Tools and facilities

Nicotinic acid for hair: benefits, recipes, results


It has long been dreaming of long hair, but for some reason they do not want to grow? Try to use the magic tool, which is popularly called "nicotine." Do not be afraid, no one forces you to smoke. This remedy has nothing to do with cigarettes. Nicotinic acid is vitamin PP, which has the most positive effect on hair growth and will allow you to very quickly acquire locks that Rapunzel herself would envy.

How does nicotinic acid

The main property of nicotinic acid is dilation of blood vessels and acceleration of metabolic processes in tissues. Namely, to accelerate the process of hair growth and we need. Vitamin PP does not affect the hairs themselves, but on the scalp, in which the hair follicles are located. As a result, the follicles begin to actively “produce hair”, which not only allows you to quickly increase the length of the curls, but also makes the hair thicker.

In addition, the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which are also located in the hair follicles, is getting better. Due to this, normal salivation of the scalp is restored, dandruff disappears and the overall condition of the hair improves. Nicotinic acid, due to its miraculous properties, is also used to improve vision, prevent cancer, strengthen memory and treat obesity.

Nicotinic acid: how to apply

Vitamin PP is sold in pill form or in liquid form in ampoules. Accordingly, it is possible to take nicotinic acid inside or to process the scalp outside. The first option must be agreed with the doctor. He will perform a blood test and if your body really lacks nicotinic acid, it will prescribe you vitamins in pills. If you take "nicotine" at its own discretion, you can harm your health. Excess vitamins in the body will lead to the development of serious diseases.

Another thing - PP vitamins in ampoules. You can buy them at any pharmacy, and they are inexpensive. Before use, you need to wash and thoroughly dry the hair. Then get the contents of the ampoule with a syringe and, dividing the hair into thin strands, apply nicotinic acid to each parting, moving from the temples and the crown to the back of the head. Then you need to rub the vitamin into the scalp with massage movements. After that, you do not need to wash your hair again. The procedure is recommended to be repeated within a month 1-2 times a week.

Nicotinic acid in ampoules can also be added to shampoo, but only if it does not contain silicone. Otherwise, there will be no effect, since silicone molecules will not allow vitamins to penetrate the scalp.

Nicotinic acid is also added to hair masks or mixed with aloe juice. Depending on the recipe, one portion of the use of either the entire vial or just a couple of drops.

Nicotinic acid: contraindications and possible effects

Attention! People with diseases of the cardiovascular system, blood pressure disorders, children under the age of 12 years, as well as women during pregnancy and lactation, use of nicotinic acid without prior consultation with the doctor is prohibited.

Also, do not use vitamin PP, even if you really want, with the following symptoms:

  • lowering blood pressure
  • headaches,
  • redness and itching of the scalp,
  • appearance of dandruff after the use of nicotinic acid.

The appearance of these symptoms indicates that there is enough nicotinic acid in your body at the moment, and your manipulations lead to its excess. Therefore, it is necessary to stop its use and turn to other means for hair growth.

But a slight burning sensation and a surge of heat to the scalp is normal after the use of nicotinic acid. This means that the action of the vitamin led to blood flow to the scalp. And this is good, because the blood transports nutrients and enriches them with tissue. So very soon you will see how your hair began to grow at a breakneck pace.

Some girls say that after using vitamin hair increased by 3 cm per month. A result worthy of admiration. Therefore, to try on yourself the miraculous properties of nicotinic acid, definitely worth it.

The beneficial properties of nicotinic acid

Dandruff, a tendency to fall out, poor growth are common problems of hair, for the solution of which various care products have been developed. But few people know that vitamin PP (or B3), which is niacin and nicotinic acid, helps to improve the appearance of dull weakened hair.

Regardless of its name, the substance performs several useful functions:

  • Strengthens the bulbs.
  • Prevents cross-section of tips.
  • Moisturizes the skin and scalp.
  • Restores the curls after staining.
  • Slows down and accelerates the growth of existing and new hairs.

