excessive fat content.

Libridem keratin

In addition to the main component, oat amino acids, ammonium, distilled water, cocamidopropyl betaine (an extract of coconut oil), sodium chloride, glycerin, etc. are present in the composition of the Libredom shampoo.

It is used for dry, weak and brittle hair.

The capacity of 250 ml is 417 p. the product is packed in a cardboard box on which you can read clearly the composition.


  • Medium consistency
  • Pleasant honey aroma.
  • Foaming is not strong, which indicates inefficiency.
  • The mixture is washed off without squeaking and gives the hair a pleasant and soft feeling.
  • If broken strands, you should use a balm. Since shampoo does not cope with this.

Dignity: hair does not make heavier, there is no dandruff, cleans the roots, does not overdry length.

Judging by the reviews, shampoo Liberderm keratin was liked by many, from those who have experienced its effect. The only drawback that was noticed was the high price and small packaging.

Compliment Keratin

The basis of Keratin Compliment shampoo besides the main component includes D-panthenol, arginine. The properties of this component (arginine) are nutrient saturation of root bulbs.

The budget product cost 98 rubles, has a liquid consistency, pleasant smell. Restores, strengthens the hair. Well washes off the head after the masks, does not tangle the hair

Reviews of shampoo Compliment keratin in most cases positive, the only negative, which was noted - the composition does not include the most natural ingredients.

Golden silk with keratin

The composition of shampoo Golden silk is filled to the maximum with natural products and sets of gentle elements:

  • Silk proteins,
  • Hyaluronic acid,
  • Keratin peptides,
  • Collagens,
  • Milk proteins.

The price of this shampoo with keratin is about 150 rubles.

You can buy it only in pharmacies.

The product has a fresh smell, which persists on the curls after application, foams slightly, but after two treatments the hair becomes smooth and silky. The effect of prilizannosti absent.

In reviews of shampoo Gold silk keratin, buyers are advised to use a balm after washing.

SYOSS (Cieces) KERATIN Hair Perfection

Goods Ciez is a budget option. The composition of the shampoo also includes panthenol, which has a reducing effect at the cellular level and normalizes metabolism, stimulates the growth of curls. Loss of hair is absent.

The presence of castor oil and glycerin allows you to deal with dry hair, also stimulates growth.

The apricot oil component moisturizes and softens the hair.

Direction shampoo Cies patented.

Judging by the reviews for Cies shampoo with keratin, you need to get used to it, but it does its job, despite its chemical composition.

Capus (Kapous) with keratin

Popular among buyers brand Kapus (90%) makes it because of the component of the serum. This keratin shampoo is classified as non-sulfate. As it does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate and perfumed additives.

Kapous professional keratin shampoo is perfect for weakened curls that have lost their vitality as a result of frequent staining and chemical procedures.

Shampoo solves several problems at once:

  • Protects against aggressive drying and unpleasant effects of nature (heat, frost).
  • Damaged curls with time restored.
  • It nourishes hair.

Purification of hair is due to the combination of active substances in the composition. The vitality of the curls become thanks to fruit acids. Nutrition occurs due to polyunsaturated amino acids.

Opinion about Kapus shampoo with keratin was divided in user reviews, this tool is not suitable for everyone, but there are still results.

About hair restoration after chemotherapy further.

Dove with keratin

Not less popular among buyers is the company Dove. If you look at its composition, you can see the negative components of sodium lauryl sulfate.

Among the advantages, judging by the reviews of Dove shampoo with keratin, consumers noted:

  • Pleasant aroma,
  • The consistency is thick,
  • Perfectly foams.
  • The curls are silky and shiny.


  • Recovery imperceptibly,
  • Excess chemical components
  • The coat becomes greasy,
  • Weight hairs.
  • No volume.

Before you purchase products carefully analyze the composition. Only in this case, you are guaranteed success.

