Tools and facilities

Gorgeous and effective care for locks with hair oils from Garnier


For hair restoration, our readers successfully use Minoxidil. Seeing the popularity of this tool, we decided to offer it to your attention.
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It is not enough to have beautiful thick curls from birth. Modern ecology dictates the rules of hair care. Frequent staining, hard water, substandard shampoos require strand nutrition.

All girls know that oil is necessary for the health of curls

  • Oil Garnier fructis for hair - the transformation of curls
  • The virtues of the elixir
    • Method of application of argan oil: the price is not higher quality
  • Quality, benefit, success for brittle hair and their tips
  • Reviews of women about oil elixir Garnier Fruktis

For nearly a century, the French firm Garnier replenishes products for coloring curls, straightening and nutrition. Healthy and silky curls gladden their owner, attract the attention of others. Hair garnier strengthens the root of the hair, gives freshness and shine.

Oil Garnier fructis for hair - the transformation of curls

The consumer market has been replenished with the oil with the intriguing name “Garnier's Elixir”. The product nourishes the strands, fixes the hairstyle, polishes it, without making it heavier with its structure. Damaged curls masked miraculous mask-elixir.

An adult woman carries out various manipulations with her hair - this is toning, perm, wrap on curlers, bouffant, all kinds of skins and varnishes for styling her hair.

Such procedures cannot go unnoticed on the quality of the strands.

The beauty industry occupies a certain market segment and consumer demand. The leading producer has become the brand Garnier Fructis (Garnier Fructis).

Cosmetics are made from natural ingredients: extracts from flowering plants, fruit extracts, oil components. The aroma of fruit freshness gives positive emotions to the woman, rewards with healthy and strong curls.

Caring means differ in quality and effectiveness. Cosmetic company Garnier fructis constantly conducts surveys of its customers, trying to improve the product line - shampoos, balms, conditioners, conditioners, nourishing masks and oil.

The elixir "Transfiguration" has a universal structure that allows it to be used as a means of protection against harmful ecology:

The main ingredient in oil is Dimethicone silicone. It wraps each strand with the thinnest film, giving it a silky and shiny gloss. All ingredients contribute to UV protection.

The virtues of the elixir

Apply an oil-elixir for hair to all, as it does not cause allergies. There is no fat effect curls. Alcohol, as one of the components, removes excess fat and gently cleanses the strands. In the summer, Fructis oil is absolutely necessary.

Oil contributes to the preservation of the tonality of colored hair.

Other product benefits:

  • feeds
  • regenerates damaged tips, fills the void, prevents the cross section,
  • moisturizes curls,
  • creates bulk,
  • corrects the appearance of the hair,
  • pleasant aroma.

Method of application of argan oil: the price is not higher quality

Strongly advised not to rub oil into the skin. It is redistributed along the length of the hair, retreating 1-1.5 cm from the root follicles. The treatment is subject to the tips of the strands.

Tip: apply the product for half an hour before washing your head - this will additionally enrich with nutrients.

Used oil before shampooing hair from Garnier. The product strengthens the styling and holds during the working day. It is better to apply the product to moisturized hair, then they will not seem dirty. Oiliness will appear if applied to dry hair.

The amount of funds - 150 ml. The price varies from 250 to 300 rubles.

Reviews of women about oil elixir Garnier Fruktis

Women actively enjoy the great product. Many of them share their impressions about the quality of the product.

For the last three years I have been highlighting, as a result I have found damaged tips. On the recommendation of friends acquired "Transformation". Various manufacturers produce a similar tool, but decided to choose Garnier. By the way, an important fact is one of the cheapest and, as it turned out, effective means.

Use oil and your hair will also become healthy and beautiful.

Veronica, 52 years old

Doubts in the choice of the manufacturer were between Vella and Fruktis. The main argument for me was the choice of a product that does not make hair heavy and greasy. Passed the first test with oil from Garnier and did not regret it. Got a pleasant feeling from the procedure done.

Svetlana, 41 years old

Constantly used homegrown means to feed the hair roots - mustard, burdock oil. Colleagues advised to buy "Transfiguration". The effect is completely different - silky to the touch and obedient when laying. Often I use a remedy.

The tool is effective, the result is visible. It feels fresh and aromatic. Recomend for everybody.

Oil has long been used by women for the skin of the body, improving the structure of the hair. The product does not require rinsing, is absorbed and heals damaged tips. By purchasing oil, a woman will give her curls an opportunity to get stronger and improve their health.

Oil elixir for hair Fructis from Garnier: properties and application

Owners of unruly, damaged hair should, in addition to basic care products, purchase oil. Among the many options offered by manufacturers of cosmetics, it is sometimes difficult to make a choice. If it is difficult to make a choice, we recommend to pay attention to the oil "Fruktis Transformation" from Garnier. We, in turn, recommend that you familiarize yourself with the composition and evaluate its effectiveness on your curls.

About the manufacturer

The French company Garnier has existed for more than a century. Today it is one of the most famous in the world and is in incredible demand among consumers. The company produces a variety of body and hair care products. Among the range, everyone will be able to choose the appropriate options for the care of curls, because the company regularly conducts surveys and takes into account all the wishes of their current and potential customers.

