
Coconut oil for hair: useful properties, application, recipes of masks


Nowadays, more and more girls resort to natural and natural forms of self-care. Almost all female representatives are less likely to buy chemicals from popular companies, preferring new organic products. This suggests that, despite the fact that the price of such care products is a little higher, girls are ready to pay extra for quality, and most importantly, for the undoubted benefit of the product.

As a rule, the main ingredients of such products are natural additives from berries, fruits, plants and other biological compounds, the use of which was proven in ancient times. Especially popular are oils in which the maximum amount of beneficial ingredients of a plant is concentrated. These are great helpers in combating skin, nail and hair deficiencies.

The biological composition of coconut oil

Coconut oil is one of the most popular, but one of a kind. The miraculous properties of such a product have become known since the days of Cleopatra, whose beauty and well-groomedness no one will doubt. Coconut oil is rich in natural antioxidants, vitamins A, C and E, as well as saturated fats. Due to the presence of lauric acid,
Oil fights perfectly with the fungal disease, which often appears in the hair in the form of dandruff. Hence the question arises: if this tool is a storehouse of natural elements and antioxidants, is it possible to use coconut oil for hair?

The answer will naturally be positive. Besides the fact that this oil eliminates dandruff, it is also able to nourish the hair roots and fully protects their structure from external environmental influences. This property is achieved due to the content in the oil triglycerides, and especially the presence of saturated fatty acids.

What problems does coconut oil fight

  1. Problems associated with fungal hair diseases. Before using for this purpose, it is necessary to become familiar with how to use coconut oil for hair. Due to the properties of the antiseptic, the oil is excellent for fighting dandruff, seborrhea, eczema and just with unwanted itching of the head.
  2. Protection from negative environmental influences. This is especially important for girls who often use hot methods of curling their hair or, on the contrary, resort to straightening them. A hair dryer also has a negative effect: the hot air burns the hair, depleting its structure. This also applies to chemical agents: varnishes, mousses, as well as potent paints. In these cases, you should familiarize yourself with how to use coconut oil for hair. So, when properly applied, it lays down with a thin film that protects the curls not only from the listed funds, but also reduces their dryness and brittleness from the strong sun and long stay in sea water.
  3. Finally, coconut oil actively nourishes the bulbs and preserves the integrity of the hair structure. This is a great helper who actively fights split ends.

Rules for applying coconut oil on hair

Observance of elementary, but rather important rules regarding how to use coconut oil for hair, can protect against undesirable consequences.

  1. It should be remembered that unrefined oil is more rigid, it can only be used on hair, and preferably for oily type. Applying such a product to the scalp can cause bad effects in the form of hair loss or burn.Refined, or otherwise purified, the oil can be used for the scalp, and directly on the hair.
  2. The composition can be applied to the curls, pre-dripping a few drops on the comb. Then you need to comb. This will add shine to the hairstyle and the power of the strands. However, this method should not be used for oily hair, otherwise there is a chance to get the opposite effect in the form of a dirty head. Also, this method is not suitable for those who wish to keep the volume of hair.
  3. Another way to use it is caring masks. However, the hair type affects which mask to use. For example, for greasy rubbing of natural oil in hair is not recommended, as it will be extremely difficult to wash it. Therefore, before the procedure, coconut oil must be mixed with kefir or sour cream. Dry hair does not need it. In this case, you need to know how to use coconut oil for hair at night. Enough to rub it into the scalp, as well as along the entire length of the curls. At the next stage, it is necessary to collect the hair in a bundle so that they do not interfere and could not be tattered. The next step we wind the hair with the usual package, fix it. Then we wrap a warm towel or put on a special hat. Leave it all at night. In the morning, wash off the mask with your usual shampoo. The effect after several uses will be amazing.

These simple rules will allow you to understand how to use coconut oil for hair without harming them.

Nourishing and firming mask

  • honey - 2 teaspoons,
  • lavender oil - 2 drops,
  • coconut oil - 2 tablespoons.

This is an effective mask, which is based on coconut oil for hair. How to use this mixture on wet hair? To do this, all the ingredients need to be mixed and heated in a water bath. Then, while the contents cool, it is necessary to rinse the hair with warm water and thoroughly wipe. Apply a warm mixture to wet hair evenly. Wrapped with polyethylene and insulated with a towel. A pleasant warmth should be felt in the head area. After 50 minutes, wash off.

  • Attention! You should first familiarize yourself with how to properly use coconut oil for hair. If you apply an unpleasant burning sensation when applying the mask, rinse off the mixture immediately.

Hair growth mask

It is necessary to use such ingredients:

  • banana - ½ pcs.,
  • coconut oil - 2 tablespoons,
  • sour cream - 1 tablespoon.

This mask is perfect for those who want to activate the bulbs for accelerated hair growth. This is another way to use coconut oil for hair. To do this, we knead a half of a banana in a special container, add coconut oil and sour cream there. It is worth noting that the last ingredient is better to buy by weight, that is, on the market. This cream has a large number of natural trace elements. Mix the mixture thoroughly and heat it in a water bath until it is homogeneous. Then, rub this gruel into the hair roots and distribute along their entire length. We wrap hair with polyethylene and warm towel. After 40 minutes, wash off the mixture with regular shampoo.

Herbal hair mask firming

  • chamomile flowers (crushed) - 2 tsp,
  • rosemary flowers (chopped) - 2 tsp,
  • coconut oil - 100 ml.

We mix the necessary ingredients in a specially prepared container. Heat in a water bath, without ceasing to stir the mixture, for 30 minutes. The resulting liquid is poured into the container and put in a warm dark place for the day. This broth is cleaned through gauze. This mixture can be applied to the hair, warming the head. Keep the mask up to 2 hours, after which wash off the broth.

Oil use frequency

After such an abundance of the provided recipes of masks, the question arises: how often to use coconut oil for hair? The frequency of coconut oil application depends on what stage your problem is at. However, do not abuse the daily use of such masks. 1 time in 3 days will be enough. After improving the appearance of the hair, it is desirable to reduce the number of procedures to 1 time per week. Even if there are no problems with hair, coconut oil can be used for prophylaxis, silkiness and nourishing curls.


Thus, it is necessary in advance to be familiar with how to use coconut oil for hair. Reviews of the majority of girls who have tried such a simple, but at the same time a miracle cure, are very positive. Do not be afraid to experiment and try something new. Perhaps this tool will be a great helper and companion in your life.

The benefits of coconut active ingredients for hair

Coconut oil is considered a highly effective means, it solves many problems of both dry and oily hair, stops their loss. The main components of coconut oil are saturated acids, represented by caprylic, laroic, oleic, as well as myristic acid and a number of vitamins and minerals, including calcium and iron. That is why the benefits of coconut oil for hair is obvious.

Such a rich composition explains a number of its healing properties:

  • contributes to the rapid restoration of damaged hair and their strengthening,
  • activates the natural protective functions of the epidermis,
  • provides complete oxygen nutrition to the scalp,
  • relieves light flakings and dandruff,
  • has an antibacterial, wound healing, immunostimulating effect.

Coconut oil is obtained directly from the nut content. Thanks to cold pressing, it is possible to preserve all the beneficial properties of the extracted coconut oil. As well as usual sunflower, coconut oil can be presented both in refined and non-refined form. Each of these products has different properties, and, therefore, spheres of application.

It is worth noting that vegetable oil in a non-refined form is not used for the recovery of oily and mixed hair.