If you regularly rub into the head mask with niacin, the appearance of the strands will noticeably improve. The high effect of the substance is due to its belonging to the group of coenzymes - biologically active elements responsible for many organic processes.

The benefits of nicotinic acid as a cosmetic

When applied to the scalp useful vitamin expands adjacent peripheral vessels. As a result, the blood nourishes the follicles better and enriches them with oxygen. A recharge promotes cell renewal and faster hair growth.

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles, on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the hair, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this filth enters the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise against using the means in which these substances are located. Recently, experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Other benefits of nicotinic acid as a hair care product are:

  1. Convenient application.
  2. Moisturizing and nourishing the scalp.
  3. Ability to use as an independent means and combination with herbal infusions and plant extracts.
  4. Affordable price - about 150 rubles. It makes no sense to buy more expensive counterparts with additional ingredients, since they are based on niacin. But there are analogues more expensive because of the convenient form of release and the presence of additional components.
  5. Lack of unbearable odor and light wash.
  6. Stimulate the production of natural pigment and protect hair from hair loss.

Vitamin is offered to the consumer in three forms - injection, tablets and powder.

To do this, you need to buy 3 packs of liquid niacin (each pack contains 10 ampoules). Injecting the drug and taking vitamin PP tablets without the knowledge of the doctor is prohibited.

It looks like a nicotine plain water. It is the same transparent, liquid and easy to apply. The head does not stain the substance, it is absorbed by the skin and causes the sebaceous glands to work hard. But the strands will not look untidy. On the contrary, many women in reviews write that masks with vitamin B3 normalize the fat content of the hair and accelerate their growth.

How much to take ampoules for one session depends on the length of the curls. The minimum quantity - 1 - 2 pieces. To improve the efficiency of the procedure, the solution can be mixed with propolis infusion, herbal decoction, ginger juice or aloe. For a change, the drug is diluted with a small amount of vitamin E and a balm rinse.

Daily need for nicotinic acid and products containing it

Since there is no nicotinic acid depot in the human body, this vitamin must be supplied daily with food in quantities necessary to meet the needs of all organs and systems. The daily need for vitamin PP for people of different ages is as follows:

  • Children under 1 year old - 6 mg per day,
  • Children 1 - 1.5 years old - 9 mg per day,
  • Children 1.5 - 2 years old - 10 mg per day,
  • Children 3 - 4 years old - 12 mg per day,
  • Children 5 - 6 years old - 13 mg per day,
  • Children 7 - 10 years old - 15 mg per day,
  • Children 11 - 13 years old - 19 mg per day,
  • Boys 14 - 17 years old - 21 mg per day,
  • Girls 14 - 17 years old - 18 mg per day,
  • Adult women and men over 18 years old - 20 mg per day,
  • Adult women and men engaged in heavy physical labor - 25 mg per day,
  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers - 20 - 25 mg per day.

The daily need for vitamin PP increases to 25 - 30 mg per day in the following situations:

  • Work related to mental stress (for example, pilots, surgeons, dispatchers, etc.),
  • Living in the Far North,
  • Work in hot climates, Work in hot shops (for example, blast-furnace production, squeezing and steel-smelting shops, etc.),
  • Periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • Hard physical work
  • Food with low protein content and the prevalence in the diet of vegetable fats over animals.

The largest amounts of nicotinic acid are found in the following foods: Avocado, Peanut, Boletus, Broccoli, Pea, Walnut, Yeast, Potatoes, Cayenne Pepper, Burdock Root, Nettle, Chicken Meat, Corn, Dried Apricots, Raspberry Leaves, Dandelion Leaves, Almond, Milk, Carrots, Porridge, Peppermint, Peppermint Parsley, Rose Hips, Wheat Sprouts, Whole Grain Products, Beef Liver, Fish, Pork, Sunflower Seeds, Fennel Seeds, Heart, Cheese, Tomatoes, Beans, Dates, Pistachios, Hazelnut, Prunes, Champignons, Sorrel, Eggs, Barley grits.