In the production of cosmetics, the manufacturer makes the most of natural substances: extracts of plants and fruits, oils. To achieve the greatest efficiency, most products are enriched with vitamins and mineral complexes. The safety and safety of all cosmetics for hair are confirmed by numerous tests and studies.

What is hair oil?

The advantages of garnier oil in its versatility: the tool is suitable for all types of hair. The oil helps to moisturize dry and lifeless hair, greasy hair will not become so quickly contaminated, thanks to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, damaged hair will gain additional protection and nourishment, and dyed hair will keep color longer.

The oil is very convenient to use due to the release form - it comes in the form of a spray. Due to this, the tool can be applied evenly along the entire length of the hair. Despite the fact that the elixir Garnier has an oily shape, it has a rather light and pleasant texture, does not leave greasy stains and does not weigh down curls. A relatively small bottle of oil lasts for quite a long time, even with daily use.

The composition of the oil Garnier

As mentioned above, the composition includes natural substances: argan and camellia oil. These natural ingredients nourish the hair and give it an incredible shine, protecting it from damage and protecting it from the action of ultraviolet radiation. “Having studied the composition, some will note the content of silicones. Many are wary of them and will leave the facility on the shelf. But silicones envelop each hair with a thin film, which provides additional protection and volume. At the same time, they are absolutely safe and do not cause allergies. It is due to the content of silicones in the composition of the oil after its application ensures the absence of the effect of greasy hair. "

One of the components that make up the Garnier oil is alcohol. Thanks to him, there is a gentle cleansing and removal of excess sebum. This elixir will be very useful in the summer. It protects the curls during the day from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Recommendations for use and the expected effect

Oil Garnier can be called a universal means for hair care, as it has a wide spectrum of action.

What does the manufacturer promise to customers?

Included nutritional components easily penetrate deep into the hair structure. This provides the necessary nutrition.

The thin, imperceptible to the human eye, which forms on the surface of the hair, protects the curls from the negative influence of external factors.

  1. Restoration of damaged hair

This oil fills the voids and glues the hair scales, which is the key to beautiful hair and prevents the ends of the cross section.

Natural oils, which are the main components of Garnier, moisturize hair. Curls at the same time not so quickly grow fat.

After applying the product, the hairstyle looks more voluminous due to the formation of a thin protective film on the hair. Curls at the same time remain light, do not acquire weighting.

For hair restoration, our readers successfully use Minoxidil. Seeing the popularity of this tool, we decided to offer it to your attention.
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  1. Improving the appearance of curls

Oil Garnier transforms locks beyond recognition: they are easy to comb and fit, get a healthy look, softness and natural shine.

The tool has a gentle unobtrusive aroma. This slight smell remains on the hair for quite a long time.

Garnier Oil Applications

The manufacturer has taken care of its customers and offers several ways to use the oil, among which everyone can choose the most convenient for themselves:

  1. Apply the product in 30 minutes before washing the head. This method allows you to clean the hair and further enrich them with nutrients.
  2. To facilitate combing, giving the hair softness and shine, the product is applied to washed, towel-dried curls, spreading it evenly over the entire length.
  3. It is possible to add additional volume to the hairstyle by applying the agent immediately before styling. It is very important to apply oil only on the hair, without affecting the scalp. Otherwise, the work of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, because of which the hairstyle becomes untidy.
  4. Elixir can be used throughout the day at a convenient time. Such an application is especially useful in the summertime, which helps to protect curls from ultraviolet radiation, additionally moisturizing and caring for them.

You can apply oil on wet and dry curls. Sometimes a sufficiently small amount of the product is applied only on the ends of the hair in order to further moisten them and prevent the section.

Other Garnier Oil Supplements

An equally attractive solution is to add oils to hair dyes. An incredible color palette from the Garnier OLIA paint series confirms this. Long-lasting coloring with non-ammonia inks is achieved by deep penetration of the coloring pigment deep into the hair. Many people think that paints that do not contain ammonia cannot guarantee the painting of gray hair and color stability. In fact, a wide palette of 25 colors allows you to choose the desired shade and even drastically change the hair color.

The paint is very easy to apply on the curls and has a pleasant aroma. Due to the fact that there is no ammonia in colors, even pregnant women can use it. She is absolutely harmless. In addition, this tool not only paints curls, but also further moisturizes them. Due to the absence of ammonia, hair dyes from this series are an additional care for curls. At the same time, the color palette will satisfy the most sophisticated tastes of customers. Paints based on natural oils that do not contain ammonia conquer their diversity. The palette assumes the presence of shades from light blond to dark rich black colors.

Thus, the paint without ammonia is not only a means to change the image, but also an additional care for curls

Choosing one of the shades of the palette, you can completely forget about coloring for 2 months. With this tool for coloring, you can experiment with color without fear for the state of the curls. The floral oils included in the composition nourish, moisturize the hair, make it more docile and shiny. Before you once again opt for paints without ammonia, pay attention to this series.

Auth. Gavrilenko U.