Apply coconut oil for hair at home

Due to the large amount of fatty acids, the oil is easily absorbed into the scalp and is also well applied over the entire length of the curls. The layer of coconut oil on the hair is a kind of protective film that protects them from the negative effects of high temperatures during curling, styling or drying.

The wide spectrum of action of this herbal product allows it to be used for damaged, dry and normal hair.

Before using coconut oil for hair, it is worth testing on a small area of ​​the skin to identify allergies to this product.
Improper use of this cosmetic will not bring the desired results, so it is recommended to strictly follow the instructions.

So how to apply the healing coconut oil for cosmetic purposes?

First, the oil must be melted using a water bath for this purpose. This procedure is obligatory, because coconut oil is in a solid state, it can not be applied to the hair and scalp in this form. Then the method of application is chosen at your discretion.

It can be used for rubbing into the skin of the head, which will saturate the epidermis with useful substances and thereby reduce peeling.

Coconut oil is used as a balm, it can be applied to the strands immediately after washing the hair with shampoo. After 5-7 minutes, the hair is rinsed with water, after such a procedure, the curls become soft, shiny and silky.

The easiest way to use a herbal product called coconut oil is a hair mask. If there is a problem of split ends, coconut oil will solve it. To do this, put it on the ends of the hair, and in the morning rinse with warm water.

This healing product can also be used before styling curls. In order for the hair to be docile and not fluffy, it is necessary to put a few drops of coconut oil on the teeth of the comb and comb the strands in the usual way, without affecting the roots.

Popular hair masks with coconut oil

Many women are looking for the answer to the question: "How to restore the beauty of hair at home?" The answer is obvious.The use of masks with coconut oil will give an excellent result - the hair will get a well-groomed appearance, will be shiny and silky.

Several proven recipes with coconut oil will allow you to prepare a highly effective cosmetic for all types of hair.

Healing mask based on coconut oil for oily hair

Due to the regular use of such a mask, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the strands will keep a fresh, well-groomed appearance for a long time.
For the preparation of such a tool you will need a tablespoon of butter and 200 milliliters of kefir. Both components in the liquid state are mixed and applied to the strands.

Then you should put a polyethylene cap on your head and wrap it with a towel. After 40 minutes, rinse the head with water and shampoo.

Nourishing mask for dry, damaged hair

If you have lifeless and dry hair, this mask is ideal. After several procedures, the strands will be filled with shine, they will become healthy and silky.

The mask is prepared from one banana and a tablespoon of coconut oil. Melt the oil can be in the palms, and in a water bath. It is necessary to mix banana puree with coconut oil, to achieve a uniform consistency. Then apply the resulting composition on the skin of the head and on the hair along the entire length.

Put a food bag on your head, wrap up with a towel. After 1 hour the procedure is over, you can wash off the cosmetic with strands, using shampoo.

Coconut oil mask for enhanced hair growth

Quite often, girls want to quickly grow beautiful healthy hair, but this is not always possible. The proposed mask will enhance the activity of the hair follicles and thereby accelerate hair growth.

To prepare such a mask you will need 1 clove of garlic, 50 grams of coconut oil and 1 gram of ground red pepper. Add crushed garlic and pepper to melted butter and mix well. Rub the mask into the roots, hold for 20 minutes. To carry out such a procedure every other day, then 2 times during the week, then once a week.

Reviews on the use of coconut oil for hair

We decided to bring some of the most useful and “talking” reviews from the network here.

I first used coconut oil several months ago when I returned from the sea. After the vacation, the hair became dry and hard, it was difficult to lay them. My friend pharmacist advised me to put this oil on my hair. After several procedures of using a healing cosmetic product, the hair became unusually soft, shiny and docile. I am very pleased with the result!

Earlier I heard a lot about the benefits of such a product as coconut oil for hair. Reviews of my friends about the therapeutic effect of oil forced to try it on my oily hair. Already after the first use, the curls became soft and shiny, the greasy shine disappeared. I still use coconut oil for cosmetic purposes and I advise you to try it on anyone who wants to regain lost hair beauty.

I love to experiment with hair color, so my hair suffers from excessive chemical exposure - it is over dry and hard. My hairdresser advised me to use a coconut oil mask. After 2-3 procedures, I noticed that the hair became much softer and more obedient, the mask perfectly restores the hair structure.

Coconut oil is an excellent nourishing and regenerating agent for hair, its effect on strands can be compared with the effect obtained from the use of expensive professional balms and masks. So why pay more? Even after the first use of the mask, every woman will notice the beneficial effect of coconut oil on the hair and scalp.

The benefits of coconut oil.

The composition of coconut oil includes oleic acid, which is very beneficial effect not only on the hair, but also on the skin and has antiseptic properties.If you have skin problems, it peels off, then coconut oil will help solve this problem. Another remarkable property of this oil is that it regenerates the skin well and can remove fine wrinkles. For dry skin - this is generally a super tool.

Stearic acid in coconut oil makes the skin more elastic. Palmitic acid nourishes the skin with oxygen, the skin is better restored. Plus to useful acids in coconut oil there are a lot of different vitamins that saturate the skin and hair.

How to use coconut oil? They can smear the face, neck, neck, lips to moisturize and protect from the sun. Even this oil can be used as a tanning cream - the skin is protected from drying out, and the tan sticks very well. To combat acne, you can also use natural coconut oil, although they say that it is very gummy. If you use home-made oil, your skin and hair will only say “thank you”.

You can also smear your elbows and heels with this oil to moisturize. And, naturally, use for hair. In this article I will write in detail how to use coconut oil for hair, what kind of masks can be made for different skin types.

Effect on the hair of coconut oil.

Coconut oil for hair can be of great benefit. It restores the hair structure, nourishes it, makes the hair smooth and strong. Most often there is a need to use coconut oil for weak and dry hair, for curly, resistant to styling. For hair that often suffer from dyeing, curling, blow-drying. If you regularly make masks for hair based on coconut oil, the hair becomes shiny, smooth, soft, easy to comb and fit.

But it is important to understand that a miracle will not happen after one procedure. Hair must be “treated” regularly for quite a long time. The time it takes for you to achieve the desired result is not possible to predict, because everyone's hair has different, different degrees of damage, different structure.

Apply coconut oil to hair 2-3 times a week if the hair is damaged and dry. If hair is oily, use oil once a week.

Also, in some Russian girls, their hair reacts rather strangely to masks from coconut oil - they overdry. Although it would seem, on the contrary, the oil should moisturize. If you are among those who have hair that also behaves after a coconut mask, then the next time you need to dilute coconut oil in half with other hair care oil (burdock, peach, olive, argan, jojoba, avocado, shea).

How else does coconut oil affect hair?

  • It creates a protective layer for each hair, because of this, the hair is less damaged during drying, combing, curling and other manipulations
  • Strengthens hair
  • Accelerates hair growth
  • It nourishes the hair roots
  • Fights dandruff, seborrhea
  • Perfectly nourishes hair, makes it shiny and strong
  • Gives extra hair
  • Regulates the sebaceous glands

How to make coconut oil at home.

If you haven’t found a store in your city where you can buy good coconut oil, don’t trust online stores and just want to save money, prepare coconut oil for hair and skin at home!

Homemade oil will be 100% natural, without additives. It will retain all the beneficial properties of coconut, it will contain as many vitamins as possible, it will be fresher. And, as practice shows, homemade butter “heals” hair better than purchased one. BUT, this method is not for the lazy. With coconut will have a little tricky. But believe me, it's worth it. You will get very high quality unrefined coconut oil, which will give beauty to your hair.