To get the maximum effect from the acquired keratin shampoo, you need to understand how it fits your hair type. And how to choose shampoo for hair can be found in the video:

The composition of shampoos

The market of means for restoring and maintaining healthy hair is rich in an assortment of protein cleaning products. Price and efficiency depend on the components that make up. The main substances marked on the packaging are:

  • Ceramide fats - enliven, give shine and smoothness, providing a therapeutic effect on the outer layer of the rod,
  • proteins - proteins, especially needed for women with sensitive scalp. They take care of damaged and dry curls, protect against the adverse effects of external environmental factors,
  • Amaranth herb oils and extracts, and arginine amino acid - improve blood circulation, nourish, restore and rejuvenate hair,
  • bioactive molecules
  • chemical constituents in the form of sulphates, fragrances and parabens - harm and wash out useful keratin (sodium lauryl sulfate, chloride, TEA, etc.).

Types of keratin shampoos

Products of this Russian brand are designed for hair regeneration. They gently cleanse, saturate with protein and moisturize damaged curls. Contraindications tool does not have. Hydrolyzed keratin, which is contained in the product, produces a rectifying effect.

Shampoo can be purchased at a price of 410 p. for 250 ml of funds.

Product reviews are ambiguous: some are completely satisfied with the product (it foams well, smells good, strands become softer and healthier), others, on the contrary, complain of deterioration of curls.

Among the drawbacks, you can highlight the high price of the product, as well as the fact that long-term use of shampoo leads to addictive hair, which gradually begin to look worse, and fat content appears after washing your hair. Therefore, this brand must be combined with products from other manufacturers.

Keratin compliment

As part of a component of arginine, which nourishes the root bulbs. The consistency of shampoo is liquid, it smells nice. The product restores and strengthens the curls. It is especially good after masks (even the fattest), as it is washed off easily, without confusing hair.

Mostly feedback on products is positive. But some say that the composition of the "compliment" is not the most natural components. You can buy the product for 123 p.

Syoss keratin

According to reviews, you need to get used to this shampoo, but it has a positive effect, despite the chemical elements present. Among the useful components - panthenol.

The tool acts deeply, leads to normal metabolism, promotes rapid hair growth. Glycerin and castor oil soften and moisturize curls. The cost of shampoo (500 ml) from 260 p.

Keratin dove

In its composition there is a harmful component - sodium lauryl sulfate.Buyers among the advantages emit a pleasant smell, thick texture and silky curls after using the tool.

The disadvantages include: a large number of chemical elements, strands become bold and without volume. You can buy shampoo for 330 p. (440 ml).

Kapous Professional Magic Keratin

Professional keratin shampoo from the Russian manufacturer stands out for its low cost and the absence of sulfates in the composition. The tool is focused on weakened hair, exposed to frequent chemical and thermal effects - dyed, chemically curled, regularly laid ironing, curling. Key characteristics of Kapous shampoo:

  • Ingredients (significant components): modified fruit acids, amino acids, mild surfactants (surfactants), benzyl alcohol, hydrolyzed keratin in 10th place.
  • Effect: food, delicate cleansing, protection, restoration of damaged areas.
  • Application: for maximum cleansing, leave the foamed shampoo on the head for 3-5 minutes. Use 1-2 times a week for a month or longer, for the best effect to combine with balm from the Magic Keratin series.
  • Advantages: no odor, convenient dispenser, shampoo suitable for regular use, does not tangle hair, does not weigh down.
  • Disadvantages: with strong injuries shampoo can work poorly, almost does not foam - a feature of the composition.
  • Cost: 320 p. for 300 ml.

Estel keratin

Shampoo famous Russian brand is one of the best in the number of professional budget, especially when used with a mask and balsam from a similar series. Suitable for damaged and dried hair, not recommended for oily and combination hair. Main characteristics:

  • Ingredients (active ingredients): macadamia oil, castor and argan, hydrolyzed keratin in 25th place.
  • Effect: adding shine, restoration, softening, filling the porous structure of the hair, smoothing.
  • Application: lather on wet hair, hold for 1–2 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Advantages: pleasant neutral flavor, noticeable smoothing and moisturizing effect in the first weeks.
  • Disadvantages: high consumption, shampoo is not suitable for long-term use - the roots begin to get salted quickly, itching of the scalp can be observed, the concentration of keratin is low.
  • Cost: 450 p. for 250 ml.