Lavender essential oil for hair care: instructions for use

Every woman wants her hair to be shiny, strong and healthy. But not everyone has enough time and money to carry out expensive procedures to improve the state of hair. In this situation, it can help out lavender essential oil for hair, which has a beneficial effect not only on the structure of the curls, but also on the condition of the scalp.

In the article we will understand the properties of this tool, as well as the most effective ways to use it.

Every woman wants her hair to be shiny, strong and healthy. But not everyone has enough time and money to carry out expensive procedures to improve the state of hair. In this situation, it can help out lavender essential oil for hair, which has a beneficial effect not only on the structure of the curls, but also on the condition of the scalp.

In the article we will understand the properties of this tool, as well as the most effective ways to use it.

  • The composition of lavender oil
  • Useful properties of lavender oil for hair
  • Indications for use
  • Lavender Oil Hair Masks
  • Add lavender oil to shampoo
  • Aromatherapy
  • Lavender Hair Conditioner
  • Contraindications

    The composition of lavender oil

    Mountain lavender is a plant that is known for its healing properties and characteristic strong aroma. Due to the presence in the composition of the plant active ingredients it is used in cosmetology, pharmacology and traditional medicine. But the beneficial effect of oil on the condition of the hair has been established relatively recently.

    The plant has a soothing, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. Therefore, it was actively used as a means to get rid of dandruff. The composition of lavender contains at least 200 natural ingredients with healing properties.

    These include:

    • Nerol and camphor,
    • kaprovaya and valeric acid,
    • ursalonic acid and dung,
    • caryophilus and farnesen,
    • myrcene and bergamoten,
    • linalool and geraniol,
    • α- and β-otsimeny,
    • tanning components and natural resins.

    Almost all of the above ingredients have a pleasant aroma, so the plant extract is often used in aromatherapy.

    Useful properties of lavender oil for hair

    It is worth using oil for medicinal purposes for several reasons. First, it makes the strands more shiny and healthy, and secondly, strengthens the hair roots, and third, it normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands. It is also worth noting that the tool allows you to improve water-salt metabolism and moisturize the scalp.

    Moreover, the ethereal extract has the following properties:

    • tonic and wound healing
    • antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory,
    • soothing and antiparasitic.

    Regular use of the product during aromatherapy will relieve insomnia and headache. It will also be a good prevention of the appearance of fungus and parasites.

    Indications for use

    Unfortunately, not all women can boast of beautiful and thick hair. But this does not mean that bad hair is a sentence.

    Thanks to the ether composition, it is possible to solve such problems:

    • The split ends of the strands,
    • Lack of volume of hair,
    • Oily scalp,
    • Hair loss,
    • Itching and burning.

    However, the use of masks and decoctions based on lavender is desirable in the presence of only "cosmetic" problems.

    If there are illnesses, it is advisable to consult with the trichologist about the feasibility of using these funds.

    Lavender Oil Hair Masks

    • Dandruff

    To get rid of dandruff once and for all, the treatment must be started with the scalp and hair roots.

    To do this, you should prepare a miraculous composition according to this recipe:

    1. Pour into a ceramic pot 3 tbsp. l burdock oil,
    2. Add 5 drops of lavender "elixir" and mix everything thoroughly,
    3. Heat a ready-made composition in a water bath,
    4. Rub the remedy into the scalp,
    5. After 10 minutes, rinse off the solution and wash the curls with shampoo.

    It is enough to resort to such a procedure twice a week and after 7-8 days you will be surprised by the real result.

    The use of lavender oil for hair treatment should be carried out carefully, because the essential oils are quite concentrated. The lavender "elixir" contains many active substances, therefore the proportions indicated in the recipes should be respected. "Overdose" can lead to hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands, because of which the strands will quickly turn fat.

    So, to make a mask to strengthen the curls, do the following:

    1. Mix 4 tbsp. l jojoba oil with 3 drops of lavender and rosemary essential oils,
    2. Spread the finished product over the entire length of the strands and wrap the head wrap,
    3. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask and wash your hair with shampoo.

    Add lavender oil to shampoo

    As already noted, the use of the tool in a pure concentrated form is not worth it, because it can lead to an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is practiced to add essential oils to the finished shampoos, balms and hair masks. Thus, it is possible to enrich hair care products with active substances that will improve the structure of the hair and nourish the scalp.

    How much add a lavender emulsion to shampoo? In 1 tbsp. l shampoo or conditioner is enough to add only 3-4 drops of essential products.

    But you should not stock up with such a tool for future use, you need to prepare the mixture immediately before the procedure, otherwise the lavender extract will lose all of its healing properties.


    If at least three times a week to resort to aero scrubbing, you can not only improve the shine of the strands, but also make them more obedient.

    How to do such procedures?

    • Apply 5-6 drops of the etheric substance to the wooden comb and comb the curls,
    • Combing the hair should be at least for 5-7 minutes,
    • It is best to use a comb with not too frequent and fine teeth.

    Through this method, you can restore the strands after perm, dyeing and using varnishes and foams that harm the structure of the hair.

    In just a couple of weeks of regular procedures, their condition will significantly improve.