So, for the preparation of butter, take 2 coconuts. Choose coconuts, too, need good, ripe, not rotten.Pay attention to the "eyes", they must be the same color with the coconut itself, not much darker. Next, shake the coconut - gurgling should be heard in it.

It happens that the milk in the coconut begins to ferment, an unpleasant smell appears, the nut begins to rot. How to choose a good fruit? Pay attention to the number of hairs, there should be a lot of them. That is, the coconut should not be bald, this indicates its old age. Eyes should be dry, without holes. On the surface of the coconut should not be white mold spots and cracks. Smell the coconut, it should not have any smell. An unpleasant smell indicates the deterioration of the product.

Weight is important, not coconut size. Coconut should be heavy, not less than 400 grams.

The price of coconuts in different cities and stores will be different. In Magnet, coconuts are 60 rubles each, that is, 2 pieces will cost 120 rubles.

When coconuts are bought and brought home, you need to drain the juice from them. To do this, make two holes using an awl, scissors or a thin screwdriver in two eyes. Water will flow from one hole, air will flow into the other. If you make only one hole, the water will flow literally drop by drop. Drain the liquid from the two coconuts in a bowl, it is still useful.

Next, coconuts need to split and get the flesh. To easily detached the shell, take a hammer and start knocking a nut along the equator while turning it. The shell will begin to crack.

Take off the shell with your hands, you can pick it up with scissors if necessary. Next, break the nut into several pieces. Use a knife to peel the coconut skin, similar to how you peel potatoes.

Grate the coconut pulp on a fine grater. Coconut juice, which was drained at the very beginning, should be heated in a water bath to a temperature of 40 degrees. It is very important not to overheat, otherwise the benefits will be lost, the oil will be cold pressed. But in a cold environment, the oil will not separate, because the melting point of coconut oil is 25 degrees.

If there is no cooking thermometer, drip heated juice on the back of your hand, it should be lukewarm, a little warmer than your hand.

Put grated coconut pulp into a blender, pour a little boiled cold water and whisk well until smooth. This mass should resemble a thick sour cream consistency.

Put the broken mass from the blender and pour the warmed coconut juice into it. Mix thoroughly. Leave to stand at room temperature for at least 5 hours, longer.

When the mass has settled, it must be filtered through cheesecloth. Put the gauze on a bowl, put the coconut mixture in it and squeeze well. Get coconut cream. Pour them in a jar, close the lid and send it overnight in the refrigerator. When cooled, the fat rises, hardens, and the water stays below.

Make two holes in solid fat and drain the water. The bank remains pure coconut oil - high quality, healthy and natural. Store this oil in a clean jar for no more than 6 months.

Coconut chips, which remain after the production of oil, can be used as a body scrub. Dry the chips, add a few tablespoons of olive oil and orange essential oil. Get a great scrub.

Where to buy coconut oil for hair.

Coconut oil is sold in specialized cosmetic stores, as well as in stores “all for soap making”. In some pharmacies, you can also find coconut oil, but there it will be in a small volume vial, possibly with various additives.

Also, a large selection of coconut oil is in online stores that send it from Thailand or other tropical countries. If you yourself are going on a trip to Africa, to Thailand - then be sure to buy this oil there.

When choosing coconut oil, be sure to read the label.On the front side it can be written that it is 100% natural oil, and in the composition there may be additional ingredients, even mineral oil, which is obtained by distilling fuel oil. In good oil there should not be any fragrances, preservatives.

The most useful oil is unrefined first cold pressed (unrefined coconut oil of the first cold pressing), it retains a maximum of useful substances. Many manufacturers, to increase the yield of oil during the spin cycle, pre-heat coconuts. This reduces the beneficial properties of the finished product.

How to use coconut oil for hair.

Hair can be nourished with pure coconut oil without mixing it with any other products. How to do it right? There are several ways to use coconut oil for hair. But for all of them it is necessary to bring the oil into a “working” state.

As it is known, at a temperature below 25 degrees this oil hardens, becomes solid, white. This is because it contains a lot of saturated fatty acids, which become liquid in warmth. And hair oils (all oils!) Better penetrate the hair in a warm state.

Therefore, before use, coconut oil should be heated in a water bath to 40 degrees. This is the ideal temperature at which the oil penetrates well into the structure of the hair, but it does not lose its beneficial properties.

When the oil is heated, it becomes liquid and transparent. The main thing - do not overheat! And another important point - the oil should be applied to the hair a little, otherwise it will be very difficult to wash it off, the hair will look greasy.

You can also apply oil on the ends after shampooing (only for dry hair) and do not rinse. Use a small amount of oil for this.

Next, just wash your hair with shampoo. It is better to choose a shampoo with natural ingredients. In order to wash the oil well, you may need to apply shampoo more than once.

Masks to strengthen hair.

1. Ingredients (for all hair types):

  • coconut oil - 1 tsp
  • burdock oil - 1 tsp
  • rosemary oil - 5 drops

Mix all the oils and rub this mass into the hair roots. Leave on for 30 minutes, then wash your hair in the usual way.

2. Ingredients (for oily hair):

  • coconut oil for hair - 1 tbsp.
  • Kefir - 2 tbsp.

Heat coconut oil for hair with kefir in the water bath, stirring it. The mixture should be warm, but not hot. Apply to dry hair before washing for 1-2 hours. Shake your hair with a film or in a bag for better penetration. Wash your hair with shampoo.

3. Ingredients (for dry hair):

  • coconut oil - 2 tbsp.
  • extra virgin olive oil - 1 tbsp.

As usual, the oils are heated to a warm state, apply to the entire length of the hair and scalp. Wrap up the film and hold at least 1 hour. Then wash your head.

4. Ingredients (for all hair types)

  • coconut oil - 2 tbsp.
  • tocopherol - 15 drops
  • pyridoxine - 15 drops

This mask with vitamins very well restores the hair structure, makes them stronger and stronger. Mix all the ingredients, a little melt the butter in a water bath and evenly apply to clean hair. Apply to the roots do not need to retreat from the roots of centimeters 10. Remove the hair under a plastic cap, soak for half an hour. This mask is not washed off with shampoo, but with a decoction of nettle.

Nourishing hair mask.

  • coconut oil - 2 tbsp.
  • honey - 2 tsp.
  • lavender oil - 2 drops

Honey and oil - a very good combination that will nourish the hair, make them shiny and healthy. How to use coconut oil in this case? Put honey and butter in a bowl, put it in a water bath and melt to a liquid, slightly warm state. Also do not forget to drop lavender oil into this mass. Stir thoroughly. Apply to wet hair (not washed, just moistened slightly with water). Apply only on the length of the hair, without affecting the roots.Wrap your head in plastic and a towel or scarf. Hold for 1 hour, then wash your hair.

What are the benefits of coconut oil for hair?

Coconut oil is composed of minerals (iron) and vitamins (E and K), but in fairly small quantities. The real benefit of coconut oil for hair is not at all in this, but in the rich content of fatty acids that help eliminate bacteria and fungus, nourish and moisturize hair. Lauric acid, which is about 50% of the oil, has an extremely low molecular weight and penetrates deep into the hair structure, saturating them with nutrients. It helps to maintain cell health and prevent hair from losing protein, including keratin.

