
How to treat psoriasis in children


Recently I caught sight of a link to a topic where parents discussed the most varied methods of treating psoriasis in children, from medication to folk. When I pointed out the irrationality of such an approach and noticed that there was no specific medicine for psoriasis in nature, they simply did not listen to me. Meanwhile, the experience of a dermatologist says that treatment should depend on the stage, type, and how the disease goes. There is no universal treatment for everyone, because you need to heal not the disease, but the patient. And in the case of psoriasis, this truism is more relevant than ever.

Meanwhile, on the Internet, on TV and in magazines every now and then there is information that a new unique treatment for psoriasis has appeared. The uncle in the white coat speaks from the screen about how quickly all the troubles will pass, then a newcomer will come to the forum who tells how quickly and without problems he cured his baby with the mention of the trade name of the miracle novelty. Parents who do not spare anything for a sick child are kept on such advertising and buy expensive and, unfortunately, rarely help products.

Why rarely help? Because skin psoriasis (about other manifestations of psoriatic disease affecting the joints, be sure to tell you later) is different. And the treatment that helped Petechka, conditional Anya, simply will not work, and in Sasha it will cause an aggravation at all and the situation after treatment will become worse than before. Moreover, after a while Petechka's parents may find that yesterday's saving therapy has ceased to function. And all because at different stages and with different forms of psoriasis is treated in different ways. Moreover, one form should be treated in a certain way, and the other - by completely opposite means.

What is psoriasis?

By distribution

  1. Limited psoriasis: rashes are found in only one area (for example, the scalp).
  2. Common psoriasis: rash on two or more sites.
  3. Universal psoriasis: all areas of the skin are affected, but there are light gaps.
  4. Erythroderma: the hardest for the patient option when the skin is completely completely affected, without light areas.

By stage

  1. Progressive stage: new rashes appear, and old ones increase in size.
  2. Stationary stage: no new lesions, old ones do not increase, everything is stable.
  3. Stage of regression: rashes gradually pass or decrease in size.
  4. Complete or incomplete remission: no rash, but so-called "on duty" plaques may persist.

And here it is important to know that in the progressive stage it is highly undesirable to use irritating agents (for example, tar containing ones). The stationary stage is generally treated differently than the progressive one.

By type of flow

  1. First appeared.
  2. Winter.
  3. Summer.
  4. Undifferentiated (undefined)
  5. Continuously relapsing.

The type of flow is determined by the time when the child most often occurs exacerbations. Most of the kids belong to the winter type of psoriasis, which is the best for treatment.

This classification is far from complete and reflects only the most important features for treatment, but parents do not need to understand this issue, it is important to understand that the treatment prescribed by someone else’s child or especially an adult is not likely to help or even harm your child. . Therefore, a qualified dermatologist should deal with the type, form and stage of the disease.

So, we have already found out - the first thing to do if a child has psoriasis or suspected it is to find a good dermatologist. And while you are looking for it, you need to follow a few general rules, which, unlike miracle tools, are simple and will not harm anyone.

It is necessary to bathe a child with psoriasis more often, hygiene is different here. Here it is important to use warm water without drops in one direction or another (hardening or hot baths - this is already part of the individually prescribed treatment).

When bathing, do not use brushes, hard washcloths, anti-bacterial soap or special shampoos. All medicinal preparations administered strictly by doctor's prescription. An unambiguous "no" hard towels. After bathing, the baby’s skin is soaked with a soft fluffy towel and a neutral moisturizer is applied to wet skin.

Regularly moisturize baby’s skin after bathing. The use of neutral moisturizers in remission avoids excessive dryness of the skin and often prevents relapses.

During an exacerbation avoid injuries, scratches, cuts. The fact is that in children and adults with psoriasis there is a special mechanism with the scientific name “isomorphic reaction”, or the Koebner phenomenon. Its essence is that during the progression of psoriasis, healing with cuts, burns, scratches and other skin injuries occurs with the formation of new rashes.

Do not get involved in excessive exposure of the child to receive advice from the doctor. Most often, the doctor will recommend ultraviolet and tanning, but exposure to a certain percentage of patients with psoriasis is not indicated. In addition, sunburn can cause aggravation.

Do not overcool the child during the cold season, if possible avoid ORZ.

To say no to caries, otitis, tonsillitis, etc. Be sure to treat the child sore teeth, ears, throat, nose. Any chronic inflammation can lead to permanent exacerbations of psoriasis.

To dress the child in loose clothing made from natural, but not “prickly” fabrics. Sweaters, woolen socks and the like are not worn on a naked body. From synthetics such a child is better to refuse at all. Elastic bands and cuffs should not cause squeezing and scuffing of the skin.

Follow the diet, if previously there was a connection between the exacerbation of psoriasis and one or another food. Some authors point out the need to limit fat, advise eating more fish. There are articles in which they say that preference should be given to white meat of turkey. However, you should be aware that clear scientific data - what kind of food is good, and what is harmful for a child with psoriasis - is not. Food should be varied. But there are individual characteristics, when after a particular food appears or increases rash. If you notice that after sweets, citrus or fatty foods in a child, psoriasis worsens, then temporarily such food should be excluded and it is necessary to have an examination by a gastroenterologist. Because most often this or that food only indirectly affects psoriasis, causing an aggravation of sluggish problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Carefully treat the medicines that the child takes. It is advisable to coordinate with a dermatologist. everything drugs, herbs, supplements and vitamins that a child receives. The same diazolin, which in pharmacies is often recommended for rashes, citing "he is harmless," according to some data has a negative effect on the course of psoriasis in children. Be sure to write down the names of all drugs prescribed by other doctors, and show them to the dermatologist, he should take them into account when prescribing treatment.

Take care of your nerves. Constant stress, disassembly due to assessments, tight control of a child’s behavior, conflicts at school do not add health to parents, and in small psoriasis they can cause progression of the disease. Be kinder! Consider it a medical recommendation.

Is it possible to cure psoriasis forever? The short answer is: like most chronic ailments - no. The goal of treatment is to achieve as long as possible remission, no complications.

In general, it must be said that with adequate behavior of parents, psoriasis does not turn into a problem that interferes with the full life and learning of the child. But in self-treatment, especially with new-fangled and advertised means ... But I sincerely hope that there are no such “experimenters” among the readers of “Letidor”.

Diagnosis and treatment

Any experienced specialist will be able to distinguish a psoriatic rash from other pathological processes on the skin.

Therefore, during the examination, the doctor first examines the skin of the child.