    Lavender Hair Conditioner

    Thanks to this recipe, you can not only improve the condition of the hair, but also alleviate the symptoms of seborrhea.

    So, to prepare a solution, you need to do the following:

    • Pour about 1 liter of water into a ceramic pot,
    • Dissolve 100 g of soda in it,
    • Add to the solution about 5-7 drops of ether extract,
    • Wash your hair with ready-made formula 1 time in two days.


    Before using homemade masks and lavender extract shampoos, you need to make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to the components that make up the emulsion. If you feel a burning or severe itching in the process of using the product, you will most likely have to give up using the product.

    In addition, lavender oil for weak hair is not desirable to use when:

    • Pregnancy. A strong liquid scent can make a woman dizzy or nauseous,
    • Allergies. The composition of lavender includes active ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction,
    • Hypertension. Essential extract enhances blood circulation and thus may contribute to an increase in pressure.

    To ensure that there is no allergy to lavender, all the formulations are tested on the wrist before applying to the head. If after 5-7 minutes after applying the mixture you do not feel itching or burning, you can safely put it on the curls.

    To provide your hair with sufficient care, it is not necessary to resort to expensive services of cosmetologists.

    It is possible to improve the condition of the curls at home by adding just a few drops of lavender oil to the finished shampoos and rinses.

    On the basis of this tool you can make masks and decoctions, which also have a positive effect on the condition of the strands.

    Elixir “Transfiguration”

    One of the latest developments of the cosmetic brand, has a universal use, great for hair of any type. As part of the tool a lot of useful natural ingredients, there is also silicone. As for the last ingredient: silicone does not harm the hair at all, but, on the contrary, nourishes and supports, restores the structure of the strands, smoothes keratin scales.

    Oil-elixir for hair “Transformation” by Garnier Fructis (Garnier Fructis) Available in standard 150 ml drop-shaped bottles., one pack is enough for a long time. This oil in the form of a spray is equipped with a dispenser, so it is easy to apply, evenly spraying.

    The oil has a wonderful texture: not too thick, and not having stickiness. It is pleasant to use it, it remains on the hands after using the greasy layer. Along with a wonderful light consistency, the preparation also has a pleasant aroma.

    The oil helps to breathe life into dry, weak, damaged strands, and is also suitable for oily curls - in this case, the remedy leads to a decrease in the hairiness of the hair. Special silicone in the formulation forms a thinnest film on each hair.which at the same time gives volume, and carries out protective function.

    Watch the video about hair oil “Transformation”:

    Mask “Triple recovery”

    This tool is not available in bottles, as the previous one, but in pretty pot-bellied jars with a volume of 300 ml. It consists of three natural oils: avocado, shea and olive: all these ingredients are known for their beneficial effects.

    The oil-based mask helps the strands to recover, to become stronger. Especially useful tool for strands weakened by vitamin deficiency after winter, for often colored hair, dry and damaged hair.

    As a result of the use of the drug, the hair returns a natural soft shine, to the touch strands become silky, very soft. The structure of the hair is healed, dryness disappears, and damage to the keratin layer is eliminated.

    Automatic therapy

    Regenerating cream oil

    The tool is available in bottles of 200 ml and contains such valuable ingredients as almond oil and castor oil. These substances have long been used by women for hair care - and Garnier company took them as the basis for their product.

    Besides, It is recommended to apply this product when there is a need for thermal styling (use of hair dryers, irons, tongs).

    Cream oil makes hair smoother, helps to fight with chipped tips, eliminates "fluffy". Everything else, the tool does not require washing, and its consumption is very economical, despite the fact that the bottle is not too large.

    Garnier Botanic Therapy Hair Care Oil

    The manufacturer produces this drug in flat drop-shaped bottles of 150 ml. In the composition of the extract argan and camellia - quite valuable and rare ingredients, very useful for hair. Note the pleasant caramel flavor, light, pleasant application. Everything else, the drug does not weigh strands.

    Automatic therapy more suitable for exposure to wet strands: it is precisely in this way that its nutritional and medicinal properties are fully manifested. As a result of regular use of the oil, Botanic Therapy can make the curls soft, radiant and docile. In addition, the application of the drug after washing the hair greatly facilitates combing the latter, eliminates tangling.

    Comparison with other drugs

    In the modern cosmetic market you can find enough hair products, including a variety of oils. However, the Garnier products have their undeniable advantages - and then we consider them.

    • Natural Ingredients. It is clear that the more in the composition of substances of natural plant origin, the drug will have more benefits, will not harm the hair. In the composition of the cosmetics from Garnier there are both common plant components: olive oil, castor, and rare: argan, camellia, etc.
    • Versatility. Due to the presence of a small amount of this ingredient Garnier drugs can be used for oily strands. Alcohol eliminates greasy film, does not allow curls to stick together, makes the hair easy.

    As for the minuses, sometimes there are complaints in the network about the low effectiveness of Garnier products compared to other drugs. Most often the reason is in the banal wrong selection of the drug, as well as in the individual characteristics of the hair.