The International Journal of Cosmetology (Journal of Cosmetic Science) at one time published 2 studies on the use of coconut oil for hair. Thus, in a study in 1999, it was found that it successfully helps to cope with brittleness and cross-section of hair, and experiments in 2005 showed its ability to penetrate the hair follicle better than mineral oil, the most common component of all commercial hair conditioners. Due to this ability, coconut oil so effectively nourishes the hair that many people notice the result of its impact from the very first use.

Finally, coconut oil is a good natural sun protection rated SPF 8.

The photo below shows the result of its use on blond hair. Full review, see the link here.

Caution: coconut oil has contraindications

Unfortunately, for all its undeniable merits, coconut oil is not suitable for everyone. Sometimes it happens that after applying it, hair not only does not get better, but even starts to fall out. To avoid this, you should be aware of the following features of using this oil:

  1. Since lauric acid helps hair retain its natural protein, coconut oil is recommended for all owners of dull and thin hair lacking volume.
  2. For the same reason, healthy, hard and dry hair that does not need extra protein can become brittle and start to fall out after applying coconut oil. Do not try to use it if you have this type of hair!
  3. Any hair can react badly to an excessive amount of this oil. If its excess will accumulate on your hair and scalp, it can disrupt the pH-level and lead to oily hair, dandruff, hair loss and other troubles.

How to safely use coconut oil for hair:

To get the maximum benefit from coconut oil and a minimum of harm to your hair, follow the best recommendations for its use:

  1. Do not apply coconut oil on the scalp. Although it has anti-fungal properties that help fight dandruff, it was also assigned level 4 comodogenity, i.e. the ability to pollute and clog pores on the skin. (Read more about this in our article. How to choose and apply face cream)
  2. Use a small amount of coconut oil and apply it not from the roots, but from the middle to the ends of the hair. This will allow you to avoid excessive saturation and oiliness, especially with thin hair.
  3. Combine this oil with other beneficial ingredients. For example, monounsaturated fatty acids in olive and argan oils can prevent hair loss and brittleness, and simple sugars in honey make coconut oil even more useful for nourishing hair, making it smooth and eliminating curls.
  4. For best results, use edible unrefined coconut oilwhich is processed without the use of chemistry and contains even more nutrients.This oil is white and resembles creamy rather than vegetable in consistency. Before use, it must be slightly heated and, if desired, mixed with 3-5 drops of your favorite essential oil, for example, jasmine or honeysuckle.

Next, we turn to popular methods of using coconut oil for hair growth and care, as well as to proven recipes for masks and conditioners based on it.

1. Use coconut oil as a hair conditioner

Coconut oil is an excellent conditioner for all hair types. The main thing here is not to overdo it with its quantity:

  • For short hair, 1/2 tsp is enough
  • For medium length hair - 1 tsp. coconut oil
  • For long hair - 1 tablespoon.

If you think you need intensive care or hair restoration, you can double the amount, but do not overdo it. It is better to add to the coconut oil other nutrients, for example, 2-3 drops of essential oil of sandalwood or geranium, which are well contribute to moisturizing and preserving moisture in the hair.

Warm coconut oil in your hands and apply on dry or wet hair, at your discretion. Of course, it will be easier to distribute the oil evenly on wet hair. Cover your head and hair with a shower cap and leave it for 1-2 hours or overnight. Then wash as usual.

Photos before and after 9-10 months of regular use of coconut oil for hair (full review, read link on the site

2. How to use coconut oil for hair growth

The scalp is not as susceptible to impurities as the skin of the face, so coconut oil is often used for its massage in order to improve blood circulation and accelerate hair growth, despite its ability to clog pores. An even better effect will bring you a combination of 1 tsp. coconut oil and 4 drops of rosemary essential oil. Rosemary oil also helps to increase blood circulation in the scalp and accelerates hair growth by more than 20%.

Massage the skin with this mixture for 10 minutes 2-3 times a week. After the massage, put on a shower cap, you can even wrap a head with a towel and let the oils “work” in the warmth for about an hour or even all night.

The girl in the photo is the author of the following link feedback on the use of coconut oil for hair growth - was able to increase the length by 20 cm for 1 year.

3. Coconut oil dandruff

Lauric, capric and other acids in coconut oil are good against viruses, microbes and fungus, which are among the common causes of dandruff. You can learn more about these causes and how to get rid of dandruff at home. in this article.

Wash your hair well using natural shampoo without SLS. Mix 2 tsp. coconut oil with 5 drops of lavender essential oil, thyme and / or tea tree and massage the scalp from neck to forehead and behind the ears with this mixture. Then warmly wrap your head and, if possible, leave it at night. Wash off with the same shampoo.

4. Straightening curly hair at home

Frequent use of hot hair dryers, irons and curling irons dries our hair and makes them prone to tangling and curling. Coconut oil helps not only prevent thermal damage to the hair, but also straighten curly curls due to the deep penetration into the structure of the hair, their moisturizing and weighting.

To straighten curly hair at home, apply coconut oil on your fingers and smooth out clean, washed hair from root to tip. No need to flush! For greater effect, you can "pull out" and put your hair dryer.

Feedback from the forum

5. Hair masks with coconut oil

If you want to strengthen your hair or pamper them with a fragrant mask, choose one of the proven recipes below.Note that it is recommended to keep any masks of coconut oil on your hair for at least 1 hour, and if possible even leave it all night. This will greatly facilitate the process of flushing oil from the hair, and also allow you to quickly achieve the desired result.

4-5 drops of your favorite essential oil can also be added to almost any recipe for a mask with coconut oil to speed up hair growth, give it extra shine and flavor. Most often, essential oils of rosemary, bay, ylang-ylang, incense, lemon balm, lavender and sandalwood are added to coconut oil.

Recipe 1. Mask for treating and moisturizing damaged hair

  • 1 tbsp. l coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp. l honey

To obtain a homogeneous mixture, butter and honey can be slightly heated in a water bath.

Recipe 2. Mask for hair of coconut and other oils

Even more beneficial to your hair can bring a combination of coconut oil with other cosmetic oils, such as almond, argan, burdock, olive or castor. Each of them has its own beneficial properties, acids, minerals and vitamins, which can make your hair healthy and beautiful.

Mix them in equal proportions, a little heated in a water bath, so that the mask turns out to be homogeneous and better drooped into the hair.

The photo below shows the result before and after using coconut oil in combination with shea butter. Full review of the girl read the link.

Recipe 3. For dry, damaged, brittle and split ends

  • 2 tbsp. l coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp. l Sour cream, cream or yogurt.

Recipe 4. Coconut Fruit Mask

A great option for moisturizing, nourishing and saturating hair with vitamins! What do you need:

  • 1 ripe banana or avocado,
  • 2 tbsp. l coconut oil.

The pulp of a banana or avocado should be pureed, then mixed with heated coconut oil. Evenly distribute the mask on the hair and rinse thoroughly after 1-2 hours.

Recipe 5. Nutritious masuka hair conditioner

  • 2 tbsp. l coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp. l honey
  • 1 tbsp. l aloe vera gel,
  • 1 egg yolk,
  • 1 tbsp. l lemon juice or apple cider vinegar (as a conditioner).

Already using coconut oil? Share your results below!

Chemical composition and beneficial properties

Coconut oil is almost half composed of lauric acid, making it a great antiseptic. Hyaluronic acid gives it moisturizing properties. It also contains vitamins A and E, capra, capric, caprylic, palmitic, linolenic, steoric, arachidonic acid and triglycerides of saturated fatty acids, which ensure the ability of the oil to penetrate deep into the skin and hair.

This oil rejuvenates the skin, prevents the formation of wrinkles Provides a smooth, beautiful tan It has anti-inflammatory effects.