Chi shampoo keratin

The product of the American brand is very popular among women because it justifies its high cost. Technology Keratrix promotes deep restoration of the cuticular layer and smoothing. Nourishing shampoo brand CHI suitable thin, fluffy, damaged hair, helps to fight split ends. For the best effect it is worth combining it with liquid silk of the same series. The main characteristics of the shampoo:

  • Ingredients (active ingredients): jojoba oil and argans, silk proteins, keratin complex Keratrix.
  • Effect: gentle cleansing, restoration, imparting natural radiance, protection from the effects of external factors, moisturizing, keratin protein retention inside the hair.
  • Application: apply to damp hair, massage until foaming and rinse immediately. For better purification, use twice.
  • Advantages: suitable for regular use, well foams, free from sulphates and parabens.
  • Disadvantages: high price, natural composition may cause irritation of the scalp.
  • Cost: 2140 p. for 355 ml.

Kativa Keratina

A feature of brand shampoos from Peru is the absence of sulfates and heavy salts in the composition, using only environmentally friendly components. A series with keratin is intended for weakened, thinned, over-dried hair of any type. The main characteristics of the shampoo:

  • Composition (main components): hydrolyzed keratin, fruit acids, cationic polymers, plant extracts.
  • Effect: smoothing, giving shine, moisturizing, increasing elasticity, preventing overdrying under the influence of external factors.
  • Application: evenly spread on wet hair, lather, rinse thoroughly.
  • Advantages: facilitating the process of combing and styling, protection from the effects of hair dryers, curtains, irons, lack of confusion even without the use of a mask or balm, economical consumption due to the thick consistency.
  • Disadvantages: shampoo difficult to find on sale.
  • Cost: 650 p. for 250 ml.


For all the magical effectiveness of such detergents, there is one "but." Shampoos containing this protein are not suitable for everyone. A characteristic feature of them is low soapy. This somewhat complicates the use of products with keratin. It is not recommended to use this detergent daily for owners of hair prone to fat. The advantages of keratin shampoos include:

  • gentle cleansing of the scalp,
  • preservation of long-term effect from staining and straightening procedures,
  • creation of a natural protective barrier on the hair from negative external influences,
  • giving hair obedience and silkiness.

With all the advantages of keratin shampoos, they do not work equally for everyone. Often the result depends on the right means for your hair type. All variety of such products is divided into two big categories:

  • special shampoos, which are used by the masters in the salons before the keratin recovery session (they are very deeply cleansed, contribute to the opening of the hair cuticles),
  • “weaker” shampoos for everyday independent use (with the effect of smoothing, mirror shine, easy combing and styling).

The main difference between keratin-based products is the content of natural active ingredients.

They do not just remove all unnecessary from the scalp, and embedded in the hair structure. Keratin molecules continue to work, even when the shampoo is already washed off. Unlike most other medical concentrates and masks. Systematic and regular use will give the locks healthy beauty and shine, will restore damaged strands.

Read more about keratin shampoo in the next video.

Operating principle

There are no special features in the use of keratin shampoos. Treat them as if they were your usual detergent. The only difference is exposure time. After application, it is recommended to hold the keratin shampoo for six to eight minutes. This is enough for the keratin to cope with the cleansing of the skin and hair and penetrate into the hair scales.

Answer the main question - how keratin interacts with the hair and what effect it gives. As a result of the impact and composition of this protein is an indispensable natural building material for hair. He is responsible for the smoothness and health, aesthetic appearance of your hair. Regularly in contact with damaged hair, protein fills the damage in its structure.

The use of detergent compositions with keratin has significant advantages:

  • a wide range of tools of various price segments,
  • convenience, painlessness and safety,
  • lasting effect, lasting up to six months.

Such funds significantly save our time to go to the master for the appropriate procedure.

This is a worthy analogue of salon services, pleasantly pleasing with price availability.

You will see the test drive of keratin shampoo in the next video.

The market for cosmetic products enriched with keratin is replete with diversity. Popular brands tend to release in its line of tools with its content. They differ in cost and effectiveness, which directly depends on the components of the shampoo. Products leading brands of cosmetics for hair contain a variety of formulas and substances. Let us see which ones are valuable for our hair, and which ones should be avoided.

The main components that are found on keratin shampoo labels:

  • Prokeratins and ceramides (working on the rapid revitalization of hair, giving it smoothness and shine). Helpful
  • Proteins. These elements are necessary for owners of sensitive scalp. Due to the softer detergent composition and multifunctional proteins intensively care for dry, damaged and tired hair. Reliably protect against aggressive external factors.
  • Extracts and oils of arginine and amaranth. Stimulate the expansion and growth of blood vessels, improving blood circulation. Run the processes of hair nutrition, prolonging their youth and improving recovery.