    How to apply

    Preparations can be applied both on dry and wet strands - the positive effect will be in both cases. Besides, oil can be applied immediately before washing the head: to nourish, moisturize and facilitate the combing of the hair.

    Applying oil is simple: a small amount is distributed evenly through the hair.

    If the tool involves flushing, it must be left to affect for half an hour, and only then wash off.

    Elixir, for example, does not require rinsing, so it can be applied to the hair after washing (slightly dried strands before).

    The preparation applied in a similar way will add shine to the curls, prevent tangling, make combing much easier.

    Apply the oil only on the scalp, trying not to touch the skin. The fact is that getting the drug on the skin can lead to clogging of pores, worsening of the sebaceous glands. As a result, you can get greasy, oily hair.

    Products Garnier can be used when laying. The product, applied before installation, will give the necessary amount of hair due to silicone components. In this case, the oil is applied first on the roots, and only then - on the tips.

    Note that the drug can be applied only on the tips, if there is a need to prevent the cross section of the latter. When applied to dry strands, you can protect them from ultraviolet radiation.: this is especially true in hot summer weather.

    You can use the oil at the time of the day, which is most convenient for you - there are no restrictions about time.

    Note that the preparations for hair Garnier in the network there are mostly positive, thank-you reviews.

    Many customers say inexpensive price with a fairly high quality. and efficiency.

    Most of those who have tried this product line talk about the ease of combing the hair after using the products, the appearance of curls of beautiful shine and softness.

    Women also note the natural composition of oils, emphasizing the safety of use, the absence of allergic reactions, even with sensitive skin.

    Some argue that they did not notice the difference by switching from professional cosmetics to Garnier.

    Especially emotionally express their gratitude to the owner of porous, dry strands. Many women who had this problem noticed that after using Garnier drugs, their curls became much smoother, healthier in appearance, fluffiness and section disappeared.

    Where to buy, price

    Oil-based products from Garnier can be bought at any cosmetic store - there are no problems with the purchase now.

    You can also order Garnier products at any time on the official website on the Internet.

    As for the cost, all types of funds have different prices:

    • oil mask with triple recovery effect - 249 rubles,
    • mask for dry hair - 240 rubles,
    • cream butter - 288 rubles,
    • oil-elixir - 272 rubles,
    • Oil Botanic Therapy - 328 rubles,
    • Cream oil Botanic Therapy - 272 rub.

    As you can see, quite reasonable prices: besides, one package of any product lasts a long time.

    Precautionary measures

    We learn in which cases it is necessary to approach the use of drugs with caution.

    Contraindications for the use of oil-based hair products from the company Garnier not.

    Even loose, often dyed, heavily falling locks can be treated with these means: their use is useful in any case, besides drugs are universal.

    Women who have any diseases, including severe, chronic, hormonal, as well as the waiting period of the baby can also safely use these tools.

    No harm to their health and well-being will not cause oil.

    Be careful when applying the oil-spray, and if the product gets into the eyes, be sure to immediately wash the last with water. In more detail about how correctly to apply oil spray to hair we will tell here.

    After opening the bottle its contents are suitable for use within one and a half years.. And the total shelf life when there is a whole package is 3 years.

    When to expect an effect

    Oils for hair Garnier designed for frequent and regular use. Only under the condition of constant application the result in the form of beautiful, strong and shiny hair will be long and noticeable.

    After you notice the deterioration of the strands: the appearance of dryness, split ends, fluffiness and other symptoms, it is recommended to start the next course of recovery. Besides, oils can also be used for prophylactic purposes regularly, without waiting for the hair to “cry out” for help.

    Of course, it is hardly possible to expect a splendid recovery of hair after one or two random procedures, but with a serious approach to business: with regularity, thoroughness and the use of other products of the same series, a positive effect is quite natural.

    So, we met with such a wonderful tool as oil Garnier. As you can see, there are a lot of advantages to the preparations - they deserve special attention: imparting strength, shine to curls, eliminating the section, and dryness.

    On top of that, Garnier oils are versatile and inexpensively priced - such a wonderful balance of price and quality makes this cosmetics a leader in today's beauty market.

    6 years old oil-elixir Garnier Fructis Transfiguration saves my hair from brittleness and section! Must-have, which should always be on my shelf! + full analysis of the composition and comparison with the new oil Garnier Botanic Therapy (2017)!

    Hello everyone!) Indelible means - this is something that I should always have, because without them, not one of my days can do.

    Oil elixir Garnier Fructis I bought the transformation a long time ago, our first acquaintance took place in 2012, when it just went on sale. Then, as it seems to me and I remember, such indelible means were nonsense, Garnier disappeared from the shelves just like that, just think that 4 years have passed.And the oil-elixir Garnier still remains one of the most popular means, despite all the current variety of remnants

    I bought this tool 4 times already, this is the 5th, and finally I decided that it would be time to share my opinion about it

    Since 2012, the design has not changed, all the same familiar bright sunny bottle in the form of droplets

    Served by using a dispenser. It is very convenient for me to use, 1 full pressing of the dispenser is enough for half of the hair.