Coconut oil is not only a good moisturizer and bactericidal agent. In addition, it:

  • Rejuvenates the skin, prevents the formation of wrinkles,
  • Provides a smooth, beautiful tan
  • It nourishes the skin and hair with the protein contained in it,
  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect,
  • Tones the body, relieves stress.

Tip!Coconut oil is refined and unrefined. Refined cosmetologists consider it less useful, because after the cleaning procedure the useful properties of the oil are weakened.

Also, coconut oil tones the body and relieves stress, so it is often used in spa treatments.

What is useful coconut oil for hair

In addition to nourishing from root to tip, coconut oil helps to restore the structure of damaged hair, returns them natural shine and beauty. Such care will be especially useful for hair that is subject to constant styling, blow-drying, and coloring. This tool creates a protective layer on the scalp that prevents the fibers from swelling.It also minimizes the effects of an aggressive mechanical impact on the hair - combing with a hard comb, wiping with a towel, twirling on curlers, etc.

Coconut oil provides nourishment to hair from root to tip. Such care will be especially useful for hair that is subject to constant styling, blow-drying, and dyeing. It also minimizes the effects of an aggressive mechanical impact on the hair - combing with a hard comb, toweling, curling on curlers

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of coconut oil is that it is an absolutely natural product without dyes and flavors. By the way, that is why its smell is somewhat different from the smell of products, which include a simulator of the smell of kosovoi chips. It is unpretentious, does not require special storage conditions and can stand for a long time both in a locker in the form of a liquid in a bottle, and in the refrigerator as an ointment in a jar.

Coconut oil has a good effect on the scalp, improves blood circulation, stimulates hair growth. The main advantage of coconut oil is that it is an absolutely natural product without dyes and flavors. It can be in liquid form. So in the form of ointment

The disadvantages include the fact that after contact with clothes there are grease stains, so for use it is recommended to use either old clothes that are not a pity, or a towel, or a plastic wrap. Another drawback is that coconut oil in its pure form is difficult to wash off the hair. Therefore, after applying it is necessary to repeat the wash 2-3 times.

Before using any remedy, you need to find out if you have any allergies.

You can also make a mixture of coconut and other oils, or use the coconut component for the preparation of masks from dairy products - whey or sour cream. The main thing is that the dairy components are heated, so that the oil does not freeze.

You can also make a mixture of coconut and other oils, or use the coconut component for the preparation of masks from dairy products - whey or sour cream

Despite the fact that coconut oil has the reputation of a means to make hair softer, there are some cases where the result of its regular use is the rigidity and heaviness of the hair, oily sheen and a tendency to accumulate static electricity. Such cases are individual, and their percentage is small.

To wash the oil off the head, you need to repeat the wash several times.

And one more drawback - coconut oil can cause an allergic reaction on the skin. Therefore, before using it, you need to check whether there is an allergy. To do this, spread the skin with a small amount of oil and wait 24 hours. If there are no reactions, then you can safely use it.

Coconut oil for hair - a unique natural remedy that can work wonders

Coconut oil for scalp and hair

Coconut oil is good because it can be used both before and after shampooing. And when used for conditioning hair from the very roots, it can be left for several hours, even overnight. The longer the product will stay on the hair, the higher will be the effectiveness of its use.

Coconut oil can be used as a mask or conditioning agent. Before use, the oil must be melted if it was stored in the refrigerator.

To perform the conditioning of the head and hair, you need to act in the following order:

  1. Wear clothes that you do not mind soiling or cover the shoulders with a towel or plastic wrap.
  2. In a deep dish pour a few tablespoons of the funds. If the butter is kept in the fridge - melt these few tablespoons in your hands, in the microwave or on the stove. Make sure that the oil does not boil or does not become hot.
    The oil is applied to the head in its purest form.
  3. Pour melted butter on the head and evenly distribute over the entire length of the hair (you can use a comb for this).
  4. Massage the oil into the scalp. Carefully rub into the hair along the entire length until the tips.
  5. If the hair is long - to collect them in the tail and fix not too tight elastic.
    Massage movements need to rub the tool into the scalp and hair.
  6. Wear a shower cap, if not, use a plastic bag or wrap your head with cling film.
  7. On top of the cap (film, package) tie a towel.
  8. Leave a compress for several hours (you can spend the night).
    It is best to perform this procedure in the bathroom, so as not to stain furniture and clothing.
  9. After a few hours (or in the morning) remove the towel, the film and wash off the oil. For washing it is desirable to use shampoo from natural ingredients. Repeat the procedure two to three times (or more, if the situation requires) to completely flush the oil.
    Compress need to wear a few hours, you can leave at night
  10. Soak the hair with a towel, then let it dry naturally.
  11. Use a hair dryer after such a compress is not recommended.

With regular such a procedure, the hair will gain a healthy shine and beauty, it will become softer and more voluminous. The scalp will be more moist, blood circulation will improve, small cracks will heal.

To wash the oil, it is desirable to use a shampoo from natural ingredients, so as not to negate the work of coconut vitamins.

Tip!Use an amount of oil that matches the length of your hair. Do not be afraid to overdo it with the amount, coconut oil is harmless and still eventually washed off.

With regular such a procedure, the hair will gain a healthy shine and beauty, it will become softer and more voluminous.

Hair treatment and tips

It is not necessary to use coconut oil for conditioning the hair over the entire length, starting from the roots and affecting the scalp. This tool is an excellent prevention of brittle hair and split ends. For such care a small amount of oil is enough. Apply it on the hair should be light massage movements before or after washing. If the oil is applied before washing the head, then the best application is 20-30 minutes before washing. If the tool is used as a balm after washing, you need to use a small amount and allow the hair to dry naturally. It is not desirable to use a hair dryer, but it is possible, if the situation requires it.

This tool is an excellent prevention of brittle hair and split ends. If the product is used as a balm after washing, you need to use a small amount and allow the hair to dry naturally. If the oil is applied before washing the head, then the best application is 20-30 minutes before washing.

Likewise, hair is processed along its entire length. If after washing the oil turned out too much, the excess amount must be washed off, and then allow the hair to dry.

Tip!When storing oil in the refrigerator, you can melt it by putting a few spoons in a glass, and pour the walls of the glass with hot tap water. The oil will melt in a few seconds without the risk of boiling or becoming hot.

Coconut oil is also useful for the whole body, it can be used as a moisturizer

Fermented milk hair masks

In addition to using coconut oil in its pure form, you can use it to create a mixture of oils, and you can make masks with other components. The most popular recipe for masks for hair and scalp using coconut oil is from dairy products.

Coconut oil can be used to create a mixture of oils, and you can make masks with other components.

Recipe number 1

Mix the coconut oil, melted to liquid state, with fat sour cream or milk cream in the ratio 2: 1.Stir until smooth. Apply the finished gruel on dry or wet hair 30–40 minutes before washing. After time, rinse with shampoo, if necessary, rinse with balm. The recipe is suitable for dry hair.

Mask for dry hair, in addition to coconut oil, includes sour cream or cream

Recipe number 2

Apply the melted coconut oil to the ends of the hair, and evenly apply natural yoghurt without aromatic additives and dyes to the rest of the scalp and the scalp. Yogurt can be replaced by kefir. After 30-40 minutes, rinse with shampoo, if necessary, use balm. The recipe is used for mixed hair.