Nicotinic acid use for hair

1. Acid has received wide distribution in home use, that is, in the preparation of healing masks for hair care. In addition, the "nicotine" is added to shampoos and scrubs. The main purpose of nicotinic acid is currently treating the hair, saturating them with vitamins, strengthening the vessels.

2. Nicotinic acid has a positive effect on the vessels, expanding them, making them more elastic. After application to the scalp, the drug begins to be absorbed into the layer of the epidermis, falling with blood to each hair bulb. The positive effect of the use of nicotinic acid for hair growth is noticeable in the first weeks of use. Also pleased with the fact that "nicotine" does not dry hair, has no smell, and also does not make hair sticky.

3. Vitamin PP is involved in many oxidative processes occurring in the human body. It affects the hair complex, nourishing hair follicles and saturating them with oxygen.

Therapy with nicotinic acid has a very positive effect on the condition of your hair. In addition to all the advantages, this drug moisturizes the hair.

4. In women who take these tablets nicotinic acid tablets, a positive effect on the scalp was observed. Tablets accelerate hair growth, make them stronger, but it is desirable to use them together with hair masks all with the same nicotinic acid (for the preparation of masks it is necessary to use nicotinic acid in ampoules).

Contraindications and harm to nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid is a medical drug, and like any other drug, it has its own contraindications. You should not use this drug if:

  • there is an individual intolerance to vitamin PP,
  • high blood pressure,
  • liver disease,
  • stomach ulcer.

Nicotinic acid is strictly contraindicated for people who have suffered a brain hemorrhage. This drug may make it worse.

The use of nicotinic acid baldness

Nicotinic acid is also used for hair loss, as well as for partial baldness. In this case, the vitamin mask must be prepared from the acid in ampoules. When using nicotinic acid for hair loss, care must be taken when carefully observing the reaction of your own body.

What you need to know before using this drug

Nicotinic acid should be rubbed into the scalp on clean, dry hair.
According to many women, after using nicotinic acid hair becomes less oily.

To enhance the effect of nicotinic acid on hair growth, it is recommended to mix it with various ingredients: herbal decoctions, aloe juice, ginger, propolis tincture. You can add to a solution of vitamin E or a tablespoon of hair shampoo.

In order to strengthen hair and accelerate their growth, it is necessary to complete a thirty-day course, which can be prescribed exclusively by a trichologist.

Nicotinic acid should be applied to the hair with a maximum of one ampoule at a time, carefully rubbing the drug into the scalp with your fingertips.

Applying nicotinic acid should start with the temporal parts, gradually moving to the crown. Before starting the procedure, the acid can be poured with a syringe into the pipette, so much more convenient.

It is necessary to apply the acid directly after opening the ampoule: interacting with the air, the “nicotine” is destroyed and after one hour it is completely “exhaled”, becoming unfit for consumption.

Nicotinic acid is a strong allergen and should not be abused. If at the first use you have an allergic reaction, then you should dilute the acid with water.

How to use nicotinic acid to treat hair

Experts offer two ways to use nicotinic acid for hair - oral and external. In the first case we are talking about pills that need to drink 2 p. per day for 15 days.

Take them after a meal, washed down with warm milk or non-carbonated mineral water. If in the process of receiving nicotinic acid tablets for hair growth, internal discomfort, abdominal cramps and stomach pains occur, treatment should be stopped and you should go to a doctor for a consultation.

For external use ampoules. The easiest way to use vitamin PP is as follows:

  1. The head is washed with shampoo and dried.
  2. The vial is opened and the contents are withdrawn with a syringe.
  3. Liquid is poured into a saucer.
  4. Hair is disassembled on strands and put the acid on partings by hand. Begin with temples, gradually moving to the crown and nape. To facilitate the application of the drug will help the pipette - a means dripping from it on the partings.
  5. The skin is lightly massaged, the head is not washed.

Performing the procedure 1 - 3 p. a week for a month, you noticeably improve the condition of the hair. Repeated course is allowed only after 2 - 3 months.