    Whole oil 150 ml. - This is a large volume for the remnants, and this is another plus of this elixir. The fact is that my nesmyvashki end very quickly for the simple reason that I use them not only on 3 cm of the tips, but at least 15 cm of the length of the hair from the tips. Therefore, the more volume, the less I need to buy them, and besides, the last time I bought oil at a discount of 272 rubles, without a discount it costs 340, in principle, a very low price.

    On average, 1 bottle is consumed in 3 months of daily use, in fact, now I have an elixir left for 1 time to use

    Cyclopentasiloxane - synthetic polymer, low viscosity volatile silicone. When applied to the hair, cosmetics with cyclopentasiloxane is freely distributed over them, glides, gives silkiness, instantly unravels the problematic head of hair.

    Dimethiconol -silicone polymer. It is a soft, water-repellent substance that creates a protective barrier on the skin and hair. This barrier is not permeable to water, but completely permeable to gases and a number of active substances. Under this barrier, the skin "breathes." Because of the large size of the molecule does not penetrate the skin and is safe for use in personal care products.

    Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil- Argan oil. Due to its ability, it replaces sebum; when it is applied, dry and brittle hair acquires natural softness and elasticity, becomes more “alive”, silky and does not become heavier. In addition, argan oil is a natural hair shine enhancer with no greasy effect, and its effect is observed immediately.

    Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate - absorbs UVB radiation and protects from burning sun rays. This substance has been tested for safety.

    Camellia Oleifera seed oil- Camellia oil. It penetrates well into the structure of the hair shaft, the active ingredients of the oil feed the root bulb, restore the damaged areas of the hair cuticle, enhance the protection of brittle and brittle hair, have a softening and conditioning effect. Due to the smoothing properties of the oil, the hair has a healthy shine. Also, Camellia oil relieves itchy scalp due to allergic reactions, dermatological diseases or dandruff.

    Limonene - fragrance for cosmetics, a harmless alternative to alcohols.

    Linalool -perfume, found in the essential oils of certain plants: lavender, basil, ginger, lemon, garlic, orange, mango and grape seed oil. Linalool is also obtained synthetically.

    Benzyl alcohol - Has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. In nature, it is found in some essential oils, including ylang-ylang, jasmine and styrax oils. It is a preservative approved by the Soil Association for use in organic cosmetics.

    Geraniol - enhances the aromatic properties of the substances with which it reacts. It is obtained in two ways: steam distillation from the essential oil of geranium, rose, lemongrass, dill, coriander, wild carrot and some others, and by chemical means.

    Citronellol - One of the most common fragrances in cosmetics, because it creates a fresh and at the same time a warm floral tone.

    Hexyl cinnamal - flavoring, insoluble in water, but soluble in oils. A popular component of professional hair care products.

    Parfum - Cosmetics usually use a mixture of odors, mainly of synthetic origin.

    Well, the devil is not so bad as he is painted? It seems to me that the composition of silicon for the indelible silicone is very good. What surprised me was the presence of argan oil, and especially in 3rd place, as well as the presence of camellia oil in the fifth. Not bad

    Producer promises:

    Aroma:very pleasant and unobtrusive. It smells of chocolate and caramel, the aroma on the hair does not last very long unfortunately.

    Methods of use:

    But as an indelible means - the elixir is beautiful! And both on dry, and on wet hair!

    I prefer to apply all the same on wet hair. As I said, I divide them in half, and for each half I apply a portion of the 1st full pressing of the pump.

    Of course, we all need to understand that hair, like nails, is a dead material, which is why cosmetics only provide a cosmetic effect. Therefore, it is impossible to wait for a miracle from non-remnants of a miracle that they cannot and should not do, and what to hide, not all PP and vitamins are capable of a miracle. But nevertheless, proper hair care helps them to look very dignified, that is why non-washings are an important stage for me (since I wash my head every day) of daily hair care.

    Effect:in the end, I get well-groomed hair. A couple of years ago, this oil helped me tidy the bitten ends, removing the fluffiness and, as it were, gluing them together a little. Now I do not have split ends, again thanks to the care and nesmyvashkam, which means the oil is well protected from the hair section in the future.

    P.S. I'm not at the parade, or rather not at the make-up, so litter for gray just awake mouse

    I also noticed that when using this oil, the hair does not bristle along the length, do not push, do not electrify. The hair from this oil, in spite of the fact that I put on quite a lot, does not weigh down, the volume does not disappear, it does not look dirty, which can be seen in the photo. Elixir helps to quickly and easily comb, adds shine and softness to hair. Well, it also gives a very pleasant aroma for several hours. It would not be superfluous if I say that this is indeed one of the best nesmyvashek, passed the test of years of use!

    So, in the early spring of 2017, the garnier released many new products from the Botanic Therapy series, and one of them was Garnier Botanic Therapy Oil for smoothness and shine, which I bought to replace the finished bottle of transfiguration.

    But I was in for a surprise: the oils are exactly the same, only the packaging is different. And the novelty is being pushed for a hundred more. The composition is 100% identical, and accordingly the effect too. Therefore, nothing much to compare - it is one and the same product, poured into different jars. Therefore, having bought a “novelty” once, I will stay true to the old version of the oil-transformation, since I see no reason to overpay for new packaging.