To determine the effective means of treatment, it is necessary to undergo several additional diagnostic procedures.

  1. Laboratory tests of blood and urine.
  2. Tissue biopsy.
  3. Other microscopic and histochemical studies of the skin.

After receiving the results of all tests, the doctor prescribes treatment. Most often for mild skin lesions, a specialist prescribes topical preparations.

It can be salicylic acid ointment, gel or lotion against psoriasis, tar or other substances. The treatment of psoriasis, in both children and adults, requires an integrated approach.

Therefore, in addition to medical drugs, doctors develop a special diet for the child.

It is based on the use of only healthy food, which contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances.

Experts recommend eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, drinking about two liters of fluid a day, as well as avoiding spicy, fatty, salty and smoked food.

What is the treatment of psoriasis?

The causes of the development of the disease are still unknown to medicine, therefore the treatment is aimed at eliminating the pathological symptoms. How to cure psoriasis on elbows at home?

Therapy is carried out in three directions:

  • use of outdoor products
  • use of tableted drugs,
  • folk remedies.

Tip! Folk remedies are an excellent complement to drug therapy, but do not cancel it.

How can you treat psoriasis on the elbows? The agents used in the treatment process soften the cornified particles and facilitate the removal of scales.

Ointment is most commonly used for psoriasis on the elbows; the names of the drugs should be known to all sick people.

  • Dayvoneks. The medicine contains artificial vitamin D and promotes healing of the affected area,
  • Zincap. The active ingredient is zinc. The ointment has drying and healing properties.

Pathology therapy involves an integrated approach. In addition to the treatment of psoriatic plaques with the help of ointments, the patient is prescribed medications that facilitate other symptoms of psoriasis.

  • To eliminate puffiness and itching of the inflamed area, antihistamines are prescribed, for example, Claritin or Zodak.
  • To soothe the nerves, a person is prescribed sedatives.
  • To eliminate the pain syndrome, the use of drugs with anti-inflammatory properties is recommended - Ortofen, Naproxen and others.

Important! The choice of the drug and the selection of the dosage should be done by a specialist.

Psoriasis on the elbows: what can be treated pathology? What popular recipes are used?

You can make a garlic medicine for psoriasis on the elbows. The tool will be effective in the initial stage.

  • Grind into mush three - four cloves of garlic.
  • Pour hot water (one and a half glasses) and let stand for about an hour and a half.
  • Use water for compresses.

How to cure psoriasis on elbows at home? Well-proven baths with a decoction of medicinal herbs.

  • Combine celandine, string, chamomile pharmacy and sage (each herb to take a tablespoon).
  • Pour boiling water in a proportion of 1:10.
  • Give the composition to brew for half an hour.
  • Immerse the affected elbows in it.

When treating a disease with this product, they resort to four methods of administration:

It is believed that the cause of the disease lies deep in the body, and the affected skin is only an external manifestation, in which case the soda baths will not relieve the disease itself, but it is guaranteed that it will make the patient feel better.

The advantage of this method of treatment is the spread of active substances to a large surface of the skin, and thanks to warm water, sedation occurs.

The procedure lasts for 20 minutes, after it should not be resorted to the soul, you just need to wipe off with a towel. Effective bath recipes with soda:

  1. A pack of baking soda is taken, it is preferable to use a standard package of 500 grams, it should be dissolved in warm water. Bath is taken no more than 15 minutes.
  2. It is allowed to use essential oils, plant extracts, various decoctions, infusions. Such a procedure has a soothing, exfoliating effect. If you also add valerian to the container, stress is also relieved, sage and flaxseed reduce the inflammatory process, and lavender oil stimulates regeneration.
  3. The disease is also treated with baths in which, in addition to soda, sea salt and iodine are added. With daily baths, the skin gets nourished and softened, toxins come out. To obtain 1% saline solution, you must take 1 tsp. a product on 1 liter of water, add a pack of drug and 10 ml to capacity. tincture of iodine.

Soda in psoriasis is used for compresses and lotions. They help reduce itching, reduce rashes.

The simplest composition for the procedure involves the use of 0.5 liters of hot water, as well as 3 tbs. Dissolved in it. spoons of soda. In the resulting solution, you need to moisten the fabric, and then apply it on the skin areas that are affected by the disease, to keep until cool.

Another recipe was recommended by John O. A.

Pagano, the famous American scientist who specialized in the treatment of psoriasis. His personal technique involves the use of a special paste.

For its preparation take baking soda and castor oil in a ratio of 1: 2, respectively. The mixture should be applied to the skin for 30 minutes, preferably on top of the occlusive dressing.

Upon completion of the procedure, the mixture is washed off. Thanks to the preparation obtained, the skin is peeled off and moisturized.

But if there are wounds and cracks, this recipe is inappropriate.

It should be noted that for the manufacture of medical paste, you can also use any vegetable oil. Olive, sea buckthorn and linseed oils are best suited for this.

There are no certain proportions, the main condition is to obtain a homogeneous thick mass. This tool can be left overnight.


Drinking soda is allowed only after the appointment of the attending physician. Do not listen to the advice of a neighbor, who says that drinking or drinking this tool. The doctor during the approval of this method of treatment draws attention to the features of the disease, as well as the presence of other diseases.

A simple prescription of a drug is prepared from a glass of warm water and 0.5 tsp. soda, reception is carried out every morning.

Selection of the right tools that will really help the patient, will largely depend on a number of different features and circumstances.

As a result of the use of sodium bicarbonate, the following positive points are noted:

  • there is a softening of dry, hardened psoriatic plaques, as well as nearby skin areas,
  • soda has anti-inflammatory and soothing effects on the affected skin,
  • decrease in itching, peeling and irritation of psoriatic manifestations,
  • lymphatic drainage improves,
  • The release of toxic substances from the body is activated.

Equally important is the complex therapeutic measures, including medication, diet and physiotherapy.

In the treatment of scaly lichen apply tinctures that help cleanse the skin.Vodka tincture Sophora Japanese effectively eliminates desquamation and pruritus. Use inside of 1 tbsp. l.3 times a day 40 minutes before meals.

Propolis tincture

Tonic of propolis for psoriasis has restorative, antibacterial, analgesic properties that help cleanse the skin and strengthen the immune system. Propolis is a beekeeping product with biologically active properties. The infusion can be prepared both in water and in alcohol.

For water propolis tincture will need 20 grams. propolis and 200 ml of boiled water.

Prepare the infusion in a 40 minutes water bath, stirring occasionally until a homogeneous brownish slurry is obtained. The cooled drug is poured into the bottle and sealed. Store away from sunlight in a cool place.