The second simple option is to add niacin to shampoo. Proportion - 1 ampoule per 10 ml. Wash your head once a week. For better effect, hold the treatment composition on your hair for 10 minutes. Then rinse the hair with warm water and massage your head.

Terms of use and tips for use

The optimal duration of the course of treatment in order to improve growth and strengthen hair - 4 weeks. During this period, you should apply the tool daily on 1 ampoule, rubbing it into the scalp, as well as the root of the hair. After a month of using “nicotine”, you should take a 2-month break and, if necessary, repeat therapy.

Application Tips:

  1. Before rubbing nicotinic acid into the hair, you need to wash them, because the sebum prevents the penetration of the agent into the epidermis and its part will remain unused, and hence the effectiveness of the procedure will decrease.
  2. For shampooing during the treatment, it is better to use shampoos that do not contain silicone, which covers the hair.
  3. After opening the capsule, its contents should be collected using a syringe, and then, removing the needle tip, spread over the entire area of ​​the scalp, avoiding the temples. When using a nicotine solution in bufus, the task is facilitated, since plastic ampoules are easily opened and convenient to apply without the use of a syringe.
  4. Upon contact with air, the solution quickly loses its properties, so after opening the ampoule, it should be consumed completely, since it is useless to leave the agent in place.
  5. After nicotinic acid is distributed, you should easily massage the scalp with your fingertips, rubbing the product.
  6. It is not necessary to wash off niacin, it is perfectly absorbed, without leaving any unpleasant sensations on the hair, without weighing them down, and practically has no smell.
  7. Using nicotinic acid for the prevention of hair loss, you need to add the agent directly to the shampoo, at the rate of 1 ampoule of vitamin for 1 portion of shampoo. The effect of such procedures will be less noticeable, since the effect of niacin on the scalp is short.

Before you apply the tool, you should check it on the crook of the elbow for an allergic reaction. It should be borne in mind that a slight redness and heat flush to the skin is considered normal, while severe itching indicates individual intolerance to the drug.

How to rub nicotinic acid

Before the procedure, especially if you are the owner of oily hair, it is best to wash them. Quickly greasy hair becomes covered with lard and dust attracted to it from the external environment. And such a coating greatly complicates the penetration of nicotine into the hair structure and under the skin.

Just do not use shampoos with silicone: it covers the hairs with a thin film, which also prevents vitamin PP from penetrating inside the hair and under the scalp to the location of the bulbs.

Then, to heighten the effect, some rinse hair with an infusion of medicinal herbs (chamomile, burdock root, sage, but nettle is most effective) and dry the hair with a towel.

The contents of one ampoule with a solution of nicotinic acid pour into a small container, not metal, and dipping with two fingers, apply, rubbing into the hair roots.

Apply nicotine is better on slightly damp hair. Thus, it will be easier for vitamin PP to spread during combing over the entire surface of the head and be absorbed as the moisture dries.

Nicotinic acid rubbing sequence:

  • Forehead and crown
  • Side of the head
  • Whiskey
  • Back of the head

The principle of rubbing nicotinic acid

  • Apply a certain amount of nicotinic acid for hair, and spread it in light massage movements to the nearest roots,
  • First, apply along the contour of the forehead at the base of the scalp, then a comb (it is better if it is a special comb for hair coloring with a sharp end on the handle for even separation of hair into strands) to separate the strand by strand, parting and carefully part the solution on this part. parts of the head,
  • To carry out such manipulations on the lateral sides of the head and, having lowered forward the head, to process a vitamin solution with the back of the head.

Actions after application of nicotinic acid

Neither rinse nor wipe after application, nicotine should not be. There will be no harm if the solution is left on the hair for a day or more. But, “more than a day” the solution on the hair will not remain anyway, since the procedure should be repeated every day for 30 calendar days.

Each session lasts 30 days. But, if there is a desire or need - to continue the nutritional courses of procedures. Between such courses should take a break of at least 15 or even 20 days.

Nicotinic Acid Mask Recipes

The ability of vitamin B3 to improve blood circulation in the growth zone of the hair follicles, saturating them with useful substances and trace elements, is used in cosmetology in the preparation of masks. Such hair care products contain the components necessary for nourishing the hair, which, under the action of niacin, better penetrate into the structure of the hair column and are absorbed faster.