    Also look into my other reviews about Garnier hair products.

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    What are hair oils used for?

    Natural oils, especially successfully combined into complexes, are the most valuable find for hair. They show a moisturizing, regenerating and firming effect. The use of oils on a regular basis gives hair strength, shine and makes them more docile (which is especially important for owners of curly strands).

    All means of this type of thermoprotective properties, they do an excellent job of protecting the color from burnout and the harmful effects of direct sunlight.

    Ways to use oils huge amount:

    • they can be applied to both dry and wet strands,
    • can be washed off or left on the hair before styling,
    • put on the roots, the tips or the entire length,
    • make long masks for the night,
    • spray before going to the pool or going out in the sun.

    Oils are poorly washed with fabric, so when they are applied should be worn.

    Garnier Fructis Transfiguration, oil elixir

    This product was created for intensive moistening and nourishment of heavily damaged curls (after frequent dyeing, curling and other manipulations). Does not contain chemical compounds, completely natural composition, has a soft texture and light aroma. An economical tool, a pair of drops is enough for one application procedure. The unique formula can ease combing, because the oil envelops every hair, protecting it from external irritants. After applying this tool, the hair becomes elastic, less fall out and shine.

    The composition is very rich: a complex of argan, camellia, lemon oils, as well as several plant extracts.

    Botanic Therapy "Castor Oil and Almonds" for weak, prone to hair loss

    Oil from the new product line Garnier. Accelerates the growth of curls, prevents the loss, stimulates blood circulation and awakens dormant follicles. Provides strands a well-groomed appearance without the effect of weighting and the appearance of an unwashed head. It nourishes, moisturizes and promotes the process of regeneration.

    The basis of natural components: extracts of flowers and berries, royal jelly, propolis and valuable oils: castor, almond and argan.

    Botanic Therapy "Legendary Olive" for dry and damaged hair

    A tool created by many years of experience in the use of oils in hair care. It is saturated with antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, which helps to rid the strands of dryness and damaged areas. Effectively seals split ends, gives smoothness, facilitates the process of combing. It has a pleasant aroma and light structure. Gives hair a second life, filling with itself all the cracks and small chipped hairs on the cuticle.

    Botanic Therapy “Argan Oil and Camellia Extract” for dull, naughty and long hair

    The secret of beauty from oriental beauties. It nourishes, protects, moisturizes and prevents tangling of hairs between themselves. Oil can be called a source of radiance and softness of curls. Strands are filled with nutrients, they are reliably protected from exposure to UV rays and the use of a hair dryer and ironing. The product is suitable for daily use. After applying it, hair shines with beauty and health.

    As part of the oil complex: argan oil, tea tree, propolis, camellia flower and orange tree extract.

    Botanic Therapy "Argan Oil and Cranberry" for colored and streaked hair

    The soft structure of this oil gently envelops every hair, protecting it from undesirable factors: weather conditions, chemicals and styling products. The tool restores and softens the strands, due to the large amount of oxidants protects the color from burning out and leaching.

    Facilitates brushing, helps keep fresh color for a long time. In addition, the combination of cranberry with argan deeply nourishes the strands.

    Composition: cranberry extract, argan oil, royal jelly, propolis.

    Method of application is similar for all the above oils:

    • pre-wash hair with shampoo,
    • use a balm or mask
    • dry the curls until almost dry
    • apply a little oil on your palms, rub,
    • gently spread over the entire surface of the hair,
    • proceed with the installation.

    Flushing is not required!

    There are several contraindications (applies to all oils):

    • damage to the scalp,
    • propensity for allergies,
    • individual intolerance to the components.

    Therapy of curls with the help of oils is a long-known move in cosmetology, because only a few drops of this natural ingredient are able to return the well-being, health and beauty to the strands. Do not feel sorry for the funds for the oil complex, it is quite an economical tool that will give a lot of pleasant emotions from the creation of its updated hairstyle.

    Efficiency and benefits

    The indisputable fact is the use of natural components for the human body. French cosmetologists tried to enrich the composition with essential vitamins and minerals, which significantly increased the effectiveness of the product. In relation to other similar analogues, "Elixir" is a universal remedy. It will suit owners of dry hair, prone to fat, dyed and normal.

    The form of oil release is a spray, which is very convenient, since the product does not spread and is evenly distributed along the entire length. It feels oily to the touch, but the texture is rather light and does not weigh down the strands at all. In terms of consumption, it is quite economical, even with regular use.

    The manufacturer guarantees consumers:

    Manufacturer Information

    Garnier was founded in France 110 years ago. Currently, this cosmetic brand takes its place of honor among the most famous and sought-after companies in the world. It produces all kinds of products for body and hair care.

    During the production of its cosmetics, the company uses organic substances to the maximum, such as oils, extracts of fruits, plants and more. In addition, all products are enriched with various mineral complexes and vitamins. Then the company's specialists conduct a large number of tests and studies to be confident in the safety, safety of products.