The presence of bioactive molecules in the composition of keratin shampoo - oils, extracts, amino acids - application for the effectiveness and benefits of the product. Chemical elements - parabens, fragrances, sulfates - should be avoided. Their impact on the hair adversely.

Even very problematic hairs damaged by chemical and natural factors come to life with keratin exposure.

The main thing is to choose a tool that is right for you and will work to solve the problem - to strengthen, moisturize, saturate, straighten or restore. With the systematic use of shampoo with keratin lipid balance and moisture in the hair is restored.

Some are mistaken in the belief that "horse keratin" is used in the production of such shampoos. In reality, manufacturers for this purpose receive a substance from sheep wool. The formula of some brands of shampoo contains, in addition to keratin, horse oil.

Overview of popular tools

Well-known cosmetic brands produce professional keratin shampoos and analogues for home use. Let's get acquainted with the means of the most popular brands.

  • Estel "Keratin". Special shampoo with hydrolyzed keratin and amino acids. It penetrates well into the hair scales and saturates them. The delicate composition gently removes impurities from the scalp.
  • Compliment. Contains arginine, biotin and panthenol. Shampoo for the regeneration of brittle, dull hair with split ends. Bioactive components of the complex enrich and protect hair, give smoothness and strength. Form a protective barrier and progressive regeneration of the hair structure.

How the tool works

The method of application of keratin shampoos is practically no different from ordinary. All the same: apply on hair, massage with fingers, rinse. The only difference is in exposure time.

According to the recommendations of the manufacturer, keratin shampoo should be kept on the hair for at least 5-7 minutes, which is longer than usual. Additional time is required to get the expected effect as a result.

After the product is completely washed off, it is necessary to treat the strands with keratin lotion or apply a regenerating mask on them. Only a comprehensive care is able to fully revive weakened, thinned curls, provide them with strength, as well as restore their former strength, healthy shine and beautiful appearance.

Which is better

To find a suitable keratin remedy, in principle, it is not difficult. The most important thing is to decide on the amount you are willing to donate for hair care. It is best to purchase professional keratin hair shampoo. Of course, this is not an expensive product.

But keep in mind that the quality of such cosmetics, as a rule, flawless. And it works almost instantly. But “homemade” shampoos, although more affordable, are much weaker and slower.

We give a list of the most popular keratin shampoos. The list includes both professional products and those intended for home use.

Repairing complexes

In order to quickly and effectively restore damaged hair, one keratin shampoo (even if professional) will be small. Impact must be comprehensive. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement the shampoo with other keratin cosmetics.

Best of all with this task cope regenerating hair mask. It in a short time heals the hair structure, provides intensive moisturizing and nourishment to the curls, returns them to a well-groomed and tidy appearance.

If you have hair extensions, it is recommended to use a professional mask “Estelle Keratin”.

Mandatory components of complex recovery, except for shampoo and mask, are balm and conditioner. To improve the efficiency of care for the strands, it is recommended to use these products regularly. They include a whole range of stimulants that accelerate hair growth. As a rule, these are various extracts of medicinal plants, essential oils, vitamins and other trace elements.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many of us have repeatedly heard that keratin is very useful for hair. Consider what exactly is this benefit.

  • Heals the hair after being tortured with a hair dryer, a straightener, a curling iron, ammonia in the products that you usually use to dye your hair.
  • Restores the hair shaft from the inside along its entire length. The result is particularly noticeable when thinning curls - they again "get fat."
  • Solves the split ends problem. The effect persists even after the end of keratin products.
  • Moisturizes not only the strands, but also the scalp. Indispensable for dry hair type.
  • Simplifies combing, gives hair softness and obedience, as a result of which the styling process is greatly simplified.
  • Increases the attractiveness of hair, returning her lost shine.

As for the harm, keratin can not cause his hair. After all, it is their natural component. However, he is quite capable of making the strands heavier.

If you - the owner of greasy hair, it is completely unacceptable. After applying keratin shampoo, curls of this type quickly lose their freshness, “washed out”, their appearance deteriorates. And the more often you will wash them, the more sad the overall picture will be. That is why it is extremely undesirable to use keratin shampoo with oily hair.