Nourishing mask based on nicotinic acid and Dimexide

Suitable for dry and damaged hair. Dimexide has the ability to penetrate tissues, while transporting nutrients, vitamins and oils to the deep layers of the hair follicles, thereby enhancing their beneficial properties.


  • Vitamin B3 - 1 ampoule,
  • burdock or argan oil - 2 ml,
  • Dimexide - 1 ml,


  1. Burdock oil combined with vitamin PP and heated for a couple to a warm state.
  2. Add 1 ml of Dimexide and mix.
  3. Apply with a cotton swab, spreading first on the roots, and then on the entire length of the hair.
  4. Wear a plastic cap and wrap a towel to enhance the effect.
  5. After 30 minutes, rinse off with warm water and shampoo.

Vitamin mask with Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and niacin (vitamin B3)

Pyridoxine moisturizes the hair, making them less brittle, and also eliminates dry scalp, manifested by seborrhea. This is important when using vitamin PP, which in some cases causes the appearance of dandruff. With the combined use of pyridoxine and nicotinic acid for hair growth, the positive effects of each of them are enhanced.

Mask Ingredients:

  • egg yolk - 1 pc.,
  • Vitamin B6 - 1 ampoule,
  • Vitamin B3 - 1 ampoule,
  • almond or linseed oil - 1 tbsp. l


  1. Beat yolk until smooth.
  2. Mix with almond oil without beating.
  3. Pour into the resulting mass the contents of the capsules with vitamins B3 and B6.
  4. Apply to slightly moist curls, paying attention to the root zone of the hair.
  5. Put on a shower cap, and then wrap with a towel.
  6. Soak on the hair for 30-40 minutes, then rinse first with slightly warm water, then with shampoo.
  7. Rinse the hair thoroughly with water, after adding a couple of drops of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to it.

What to use: powder, tablets or ampoules?

The tool is available in three forms:

  • powder,
  • pills,
  • injection.
In the care of hair trying on injection solution

For the treatment of the scalp and the prevention of hair loss using a solution of nicotinic acid. The product is sold in ampoules, 10 pieces per pack. For a full course of therapy, calculated for a month, it is enough to purchase 3 packs.

A solution of nicotinic acid for cosmetic purposes is used externally.

It is forbidden to use the drug in the form of injections (intravenous, intramuscular or subcutaneous). It is not recommended to use nicotinic acid tablets without consulting a doctor.

Operating principle

Nicotinic acid provides the expansion of peripheral vessels, increased blood flow and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients in the hair follicles. The use of the product reduces the amount of hair falling out and stimulates the growth of new ones. In addition, it promotes healthy hair pigmentation and prevents premature appearance of gray hair.

We recommend using special products adapted for cosmetic use. One of them - Nicotinic acid for hair Renewal. This product is completely suitable for cosmetic use.

Read more about nicotinic acid for hair Renewal:

  • Convenient release form in polymeric containers.
  • Increased volume (10 containers of 5 ml).
  • The price for 1 ml of the substance is lower than that of injectable dosage forms.

How to rub against falling out

This method is based on the vasodilating properties of nicotinic acid. Applying the drug on the skin of the head causes blood flow to the hair follicles - this awakens the “sleeping” follicles and activates hair growth. In addition, nicotinic acid eliminates increased sebum secretion, which makes curls less fat.

The tool is applied directly to the scalp and rubbed into the hair roots with massage movements. It is convenient to pre-divide the strands and distribute the liquid in partings. Hair should be clean and slightly damp. Before carrying out the procedure, it is important to use a shampoo without silicones and abandon the balsam-rinse. It is not necessary to wash off nicotinic acid: it does not spoil the appearance of curls and leaves no smell.

After opening the ampoule, nicotinic acid should be used immediately, since reacting with air, the substance is destroyed.