For mixed type of hair is recommended to use oil with yogurt

Recipe number 3

Mix two tablespoons of melted coconut oil with one tablespoon of natural yogurt (can be replaced with two tablespoons of sour cream). Spread over the entire hair length, hold for 30–40 minutes. Wash off with shampoo, if necessary, use a balm rinse. Use with a frequency of one to two times a week. Suitable for everyday care for normal hair.

After using masks with natural ingredients, it is recommended to refrain from blow-drying and styling with curling iron.

Effect of coconut oil on hair and scalp

The unique effect of coconut oil on the scalp and hair is due to the chemical composition. Carboxylic acids (lauric, palmitic, myristic, caproic, stearic, caproic, linoleic), retinol and tocopherol, microelements (calcium, phosphorus) have the following effects:

  • Protective - Coconut oil protects against ultraviolet radiation, which violates the structure of the hair. Also, the oil neutralizes the effects of dry air, tap or saline seawater on the scalp and hair.
  • Nutritional - after regular use of coconut masks to their hair their vitality returns, the structure is restored, the crackle and fragility of hair disappear.
  • Moisturizing - coconut oil can be attributed to essential products for owners of dry, dyed hair, as well as damaged by chemical or thermal curling. The oil restores the natural moisture of the hair, returns shine and silkiness to them, facilitates combing.
  • Cleansing - light antibacterial and antifungal action of coconut oil helps to prevent the development of dandruff, pruritus, which allows for a long time to keep the hair and scalp clean.

How else is coconut oil used

In addition to using coconut oil for healthy hair and scalp, it is used for such purposes:

  • to moisturize dry skin of the face, hands and body,
  • in the manufacture of cosmetics,
  • to soften scars and reduce their size,
  • to prevent stretch marks on the skin,
  • for the care of nail cuticles,
  • for frying (coconut oil fully replaces the sunflower oil we are used to),
  • in the production of margarine,
  • as a food additive in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, with reduced immunity, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal diseases,
  • in the treatment of eczema, dermatitis,
  • for the healing of skin microcracks in xerosis (pathological dryness), diaper rash.

The chemical composition of coconut oil

Coconut oil contains beneficial fatty acids:

  • more than 45% lauric acid,
  • more than 15% myristic acid
  • more than 8% palmitic acid,
  • more than 5% oleic acid,
  • more than 4% of caprylic and capric acids,
  • vitamins E, C, A.

Coconut Hair Oil - Physical Properties

Unrefined coconut oil is usually a solid, aromatic mass of white or yellowish, part of which must be melted before each cosmetic procedure.

This oil is stored in a cool place, and the melting point is already 25 degrees.

Photo of coconut oil - this is coconut oil in liquid and solid state.

As for the refined liquid oil, it is also used for cosmetic purposes, more often - in cooking (especially in vegetarian and lactose-free cuisine).

But, since we prefer a pure natural product, we will focus on the first option.

After all, the use and reliability of natural oil more than compensates for a couple of minutes of its preliminary preparation.

Useful properties of coconut oil for hair

So, what is the effect of coconut oil on our hair and scalp, face, body?

Consider this question in more detail.

Like most natural oils, coconut was discovered by ancient beauties almost during the Cleopatra period, as an indispensable nourishing, regenerating skin of the face, head, hands and body. It gave the wealthy ladies well-groomed and noble.

How does coconut oil affect hair?

Almost invariably oil works in our days, only now it is much more affordable, therefore it finds its application in every woman.

The main beneficial properties of coconut oil for hair:

  1. Unrefined coconut oil strengthens, nourishes and stimulates hair growth.
  2. This is one of those oils that are able to penetrate into the hair shaft itself, to retain moisture and keratin in it.
  3. Due to this, the structure of dry and depleted hair, which was exposed to wind, sun, sea and various cosmetics, is restored.
  4. It really makes the hair beautiful and soft, even in such a difficult case, as damage after perm and coloring.
  5. Coconut oil is an excellent way to fix the color and give the hair a radiant beauty after henna or basma dyeing.
  6. Due to its antimicrobial and antifungal properties, coconut oil helps to get rid of dandruff, naturally and very quickly!

Indispensable for those who often wash their hair.

The most relevant and even necessary is coconut oil for girls with long, weakened hair as a result of daily washing.

Used before washing, the oil prevents dry hair, prevents the destruction of the hair along the entire length and breakage of the tips, in particular.

Being a powerful moisturizer, fragrant coconut oil is primarily shown in the comprehensive care of dry hair, as well as for dry scalp.

If you have a combined type (oily skin and normal or dry hair), the oil can be easily applied only to areas of need.

By the way, coconut oil is one of the few vegetable oils that so conveniently and evenly covers the canvas of hair.

Therefore, if before you often experienced discomfort when applying oil masks on your hair, try this particular oil: surely, you will be pleasantly surprised and will not exchange it for others.

We know that one of the causes of hair loss and general weakness of the hair is a regular load of aggressive substances (industrial shampoo, chemical styling, frequent dryers, etc.).

To prevent the loss of valuable natural protein (keratin), experts advise you to make masks of coconut oil just before washing your hair.

This is a universal method, suitable for virtually all types of hair, even greasy.

As a result of protecting the hair shaft from the negative impact from the outside, the oil stimulates hair growth, prevents the loss of natural shine, softness, elasticity - all that makes women's hair well-groomed and healthy looking.

How to apply coconut oil to hair?

  1. In a water bath, melt a small portion of the coconut oil to a liquid state and, warm, apply half an hour before washing your head.
  2. Strengthen the effect of the procedure with additional warming: film and towel.
  3. After 30-40 minutes, wash your hair with plenty of warm water, with shampoo and conditioner.
  4. This mask is suitable for normal and dry hair, it is used 1-2 times a week (once a time with a regular wash).

Coconut oil to strengthen hair and prevent dandruff

And for the prevention of hair problems (including dandruff), it is good to combine 1 tbsp. oil with a teaspoon of honey, melt in a water bath and drip a little essential oil by hair type (for example, rosemary, ylang-ylang, frankincense, lemon).

The mixture is also applied for half an hour before washing, and then just washed with shampoo and balm.

Coconut oil in combination with other vegetable oils

  1. Oil number 1 in cosmetology undoubtedly remains olive, and in combination with coconut, it only enhances its moisturizing properties.
  2. Just like olive, unrefined almond oil with melted coconut provides weakened damaged hair with a return to the natural vitality, and coconut oil in a mix with castor oil is ideal for combination and oily hair to activate their growth and prevent loss.
  3. Known for its healing effect, burdock oil also goes well with coconut oil, restoring the deeper layers of any hair type.

Now we are well acquainted with another gift of nature - wonderful coconut oil for hair and not only.

Coconut Oil: Composition and Species

The rich composition of coconut oil allows it to be used for various purposes. The most valuable substances that it contains are acids:

In addition to them, the oil has a high content of vitamins A, E, various microelements that can trigger the regeneration of the skin, eliminate irritation and inflammation.

In addition, coconut oil is refined and unrefined, it has differences regarding the spin process.

Spin is divided into:

  1. Cold. From the name it is clear that the oil is obtained from raw coconut without preheating. This method is good because it saves the maximum amount of valuable substances in the tool. The composition of the product is richer than that produced below in this way.
  2. Hot. This method of pressing involves preheating the coconut, which increases the amount of oil produced. However, in the process partially component composition is lost.

Which coconut oil is better - refined or unrefined - in fact, not yet known. Subjecting to refining the product, it is cleaned from any harmful substances. This allows the facility to be stored longer. In addition, acquiring a refined product, it is possible to add to it as needed various components.