The benefits or harms of keratin shampoo, as you have already seen, are relative. The main thing is to select and apply the product correctly, focusing on your hair type. And also buy it in proven places, so as not to face a fake. If you ignore the rules of choice and use, even such a useful tool may well harm the appearance of curls.

Keratin hair straightening shampoos - in search of the perfect formula

The foundation of any rectifying agent is active chemical agents that smooth hair. It is desirable that in the composition was indicated ammonium thioglycolate, which makes hair silky. He is less aggressive than his main competitor - keratin hair straightening shampoos with the addition of sodium hydroxide.

Keratin proteins have become an integral part of modern shampoos. This natural component is responsible for the formation of hair follicles. In combination with other components and panthenol, they nourish hair and maintain optimal shape. The clients of keratin masters have no chance to get confused or twisted.

Recent studies have shown that sulphates used to thicken foam harm human health. Softeners in the composition of cosmetics reduce the aggressive effects of SLS on the body, but regular use leads to brittleness and drying. Therefore, more manufacturers offer sulfate free shampoo for creatine hair straightening. They are more expensive, but do not cause so much damage to the health of the scalp and hair.

How is treatment with keratin hair straightening shampoos

The procedure in the beauty salon takes more than three hours. First, the hair is cleaned from styling products and varnish that repels keratin. Next, put a special compound designed for keratin straightening.The client stays with him for three hours, during which the active chemical components of the product interact with the bulbs and have a healing effect on the roots, spreading along the entire length. After completion, it is sent to the store, selling non-sulfate shampoos after straightening.

What is the effect of the use of shampoo for straightening hair?

By itself, shampoo for straightening will not bring the desired result. To achieve the effect will help the complex in a combination of care products plus nourishing masks, serums and creams. At the end of the procedure, the woman will get a neat haircut.

Apply shampoos to level the issue with keratin should be exclusively on the roots. When distributed over the rest of the length of the passage of soapy water. After that it is necessary to apply a conditioner balm, fixing the healing effect. Such operations should be performed at each

The effect persists for three to four months. But fix it will help special shampoo after keratin hair straighteningwhich the hairdresser selects individually for each client. He also introduces her to the basics of proper care and washing of the smoothed skin of the scalp.

Popular shampoos for keratin hair straightening

The best effect to hair is given by a professional series for carrying out correction of unruly hair. On the shelves of fairly sulfate-free brands that foam worse, but have a positive effect on the bulbs and roots. Here are the most vivid examples:

  • Natura Siberica
  • Schwarzkopf Professional Color Safe Sulfate Free
  • Homma Tokyo Argan Protect

The list of shampoos for hair straightening is quite extensive and could take more than one page. However, visiting beauty salons, clients get hair straightening shampoo list which determines the master or salon management, because some brands do not throw the goods into a wide sale.

Hair care after the procedure

Perhaps, the most part heard that the first three days after the straightening are the most important.

Because you need to adhere to the subsequent rules.

To keep the effect as long as possible after the procedure, you need to follow certain rules.

  • If during the procedure the master used the keratin of an old generation, then the main first 72 hours not to wet the hair. Take a shower in a rubberized hat, for three days forget about the masks and nourishing lotion sprays.
  • Refrain from creating large or tight hairstyles, the same ponytail can negate all the efforts of the master, who carried out the straightening.
  • Also, do not use a hairdryer or styling products.. And in general, give your hair a rest, just comb it and protect it from external exposure. In three days you can do anything with it again.
  • Bath and sauna should also not be listed in the list of your cases for the next three days after straightening., later you can catch up.

Rules for choosing shampoo

When thinking about how to wash your hair with a shampoo after a keratin straightening, you should understand one fundamental rule - use those that do not contain sulfates. These are active substances added to many cosmetic care products. Specifically, they are responsible for the airy, fluffy foam in shampoos, however, in parallel, keratin is eroded and washed away from the curls.

Before buying, carefully study the composition of the detergent

Sulfate-free remedies are sometimes difficult to find, but do not forget that the result will definitely be worth it. Consider what components, replacing sulfates, use shampoos for hair straightening with keratin.

The perfect option include sulphate substitutes, made on the basis of plant extracts or glucose.