The contact of the vitamin with the skin causes a sensation of heat and tingling, perhaps a slight redness at the site of application. Such a reaction is normal and confirms the effectiveness of the method. If, after a massage with nicotinic acid, itching, rash, or headache, the application should be stopped.

It is possible to perform such a massage every day for a month, using no more than two ampoules of the drug at a time. After a full course of therapy should take a break. You can continue to use the drug without harm in 3-4 weeks.

Recipes for nicotine masks to treat and accelerate hair growth

To bring depleted hair back to life, nicotinic acid can be added to oil masks.. Any oil is suitable for hair care, as long as it is fresh and of high quality.

Among adherents of natural cosmetics the most popular oils are:

It is easy to prepare a mask: you need to pour 2-3 tablespoons of oil into plastic dishes and add 2 ampoules of nicotinic acid. These proportions are suitable for medium length hair. For short curls, one ampoule is enough for 2 spoons of oil. If the hair is thick, you should increase the amount of oil, but do not use more than two vials of acid.

Apply the mask to dry hair, paying particular attention to the tips. Then wrap the head with cling film and wrap with a towel: creating a greenhouse effect allows the agent to be absorbed better. You can keep the mask from 30 minutes to several hours, after which you should thoroughly wash the hair and dry it in the usual way.

Another useful recipe is to take raw egg yolk as a mask, add one ampoule of nicotinic acid, a tablespoon of any oil and a capsule of vitamin E. Put the mixture on your hair and wrap your head in a towel. An hour later, the mask can be washed off.

Rinse the egg mask should only be cool water so that the yolk does not clot.

It helps to saturate the curls with moisture and honey mask: 5 tablespoons of honey should be mixed with 3 spoons of oil, heat the mass in a pair and add 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid. Half an hour after applying the mask, rinse.

Shampoo to add shine

If you do not have time to prepare homemade masks, but you really want to cure your hair, you can use a simple and fast way: add nicotinic acid to shampoo.

You can mix the drug only with a shampoo that does not contain silicones. The presence of this substance in the composition of cosmetics prevents the ingress of acid into the hair structure.

It is very useful to wash hair with such shampoo: curls become shiny and take on a healthy look. Sometimes, to achieve greater effect, essential oils are added to the shampoo (2–5 drops).

Dandruff scrub: how to make and apply

If massage with nicotinic acid does not bring visible results, it is worth adding a peeling procedure. To do this, you can prepare a scrub based on sea salt. The recipe is simple: add one ampoule of acid and 3 drops of essential oil to a tablespoon of salt. Apply the mixture onto the scalp and massage for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water using natural shampoo.

On dry split ends, you must additionally apply a layer of oil along the length to avoid even more damage when washing off the scrub.

Grains of salt deeply cleanse the scalp of dirt and dead particles, and nicotinic acid enhances blood circulation. The production of sebum is normalized, which helps to get rid of dandruff.

Anti-dandruff mask with nicotinic acid and aloe

This tool perfectly moisturizes the scalp, nourishes the bulbs, gives the curls life shine and elasticity.


  • Propolis 2x2 cm,
  • Aloe leaf - 1 pc.,
  • Niacin - 1 ampoule.


  1. Propolis pour 2 tbsp. l water and heated in a water bath until dissolved.
  2. Twist the aloe leaf in a meat grinder and squeeze the juice from the resulting mass.
  3. Mix not fully cooled propolis with aloe and pour in vitamin PP.
  4. Apply the mask to dry hair, from the roots along the entire length.
  5. For greater convenience, fix the hair with a rubber band. Not wrapping hold 25 minutes.

Hair loss mask with colorless henna and niacin

Colorless henna strengthens the bulbs, prevents hair loss, and the yeast in the mask helps restore their structure. Nicotinic acid plays the role of a conductor, delivering all the useful substances to their intended purpose and accelerating their impact.


  • colorless henna - 1 pack,
  • nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule,
  • live yeast - 1 tsp,
  • lemon verbena oil - 3 drops.