The finished product take 1 teaspoon of 3 p / d.

Alcohol infusion

To make alcohol infusion, 200 gr. Propolis poured 0.5 liters. vodka or diluted alcohol (not technical!), placed in a dark glass bottle and removed in a dark place for 2-3 weeks, 1 time a week, the bottle is taken out and shaken.

After filtration, the resulting drug is taken in 1 tsp. Of 3 p / d. on a thin stomach 3 months.

There are good reviews on the local treatment of psoriatic lesions with propolis tincture.

Thus, folk recipes for skin psoriasis help in the complex therapy to achieve remission during the course of the disease and return the skin a radiant look.

This treatment includes the following drugs:

  • Psoriasis Herbal Collection - 9 packs
  • Little duckweed tincture - 6 bottles
  • Hemlock Oil - 2 Bottles
  • Hemlock Ointment - 2 Bottles

All components interact with each other, and actively affect the human body. Therefore, they provide maximum assistance in a short time. Using them for their intended purpose, you can quickly get rid of psoriasis at home.

Psoriasis can affect the scalp, limbs, the body as a whole, nails and so on. Depending on the focus of the autoimmune process, selected tools that will be effective and comfortable to use for the patient.

It is necessary to take into account that it is impossible to recover completely from psoriasis, but there is a chance to introduce the disease into a stage of long-term remission.

In the treatment of various forms of drugs - ointments, creams, gels, shampoos, tablets, capsules, sprays, drops, patches and even solutions for injection.

The form is selected by the doctor, as well as the composition and approach to treatment. In the initial stages, cosmetic and prophylactic agents are most often used, which are gentle treatments for psoriasis.

Important! It is especially important to differentiate psoriasis from a number of other similar diseases, for example, candidiasis, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, otherwise the treatment will simply be ineffective.

In addition to the shape, lesion and stage, it is also important to determine the cause of the disease. It often happens that psoriasis develops on the background of stress, allergic reactions and so on. Therefore, the therapy may include:

  • Antibiotics
  • Sedative drugs
  • Antihistamines,
  • Cytostatics,
  • Antipsoriatic hormonal and non-hormonal agents,
  • Vitamin Supplements,
  • Immunosuppressants,
  • Immunomodulators,
  • Hepatoprotectors
  • Cosmetics.

Hormonal drugs are prescribed only in cases where the disease is in an advanced stage and is already threatened with the development of complications. Such medications are prescribed in a short course, as are antibiotics.

Cytostatics can reduce the activity of the autoimmune process, reducing the rate of cell division. Immune depressants can suppress the abnormal behavior of the immune system when it attacks the cells of its own organism (which causes the main symptoms of the disease).

Immunomodulators allow to form the normal functioning of the immune system.

Hepatoprotectors, detoxification drugs, sorbents, prebiotics are prescribed only for hormonal and antibacterial treatment. This is a kind of supporting organism therapy, which will reduce the negative impact of these funds on the internal organs and their work.

Cosmetics are more likely to be preventive measures. They allow to prolong the remission stage.

Often they are effective in the initial stages of the disease. Remember that the wrong treatment can be a lever for the development of severe complications.

Therefore, applying folk remedies, consult with your doctor about their safety for your body.

Important: the use of veterinary drugs like NM ointment, ASD fraction 2.3 can give both positive results and negative. If you have previously experienced allergic reactions to these drugs, then it is better to refuse such medicines.

Psoriasis is effectively treated in sanatorium conditions. Especially effective method is mud therapy. There are also other methods of getting rid of the pathology for a long time.

One of the methods is photochemotherapy. The treatment itself has already been used for a long time, but technologies are improving every year.

During the procedure, ultraviolet rays with a wavelength of 360 Nm are used. Thanks to therapy, symptoms are reduced, and cell polyferation is also reduced.

Treatment of UVB with drugs like Thigazon, Sandimmun is used in the treatment of severe stages of the disease.

What is the best remedy for psoriasis today?

You can also separately note which is better to choose a remedy for psoriasis on the body, its various parts. For example, you can not smear the cream on your head - this is a fact.

Then you should pay attention to the means prescribed by the doctor and stay at the most optimal. For legs or hands, there are special approaches to treatment.

How to get rid of the disease on the head?

Excellent help gels with its soothing and cooling effect on hot diseased skin. But most often they use a simple and familiar way to wash their heads with a specialized shampoo.

To do this, you can buy these shampoos:

  • Tar,
  • Cosmetic, with a healing effect,
  • Antifungal drugs,
  • Baby shampoos.

How to treat irritation on the hands?

For the treatment of nails, the doctor will always prescribe the gel in addition to other drugs - its effect is that it is able to gently eliminate the inflammatory process. Essential or medicated oils perfectly heal wounds and soften the skin, cleansing it.

One of the innovative drugs for getting rid of such dermatological ailments of patients today is recognized as Vectical ointment (Russian pronunciation.

- “Vectical”) of a Canadian manufacturer - “Canada Inc.”, laboratory “GALDERMA”. The drug is new, doctors are persistently paying attention to its careful use, but at the same time, a steady cure effect is noted.

Such a remedy for psoriasis is now rightfully registered as the best of ointments.

Features of the tool are as follows:

  1. The composition of manufacturing is based on vitamin D, calcitriol.
  2. 85% of the subjects and their total number of 800 people suffering from various types of psoriasis, after 18 weeks of daily use, all manifestations of the disease decreased by 50-70%.
  3. It was not tested on children, so until the age of 18 they cannot use such a tool.
  4. The tool continues to pass its final testing.
  5. The main warning from the manufacturer is not allowed:
    • to be in the sun too long
    • use diuretic ointment together
    • apply to people with a diagnosis of calcium metabolism.

This is the strongest collection, which helps to clean the skin and the body from infection, as well as to remove sores, which spoil the appearance of the skin. Despite the fact that psoriasis is not a contagious disease, you still need to get rid of it.

This collection will help to do this. It includes a large number of herbs and plants that have an effective effect on the body.

Here are the properties of this collection:

  • It is a powerful sedative.
  • Relieves joint pain
  • Cleans the blood
  • It is a diuretic and choleretic drug.
  • Relieves itching and peels plaques

The collection of medicinal herbs "From psoriasis" is completely safe for the human body, does not cause allergies. It can be used internally as well as used as rubbing.