However, many people prefer exactly unrefined coconut oil, as it is not exposed to such effects as refined.

How it looks and where to store

It is recommended to keep the oil at a low temperature for storage. The best thing keep it in the fridge. When coconut oil is in the refrigerator, it hardens and becomes like a thick, opaque paste. However, if you take it in the palm of your hand, it instantly melts and acquires a liquid consistency.

The color of the melted butter is always transparent, in a frozen state the product has a white color.. If the oil is unrefined, then in the frozen state it has different shades, for example, brown or yellow. Also, unrefined product has a pronounced coconut smell. Relatively refined, this smell is barely perceptible.


New product for the health of hair Bliss Hair - protection, nutrition, brilliance in advertising.

Moroccan oils and growth promoters, without parabens!

What is useful for hair

So, what is the use of coconut oil for hair? The following are distinguished from useful properties:

  1. Moisturizes even the driest hairgives them a healthy look and the shag becomes more obedient.This property is not an obstacle to use it on hair prone to fat.
  2. The nutritional structure of the hair and scalp occurs due to the rich composition of the product. With regular use of this tool, the hair takes into its structure the substances necessary for a healthy state and remain so for a long time.
  3. Antiseptic and antibacterial effect of coconut oil is used for getting rid of dandruff, seborrhea, inflammation of the scalp or other diseases. The tool is able to accelerate the processes of regeneration, for a short period of time heals wounds.
  4. The protective effect of this drug is due to the ability to envelop each hair. This film provides complete protection from exposure to ultraviolet rays and salt water. The use of coconut oil is very important in the summer.

Nothing will not restore and protect the hair and solve a diverse set of problems, like the correct use of coconut oil. The effect of the procedures performed, is able to persist for a long time.

Where is sold, the country of origin

Coconut oil is produced in the Philippines, Indonesia, India, Africa, Thailand and other countries. In Russia, the most sold oil from Sri Lanka and Thailand. Many people buy it on trips to exotic countries.

There is a fairly large selection of various products, which include coconut oil. Sell ​​it in its purest form.

Often it can be seen on the shelves in supermarkets, but the best way to buy coconut oil for hair is to go, either to the pharmacy or a specialty store.

So how do you figure out which of those that are sold need to buy? Here are some tips:

  • At the time of purchase you need to pay attention to the composition, which is listed on the tool. It should not be different fragrances.
  • In no case should not acquire oil containing preservatives or sulfates.
  • Also pay attention to the specified period of storage of funds, it should be no more than 2 years.

With regards to the properties of coconut oil, the following can be distinguished:

  • antimicrobial. It effectively affects the pathogenic microflora, stopping its vital activity, development and distribution,
  • antioxidant. Due to this property, a protective barrier for cells from exposure to aggressive substances or any other factors is provided.
  • antifungal. By analogy with the antimicrobial effect, the oil suppresses the viability of the fungi on the scalp,
  • regenerating. Soothes the skin due to the content of capranic, caprylic, lauric acids, and taking into account the contained vitamins A, E, the regeneration process occurs several times faster.

How to use coconut oil for hair

If you want to start caring for your hair with coconut oil, do not neglect the rules of its use. The first thing to learn is how to apply coconut oil to your hair. The procedure is as follows:

  • Initially, the required amount of funds melt a little. This is to facilitate the application process.
  • after this, the tool is pounded in portions in hands and, passing hair between fingers, is gradually applied to the entire volume of hair,
  • after the entire portion of the product has been applied, use a comb with fine teeth and distribute the composition evenly along the entire length of the hair,
  • then curls are collected bundle or braid braid, and then wrapped with plastic film or swimming cap.

If there is a need to improve the condition of the skin, then this means is applied on the skin and on the root part of the hair, after which the head is also wrapped with plastic wrap.

How to apply to the ends of the hair

Most effectively for dry ends to apply oil for hair for the night.For convenience, this is done by wrapping the tips with a small piece of plastic film after application. After that fix a rubber band for hair. In the morning, the product is washed off and allowed to dry, without using a hair dryer.

In this video, described in detail how to make a mask for the ends of the hair:

Coconut oil for hair growth is a good remedy. To stimulate hair growth, gruel is added to coconut oil with one bulb or one teaspoon of mustard powder with sugar. The strength of the mask depends on the amount of sugar, namely the activity of mustard in it.

After mixing until uniform, the agent is applied on the root zone of the hair and on the scalp and covered with plastic and a towel.

The duration of the procedure should be at least 40 minutes.

The maximum duration of the procedure is one and a half hours. This coconut oil hair mask should be repeated once a week.

Against fallout

Effective in using coconut oil for hair loss. For the preparation of such a mask will need, in addition to the main ingredient, a little salt. Mixing these ingredients, you get a scrub. It is used by rubbing into the skin with massaging movements.

Do it for 5 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the procedure no more than 2 repetitions per week period. The duration of the procedures is 1 month, after which a few months break is taken and the course is repeated. This procedure is best carried out before you wash your hair.

For greasy hair

For this type of hair, fresh lemon juice in the amount of 1-2 teaspoons is added to the coconut oil. After that, the resulting composition is applied throughout the volume of curls and scalp. Further, the hair is wrapped in plastic.

Keep coconut oil with lemon need 40-60 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. Repeat can be no more than 2 times per week. In addition to lemon juice, there is a variant of similar masks using skimmed kefir, honey or egg white.

To revitalize dry hair is necessary:

  • one egg yolk and 1 tbsp. spoon of coconut oil mixed until smooth. Instead of egg yolk or as an additional component may be used fat cream or cream,
  • carry out the application of the mass on the curls, while not affecting either the scalp or the root area,
  • The procedure lasts 2-3 hours, after which the product is washed off with shampoo.

For mixed type

This type involves the use of tools without additives, while it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics.

If the skin on the head is characterized by excessive fat content, then you should use coconut oil in the part of the hair that needs extra nourishment and hydration.

It is recommended to apply, starting from the middle of the hair length. As for the part of the curls near the roots, it is best to add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the oil. Thus, to care for hair with coconut oil, girls with mixed hair type need to prepare two compositions for the procedure.

Hair masks with coconut oil and coconut milk

In addition to using coconut oil, a good way to provide nourishment and protection for your hair is coconut milk hair mask. For the procedure using:

  • Milk from one coconut, heated to a temperature of 25-26 degrees,
  • 30 ml of freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice is added to the milk,
  • mix to a homogeneous composition and carry out the application on the hair, using a comb,
  • further hair is collected and wrapped in plastic, and then kept with the composition on the head for 40 minutes.

A good way to provide enhanced hair nutrition can be carried out as follows. recipe with coconut oil:

  • one or two tablespoons of solid coconut oil, mixed with one or two teaspoons of natural honey,
  • The resulting mixture is placed in a water bath and heated until the ingredients melt,
  • removing from the bath, the mass is thoroughly mixed and left for a short time, until a comfortable temperature is obtained for use,
  • in this composition, you can add any essential oils as desired,
  • with the help of a comb the mixture is applied to the entire length of the hair,
  • procedure duration 40 minutes.

How to apply at night

For those who do not have the ability to make masks regularly, because they require quite a lot of time, you can use another method - coconut oil for hair at night.

This procedure is no different from the usual application, after which the hair is wrapped in plastic wrap and a towel. It is advisable to apply the product only to the hair, without affecting the scalp and root part of the hair.

Regular use requires knowledge of how to rinse coconut oil from your hair.