These include:

  • sulfosuccinate,
  • sarcosinate,
  • acyl glutamate,
  • cocoglucoside,
  • cocosulfate
  • lauryl glucoside.

Fundamentally know!
Do not be embarrassed that the keratin hair straightening shampoo does not foam as intensively as an ordinary remedy, the main thing is that it painstakingly rinses the hair and does not wash it off with a layer of keratin protection.
In addition, it will only enhance the effect of the straightening.

List of sulfate-free shampoos

Manufacturers that produce professional products for keratin straightening, certainly include in the line and special detergents. Best of all, when you purchase a product of the same brand that your master used, it will prolong the cool effect of the procedure for a long time. But there is in this version and own defect - the cost of professional funds is quite high and sometimes inaccessible to a certain part of the population.

Sulfate-free shampoos will help provide the right hair care after keratinizing.

In this case, you can find in the cosmetic stores cheaper options that do not really hit your pocket. Below we give a description of which shampoos can be used after keratin straightening. From them you can certainly choose for themselves a more suitable composition and price category.

  • Cocochoco Regular Shampoo,
  • Honma tokyo
  • Brasil Cacau from Cadiveu,
  • Aubrey Organics,
  • Goldwell dualsenses,
  • Desert Essence.
  • Natura Siberica,
  • Color Safe marked Sulfate Free by Schwarzkopf professional,
  • "Organix",
  • Sexy hair organics,
  • Organic shop.

If professional care products are not available to you, consult with the master what shampoo to use after keratin hair straightening.

Before you decide on how to wash your hair with a shampoo after a keratin straightening, carefully examine the label and make sure that it is specifically a sulphate-free product. After all, the above brands produce various types of detergents.

After reviewing the list of shampoos after keratin hair straightening, and choosing the most suitable for yourself, do not forget to follow a few more rules for the care of curls.

  1. Do not paint your hair at least 2-3 weeks after the session.

Forget about hair dye for a while if you do not want to spoil the results after the procedure.

  1. Specialists are advised not to have a haircut for at least 5 days after the procedure.
  2. Use balms, masks, air conditioners with keratin. It can be both purchased products and cooked with your own hands.

Fundamentally know!
Having decided on what kind of shampoo to use after keratin straightening, be prepared for the fact that your curls will need some time to get used to the new product.
During this period, the hairstyle may be the least due to the restoration of the desired level of acidity.
The adaptation period can take about a month.

More information about shampoos after keratin straightening you can learn from the video in this article.

Extra care

  1. For those who want to prolong the effect of keratin straightening, we recommend using a popular egg mask. Preparing it is not difficult and fast, the following summary will tell you how.

Mix two egg yolks with a tablespoon of castor or olive oil, if you wish, you can add watery honey.

Egg mask will help to prolong the effect of keratinization.

Apply the mixture to the hair, moderately spread it over the entire length and leave for 30-40 minutes, then wash it with warm water. Your curls will get a natural glow and a healthy look.

  1. Owners of the usual type of hair are advised to maintain a smooth and silky state of the curls with olive, castor and burdock oils (mix them in equal proportions). A couple of minutes of such consistency on the hair will help to maintain its brilliant and healthy look.
  2. Fill the daisy flowers with boiling water and let it brew. The acquired decoction in equal quantities mixed with brandy. Use the resulting liquid as a hair rinse.

With the help of this article, you learned what kind of shampoos you can use after keratin straightening, so as not to spoil the effect gained from the procedure. Thanks to non-sulphate detergents, you can maintain smoothness, obedience and shine of your own hair for a long time.

A little effort and the result as in the photo you provided

If you do not want to regret the money spent on keratinizing, in advance, determine with your master what kind of shampoo is needed to enhance the effect of the procedure and you will be able to enjoy the perfect result forever. After all, as they say, in an infamous advertisement: “You deserve it.”

Shampoo librederm

The tool of a professional pharmacy brand produced in Russia is recommended for owners of damaged, brittle, parched hair of all types and is one of the best among the shampoos without parabens and silicones. Main characteristics:

  • Composition (important components): keratin (5%), oat amino acids, glycerin, D-panthenol (1%), benzyl alcohol.
  • Effect: restoration of the cuticular layer, hydration, nutrition, prevention of protein leaching from protein chains, smoothing.
  • How to use: use 1-2 times during shampooing, well foaming.
  • Advantages: high content of keratin, shampoo softens, does not weigh down, soothes irritated scalp.
  • Disadvantages: very rich aroma, shampoo can not cope with the high fat content at the roots, it is recommended for use in courses - not on a regular basis.
  • Cost: 540 p. for 250 ml.