Most antipsoriatic agents have a number of properties that help both suppress symptoms and stop the spread of the disease. Gradually, the focus of the pathological process will noticeably decrease. These drugs have the following effects:

  • exfoliating
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • regenerating
  • antipruritic
  • disinfectant
  • immunocorrective,
  • pain reliever.

They suppress active cell division and gradually eliminate the main symptoms, leading the immune system to normal. There are both expensive effective medicines and budget funds.

Cream and ointment for the treatment of psoriasis

The most common remedies for psoriasis - cream and ointment. They can be both medicinal and cosmetic.

These include: PsoriControl - an innovative remedy for psoriasis

The tool of 2016, the development of Israeli scientists and physicians has become a breakthrough in the treatment of diseases of psoriasis and demodicosis.

The laboratory method was used to derive the formula of smart cells, which detect damaged skin cells, gently exfoliate and restore the work of the tissues of the dermis and epidermis.

PsoriControl effectively eliminates psoriatic plaques, itching and desquamation. This tool is completely safe and allows you to get rid of psoriasis in a short time.

You can buy a discounted product on the Official Website

General tips for parents

Proper skin care for psoriasis avoids complications when the disease does not interfere with normal life. Simple tips will help parents ease the course of the disease.

  1. Hygiene in psoriasis is very important. It is necessary to bathe the child daily. The water temperature should be about 37.3 degrees. It is not necessary to steam the skin during bathing or, on the contrary, bathe it in cold water. Hardening can only harm.
  2. During the period of exacerbation of the disease to wash is strictly prohibited.
  3. With psoriasis in children, preference is given to the soul. Bath can be taken, but not more than 15 minutes.
  4. During bathing it is forbidden to use hard brushes or scouring pads, which can injure the skin and lead to infection of wounds. It is also forbidden to use special shampoos or soap. Medicinal products should be prescribed only by a doctor.
  5. When taking a shower for children it is allowed to use only neutral soap without fragrance.
  6. After bathing, the baby’s skin should be doused with a soft towel. Do not rub or use hard towels.
  7. It is necessary to constantly moisturize the baby’s skin after bathing. After wiping, a moisturizer should be applied to wet skin, using this to prevent dry skin and the recurrence of the disease.
  8. Psoriasis is not a reason for abandoning the pool for children who attend it. To chlorinated water does not harm the skin, apply petroleum jelly to the affected areas.
  9. During the exacerbation of psoriasis, you need to protect the child from injuries and scratches, because the healing of skin lesions will be accompanied by the appearance of new lesions.
  10. Before starting treatment alone or taking a child to a procedure, such as radiation, you should consult with your doctor. Indeed, ultraviolet light may be contraindicated in some patients and cause burns on the skin.
  11. In the cold season, the child should be protected from hypothermia, as well as strengthen its immunity to avoid ORZ.
  12. As any inflammatory chronic disease can cause psoriasis, parents should take care of the treatment of otitis, caries, tonsillitis and other diseases.
  13. In order not to cause exacerbation of psoriasis and the appearance of new rashes, parents need to follow what their child is wearing. Clothing should be natural, no synthetics, not tight-fitting the body, but to be free. Woolen things can not be worn on the naked body. Any parts of clothing, such as cuffs or elastic bands, should not be rubbed and cause scuffing.
  14. A diet for children with psoriasis is very important, especially if the relationship between the exacerbation of the disease and a certain product has been noticed. It is necessary to reduce fat intake. The diet for children with this disease must be chosen individually, because for each child different foods can cause new rashes. The main thing that the food was varied and balanced.
  15. Medicines can only be taken after consulting a dermatologist. For example, Diazolin, which is recommended for rashes, has a negative effect on the course of psoriasis in children.
  16. Some substances that can provoke the progression of the disease are part of air fresheners, laundry detergents or fabric softeners. Carefully look at the reaction of the child.
  17. Three factors contribute to the successful treatment of a child with psoriasis, it is proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and lack of stress. It is conflicts and quarrels that can cause progression of the disease in children.

Of course, it is impossible to cure psoriasis in children, but it is possible to reduce the degree of its manifestation and stop the progression of the disease. Only by adhering to all the recommendations, you can achieve long-term remission.

Tips on how to care for your skin

In children with psoriasis, skin cells are renewed much faster. If the update process normally lasts an average month, then with psoriasis just a week. Because of this, the cells quickly lose moisture and nutrients, the skin becomes dry and very vulnerable, and also it loses its firmness and elasticity. As a result, cracks may appear that are open gates for infection to enter.

When excessive dryness of the skin appears severe itching, children are very hard to resist, so as not to comb the affected area of ​​skin.

Since in children with psoriasis the skin becomes dry and constantly peels off, it needs special care. It is very important to constantly moisturize it. If you do not do this, then the skin will appear cracks. Moisturizing the skin in children needs to be done daily so that it does not lose its protective properties. After bathing, you can use such products as Cream Children's Balsam 911, Hidraderm Sesvalia Cream, Bepanten Ointment or Lotion, Panthenol, Calendula Ointment, Cutibaza Cream, Triderm Cream, Dermovate Cream, Lokoid Cream, Advantan Cream and others.

Due to compaction of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, the process of exfoliation of cells is disturbed. Therefore, you need to use special keratolic agents that help reduce the thickening of the epidermis. These include salicylic acid, lactic acid and urea.

Important! Any tool can be used only after consulting a doctor. Some drugs have age restrictions.

When choosing cosmetics for moisturizing, you should pay attention to their composition. Most creams are made on a fatty basis, which clog pores. Using these products for a child with psoriasis can only aggravate the skin condition.

Children with psoriasis fit cosmetics intended for patients with atopic dermatitis.

For the treatment of rashes in psoriasis, salicylic, sulfur-tar ointment or a special cream for psoriasis can be used externally. Ointments and creams are applied to the site of injury. If these funds need to be applied to the sole or palm, a bandage is applied over the medication.

If the foci of the disease are located on the head, then the skin needs special care.Regular shampoo for washing the head is not recommended, because it contains many substances that can adversely affect the course of the disease. To pick up the shampoo should a dermatologist.

Special shampoos for psoriasis help to reduce itching, relieve inflammation and irritation, produce an antibacterial effect, promote the process of cell renewal, improve blood supply, remove dead skin patches, and stimulate the healing of plaques. One of these shampoos is losterin. In addition, it does not damage the hair structure.

Apply shampoo as follows:

  1. Hair wet well with water.
  2. Apply shampoo to hair and lather it well, rub it with your fingertips into scalp.
  3. Hold the shampoo on your hair for about 10 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with running water.

Wash your hair with this shampoo up to three times a week. The child’s hair should dry naturally, a hairdryer should not be used.