    Anyone who wants to choose the right options for their locks among the range of cosmetics Garnier without any problems, as this French company constantly conducts various surveys among customers and after that takes into account all the wishes of its current and future customers. One of the latest cosmetic products released by this company was the Garnier hair oil elixir, which is worth mentioning in more detail.

    Means description

    This cosmetic substance is universal, as it is suitable for all types of hair. It has a light texture and a pleasant delicate aroma. Women who have already felt its amazing effect on themselves claim that the elixir helps to moisturize dry and lifeless hair, and does not make it greasy too quickly and normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands. In addition, the oil is very economical in consumption and does not contain chemical compounds.

    "Garnier" (hair oil) has the form of a spray, which greatly facilitates its use. This allows you to evenly distribute the elixir throughout the length of the curls. The volume of the bottle is one hundred fifty milliliters, but even with the daily use of such a relatively small amount of money will last for a long time.


    Elixir contains a large number of useful ingredients. After studying the composition of this product, you can see that there are several varieties of silicone. There are some consumers who treat them with caution, but this is completely in vain. These substances are completely harmless and cannot cause allergic reactions. Their presence in the composition of the product gives him the opportunity to form on the surface of each hair a kind of thin film, which gives additional volume to the hairstyle, and also protects the curls. Also, these ingredients prevent the appearance of fat content and make the application more pleasant.

    In addition, Garnier Fruktis hair oil contains organic ingredients and UV filters that provide protection from harmful sun rays.

    Another important component of this cosmetic is alcohol. It allows the elixir to remove excess sebum when used.

    Oil properties

    Such a unique composition and formula allow the elixir to soften dry curls, which facilitates their combing. In addition, this cosmetic means under the power of its constant use to restore the structure of damaged hair along their entire length, giving them a healthy look and beautiful shine.

    Another remarkable property that Garnier possesses (hair oil) is that it can prevent fragility of the curls, as well as make them elastic, saturating with all the necessary vitamins.Elixir, as already mentioned, creates an invisible film for each hair, protecting it from various thermal damage and the effects of harmful environmental factors.

    Tips and tricks

    When using this tool you need to remember some important points:

    If suddenly the substance gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, then the organ of vision should certainly be well washed with running water.

    This elixir can be usable for 36 months. since its release. But if the hair oil "Garnier" has already been opened, then it would be best to apply it in the coming year from the moment of unpacking.

    This tool must be kept only out of the reach of small children.

    After all the above, no doubt, any woman or girl will wish to have this magic cosmetic in her arsenal of hair care products. Moreover, the cost is quite democratic.

    A bottle with a volume of one hundred fifty milliliters will cost only 280-310 rubles, and this despite the fact that it will last at least six months with constant use of the product.

    Thanksgiving reviews

    Thanks to such wonderful properties and low prices, many have already managed to buy a Garnier hair oil. Reviews of it from almost all consumers are extremely positive. The girls who used it, say that this is a great tool and is ideal for long hair, because after him they are very easy to comb.

    In addition, the elixir really gives a gorgeous shine to the curls and makes them heavy. Many women prefer this oil, because in its second place are natural ingredients that perfectly nourish the hair.

    Those consumers who previously used liquid crystals and professional cosmetics, going to this product brand "Garnier", absolutely do not feel the difference. They say that it is no worse, and even better than some oils. The elixir is fully absorbed and smells good, and is also ideal for use in the summer period as a protection of hair against ultraviolet rays.

    With such an excellent hydration and nutrition, it does not make the curls greasy. Therefore, those who have dry and porous hair speak very positively about him. Consumers are confident that this tool has helped them to improve the condition of their hair, made them shiny and docile, soft and silky.

    After such a wonderful response, you certainly need to purchase Garnier hair oil. Reviews about him say that it is really very good and, most importantly, an inexpensive means to care for curls. Therefore, due to its versatility, it can be useful to any girl or woman.

    Oil Garnier fructis for hair - the transformation of curls

    The consumer market has been replenished with the oil with the intriguing name “Garnier's Elixir”. The product nourishes the strands, fixes the hairstyle, polishes it, without making it heavier with its structure. Damaged curls masked miraculous mask-elixir.

    An adult woman carries out various manipulations with her hair - this is toning, perm, wrap on curlers, bouffant, all kinds of skins and varnishes for styling her hair.

    Such procedures cannot go unnoticed on the quality of the strands.

    The beauty industry occupies a certain market segment and consumer demand. The leading producer has become the brand Garnier Fructis (Garnier Fructis).

    Cosmetics are made from natural ingredients: extracts from flowering plants, fruit extracts, oil components. The aroma of fruit freshness gives positive emotions to the woman, rewards with healthy and strong curls.

    Caring means differ in quality and effectiveness. Cosmetic company Garnier fructis constantly conducts surveys of its customers, trying to improve the product line - shampoos, balms, conditioners, conditioners, nourishing masks and oil.

    The elixir "Transfiguration" has a universal structure that allows it to be used as a means of protection against harmful ecology:

    1. chamomile,
    2. lemon oil, argon, camellia.

    The main ingredient in oil is Dimethicone silicone. It wraps each strand with the thinnest film, giving it a silky and shiny gloss. All ingredients contribute to UV protection.


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