  1. Dilute the yeast with warm water and stir to a thick cream.
  2. A package of colorless henna steamed with boiling water.
  3. After cooling the henna to 37 degrees, mix the resulting gruel with yeast, vitamin from the ampoule and lemon verbena oil.
  4. Apply the product to the hair, wrap with plastic and a towel.
  5. Wash off with plenty of warm water after 40 minutes.
  6. Rinse hair with shampoo and rinse with acidified water.

Hair masks with nicotinic acid should not be repeated more than once a week. With the course of hair rehabilitation, you can also use such tools, replacing the daily procedure of rubbing niacin into the scalp with masks.

Caring products in the form of masks for hair with nicotinic acid stops the alopecia process and makes the growth of strands more intense. Supplementing the vitamin with other beneficial ingredients, you can strengthen the hair and give it a natural shine.

Acceleration of hair growth with vitamin PP and egg

A nourishing mask prepared according to the following recipe accelerates the growth of strands through several procedures, restores the structure and strengthens the follicles.

  • Flax oil - 15 ml.
  • Chicken Egg - 1 pc.
  • Vitamin E Liquid - 10 ml.
  • Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule.

The mask is spread on clean hair and an hour later it is washed off with a little vodichka acidified with vinegar. The frequency of procedures - 3 p. in Week.

Recipe with nicotinic acid and jojoba oil

This mask is universal, because suitable for hair of any type. Her tasks - the normalization of greasiness, moisturizing and improving the appearance of hair. Long beautiful hair due to the ingredients of the mask a woman receives in a short time.

  • Liquid honey - 20 ml.
  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • Jojoba oil - 20 ml.
  • Vitamin E solution - 10 ml.
  • Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule.

If honey is candied, it should be melted in a water bath. Further, other ingredients are mixed in and the composition is applied to clean, dry strands for 50 minutes.The remains are washed away with warm water, acidified with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

The products neutralize the unpleasant smell of the mask and give the head of hair a shine and freshness.

Mask with nicotinic acid and vegetable juices

The mask recipe consists of 2 ampoules of nicotinic acid solution and 1 tbsp. aloe juice or ginger juice. The drug is evenly distributed on the scalp and mark 1 - 2 hours (as convenient). The procedure causes a feeling of pleasant warmth. The head is subsequently washed, as usual.

The course is designed for 7 daily procedures with a monthly interval.

Reviews of women who have tried on the effect of nicotinic acid

If you still have doubts about whether it is worth trying to make masks with her, you can read the reviews and advice of experienced people.

Elena, 28 years old.I have been making nicotine masks for about 2 months and already after the first month my girlfriends began to notice that her hair has grown noticeably and does not look as dull as before. For me it is important that this is a fairly economical home method of hair care. I applied it with a syringe without a needle and always on wet hair. I recommend to all girls who dream of long hair.

Olga, 26 years old.For the first time I tried nicotinic acid at the urging of a hairdresser, I wanted to treat and strengthen my hair. A week later there was an unpleasant moment - dandruff appeared and the skin began to itch. Despite the excessive oily hair, I did not give up and continued to rub acid into the scalp. A week later, all the unpleasant moments disappeared, and the condition of the hair improved markedly. Satisfied with the result!

Alexandra, 30 years old.After giving birth, I began to notice that when washing my hair, a lot of them remain in the bathroom, the comb is also filled with hair. Since I had never thought about hair loss before, this time I decided to go online and look for tips. In addition to being recommended to adhere to proper nutrition and to abandon bad habits, I read an article about the beneficial properties of nicotinic acid. Bought and did not regret. Hair loss is significantly reduced, dandruff disappears over time, and the hair itself seems shiny and fluffy.

Alla, 34 years old.I was convinced of the effectiveness of nicotinic acid on my own experience when I wanted to have beautiful thick eyebrows. Since I used to pick them with tweezers, I had to use a pencil. I gently rubbed nicotinic acid in my eyebrows (the main thing was to avoid getting my eyes), and they became much thicker.


Watch the video: OMG, MY HAIR GREW BACK! DIY Hair Mask for Growth, Strength and Moisture (July 2024).