With proper care with age, the relapse of the disease becomes less and less pronounced, and the period between exacerbations increases.

Psoriasis: a description of the pathology and photos

Many parents are interested in the question, does psoriasis occur in young children? Psoriasis in infants, as well as psoriasis in adolescents is not uncommon. The causes of the occurrence in children of this pathology are similar to the factors provoking the disease in adults. However, in children, the symptoms and treatment are somewhat different. So, we will try to consider the mechanism of the disease in more detail.

In a healthy person, the cells of the dermis tend to be renewed every 28-30 days. This is an absolutely normal process that ensures the normal functioning of the skin and its renewal. When psoriasis occurs, this process is significantly accelerated, and the excessive formation and division of cells is perceived by the immune system as an aggressor, resulting in a strong inflammatory process. This is expressed in redness of the skin, the appearance of round and oval spots on it, protruding 2-3 mm above the surface. The patient is haunted by a strong feeling of itching and discomfort.

Psoriasis in infants, as well as in children under one year old and in adolescents, most often occurs under the influence of a hereditary factor. If one of the parents was previously diagnosed with an illness, the likelihood of developing a pathology in the child is very high.

Signs of psoriasis in children are not much different from adults. The disease is most often located in the following places:

  • groin area,
  • on the buttocks
  • in the lumbar region,
  • psoriasis in infants is often found in places of contact with the skin of the diaper,
  • psoriasis on the head of the child is also common,
  • axillary hollows.

For the diagnosis of children does not require serious laboratory tests. Most often, this is a visual inspection and survey of parents. Sometimes a biopsy of skin samples is required; this is necessary in cases where the picture of the disease is not clear.

Why does psoriasis occur in children?

The causes of psoriasis in children are quite diverse. Just like adult patients, the exact reasons remain a mystery to scientists. Experts conduct research in this area and the main factors provoking pathology today are the following reasons:

  1. Heredity. Genetic predisposition is considered one of the most important factors influencing the progression of the disease. In 60% of cases, children’s psoriasis occurs in those parents who themselves suffered from the disease.
  2. Emotional surge. Failure to comply with the daily regimen, poor quality sleep of the child, as well as his excessive excitement can also provoke the development of the disease.
  3. Various allergic reactions. Allergens can be food, as well as pollen, hygiene products, pet hair, and even ordinary dust.
  4. Congenital and acquired diseases of the organs of the endocrine system. Diseases of organs such as the thyroid and pancreas often cause hormonal disturbances, which also contribute to the development of psoriasis.

The above are just some of the reasons. The list of factors that can influence the onset of psoriasis is actually much more. We reviewed the most important of them.

Psoriasis in children under one year

This disease is increasingly common in very young children. Psoriasis in babies up to 1 year can be caused by such factors:

  • genetic predisposition to the disease,
  • infectious diseases caused by streptococcus, lead to a reaction of the immune system in the form of this disease,
  • stress caused by fright,
  • cold season, lack of direct sunlight and dry air adversely affect the skin,
  • vaccinations can cause an allergic reaction in the form of psoriasis.

In addition to these reasons, the disease can provoke a weak immunity. For the treatment of affected skin requires hygiene of the baby, as well as local effects with the help of moisturizing ointments, creams, lotions.

How does the disease manifest itself

Psoriasis in a child and its symptoms may differ slightly depending on the type and severity of the pathology. For example, in infants, the disease is most often characterized by the appearance of pink and red spots that protrude slightly above the surface of the skin. Peeling and severe itching are absent.

How does psoriasis begin in children? With pustular psoriasis, a rash may appear on the body of the child, in the form of bubbles filled with fluid. After their rupture, red non-healing spots remain on the body.

Often, as a result of scratching the wounds, a bacterial infection joins. This greatly aggravates the course of the disease and requires serious treatment.

How else does psoriasis manifest in children? In case of a plaque-like form of the disease, scaly, itchy patches appear on the patient's body, which have a bright red tint. In the course of the development of the disease, the spots merge with each other, forming large lesions. The skin in such cases, irritable and sensitive, even minor mechanical damage can provoke bleeding.

Stages of childhood psoriasis

So, the answer to the question is whether psoriasis in children has a positive answer. The disease is often found in both infants and older children. Pathology proceeds in several stages, each of which is characterized by its symptoms. These periods include:

  1. Latent stage This is a period characterized by the appearance on the skin of a child of signs that indicate the onset of the disease.
  2. Manifest period. At this stage, rashes and other signs of the disease appear.
  3. The period of remission. Here the main manifestations of the disease disappear, there comes the so-called calm.
  4. The occurrence of relapse. Relapse is called the re-development of pathology.

The duration of remission depends on the correct and timely treatment. With proper therapy, this period can last for several years, in other cases the disease does not disappear at all, there are always isolated rashes on the body, which in medical practice are called “duty plaques”.

Also, physicians divide children's psoriasis into the following stages:

The acute course is characterized by the appearance of plaques and papules, severe itching, redness. At the hospital stage, the symptoms diminish somewhat, but psoriatic lesions continue to appear. At the stage of regression, the skin is cleared, the symptoms disappear, a period of remission begins.

Types of childhood psoriasis

Psoriasis in children, the treatment of which is difficult and long-term, can be divided into several types, depending on the symptoms and characteristics of the course. These include:

  1. Plaque. One of the most common forms of the disease. Manifested by red spots, accompanied by desquamation and itching. Spots can be as small as a few centimeters and much larger.
  2. Guttate psoriasis in children. One of the most common dermatological diseases in children. This form of the disease develops as a result of minor damage to the skin, which is transformed into small tubercles of red. Over time, such wounds begin to peel off. This process is accompanied by severe itching. Very often, the parents of affected children confuse the drop-shaped form of the disease with an allergic manifestation, so they do not immediately turn to a specialist.
  3. Pustular. It is characterized by the appearance of bubbles filled with fluid on the body. Education burst, exposing the inflamed skin.
  4. Generalized. It appears sharply and affects large areas of skin. Often entails serious complications in the form of diseases of the kidneys, heart and other organs.
  5. Psoriasis flexion surfaces. Occurs most often in the elbow and knee joints. Also, the disease occurs in the groin and armpits. Manifested in the form of red spots.
  6. Erythrodermic. It affects large areas of skin with its subsequent detachment. Very dangerous species that can be fatal.
  7. Arthropathic. It is rare, but not excluded in childhood. Manifested in the general deterioration of the patient, muscle and joint pain. Fingers and toes may swell, and conjunctivitis is also a common symptom.