Kaaral 3A Keratin Color Care

In its price range of professional products, the product of the Italian brand is considered the best, especially for dyed and bleached hair. It is designed to moisturize and maintain their softness, without washing out the pigment. Key Features:

  • Ingredients (relevant components): panthenol, hydrolyzed keratin in 11th place, macadamia oil, green tea extract, SLS (soium lauryl sulfates) are present.
  • Effect: preservation of color (artificial pigment), softening, adding shine, restoring structure, moisturizing.
  • How to use: rub the foam into the roots, hold for 2 minutes and rinse thoroughly.
  • Advantages: well washes the roots, does not cause irritation of the scalp, has a neutral aroma, leaves the hair smooth even without using a mask.
  • Disadvantages: it is inconvenient to use a huge bottle, and when buying a smaller volume the price is high, the effect on the durability of staining is medium.
  • Cost: 520 p. for 1 l.

OLLIN Professional Keratin Royal Treatment KRT Step 1

A keratin shampoo for hair that is no longer in force, damaged by mechanical or chemical exposure, from a budgetary Russian brand is part of a restorative system for home use. Key Features:

  • Ingredients (important components): vitamin B5, hydrolyzed keratin, D-panthenol.
  • Effect: gentle cleansing, moisturizing, protection from external influences.
  • Application: keep on wet hair (spread from the roots along the entire length) for 1-2 minutes, massage the root zone well and rinse. Next use serum, balsam and spray.
  • Advantages: perceptible cleansing, no itching and skin irritation.
  • Disadvantages: not used alone, not suitable for regular use, small volume.
  • Cost: 380 p. for 100 ml.

Vitex Keratin Active

The budget keratin shampoo of the Belarusian brand is recognized as the best among non-professional products of this type. Recommended for very dry and damaged hair of all types, but with increased fat content of the root zone is not suitable for regular use. Key product features:

  • Composition (active ingredients): benzyl alcohol, hydrolyzed keratin at the 14th place, silicones and SLS (sulfates).
  • Effect: restoration, compacting of the cuticular layer, increasing strength, enhancing natural shine, eliminating dryness.
  • How to use: lather in hands, rub in wet roots and wash off with plenty of water. For the best effect of "keratinotherapy" it is recommended to apply with the mask of the same series, but it can weigh down the hair.
  • Advantages: good cleansing, the roots stay fresh longer, noticeable smoothing, convenient dispenser, slow consumption.
  • Disadvantages: during long-term (more than 2 months) continuous use, it can stimulate rapid contamination of the root zone, causing dandruff due to silicones in the composition.
  • Cost: 150 p. for 400 ml.

Matrix Biolage advanced Keratindose

One of the best shampoos without sulfates, produced by an American company, is recommended not only for very damaged, thinned and brittle hair, but also for keratin straightening - to increase the preservation time of the result. Suitable and dyed, chemically curled hair. Key features of the product:

  • Ingredients (important components): pro-keratin complex, silk extract.
  • Effect: facilitating scratching, nourishment, moisture preservation, deep strengthening, preventing loss.
  • How to use: lather up with a massaging motion in a moist root zone, distribute along the length and rinse thoroughly.
  • Advantages: the result is visible after the first use with the simultaneous use of the Keratindose mask, the absence of parabens and sulphates, keeps the roots fresh for a long time, restores even hair that has been dried by bleaching, shampoo is suitable for permanent hair care.
  • Disadvantages: high price.
  • Cost: 820 p. for 250 ml.