Many who have tried masks with any of the oils, know how difficult they are then washed off.

In order to simplify the task, it is best to wash off the mask twice.

Namely, after the first rinsing of the main composition, apply on the hair and lather the shampoo again, then rinse. For easier rinsing, after the first application of the shampoo on the head, you can hold the product in a few minutes before washing it off.

Natural masks using coconut oil

In addition to fermented milk products, you can use honey, fruits, eggs, and even mayonnaise to make masks. Below are a few recipes.

Coconut oil masks should be applied 1-2 times a week. Coconut oil can be prepared independently from the usual coconut

Honey Mask

Mix a tablespoon of hard coconut oil with one teaspoon of honey. Melt the resulting mixture in a water bath, add a few drops of incense or ylang-ylang oil. Stir the mixture again and massage into the head with massage movements. The remaining mixture is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair. You can wash off after 30-40 minutes. This mask should be applied up to two times a week.

Well proven mask with butter and honey

Fruit mask

Mash one ripe avocado or banana fruit to a mash. Add two tablespoons of liquid coconut oil, mix well until smooth. Apply the finished gruel evenly on the scalp and hair. Wash off after 40-60 minutes. Apply up to two times a week.

The main thing - to put a fruit mask on the hair, but not to eat. Although it is also useful

Egg-mayonnaise mask

Take two tablespoons of liquid coconut oil, raw egg yolk, one tablespoon of the highest fat content mayonnaise. If desired, you can also add a few drops of myrrh, Santal or blue chamomile essential oil. All components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass. Apply the finished gruel on the scalp, evenly spread over the entire length of the hair. After 40-60 minutes, wash off.

The usefulness of egg hair masks has been known for a long time, and if you add coconut oil to it, the effect will be amazing.

Tip!After applying the mask, you should wear a shower cap (or wrap your head with cling film) and wrap it with a towel. This will make applying the mask more effective.

With the systematic use of such masks, the result will be noticeable after a few weeks.

Coconut oil on the head should be kept as long as possible.

Where to buy oil

Coconut oil in small containers is sold in specialized stores of natural cosmetics. It is impossible to meet him on the shelves of supermarkets or in a pharmacy. In South Asia and Africa, this tool is available for free, so if someone you know is going to India, Vietnam or Egypt, you can safely ask them to bring a jar or two of oil, which is much cheaper there than ours.

Coconut oil is sold in natural cosmetics stores If you have not found the cherished product on sale, prepare it at home

How to cook at home

If no friends go to Africa, and the prices in the shops do not suit you - do not worry, coconut oil is easy to make at home. For this we need: pulp of one or two coconuts, grater (blender), hot water and a little time.

To make butter, you will need 1-2 coconut pulp. Fresh coconut milk can be drunk or used for cosmetic purposes. You can not pour coconut oil with boiling water so as not to kill useful items.

Wash coconuts, drill a hole, pour out the milk. Then chop the nuts with a hammer. To prevent pieces of coconut from scattering, you can wrap it in a clean rag and then split it. Separate the pulp from the shell. Pulp grate or grind with a blender, put in a pan. Pour hot water (not boiling water, as boiling water kills the beneficial properties of coconut). Then cool and refrigerate.

Coconut oil for hair - the best tool in the fight against drying and brittleness You will get rid of the problem of combing - the hair will become smooth and supple

A white layer forms above the water and chips - this is coconut oil. It must be removed with a spoon, melt, strain and pour into a container. Store can be either in the locker or in the refrigerator.

Homemade coconut oil is useful in cooking

Tip!Homemade coconut oil can be used in cooking. It does not contain cholesterol, so it is much more useful than sunflower or cream.

Recommendations for the use of masks with coconut oil

  1. On sale you can find unrefined and refined coconut oil. Unrefined oil contains more nutrients, but if it gets on the scalp, it can clog the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands. therefore unrefined product is applied only to the hair. Refined oil can be applied to the skin.
  2. Coconut oil is a thick white mass, sometimes solid pieces. At temperatures above 27 ° C, the oil melts, turning into a yellowish transparent liquid. For the introduction of the mask composition oil is heated in a water bath, when applying coconut oil in its pure form, it is melted directly in the palms of the hands.
  3. When applying a coconut mask shoulders covered with a protective cape: If oil gets on clothing, stains that are difficult to remove will remain.
  4. Do not use a mask with coconut oil on oily hair, with pustular rashes on the skin.
  5. Mask is prepared before use, use for once.
  6. After applying the mask, the hair is collected in a bun and put on a plastic bag or a shower cap made of polyethylene, covered with a towel on top.
  7. Mask hold on hair 30-60 minutes.
  8. Wash off the mask composition of the usual shampoo, if necessary, soaping the head several times to completely remove any oil residue from the hair.
  9. Masks apply 2 times per week.

Hair Mask Recipes

  • Improves hair growth. K 3 Art. l coconut oil add chopped large cloves of garlic and red pepper on the tip of a knife. The composition is rubbed into the scalp. When a strong sting appears, the mask is immediately washed off.
  • Nutritious with honey. 1 tbsp. l coconut oil is melted in a water bath with a teaspoon of honey, 2-3 drops of essential oil are dripping to choose from: ylang-ylang - to strengthen hair, jasmine - to eliminate itching with dry scalp, juniper - to improve hair growth, lavender - to obtain sedative effect. The mask is applied to the hair and scalp.
  • To make hair silky. In the evening, a small amount of oil is ground in the palms, applied to the hair. They put a thin cotton hat or kerchief on their heads, go to bed. In the morning, wash your hair with regular shampoo.
  • Hair loss. Mix a teaspoon of glycerin, two teaspoons of coconut oil, an egg, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.
  • For weakened hair. Coconut and burdock oil are mixed in equal amounts.
  • Nutritious with sour cream. 1 tsp Coconut oil combine with 1 tbsp. l fat cream
  • Dandruff. To two tsp. coconut oil add two drops of lavender oil and tea tree oil.
  • For the prevention of lice. K 3 Art. l coconut oil is added to a teaspoon of ylang-ylang oil, aniseed oil, and tea tree oil. This mixture is left on the hair for two hours, then the hair is washed with apple cider vinegar, diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 1, then the head is washed with shampoo.
  • For soft hair. Prepare mashed potatoes from one banana, mixed with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.
  • Cleansing. Coconut oil is mixed in equal amounts with kefir or yogurt.
  • Moisturizing. Oatmeal is poured with hot milk in the ratio of 1: 1, the oatmeal is mixed with an equal amount of coconut oil.
  • Firming. Coconut oil is mixed 1: 1 with white clay powder.
  • From split ends. Mix a tablespoon of coconut oil and olive oil, add 2 drops of rosemary, mandarin and geranium oils. The mixture is rubbed into the ends of the hair, left overnight.
  • To strengthen the roots. A teaspoon of parsley seeds is ground in a coffee grinder, mixed with a teaspoon of vodka and 2 tsp. coconut oil.
  • Anti-inflammatory. In a coffee grinder, crushed in a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers and rosemary leaves, mixed with 100 ml of liquid coconut oil and infused in a water bath for 30 minutes. The mixture is kept for three days in a dark place at room temperature, then heated in a water bath, filtered through gauze, applied to the hair and scalp.

Despite the simple composition, the mask with coconut oil is an effective means by which you can maintain healthy hair, return them smooth and silky, prevent split ends.


Watch the video: This Is How You Should Be Using Coconut Oil (July 2024).