Psoriasis in children: the initial stage

Psoriasis is not a contagious disease. It can be caused by such reasons:

  • genetic predisposition
  • infectious diseases
  • obesity,
  • diabetes,
  • violation of metabolic processes.

The initial stage of psoriasis in children is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • slight eruptions localized on the face, head, behind the ears, on the neck, in the folds,
  • skin lesions are concentrated in areas with injuries, bruises, scratches and other injuries,
  • severe itching in the affected places.

The disease in babies manifests itself quickly, more rapidly than in adults.

Psoriasis on the hands of children

This disease often affects the skin of the hands and fingers in children. Pathology develops as a result of such irritating factors:

  • allergic manifestations to food, household chemicals, hygiene items,
  • emotional overstrain, due to which the child injures the skin of their hands,
  • violation of metabolic processes,
  • weakened immune system
  • pathology of internal organs.

As for adolescents, the defeat of the upper extremities occurs as a result of hormonal adjustment of the body.

Basic principles of the treatment of psoriasis in children

Next, we will try to figure out how to treat psoriasis in children. The first thing parents should do is contact the clinic for a correct diagnosis. Only after this, an experienced specialist can prescribe the necessary methods of therapy.

The complexity of the treatment of pathology in children lies in the age characteristics of the patient. Most often, the doctor prescribes the intake of calcium gluconate orally (5% solution), as well as calcium chloride (10% solution). Take a solution of a teaspoon three times a day.

Also, the solution can be administered as an injection. The course is 10 days, every other day.

To relieve itching, a specialist may prescribe antihistamines, such as diazolin, loratodin, suprastin and others.

To normalize the psychosomatic condition help small doses of tranquilizers and sleeping pills. These can be synthetic medicines, as well as herbal remedies.

For local treatment is often used various creams and ointments. These include:

  • salicylic ointment
  • zinc ointment,
  • tar cream and soap,
  • grease based ointment and others.

Nail psoriasis in children: treatment

Often this disease spreads to the nail plates of the lower and upper extremities. How to treat nail psoriasis in children? To eliminate the disease, complex therapy is required, which includes the following activities:

  • the use of ointments, creams or lotions containing in its composition tar and vitamin D,
  • the use of retinoids that enhance the protective properties of nails (etretinat, cyclosporin, acitretin),
  • the use of salicylic acid, relieving severe itching and improving the effectiveness of local preparations.

Usually such an effect is enough to bring the nail plates back to normal.

Application of folk methods

Traditional medicine offers many recipes to help get rid of the manifestations of psoriasis. However, when it comes to children, not all methods are suitable. The children's body is not formed and the use of some natural products can give irreversible results. Consider a few popular recipes that have a minimum of side effects.

Celandine treatment

This plant has healing properties, and the ability to cleanse the skin of a person from various diseases. For the treatment of psoriasis in children using a decoction of the celandine, which is used for compresses and baths. Prepare the medicine as follows: 2 tbsp. l herbs are poured with a liter of boiling water and sent to a water bath for 5-10 minutes. After the tool insist 1-1.5 hours and filter. You can wash the skin of the child or add decoction to the bathroom.

Sea buckthorn oil

This product perfectly dries and disinfects rashes. They need to lubricate the plaque several times a day. After a few weeks, the manifestations of the disease are significantly reduced.

Parents should understand the seriousness of the disease and treat their child’s health with full responsibility. This will help to quickly achieve remission and avoid complications in the future.

Related materials:

It often happens that patients confuse the two diseases among themselves, taking psoriasis for eczema and vice versa. This happens because of the similarity.

In complex treatment of psoriasis, doctors always use this type of therapy as saturating the body with enough vitamins. This is very important.

Homeopathy is widely used in the modern world to get rid of many diseases. Distributed this type of therapy among patients suffering.

There are many human skin diseases, but one of the most serious and common ailments is scaly or psoriasis.

Clinical picture

The main symptom of psoriasis is the appearance of red spots on the body of a child. But depending on the type of illness, the main symptoms may vary.

So, in medical practice, these types of psoriatic lesions are distinguished:

  • drop shaped
  • vulgar,
  • Erythrodermic,
  • pustular,
  • psoriasis extensor plots,
  • psoriatic arthritis.

Drop-shaped psoriasis manifests itself in the form of small red spots, in appearance resembling small droplets. Over time, psoriatic plaques increase in size, merging into whole “lakes”.

Therefore, it is very important to prevent the defeat of large areas of skin, which will eliminate the rash and other unpleasant symptoms of the disease much faster.

Vulgaric, or ordinary, psoriasis is a lesion of certain areas of the skin. At the same time, in places of psoriatic plaques, the skin rises a little above healthy skin.

In problem areas, the upper layer of the epidermis dies, acquiring a silvery shade. In this regard, when scraping off the formed plaques, large flakes of a dry crust are easily separated. Moreover, in many children this process is accompanied by severe itching, which often leads to damage to the skin.

Erythrodermic form is characterized by the defeat of large areas of skin with abundant scaling.In many cases, the child is difficult to cope with itching, which leads to the formation of small wounds on the skin.

The pustular form manifests itself as the formation of small pustules on the skin that are filled with a specific fluid. In this case, the areas of psoriatic rash significantly rise above healthy skin. In addition, a characteristic feature of this type is a strong swelling of tissues.

In children, pustular psoriasis occurs quite rarely, most often adults suffer from this disease.

Psoriasis on the extensor sites most often appears on the natural folds. In the case of childhood psoriasis, similar symptoms of the disease are often confused by parents with common diaper rash or other skin irritations.

But whatever the symptoms, you must promptly see a doctor. After all, delay can significantly aggravate the condition of the child and the treatment process itself.

Psoriatic arthritis is a dermatological disease that affects not only the skin, but also the joints of a child.

In such cases, the main symptoms are:

  • a rash on the joints
  • pain syndrome,
  • stiffness in motion
  • other disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

What is psoriasis in children on the head

Psoriasis is a disease of a dermatological nature, it is accompanied by the appearance of white foci of inflammation on the skin (papules, tubercles, plaques) and has a non-infectious nature of appearance. Skin lesions can be seen in various places, but most often it is the elbow bends and the head. About 8% of children of different ages suffer from this disease, even infants. Moreover, among newborns the disease is less often observed in boys than in girls.

Children's psoriasis "prefers" the cold season. The manifestations of the disease subside on hot days, and in the winter season there are more outbreaks of psoriasis in children.