TRESemme Keratin Smooth smoothing with keratin and marula oil

A little-known product of the Russian brand has added to the list of the best keratin shampoos due to the quick and noticeable result achieved after the first use. The manufacturer claims that the shampoo is suitable for all types of hair, but reviews suggest the opposite - the tool is intended only for very dry and brittle, curly, porous hair. The main features of the tool:

  • Ingredients (active ingredients): hydrolyzed keratin in 7th place, Marula seed oil, SLS, titanium dioxide, adsorbents (Silika, Mica) are present.
  • Effect: smoothing, compaction, adding shine, easier combing, softening.
  • Method of application: after foaming, hold on the head for 2-3 minutes. For the best result, similar to salon keratinizing, use the Keratin Smooth series conditioner next.
  • Advantages: instant results even without using a mask or air conditioner, noticeable straightening, preventing tangling.
  • Disadvantages: the effect is more cosmetic, achieved due to silicones, so the shampoo is not suitable for regular use and normal, combined or oily hair, cleansing of the root zone is average.
  • Cost: 210 p. for 230 ml.

Reviews of shampoos for hair straightening

Excellent washes hair, gently smoothes. When was on keratin hair straightening, what shampoo to wash The question did not even stand. Definitely - Asian smoothness lives up to its name. (Larisa)

I bought it and did not regret it - after the first use, the elements of the head of hair became smooth and fluffy. Natural proteins and algae components complement the natural features of my hairstyle with an unimaginable aroma. I recommend Take Home Smoothing kit. (Blonde)

I got a shampoo for my girlfriend. Both won - she appreciated my gift, and I'm not afraid to hug her by the shoulders. Truly Moroccanoil - a means of love. (Valentin)

Shampoo after keratin hair straightening: reviews

On the advice of her hairdresser, she stopped at the Tigi bed head kit - shampoo and conditioner. The first one foams badly, which is explained by the lack of sulfate. However, the hair after it becomes more docile and gentle. The final touch is an air conditioner with a creamy consistency that does not flow much. The only problem is that the hair creaks slightly. But overall, the result is amazing.

Subject to the basic rules of care and regular passage procedures hairstyle will remain untouched for many years.And the choice of shampoo for and after straightening Vorlos is a personal matter for each. But do not be lazy to get expert advice, which will tell you the best option for straightening for you personally.

How to use shampoo for keratin hair straightening do not forget to look in the video:

Kapous magic (Capus)

Received popularity due to the presence in the serum. This shampoo is classified as non-sulfate, as it does not contain lauryl sulfate and perfumed additives. The product is suitable for hair that is often dyed and subjected to chemical procedures. Shampoo performs the following tasks:

  • protects the rods from the constant impact of ploek and hair dryer, from heat and cold,
  • restores unhealthy curls, nourishes and cleans them.

The beneficial effect is due to the presence of amino acids and fruit additives in the composition. Reviews of this brand vary greatly: shampoo is not suitable for everyone, but there is an impact. The cost ranges from 320 p.

Golden Silk

There are sparing and useful components: proteins, keratin peptides, hyaluronic acid, collagens and milk. Products inexpensive - 130-160 p. You can only buy at the pharmacy.

The product has a pleasant not sharp smell, it foams slightly, but the effect is noticeable after a couple of applications - the hair becomes silky. Buyers are advised to apply a balm.

Horsepower with keratin

The brand is based on active amino acids secreted from oats, a highly concentrated protein. Also present is avocado oil, whose vitamins give hair elasticity and shine. Panthenol smoothes and nourishes the strands.

Impacts keratin shampoo gently, as it contains no harmful sulphates. 250 ml of product costs about 500 r.

Loreal (Loreal)

Using this type of professional keratin hair shampoo helps to heal and strengthen curls. It contains the elements: wheat proteins, fruit extracts and the useful amino acid arginine. All components are aimed at restoring damaged curls on several levels.

The ingredients penetrate deeply into each rod, fill its voids and cover it with microfilm that protects against adverse effects. Strands become strong, obedient, smoother.

The cost of shampoo is 700 p. for 250 ml.

Shauma (Shauma) keratin strength

Inexpensive headwash much easier to comb the strands, gives them shine, protects the curls from damage. More effectively to use together with a mask and balm. The composition contains both natural ingredients and chemicals, and preservatives (sodium benzoate). Price shampoo 144 p.

This brand does not solve serious problems, you should not expect much effect. Hair quickly get dirty, the tool weights them. Possible intolerance to certain substances in the composition of the product. In addition, the long use of the brand can harm.


Watch the video: HOW TO: Brazilian Blowout Keratin Treatment At Home! Step by Step, Tips (July 2024).