There are several types of the disease. They are distinguished by symptoms and localization, but the main thing that unites them is that the disease requires the immediate assistance of a highly qualified doctor.

Experts distinguish the following forms of the disease in children:

  • Guttate psoriasis. In children with this type of psoriasis, the skin on the body, legs, hands, or head is covered with red, inflamed spots. They quickly increase, and further there is enhanced peeling of the affected skin. The disease mainly occurs after suffering streptococcal infections in children 4-5 years.
  • Plain or plaque. Perhaps the most common form of psoriasis in children. Accompanied by the formation of red spots on the body, the head, they increase in time, become covered with bloom and peel off, leaving wounds behind.
  • Arthropathic. According to statistics, only 10% of children with psoriasis suffer from this form of the disease. Accompanied by edema, swelling of the lower extremities, painful sensations on the folds, the appearance of conjunctivitis is possible. This is a severe form of the disease that can lead to damage to the bone and cartilage tissue of the joints.
  • Flexion or reverse psoriasis. Foci of inflammation are localized exclusively in the folds, folds of the skin, in the groin and on the genitals. Accompanied by the appearance of redness, barely towering above healthy skin.
  • Erythrodermic. It refers to the most dangerous forms of the disease, because it can be fatal for an infant. Accompanied by severe desquamation and unbearable itching, very painful.
  • Pustular children psoriasis. The disease is typical for children older than 7 years. It refers to severe forms of illness and is accompanied by swelling of the affected skin. On the body appear bubbles filled with exudate (fluid), may increase lymph nodes.
  • Generalized pustular. Predominantly occurs in adults. Accompanied by instant redness of the skin, with the further appearance of purulent formations. This form of the disease is dangerous complications, affects the work of internal organs, heart and kidneys.

Only a doctor can determine the form and degree of the disease; he will also prescribe the appropriate treatment. Self-treatment leads to complications and delays the healing process.

Note! Psoriasis does not belong to infectious diseases, but often the cause of its development is transferred staphylococcal infection, influenza, tonsillitis and the common cold.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of the disease in adults and children are similar:

  • a red rash appears, it quickly grows in size, thickens and becomes covered with a silvery-white bloom,
  • psoriatic eruptions are accompanied by severe itching and painful sensations,
  • over time, the affected areas are peeling off, there may be cracks and bleeding wounds,
  • In infants, the symptoms are somewhat different - problem areas become soft, eczema-like, soak.

Experts distinguish 3 stages of childhood psoriasis:

  1. Initial (progressive) - at this stage the body, the scalp is covered with a small red rash. Gradually, the foci of inflammation increase in volume, the surface becomes prominent. The disease is accompanied by severe itching, peeling, cracks, crusts and bleeding wounds. A more complex form of the disease is characterized by fever, flushing of the skin, thickening of problem areas, swollen lymph nodes and swelling of inflammation.
  2. Stationary stage when the patient complies with the doctor's prescriptions and the symptoms begin to fade, itching and peeling are reduced, and new formations are not observed.
  3. Regressive stage. During this period, you notice the complete disappearance of problem lesions, depigmented spots remain on the skin after the illness.

For patients with psoriasis, an increase in protein, gamma globulin in the blood, as well as a low albumin-globulin ratio is characteristic. A blood test is another helper in diagnosing an ailment.

Psoriasis affects the skin in various areas (on the head, on the body, elbows, knees, buttocks). Almost every third child suffers from psoriasis of the nails (the main symptom is the appearance of holes in the nail plate). For babies, there is a high chance of localizing the disease in the folds of the skin, on the buttocks and in the groin, where the skin is often exposed to urine and feces.

Psoriasis of the scalp in children is accompanied by damage to the skin behind the ears, on the forehead. At the initial stage, it may resemble dandruff, later symptoms characteristic of psoriasis appear.

Be careful! Psoriasis does not pass without leaving a trace, with insufficient skin care, a violation of the temperature regime, with poor nutrition and weakening of the immune system with infectious diseases, the illness will reappear.

In infants and young children

For infants and newborns characterized by the appearance of diaper psoriasis. The main cause of the development of skin disease in infants is heredity. A high risk of illness in the baby is observed if, before giving birth, the pregnant mother felt the exacerbation of psoriasis.

The cause of the disease may be:

  • unformed immunity
  • violation of the rules of newborn skin care, diaper rash and diaper dermatitis,
  • an allergic reaction to a drug or food,
  • unbalanced maternal ration during breastfeeding or an improperly chosen mix for the artificial stimulants,
  • regular stress when a child starts attending a preschool,
  • infectious diseases that markedly weakened the baby’s immune system.


Psoriasis in adolescents is often provoked:

  • genetic predisposition
  • endocrine disruption,
  • weakened immunity after infectious diseases,
  • frequent stress, disorders associated with a change of atmosphere, school attendance,
  • imbalance of the nervous system
  • as a result of an allergic reaction to the care product, the food product,
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, lack of vitamins,
  • scalp injuries
  • hormonal changes in the body.

Attention! The duration and complexity of the prescribed treatment, as well as the area of ​​skin lesion depends on how quickly you notice the symptoms of the disease and seek help from a specialist.

Psoriasis treatment

Treatment of the disease with ointments alone, creams will not bring fast and desired results; it is important to provide a set of measures.

Add special care, proper nutrition, a course of physiotherapy, rest and exclusion of stressful situations and experiences to the use of medical cosmetics and taking medications.

Do not try to treat psoriasis on the child’s head by yourself, entrust it to a specialist. After establishing an accurate diagnosis, he will prescribe medications and the order of their use.

In addition, it is important to eliminate the cause that provoked skin disease, stress and frustration, to fill the diet with nutritious, vitamin dishes.

The complex of therapeutic measures against psoriasis in children includes:

  • external therapy with medicinal ointments, creams, shampoos and other products for the scalp,
  • internal intake of vitamin and mineral complexes,
  • the use of traditional medicine prescriptions to alleviate the symptoms of the disease and speed up recovery,
  • physiotherapy,
  • special diet.

If the disease was noticed at the initial stage, the skin lesions are insignificant, then the treatment is carried out at home in compliance with all the recommendations and doctor's instructions. but with significant lesions, difficult course of the disease, the child is hospitalized.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment is a sure way to quickly stop the development of the problem, improve the condition of the patient and prevent complications. As therapy prescribed drugs for external and internal use.

For the external treatment of the disease appointed ointments, creams. They treat the affected skin several times a day.

Among the popular ointments, creams for psoriasis emit:

  • Kartalin - non-hormonal cream with the addition of grease and herbal extracts, natural oils, bee honey. Salicylic acid is also present. The cost of the drug is about 2,000 rubles. The course of treatment means lasts up to 4 weeks, in addition 1 month it is used to consolidate the success achieved. There is no age limit.

  • Psoricone - non-hormonal cream for external use. It contains a complex of extracts of Altai herbs, natural oils, grease. The drug should be rubbed into steamed skin. The course of application lasts up to 4 months. The cost is about 310 rubles. There is no age limit.

  • Cytopsor - ointment for psoriasis topical use. In the composition you will find solid oil and a complex of vitamin, mineral supplements, plant extracts and oils. Recommended ointment for the treatment of children older than 7 years. Price - about 1,750 rubles.

  • Ichthyol ointment - One of the cheapest ointments for psoriasis. The drug has high antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties, has a keratolytic effect on the problem, eases painful sensations. It should be ointment in the range of 70-100 rubles. Can be used to treat children of any age.

  • Salicylic ointment - active drug, therefore, requires special care and attention in the treatment of children. Does not contain preservatives, parabens. The composition of the ointment contains only salicylic acid and petrolatum. Cost - 30 rubles.

  • Psorium - cream based on plant extracts and grease. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. The course of treatment lasts 1-3 months. Cost - from 600 rubles. Manufacturer - Tomsk, Russia.

  • Magnipsor - ointment against psoriasis. Contains a complex of plant extracts, fatty grease. It acts as an antiseptic, relieves itching and inflammation, accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues, has a high keratolytic effect. Contraindicated in children under 7 years. Ointment price - 1950 rubles, manufacturer - Ukraine.

In some cases, the doctor prescribes hormonal preparations with corticosteroids. (for example, Dermoveit or Ftorokort).

To reduce itching, antihistamines are prescribed (Suprastin, Tavegil).

If the cause of the development of the skin disease is nervous system disorders, stresses and feelings, the treatment includes the administration of sedative medications (valerian extract, Persen).

In addition to ointments, creams, It is acceptable to use medicated shampoos and aerosols based on zinc pyrithione. Among them are popular:

  • Zinocap aerosol - a drug against psoriasis, various types of dermatitis and skin diseases. Contains the active substance - pyrithione zinc. Spray means on the damaged area up to 3 times a day. The treatment course lasts up to 1.5 months. It is applied to children from 1 year. Also available in cream form. Cost - 780 rubles.

  • Hair Shampoo Skin Cap - besides pyrithione zinc, contains natural oils and synthetic additives. It has no age limit. The duration of treatment is up to 5 weeks. Used externally 2-3 times a week. Price - 1360 rubles.

It is mandatory for the doctor to prescribe vitamin-mineral complexes, various nutritional supplements to strengthen the immune system and enhance the protective properties of the skin.

Attention! Before using the medicine for psoriasis, make sure that the patient is not allergic to the drug. When combining medication with folk remedies, it is obligatory to consult a specialist.

Folk remedies

Supplement the activity of drug treatment will help natural folk remedies:

  1. Soda baths. Before bathing, add 1 kg of baking soda to the bath. You can also add a decoction of the series, chamomile. Take a therapeutic bath for half an hour. It is recommended to do such procedures every other day.
  2. Rubbing with soda water. In 200 ml of warm water dissolve 2 tsp. baking soda. Twice a day, gently wipe the damaged areas with the prepared solution.
  3. Homemade ash rosehip ointment. For its preparation will require branches of wild rose. They are dried and burned, and the ashes are mixed with petroleum jelly. Apply the prepared composition to problem areas every day, after a week you will notice a positive effect.
  4. Birch tar - Another way to eliminate the disease. Apply some liquid tar to the affected skin, gradually increase the exposure time from 10 to 35 minutes. To remove the active ingredient, use tar tar soap (you can not rub the soap bar on the skin). The treatment course lasts up to 1.5 months.
  5. Homemade ointment with grease. For the preparation you will need honey (50 g), egg yolk and purified medical grease (150 g). Mix all the ingredients. Apply ointment to psoriatic plaques twice a day. Soak the tool on the child's head for up to 2 hours, then rinse. Keep the ointment in the refrigerator in a closed container, but not more than 14 days.
  6. Leaves Kalanchoe grind into mush, then put it on the plaques. For convenience, cover with a bandage or use adhesive tape. After half an hour, remove the mush.
  7. As compresses use chopped celery root. Apply medical gruel for 2 hours every day.

Alternative methods

As an alternative treatment for head psoriasis in children Modern cosmetology centers, sanatoriums offer:

  • relaxation and music therapy - the procedure relaxes, has a positive effect on the nervous system of the child,
  • the use of therapeutic mud, filled with nutrients, minerals,
  • cryotherapy - local impact on the problem of cold,
  • phototherapy or light therapy.Ultraviolet radiation reduces inflammation. The procedure is prescribed individually so that the radiation dose does not exceed the allowable
  • salt baths
  • proper nutrition, you can learn more about diet with psoriasis on our website,
  • vitamin therapy.

Preventive actions

Psoriasis looks unpleasant, attracts the eyes of strangers, is accompanied by ridicule of peers, so the child may experience complexes, unnecessary worries. For impressionable, modest children, such factors cause psychological trauma and only worsen the problem. Preventive measures will help to prevent the recurrence of skin disease. These include:

  • constant control over food, give preference to food baked in the oven or steamed,
  • pay attention to the state of the child's body, avoid contact with patients with infectious diseases,
  • maintain immunity by taking vitamin complexes, especially during the cold season,
  • Try to create a calm atmosphere for the baby, so that he is less nervous, worried,
  • follow the microclimate of the room, the air should be moderately humid, heat is not allowed,
  • protect from injury and damage to the integument of the head,
  • periodically use shampoos, psoriasis balms, you can use hair masks with the addition of tar soap,
  • at the slightest manifestations of the disease, contact a specialist, do not tighten with treatment,
  • annual rehabilitation in a sanatorium, a visit to special procedures that strengthen the immune system, beauty treatments with the use of therapeutic mud,
  • teach your child to properly care for their skin, to choose shampoo and cosmetic products.

The causes of the development of psoriasis are not yet fully understood, and no medicine has been found for a complete cure. Therefore, treat with special attention to this ailment and to the state of the covers of your child. If the problem has already touched your baby, try to exert maximum efforts to prevent the recurrence of the disease.


Watch the video: What is Psoriasis and the Best Psoriasis Treatment at Mayo Clinic (May 2024).